
  • EP:90 On this week’s episode of Thrive Like a Parent podcast.. ALL your most asked questions answered. Trust me you don’t want to miss this one.

    I will share with you my journey building a business while raising two children, emphasizing the need to delegate tasks, set boundaries, and prioritize self-care. I will share with you how to let go of perfectionism, being honest about limitations, and putting your own well-being first in order to thrive.

    I will also discuss managing children’s noise and behavior, distinguishing between dysregulation and baseline sound aversion to choose the right coping strategies. Techniques like noise-reducing loops, breaks for emotional regulation, exercise, meditation, and journaling are recommended for caring for yourself and your family.

    Additionally, this episode will cover supporting children with ADHD and other neurodivergent conditions without solely relying on medication. I will speak about cautions about blindly adding medications without monitoring effects closely and advocate for trusting your instincts as a parent. And lastly, I will address navigating social media toxicity, emphasizing creating valuable content over chasing algorithms.

    Overall, this episode provides insights on self-care, regulation strategies, and being a proactive advocate for your child’s wellbeing while balancing the demands of work and family life.

    If you have any questions you’d like answered on the next Q&A episode, drop in the comments 👇👇👇

    Dr. B

    #thrivelikeaparentpodcast #parenthood #healingjourney #q #newepisode #euntrepreneur #buildingabusiness #widow #adhd #medication #trustyourself #advocate #mentalhealth #structure #schedule #parenthood #boundaries #joyinthejourney

  • EP:89 On this week’s episode of Thrive Like a Parent podcast, I am so thrilled to be joined by Dr. Wentz. Dr. Isabella Wentz, is an internationally acclaimed thyroid specialist, who shares her personal journey with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Despite initially working in mental health advocacy, her own struggles with undiagnosed Hashimoto's inspired her to dedicate her career to addressing the root causes of thyroid dysfunction.Dr. Wentz also covers the role of diet, nutrients, and lifestyle in managing Hashimoto's and thyroid health. She also shares how valuable insights are provided on testing, optimizing thyroid function, and advocating for proper care.Don't miss this empowering episode as we delve into the complexities of thyroid health and empower you to take control of your well-being.XOXODr. B

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  • EP:88 On this week's episode of Thrive Like a Parent podcast, I am so thrilled to be joined by Dr. Shefali.Dr. Shefali received her doctorate in clinical psychology from Columbia University. Specializing in the integration of Western psychology and Eastern philosophy, she brings together the best of both worlds for her clients. She is an expert in family dynamics and personal development, teaching courses around the globe. She has written six books, three of which are New York Times best-sellers, including her two landmark books The Conscious Parent and The Awakened Family.

    There is so much value in authenticity and embracing pain in your personal growth journey. We must own our true self, even if it means confronting uncomfortable realities.Dr. Shefali says " when we allow toxicity to exist for the sake of peace, we are actually perpetuating the war."

    How powerful is that??Join us on this week's episode to discuss this and so much more!

    #thrivelikeaparent #thrivelikeaparentpodcast #newepisode #ownyourtrueself #managinganxiety #managingemotions #authenticity #painingrowth #release #removetoxicity #radical #radicalawakening #emotionalregulation #support #supportyournervoussytem #healingjourney

  • EP:87 On this week’s episode of Thrive Like a Parent Podcast, I want to talk to you about emotional regulation and emotional dysregulation.
    The definition of emotional dysregulation are things like mood shifts, constantly finding it hard to deal with stress, angry outbursts, high anxiety, feelings of shame, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, or actions and substance misuse.
    Emotional dysregulation can absolutely be debilitating for you. And that is why when I work with clients, we work so closely on the regulation of our moods and the regulation of our emotions, because if we don’t have regulation over our emotions, we will allow our emotions to control us.
    Oftentimes, what people do is they try to take their emotions and shove them down, or put them on a shelf, or they ignore them, or they push them away, or they lash out at others. They allow their emotions to become other people’s responsibility. I would say that the biggest emotion that I see that needs to be regulated through is anxiety. Anxiety is a symptom of emotional dysregulation.
    There are things you can do in order to teach your brain how to release the anxiety. There is a way to support your brain and body through anxiety and into emotional regulation.
    Please know you do not have to remain emotionally dysregulated. You have the right to enjoy your life. You are so worthy.
    There are ways for you to learn how to be emotionally regulated with support. Anything we offer is with support, you are never 100% on your own. There is a place for you. Comment “support” below and let’s chat!
    Dr. B
    #podcast #thrivelikeaparent #thrivelikeaparentpodcast #emotionalhealth #emotionaldysregulation #emotionalregulation #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #dealingwithanxiety #regulatingemotions

  • EP:86 Today I have back with me, a very awesome special guest Carter, who, as you know, is my partner. And today we are going to talk about communication.

    Communication is a topic that we really want to talk about. But it's also a topic that you all have been very interested in. Because it's really hard to have healthy communication within a partnership. And it's something that we have worked on, as well as something that we make an active effort to have strong communication skills within our partnership.

    Carter and I come from partnerships where we didn't feel strong communication was there.

    We just recently did a reel which was a real conversation. And so many had so much to say, especially how they wish they could have that type of communication with their partner. And so, we felt it would be really supportive to you to discuss how we've gotten to where we've gotten, what has worked, tips and tricks and tools and kind of our journey along the way of how our communication has gotten to where it has gotten.

    Carter and I truly believe that the key to a healthy and strong communication partnership is the “I” statements. Expressing your feelings with “I” statements, whether they are negative or positive makes a huge impact in your relationship. But it's also the active listening of hearing those “I” statements and then not taking it on, that you yourself are a failure.

    Being self-regulated, requesting our needs, checking in with one another as well as knowing one another’s defense mechanisms are also important areas and discussions to have when working on thriving in a healthy and strong communication partnership.

    But without a doubt intentional commitment is a requirement needed in order to see change. You have to be willing to “do the work”. Carter and I both agree that you must get to the point where you put the time and effort into bettering your relationship.

    So, until next time,


    Dr. B

  • EP:85 It's really hard to have healthy communication within a partnership.

    It’s something that you have to make an active effort to build within your partnership.

    There's three levels of communication. First phase: The chaos tit for tat. YOU. YOU. YOU.

    Second phase: the psychological phase of communicating.. I'm trying to hear you but I don't understand because I did that and you did this. Third phase: the most deep layer is how do I feel… The I statements.

    Carter and I have put in a lot of work to get to where we are today and we thought it would supportive to all of you to share what has worked, tips and tricks and tools and our journey along the way of how our communication has gotten to where it has gotten.

    We would love to know what holding you back from building stronger communication within your partnership in the comments below.

  • EP:84 I used to be a raging people pleaser.

    I did everything for everyone, for all the wrong reasons, I did what I thought I should do, I did what I thought I should do as a mom, what I should do as a wife, what I should do as a friend, what I should do as a sibling. You name it, I did it.

    If you ever find yourself saying yes to things, you have absolutely no time or energy for or to complete. And you maybe even shy away from difficult conversations, or you find it really difficult to ask for help. Or you never accept help when it's given, you could potentially be a people pleaser.
    One of the biggest gifts of doing this work with clients is getting to observe their own shedding and their own people pleasing. And it is truly part of mental health is releasing your people pleasing tendencies. Because if you're doing everything for everyone else, you're not doing for yourself, not nearly as much as you should. And if you're not doing enough for yourself, then that means that your mental health is suffering. That means that you are neglecting yourself.

    Living in integrity with yourself aligning your self to your own purpose. That takes time that takes energy that takes effort, but don't ever settle. Don't ever settle for showing up in the world just simply for others. Because when you continue to self neglect when you continue to support others and not yourself, it does eat away at you. And so start small. Take the steps that I've given you and remind yourself that you're worthy, even if it ruffled feathers, you're so worthy.

    On this week’s episode of Thrive Like a Parent podcast.. Learn how you too can become a reformed people pleaser.

  • EP:83 Today is the day after the three-year anniversary of Jonathan's death. And my grief story was probably the fourth or fifth podcast that I ever recorded.

    A year and a half ago, I was bursting at the seams to finally share what happened. But felt like, at least Charlie, my older son needed to know before the rest of the world.

    We have a very hard time processing death, nonetheless, someone choosing to take their own life. And so I waited.

    I waited until either one of my children were ready.

    Eli, my youngest son, still doesn’t know today what happened. And that’s ok. He's asking questions, but we're going to wait until he's ready. Charlie has been wonderful at giving that respect to Eli, and waiting until his brain is ready to process.

    There's so much of my story I haven't told and I think I'm ready.
    The only reason I share my story and journey will always go back to my why. I know others have been through this or are going through this. And I don't want anyone to feel alone.
    In this podcast, I will share with you the importance of taking care of yourself and getting the support that you need while going through a divorce and have your spouse go through a mental illness.

    I will also share the journey of blame, pointing fingers, opinions and judgement that occurs after the passing of your spouse and the importance of boundaries and drawing lines in the sand of this “this is ok” and “this is not ok”.

    Lastly, I will show you how you too can show up for yourself. Unapologetically you are going to say the hard things you are going to tell the truth you are going to give the hard information you are going to be you whether people like it or not, is not easy. But you have to make a commitment to yourself.

    Don’t miss this podcast episode. It’s authentic and real and informative and healing. Let’s journey together.

  • EP:82 Today, I am really excited to have on Sarah Reardon who is a board-certified
    pelvic health physical therapist.

    She currently works at a private practice called Nola Pelvic Health and has an
    online (Instagram account) exercise platform called, The Vagina Whisperer, that she created six or seven years ago to help folks from all over. Today, she has
    over 600,000 followers.

    I just don’t think that this is talked about enough. And our pelvic floor health and
    for all the dudes, the men, the dads, any of you human males who listen to this
    today, we will probably talk more about the female reproductive system and all
    the things but this does affect males too. And I don’t want to take that away from
    the men.
    But I really wanted to talk about females and our bodies and what happens after
    childbirth, because a lot of the individuals who listen to this podcast are parents and I don’t think there is enough conversation around it. I think it’s very taboo.
    In this podcast, we will dive deep into what is normal versus what’s not normal in the pelvic health world.
    We are going tp discuss questions that most don’t want to ask but questions need to be asked so that we can get answers.
    Sara will also teach us how to do a proper Kegel and she explains her V-hive and what that looks like and how it is designed for all seasons in life.
    She also shares with us how she has been able to show up for herself and show up for her businesses and do all the things that she does while also having two kids.
    It is a journey you do not want to miss hearing.
    Don’t miss this informative, inspiring podcast with the AMAZING Sarah Reardon.

  • EP:81 Welcome to another episode of Thrive like a parent podcast. I have Derrick Cahill here and he is the bomb.com.
    Derek is a stand up comedian and social media content creator focusing on authentic and relatable parenting stories. Derek is also a dad of three.
    His whole movement on the internet is this “pursuit of me”, finding first of all being happy. And second, being surrounded by people that accept him.
    In this podcast, we discusses the journey of getting to the “second mountain” on a personal level.
    Derick is a very creative person and this is who is been all his life and so the internet has been an outlet to share his creativity of life and how you can get to a place of happiness by being just you. Although he is still on this journey, he encourages and shares, and is authentic in doing so for the community he has developed and created.
    If you want to hear more of Derek’s journey join us, trust me you won’t regret it.
    Dr. B
    #parenthood #thrivelikeaparent #podcast #newepisode #innerself #bounderies #journey #trusttheprocess #trustyourself #parenting #parentsupport #podcastforwomen #podcastforentrepreneurs #podcastforparents #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing #healingjourney #joyinthejourney #areyouhappy

  • EP:80 Love is a muscle and love can absolutely atrophy. It will slowly wear out until you can’t find how to access it anymore if not utilized and exercised.
    That is why there is common theme of feeling like there is no room left for oneself in relationships. This feeling of being spent and exhausted can lead to loneliness, resentment, and breakdown of communication.
    And it takes a lot of effort to utilize that muscle and get that love muscle back so you must make the time the time for it.
    You and your partnership are so worthy of not feeling lonely. You and your partnership are so worthy of feeling aligned and connected and working together as a team. And most importantly, if you feel this way, if you feel like your partner has nothing left for you. I want you to know you’re not alone. And it is okay to communicate and talk to your partner about it.
    Tune in for this week’s episode of Thrive Like a Parent Podcast.
    Dr. B
    #parenthood #thrive #thrivelikeaparent #newepisode #healthyrelationship #communication #troubleinparadise #nervoussystem #nervoussystemregulation #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #emotionalregulation #selfregulation #podcast #parentingtips #parentingpodcast #podcastersofinstagram

  • EP:79 Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the slight clutter or mess in your house, and you’ve walked in the door, only to feel overloaded by scattered papers orunwashed dishes and clothes and disarray. Maybe you’ve even had arguments because it bothers you more than it bothers your partner, or your your spouse.

    I want you to know, most importantly, you are not alone.

    When my house is clean, and there is no clutter, I have a peaceful mind.

    The state of cleanliness for some brains, helps you feel like you have structure, stability and control, which helps you feel like you have that within your life and within your brain.

    8 Reasons to Eliminate Clutter from your Life:

    1. Clutter bombards our minds with excess stimuli.

    2. Clutter distracts us by drawing our attention away from what our focusshould be on.

    3. Clutter makes it more difficult to relax.

    4. Clutter constantly signals your brain that your work is never done.

    5. Clutter makes us anxious, because we’re never sure what it’s going to taketo get through to the bottom of the pile.

    6. Clutter creates feelings of guilt.

    7. Clutter inhibits creativity and productivity by invading the open spaces that allow most people to think, brainstorm, and problem solve.

    8. Clutter frustrates us by preventing us from locating what we need to quickly.

    Join me on this week’s episode of Thrive Like a Parent for tips to declutter your space and your mind!

    #podcast #sensoryregulation #parenting #sensoryregulation #emotionalregulation #overstimulatedmama #video #viral #reels #fyp

  • EP:78 You find self love for yourself by putting yourself first. You find self love by giving back to yourself, by saying no, by asking for help, by giving yourself moments of calm.

    That's how you thrive in the chaos of life. That is how you fall in love with yourself. That is how you find self worth and self love.
    It doesn't make you a bad person for choosing yourself. It doesn't make you a weaker individual. It makes you a strong human. For being able to own your mental health, being able to own what you can and cannot do.

    My wish for you is to start thinking about how you want to live your life, how you want your life to look within the chaos of life, because it is always chaotic. But there is a way to do this life without crashing and burning. There is a way to put yourself first even in the most strenuous of moments, even in the most strenuous of circumstances, and it is okay to lean into that rabbit hole of taking care of yourself and listening in to what your body needs.

    Tune in to this weeks episode of Thrive Like a Parent podcast and chat about how we all can thrive in midst of chaos.

  • EP:77 We're more exhausted than ever. We're more burnt out than ever. We're pushing so hard but yet getting stuck on a hamster wheel of unhappiness…Erika has done a phenomenal job seeing that reality and taking it upon herself to decided.. I’m going to take matters into my own hands and decide that I'm going to be in control of my own life….On this week’s episode of Thrive Like a Parent join Erika and I as we discuss how we found our own freedom in today’s world of chaos and how you too friend can start living a life that is aligned to exactly what feels right and best for you!

    #podcast #parenting #sensoryregulation #emotionalregulation #viral #video #fyp

  • EP:76 I am so incredibly excited to have Connie Zak on who is the CEO and co founder of sunlighten saunas, and I can't thank you enough for being here. And I think this is going to be so informative to our listeners. Because as they all know, and I've spoken about it a lot, I now have a sauna from you all. And it's been a huge part of my healing journey for my Hashimotos.

    Connie Zack is a co-owner of Sunlighten, a leading company in infrared sauna manufacturing and infrared light therapy. Motivated by the positive impact of infrared saunas on her brother's health, Connie, alongside her husband, has dedicated over 24 years to advancing the benefits of infrared light worldwide, with Sunlighten operating in 13 countries and running an award-winning day spa in Kansas City. Their mission is to enhance wellness through infrared technology, focusing on innovation and meaningful relationships.

    Join up as we discuss what is infrared, and is it safe + what are some of the main health benefits?

    Make sure to listen to the VERY END for an exclusive offer to get your very own sunlighten sauna!

  • EP:75 On this weeks episode of Thrive Like a Parent podcast let’s discuss how to recalibrate the nervous system and shift patterns to achieve a state of calm and peace. I hope this will encourage you to practice awareness, recognize your wins, and support your own regulation.The fastest way to regulate the nervous system is not through control, fixing, or creating structure, but by sitting in discomfort and supporting the body's natural regulation process.Recognizing and validating your feelings without shame or judgment is essential for regulating the nervous system.While control, fixing, and creating structure may provide temporary relief, they do not support long-term regulation. Practicing awareness and understanding your triggers can help you respond to unexpected situations with calm and presence.Join me on this week’s episode as I dive deeper into how you can create larger windows of tolerance to stress and discomfort which will allow for longer periods of regulation and a more peaceful state of being.

  • EP:74 The majority of humans somehow get into the pattern of learning how to regulate themselves on an external basis, which means they rely on everyone and everything else around them to give them permission, as well as allow them to regulate their nervous system.

    I find that the individuals who are externally regulating, it's as if that human is in a sea of water. And they are waving their hands around with tons of waves and white caps around them, and they are just treading water. And you can't do that forever. But what ends up happening is we're in the middle of the sea begging for a life raft.

    Externally, the individuals around you are not meant to satiate and take care of your nervous system. Can they support you? You bet. But can they fix and throw you a life raft? Every single time all the time? 24/7? No. And the reason being is that A: It's not realistic. And B, they have their own nervous system to take care of.

    Go down that rabbit hole and explore all the things that make YOU feel good. AND DECIDE to support yourself. Because what's waiting for you on the other side is such freedom, freedom from resentment and anger from your loved ones. Freedom for holding permission and everyone else's hands for your happiness and your mental health. Freedom from needing to feel worthy from others, and most importantly, regulating through someone else and other things externally.

    More tips on this week episode of Thrive Like a Parent podcast.

  • EP:73 On this week’s episode I am joined by Laura Day. Laura is an intuitive healer. She is a New York Times best seller. And she's worked with many amongst the stars. Laura’s work has helped demystify intuition and bring it into the mainstream. Laura has trained thousands of people and companies to use their brains, perceptions, and “sixth sense” in effective ways to realize their goals.

    We discuss what it means to truly live aligned within the individual neurology of your own brain.

    Subscribe to the Thrive Like a Parent podcast and tune in for the full episode.

    #thrivelikeaparent #podcast #newepisode #sensoryregulation #emotionalregulation #mentalhealth #newyearsresolutionsarebullshit #growthovertime #thrive #supportyourbrain #burnout #dysregulatednervoussysstem

  • EP:72 On today’s episode of Thrive Like a Parent Podcast… I am so honored to be joined by Kelli Bullard.

    Kelly is an incredible mama. A young widow. Teacher turned author.

    We are all struck by tragedy in some way within our life. And at some point, we may need to support a neighbor, a friend, a loved one. And we have no earthly idea what that's going to look like for them, or what they may need.

    Each individual person definitely needs something different.

    Join us as we discuss how we had to figure out our own process in grief, Kelly’s new book (Behind My Smily), finding love after tragedy and so much more.

  • EP:71 Happy 2024!!!As we start ramping up this year, I want to remind you that today is today, we'll see what tomorrow brings. But be proud of yourself just simply for showing up. And trust the process.Whatever you're going through in your life.. Whether it's you having some January blues, whether it's you're feeling some depression, just in life or you've gone through a loss or you're having a hard season of your life, whatever it is, I want you to trust that process.Trust time.Love time.Allow time.Don't force time but instead soak it in.Take one small step to change your life in whatever direction that means for you. Whether it is slowing down, whether it is slightly ramping up, utilize that throttle to make the long lasting impact within your life.

    #thrivelikeaparent #podcast #newepisode #sensoryregulation #emotionalregulation #mentalhealth #newyearsresolutionsarebullshit #growthovertime #thrive #supportyourbrain #burnout #dysregulatednervoussysstem