In this episode of Wired to Win, Fernanda delves into the hurdles that women in leadership roles often face and unveils the Three Principles – Mind, Consciousness, and Thought – as the key to breaking through their internal glass ceilings. Originating from Sydney Banks' insights, these principles hold the power to revolutionize mindsets, steer actions, and unleash one's true potential. Fernanda highlights the significance of self-awareness and staying present, all while underlining the undeniable advantages of gender diversity within organizational performance.
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Visibility is an important component of growth in the C-suite. Executive visibility is the new expectation, not exception. Organizations want leaders who can be the face and voice of their brand. Consumers want corporate leadership with clearly defined values. And you want to position yourself as a thought leader. In this episode, Fernanda explains the importance of visibility in the C-suite, teaches you the pillars of visibility, and shares how embracing visibility can change your career-and life-for the better.
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Have you ever felt out of place or worried that you haven’t earned your success, despite knowing at your core that you are a high-performing female leader? If so, you aren’t alone. It’s estimated that 70% of people experience impostor syndrome at some point in their lives. This common cognitive phenomenon leaves us questioning our worthiness and intelligence and traps us in a cycle of anxiety, perfectionism, and worry that keeps us from reaching our full potential. In this episode of the Wired to Win podcast, you’ll hear how impostor syndrome affects entrepreneurs, leaders, and C-level women. Plus, you’ll learn how to rewire your brain to banish impostor syndrome for good.
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“Sustainability” has been a corporate buzzword for years. But corporations that embrace sustainability and make positive, lasting impacts on our world need sustainable leaders. With a critical eye on organizations to contribute to sustainability goals going forward, being a sustainable leader is no longer a trendy social media strategy-it’s a must. In this episode of Wired to Win, Fernanda tells us everything we need to know about the future of leadership and teaches us how to embrace sustainability to improve our organizations, communities and lives.
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We’ve been told all our lives to follow our passions. But what if that was the wrong advice? In this episode of Wired to Win, Fernanda proposes an alternative: purpose. Purposeful, sustainable leaders derive meaning and fulfillment from living their core values instead of chasing passion. Purposeful leaders experience effective results that benefit not only their organizations and careers, but their happiness. By identifying our core values, we can uncover purpose that shapes our lives, decisions, and impacts. And by using the power of neuroplasticity, we can change and shape our core beliefs to curate the life we want.
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Recent data reveals that C-suite executives are facing obstacles to their well-being leading to many leaders electing to leave their roles in search of better balance. In this episode of Wired to Win, Fernanda breaks down how the responsibilities and expectations of the C-suite have evolved over the past hundred years and explains how it’s affecting us. Plus, she teaches how to re-wire our brains’ relationship to work so we can prioritize our well-being and shift the future of leadership into one that is healthy and sustainable.
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Anyone in the top levels of a corporation has experienced their share of development opportunities: trainings, continuing education, corporate universities, online cohorts- you name it, we’ve seen it. In fact, the leadership development industry is a multi-billion-dollar-a-year machine. Why, then, are the returns on such development efforts so minimal? Allow me to introduce you to the leadership gap. In this episode of Wired to Win, I’ll tell you exactly why most development efforts fail, what needs to change, and how to get started.
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How much unseen work do you do entirely in your mind each day? At the intersection of emotional and cognitive labor is the mental load, an invisible effort that women carry the brunt of. In this episode of the Wired to Win podcast, Fernanda explains why the mental load affects women in leadership roles, its impact on our performance, and how we can use the science of neuroplasticity to rewire our brain's relationship with the mental load to reach our full potential.
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It’s lonely at the top. But does it have to be? In this week’s episode, Fernanda looks at loneliness in the C-suite. But instead of chalking it up to the necessity of the job, she digs deep into the science behind isolation, explains why we can’t settle for lack of connection, and teaches us how to overcome loneliness to improve our health and happiness. If you’ve ever felt like you’re the only one without a work friend, this episode is for you!
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How many hours a week do you work? Why do we keep overworking ourselves for little or no payoff, and why can’t we stop? In this episode of the Wired to Win podcast, Fernanda teaches listeners how to shave ten hours off their work week. From exploring the reasons behind overwork to looking at how other high-achieving executives spend their days to explaining how neuroplasticity and rewiring your brain can change the amount of time you spend on tasks, this episode is one you won’t want to miss.
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We’ve talked about burnout before, but on this episode of the Wired to Win podcast, Fernanda digs deeper into why burnout affects one group of workers in particular. Often stereotyped as lazy and entitled, millennials are the first generation in modern history to be worse off than their parents. Millennials have been dealt a challenging hand-economic instability, a housing crisis, education debt, and the disappearance of perks like pensions. These hardships, combined with other emotional factors, have placed millennials in a prime position for burnout. But does it have to be that way?
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Women in the C-suite and other top-level positions hear the phrase “having it all” frequently. But what does “having it all” mean? And do we really want to have it all? In this episode, Fernanda breaks down the history of this cliché and examines its unique ties to feminism. She also tells us why “having it all” is false and teaches us how to change our brains to reclaim our “all.”
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Today we’re diving into the idea of work-life balance. Being an Executive, a c-suite professional evokes images of corner offices, multiple-digit salaries and big responsibilities. It also implies the ability to work under pressure and to perform constantly, especially when the stakes are high you’re expected to deliver better results year after year, beating the competition while managing huge uncertainty and risk. This is the life of any entrepreneur too. There’s no rest or “getting a break” for someone at this level.
The question is, HOW do we CHANGE the way we work and lead ourselves and others so that we can reach our goals without sacrifice?
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In this episode, we are exploring the sacrifices of the executive woman. You are probably familiar with that feeling of “something’s got to give” that forces you to make difficult sacrifices in the name of career success. You’ve probably also had moments where you questioned your path and wondered if it’s all worth it. You’re not alone, and I’m here to teach you a new way to thrive without making those sacrifices. Yes, it is possible to have it all!
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#028 - A paradigm shift in leadership
There’s an urgent need to develop sustainable leaders who take a seat at the table and who are able to lead and execute with a vision from the future. We need leaders who can reshape the future and it requires a change in mindset.
Rewired Global firmly believes that the concept of sustainable leadership is not only here to stay but it’s the only way forward.
In this episode of Wired to Win, Fernanda talks about the future of leadership and shows us how to become a sustainable leader that can connect the dots and manage holistically.
· Why there is an urgent need to change the way we lead
· How to become a sustainable leader and why it matters
· The pressure today’s leaders face and what will shift in the future of leadership
· The type of leadership the world needs
· How you can develop as a woman in leadership and create long-term value for your organization
· Why self-awareness is the most crucial skill needed to have an impact and drive change
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#027 - Today, we are talking about how to prevent burnout at work, the real cause of burnout and how to prevent it at work and in your life.
Burnout is something avoidable and no, it’s not about working less or decreasing your workload…and NO, it’s not about having more work-life balance.
In this episode, you will learn how to prevent burnout at work. My goal is for you to understand why you always have a choice, you get to choose if you want a life of flow and freedom or if you want to stay stuck and frustrated in burnout and feeling overwhelmed. For more information, links and shownotes for this episode head to:https://wiredtowinpodcast.com/27
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#026 - In today’s episode, we are talking about how to stop settling for less in your career, workplace, and your life.
There is a huge cost of settling for less. With the professional women that we work with, we go deep into how they are being in the world, and why thinking the way they do and understanding the world in a certain way, creates the same patterns and outcomes year in and year out…which results in them feeling frustrated, stuck and like they are living beneath their potential.
If you are a high achiever, knowing you have more capacity and living beneath your potential is the worst thing, but unless you change, nothing in your life will change.
In this episode, you will learn how to stop settling for less. My goal is for you to understand why you always have a choice. You always get to decide if you want to go after your dreams or to settle. You get to decide if you want to live in victimhood or to create a new way of living and leading.For more information, links and shownotes for this episode head to:
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#025 - In today’s episode, we're talking about how great leaders have difficult conversations.
I want to continue the discussion around racism, privilege, and adding the layer of having hard conversations, especially as a leader.
This is the thing, in order to be heard, in order to get through to another person, we MUST be able to communicate effectively in such a way that the other person, or group of people, can hear what it is that we have to say and, by doing so change their own beliefs around something.
When we disagree, the only way to bridge that gap is by understanding and learning how to communicate effectively.
If you have felt confused or lost not knowing what to say or do, now is the time to be rigorous with your own bias, your own false assumptions, your own limitations, now is the time to learn how great leaders have difficult conversations.
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#024 - In today’s episode, I dive deep into why we must speak up as leaders.
This episode was hard to create. I’m not gonna lie to you, the honest truth is that I’ve been at a loss for words.
Just like most people around the world, I’ve been utterly devastated by the murder of George Floyd.
I’ve also been painfully aware of the fact that I’m a white privileged woman, hyper-educated, and immensely biased due to my own mental constructs trying to speak about racism and privilege without sounding like a total tool.
I firmly do believe that my role is not to lead this discussion in any way or to see myself as a spokesperson for people of color.
So what I’ve been struggling with is to find a way of contributing to a discussion that matters without taking away from those who need to be heard.
My goal is for you to understand why we must speak up as leaders, I want to invite you to step up your game as a leader, as a professional, as an entrepreneur or as someone with a voice of reason, demanding action and accountability and using the power you hold to.
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#023 - Today’s episode is part 2 of a 2 part series where I talk about what successful leaders do differently and why it's crucial to understand how the two archetypes of LEADERSHIP work.
In this episode, I go deep into explaining the mindset difference between the dog mind and the lion mind and what successful leaders do differently.
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