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    With my episode '2023 Musings' being my top episode ever, I thought it would be epic to dive into what 2024 potentially has in store for us!

    Chatting about the energy forecast for this year, and how this really is the year to end all years - maybe even literally. ;) (jk or am I?)
    2024 is a numerology 8-year - which will be a very power-based energy. With fire ruling this year we are in for one big blast up our backsides. This is the Chinese year of Wood Dragon and with Aries North Node playing a crucial role this year in being a guiding star (both ruled by Mars), we can expect this to be one for the history books - or maybe the one to completely burn the history books to the ground.

    I also muse about:

    The astrology for this year, including our big showrunners - Pluto in Aquarius, Saturn in Pisces and the Aries/Libra Nodes. The Solar Flares that are currently impacting us and the Earth. What this means, and how to work with these influxes of immense energies to help us create the New Heaven on Earth of 5D. The Solar Flash - what is it, what does it mean, and how will it affect us, individually and collectively. The shadow side of Aquarius for Humanity, and how to trust your true inner guide on what is happening around us. Our complete DNA coming online - how and why this is offline in the first place. The fall of Atlantis - will we learn from our past mistakes to truly to the path forward into a better place for all, or get too big for our boots and go under like our ancestors did. The climate narrative and why it may not be as it seems. Stepping into our personal power, why tending to our own backyard this year is vital, in helping to raise the vibration for all!

    If you want to try delicious organic wildcrafted herbal teas made by a Mother-Daughter Duo, check out 'Tea and Grace' here.

    Happy 2024, and may this be our most magical and transformative year yet.
    The year we align truly with our Cosmic and Earthly roots, and be co-creators of the new book Earth is writing. I feel it is going to be one heck of a wild ride - hold on tight! ;)

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast over on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out by sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,
    Em x x

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    In this solo episode, I am excited to dive into the energy forecast for the next 18 months, leading us to 2025, the Gate Way into the New Earth Paradigm.

    On July 18th, we experienced a huge energy shift with our Lunar Nodes, moving from Taurus and Scorpio into Aries and Libra. Chatting about what this shift means for us on an individual and collective level. The impacts of the Lunar Nodes moving into Aries and Libra will bring massive changes to humanity on all levels.

    Our Lunar Nodes are the points in our sky where the moon's orbit crosses the ecliptic (the path of the sun). The Nodes represent our collective karma and the lessons we need to learn. We are moving from our North Node in Taurus into Aries, and our South Node in Scorpio into Libra.

    Our North Node (also called Dragons head in Vedic) shows us the new direction we need to head towards. It represents humanities lessons we are here to learn, and the new language we will learn to speak from these lessons. Our North Node is our opening portal for New Coding needed for the next 18 months.

    Our South Node (also called Dragons Tail in Vedic) reveals the shadow work that society must deal with over the next 18 months together, to evolve.

    I also muse about:

    The play out of the nodal shifts on the global scale, and how this may look.The firey-essence of the God of War Mars infuses us with the fight for our personal power and passion. Our relationships, with ourselves, our friends/partners and society - how all of these will be shaken to the core. The breakdown and exposure of what we as a society believe to be justice and society laws. The breakdown of the outdated judicial system. Pluto and his influence over this year (and the next 20!)How many labels we have placed upon ourselves and groups through society are going to break and be questioned. (anything that is of a negative false foundation will crack and crumble) Just to name a few!

    Ready to discover how this powerful Nodal shift of Aries and Libra will influence you over the next 18 months? Book for your mini Astrology reading, $50 for 30 minutes. Remember you will need your Birth time, place and date for this reading. Share this episode on your socials and tag me at either @wild.awakening_podcast or @awakenyourwild_ and receive $10 off your reading. (please note this is a limited-time offer!)

    For Divine Health Blueprint Readings - using Medical Astrology, Ayurveda, Energy Matrix Healing and Herbal Alchemy, dm me over at @awakenyourwild_ or check out the offering on my website here.

    If you are interested in trying delicious multi-award winning, organic wildcrafted herbal teas made by a Mother-Daughter Duo, then check out 'Tea and Grace' here.

    The next 18 months will be HUGE! It is the final call for 2025, our gateway into the New Earth Paradigm. The year we align truly with our Cosmic and Earthly roots, and be co-creators of the new book Earth is writing. I feel it is going to be an epic page-turner! ;)

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out by sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,
    Em x

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    Happy Sagittarius Full Moon Wild Souls!

    In this episode, I chat about the Sagittarius Full Moon and all the magic it brings with it. Sagittarius loves to travel and move, always up for an adventure. Just like the firey arrow of the bow of Sag, where we aim our sights, is up for review this full moon.
    Diving into the cosmic conversations of our current skies, we can understand our path ahead and the tools we may need along the way.

    I also dive into the powerful Pluto retrograde transit of Pluto, Capricorn and Aquarius. This dance of Pluto moving slowly across our sky is the sledgehammer that will knock out our structures of old, to allow the new birth of the new. I am feeling this very powerfully lately, especially as June 11, is a HUGE marker in this journey.

    - To check out the astrologer I mention - click here.
    - The song I mention is Aquarius/Let the Sun Shine In. - by the 5th dimension.
    - Want to learn more about your personal astrology - explore your Divine Health Blueprint. Check it out on awakenyourwild_

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast over on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out by sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,
    Em x x

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    Welcome To Season 3 of the Wild Awakening!

    After a hot minute, I am back. Having an unexpected 5-month break, I am very excited to dive back into the poddy with you all.

    In this solo episode, I chat about something that many of us are experiencing, which is that it seems like the world is actually going insane!
    I chat about a download I received about what is the causation of this madness that has taken over the world. Let me give you a hint, it involves missing coding in our personal systems. You know how if you don't update your phone or computer and it starts to slow down, then malfunction? Well, what if that is happening to us as humans within our divine programming?

    I also chat about the solar flares and the possibility of a solar flash. After a long time coming, I wanted to chat about what the solar flash could bring to the table in terms of a major transformation from our old paradigm to the new earth paradigm.

    The podcast episode I mention is Our New Dreaming - A Special Message For Humanity - one of my favourite messages if you haven't listened yet!

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast over on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out by sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,
    Em x x

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    In this first solo episode for the year, I thought it would be interesting to chat about what 2023 potentially has in store for us!
    Chatting about the energy forecast for this year, including our first eclipse portal and the massive changes it will bring to humanity.
    2023 is a numerology 7-year - which will be a very spiritual influencing year. It is the energy of the Hermit, the Sage and Ancient Wisdom coming online.

    I also muse about:

    Pluto and his influence over this year (and the next 20!)Aquarius and the HUGE advancements of technology we are going to see, and how this will play out in the two timelines/dimensional realities. Superpowers and how this is coming into play - on the lower and higher timelines. How we truly are beings of Light, and the best ways to help raise our vibration, and prepare our physical body to carry this Light. The financial system, and the impact this will have on the different worlds moving forward. Mu, Leumaria, Atalatis and the ancient wisdom coming back online from our true ancestral heritage. The Solar Flares that are currently impacting us and the Earth. What this means, and how to work with these influxes of immense energies to help us create the New Heaven on Earth of 5D.

    The song I mention was 'Savage Daughter' by Sarah Hester Ross.
    Listen Here on Spotify, and see if you can find the lyrics I mentioned.

    If you are interested in trying delicious organic wildcrafted herbal teas made by a Mother Daughter Duo, then check out 'Tea and Grace' here.

    Happy 2023, and may this be our most magical and beautiful year yet.
    The year we align truly with our Cosmic and Earthly roots, and be co-creators of the new book Earth is writing. I feel it is going to be an epic page turner! ;)

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast over on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out by sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,
    Em x x

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    In this episode, I chat with the wonderful Ange from Organic Empire.

    Over 7 years ago, Angela Gioffre’s started The Organic Empire, a beautiful organic sustainable farm in the Yarra Valley. Ange has a true love for fresh, healthy and delicious food. She is an accredited nutritionist with a deep passion for health and the environment.

    We talk about her incredible wild awakening journey and how her path into Motherhood, helped awaken her to the healing and destructive sides of our food and the food industry.

    We chat all about what organic means, how to grow your own food, organic vs conventional food, and the empowering way we can take back control of our food narrative.

    We also chat about the effects of chemicals on our soil, and what this is doing to our food and our health - not to mention the health of the planet! A highlight of this chat for me personally was learning about what chemicals do to a plant's immune system, and the direct impact this has on us!

    You can connect to Ange over on her Instagram at @organicempire and if you are in Victoria, check out Organic Empire in person, by heading to the farm and shop in Mt. Evelyn.

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out by sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,

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    In this solo episode, I chat about the powerful date in humanity's history, that saw the collapse of the bridge between the two distinctive timelines on this Earth. I am talking about the 22.09.2022 power date!

    If you haven't already, I recommend listening to episode 14, Season 2: The Powerful Message of the 22.2.22 Timeline Split of Humanity, to understand what I am talking about in more depth.
    Humanity had been given two different frequency paths to walk, and this has now been firmly planted into our reality. With the spilt that occurred on 22.2.22, creating two different frequencies for the collective consciousness, we have been seeing two realities rubbing up against each other, side by side, with a bridge between them. On 22.9.22, this bridge collapsed and is gone.

    What this means for the future timeline, I am not sure.
    With a few more months left in 2022, - the year of collective consciousness in numerology, it will be interesting to see what happens!

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast over on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out by sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,
    Em x x x

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    In this episode, I chat with the wonderful Zach from Zach Seeking Awe.

    Zach is on a Heart Expanding journey devoted to guiding others to the light within. His awakening and spiritual journey have come with great transformation. From being sceptical towards spirituality and healing to an accelerated spiritual journey.

    We talk about his incredible wild awakening journey and how nature was a key component in expanding his views on himself and the world around him.

    We chat all about seeking awe in on our path and coming back home to ourselves. We talk about spiritual tools to assist in our spiritual journey, and some of the B.S that comes with the title of a "spiritual journey".

    We also chat about technology and spirituality, and our thoughts on what is coming next in our new earth paradigm. Will our physical body be coming forward into the new phase of the earth... hear our thoughts on what could happen!

    You can connect to Zach over on his Instagram at @zach_seekingawe and his youtube channel at Seeking Awe with Zach.

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out by sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,

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    In this solo episode, I wanted to share a very special message that I had the privilege to hear. This message was shared around a campfire, sitting under a gumtree. A message of our past, our present and our future.

    Back on the 21st of December 2020, there was a mass meditation for Uluru, activating the powerful magic energy within her. This was a worldwide meditation that over 15 million people took part in. It was to send the powerful energy of the summer/winter solstice (depending on which hemisphere you were in) to Uluru to help activate the meridian line that lies within/under this incredible natural cathedral.

    On this day, the Indigenous Elders of Australia, (and Elders all around the world), gave permission to their folk, to share an ancient message/story. The story of the end of time, and the new dreaming. This was the message I was told under that gumtree, and the one I am sharing with you today. This has been given permission to be shared with all, by all. This is our death and rebirth. Our New Dreaming Story.

    I also talk about:

    why raising our vibration is the most important thing we can do in life currentlythe programing that is happening around the worldthe rise of true and false magic in the timelinesthe role of food and light in our diet, and how this can be used to help raise our vibrationsthe early warning signs of the "climate agenda" and why electric cars have a negative side to them

    I am so excited to share this episode with you. I am feeling the new paradigm roots are beginning to hold, and cannot wait to see what will unfold upon this new path we are walking.

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast over on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out by sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,
    Em x x

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    In this episode, I chat with the beautiful Kass from Inspired By Kass.

    Kass is a witch, mystic & all round spiritual badass. She’s your Witchy business coach here to turn on your business by infusing tarot, astrology & human design to scale your business from the ground up.

    We talk about her incredible wild awakening journey and the moment she received her on-ramp ticket to discovering her spiritual self.

    We chat all about Human Design. What it is, how to read your chart, and how it can help you in discovering your true self and how you show up in the world around you.

    We also chat about how by understanding our Human Design chart, we can see the areas of ourselves that we are the strongest at connecting with and what areas are more likely to be conditioned by society and our environment.

    I would highly recommend having your chart in front of you as you listen to this episode, so you can see for yourself, how your chart works! The place to get yours, as recommended by Kass is - www.mybodygraph.com.

    You can connect to Kass over on her Instagram at @inspiredbykass and at her website www.inspiredbykass.com

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast over on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out by sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,
    Em xx

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    In this episode, I chat with the beautiful Kristy Renae Obst.

    Kristy, aka "The Confidence Queen" is a self-love and leadership expert for big-hearted soulful women that wish to breakthrough personal limits and powerfully create a life that they are in love with. Kristy uses her Fierce Feminine Archetype Method that combines her 10 years of experience to take a holistic mind, body, and spirit approach to lasting confidence and self-love for women to have the relationship, life, and business of their dreams!

    We talk about her incredible wild awakening journey. How she let go of the story of selfishness and disempowerment that she was carrying, and chose to leave a toxic relationship, stressful and unfulfilling work environment. How she followed her heart's calling to become a professional MMA fighter whilst continuing her work in empowering women to go for their dreams and live a healthy life.

    We chat all about the stereotypical projections of what it means to be feminine and spiritual. How we all wear different jackets that give us a certain image we need to maintain, and how we need to take these jackets off for good. How to not be scared of who we are down at our core, and allow our beautiful truth to shine through.

    We also chat about we need to come back into Communication, Community and Unity. How this is the path we need to all walk together, as we move forward into our new paradigm.

    You can connect to Kristy over on her Instagram at @iam.kristyrenae and at her website https://www.kristyrenaeobst.com

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast over on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out through sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,
    Em x

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    In this solo episode, I chat about the powerful date in humanity's history, that solidified the 2 very distinctive timelines on this Earth. I am talking about the 22.02.2022 power date!

    Humanity has been given two different frequency paths to walk, and this has now been firmly planted into our reality. We are going to see two different frequencies on the earth and how this plays out into our future, will be interesting to watch unfold.

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast over on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out through sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,
    Em x x x

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    In this episode, I chat with the beautiful Kiersten from Average Homestead.

    Kiersten is based out of central Minnesota in the US and is running a homestead with the goal of becoming self-sustainable while connecting to Mother Earth. She grows her own food and also loves to forage on her 4 acres.

    We talk about her incredible wild awakening journey and how the pause that the pandemic brought, is what lead her to rediscover what was right in front of her. How living in alignment with the earth, can make the most incredible transformation in everyday living.

    We chat all about what is a homestead, growing your own food, living in harmony with the wild energy of nature, and how to get your family involved. We also dive into how the wild weeds on Kiersten's land, helped her to explore the healing power of herbalism, and why this is a big part of how she homesteads.

    You can connect to Kiersten over on her Instagram at @average_homestead and her amazing podcast Dandelions Aren’t Weeds.

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast over on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out through sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,
    Em x

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    2022 is the year to Disconnect to Reconnect.

    In this solo episode, I chat a bit about the energy behind the master number of 22, for our current year of 2022, and what this means for us moving forward. We are going into a very important year for our planet as a collective, and what I believe is one of the most important issues to address: our collective isolation. Our isolation from ourselves (our cells) on the individual level and the collective level.

    It is important to understand what isolation does to the body and mind, and how being isolated makes us weak and easily available for negative influence. I go deep into what it means to connect into our Divine Source of energy and creation, versus the false connections of energy that can trap and drain us.

    Let's use our innate wisdom and courage to take our first steps on the journey to unplugging and disconnecting from the old paradigm. It is our time as a collective to reconnect to Source, our divine wild grace, and to come together to plant the seeds of our new paradigm.
    It is time to live the dream Wild Souls!!

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast over on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out through sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,
    Em x x

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    Welcome back for Season 2 of the Wild Awakening Podcast!

    In this episode, I chat with the beautiful Chloe from Inner Bloom with Chloe.

    Chloe is a qualified Kinesiologist and certified sex coach, offering Kinesiology sessions, online coaching sessions and runs beautiful women's circles. Her deep passion is guiding people to cultivate their inner bloom through awakening self-awareness.

    We talk about her incredible wild awakening journey and her connection to her body/mind/spirit and cycles of life.

    We chat all about the Shadow and Sacred sides of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine and how these play out in our personal and collective lives. We talk about what is the sacred and shadow sides of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, and how we can observe these in ourselves each day.

    We also chat about how our oldest wounds that need healing are our Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, and how that is showing up in our collective energy now, to be acknowledged, healed and released. To move into our new paradigm on Earth, we need the reunion of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine in all areas of our life.

    We also dive into some special topics of cyclical living, menstrual cycle healing and living in tune with the moon.

    You can connect to Chloe over on her Instagram at @innerbloom_withchloe and at her website www.innerbloomwithchloe.com.

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast over on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out through sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,
    Em x

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    In this solo episode, I chat about the grief many of us are feeling, as we start to see our old world crumble. We are going through the stages of grief, including sacred rage, while we travel through these stages of deaths and endings. As Earth's timeline splits, into our old timeline/path of humanity, and our new earth 5D timeline; it can feel like we are teetering back and forth between both these timelines, as we find our feet on the new path.

    It is important to feel everything you are feeling now when it comes to the stages of grief and do not suppress these emotions. This spiritual path is not all joy and rainbows. It is about seeing the darkness for what it is, not trying to change it, but instead choosing to release its hold on us, and move into the Light.

    Remember, you are not alone on this journey, and that there is no set handbook of how to react to this major cosmic change on our beautiful planet. The good news is, we are now starting to experience the true joy of being a creatix in this new earth energy, and it is magical. As they say, it's not just the destination, there is also beauty in the journey.

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast over on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out through sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,
    Em x x x

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    In this episode, I chat with the beautiful Justine from Light Magic Mystery School.

    Jus is a Channel and Light Language teacher and owner of the Light Magic Mystery School; the Gathering. She is a teacher and soul business mentor for women who know they are magical and here to do important work in the world.

    We talk about her incredible wild awakening journey, and her deep dive into connecting to a counsel of Light. How from this mystical event, her life changed, and her school was birthed.

    We chat all about the Witch/Percussion wound, what it is, why it is there, and how to heal it. We talk about the deep healing of the divine feminine / divine masculine, and why this is one of the oldest wounds on the planet. We chat about our personal experiences with our own witches wounds, and how current world attitudes and situations are triggering these wounds to come up to be healed, personally and collectively.

    You can connect to Justine over on her Instagram at @light.language.mystery.school

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast over on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out through sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,
    Em x

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    In this episode, I chat with the beautiful Loren from LorenTrlin.

    Loren is a human behavioural specialist, serial entrepreneur, an ex-lawyer and Alchemist. She is a serial entrepreneur, host, speaker, business coach and master manifester.

    Her life's mission and purpose are to raise human consciousness on a global scale by supporting entrepreneurs, leaders, lightworkers and coaches in creating a life of abundance and impact.

    We talk about her incredible wild awakening journey, and how at the age of 23, her dad passed away, creating the catalyst of her awakening journey. This was the moment she broke apart, and through this, she saw that the life she was living, was not what her soul desired. So she threw out the rule book and quit her job as a lawyer, diving in deep to create a life she truly loved!

    We chat all about the collapse of civilization as we know it. We talk about personal choice and freedom to choose the life path we walk down, and how many of us are walking down a path that leads us to the New Paradigm of Earth! Discussing the magical and incredibly uplifting and inspiring new ways of living, from money and abundance to new inventions that will change the world for the better, I know you are going to adore this episode!

    You can connect to Loren over on her Instagram at @lorentrlin

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast over on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out through sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,
    Em x

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    In this solo episode, I wanted to go into some common spiritual terms that will be used through the podcast. Terms such as paradigm shift, dark night of the soul, and defining the 3D/4D/5D connection. When these terms are part of our own vocabulary, we forget that others might not understand what we mean. So this is an easy way to help bring the conversation together, helping us all understand what is being spoken about!

    I also chat about the transition we are going through on the planet, and why the world is going through its own dark night of the soul. I chat about why (and how) people are seeing the world through different perspectives, and how we can use the inner wisdom within us to make the waves that will help bring in the New Earth!

    Remember, a smooth sea never made for a skilled sailor. You are here to learn to surf my darling, not drown. It is time for us to stop being scared of the waves, and ride them with the skills our wild soul was born with!

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast over on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out through sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,
    Em x x x

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    In this episode, I chat with the beautiful Antia from The Mid Witch.

    Antia is a passionate soul who is here to help bring intuition and true feminie power back into birth. She is here to show women how to be energetically aligned with spirit and nature.

    We talk about her incredible wild awakening journey, and how she has over the last 6 years learnt, unlearnt, researched and remembered EVERYTHING about what being a woman in her power truly is. Through this wild journey, she is now able to guide other women on their birth jounrey, from conscious conception and pregrancy, to showing how to trust their body and baby throughout the entire process and beyond.

    We chat all about the fear narrative around birth, and how this story has become ingrained in our society. We chat about why this narrative is breaking, and how to change the narrative and birth story to one of empowerment and wildness.

    You can connect to Anita over on her Instagram at @themidwitch

    Follow The Wild Awakening Podcast over on Instagram at @wild.awakening_podcast to stay connected throughout the week. If you loved this episode, I would love to know, so please feel free to reach out through sharing this podcast on your socials, or DM me!

    Stay Wild,
    Em x x x