
  • Have your feelings scared you? Terrified you? Have you closed your heart to save you heartache? Listen in as Jo shares what she's learned about opening our hearts to ourselves to heal. Profound and enlightening. You're going to love this.



    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

  • What if we could laugh at grief? Even though that grief is darkest part of our trauma? Wouldn't that lighten our emotional load? Listen in for a contrary take on grief and trauma that brings hope before diving deep to touch that part of us that's unwounded...

    Alison Larkin was adopted at birth in Washington, D.C., by British parents and raised in England and Africa. After graduation from the University of London and the Webber-Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art, she became a regular on the British stage with appearances on Broadway, a ubiquitous voice-over artist, and a successful stand-up comic. Her internationally acclaimed one-woman show, The English American, was a highlight of the London Comedy Festival. For more information, go to https://alisonlarkin.com/





    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

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  • Spiritual growth is the ultimate healer. That sums up the 500 episodes of Thriving Adoptees in six words. And spiritual in this sense doesn't mean religious. Spiritual growth is seeing more of our essence underneath our psychology. Listen in as Alejandra shares the insights that fuelled her spiritual growth to catalyse ours.

    Adopted at five weeks into a loving and happy Mexican-American family, Alejandra had never sought her family of origin, but when they arrived unexpectedly, they showed up with a raft of issues that would test her inner strength and drive her spiritual growth. It was then she also learned that some of her intuitive gifts were an inheritance from them. She also discovered that the names given to her by both sets of parents foretold her skill at prophecy and seeing what others didn’t.

    Alejandra wrote I Just Can’t Make This SH!T Up! to show that everyone can experience true purpose, bliss, flow and awe at the amazing clues and messages delivered by the Universe -- if they elect to embrace their own spiritual journey fearlessly. And she offers her personal experience as a roadmap to opening the doors to accept whatever gifts lay at the core.

    Book Amazon.com






    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

  • How's your relationship with trauma? Do you yearn to heal? Crave it? Sara definitely did. Listen in as she shares how that craving ended. An interview bursting with hope.


    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

  • In this special episode the interviewer becomes the interviewee! Listen as Simon shares his thoughts and experiences on home, childhood memories and ah-ha moments that have birthed in him a passion to help other adoptees find freedom and peace beyond the "Primal Wound".






    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

  • Join us as we delve into the journey of adoptee Sloane Walker. Discover how Sloane has transformed her home into an oasis, reflecting the harmony and peace she is cultivating within herself. Gain insights into her unique Pentacle Program, designed to guide others on their path of self-discovery and create a space that truly resonates with their essence and brings joy to their lives.

    Sloane Walker, M.Ed., a BSE DIA, has come full circle in recent years since her reunion in 2019. After losing her adoptive mom in 2003, she experienced a profound identity crisis and realized that she wasn’t living up to her own potential. Over the past two decades, she has worked on radical self-acceptance and embracing her shadow side. As a 3rd Degree High Priestess and certified whole person life coach, she works with other adoptees and early childhood trauma survivors to facilitate their internal and external transformations. As a 30-year Interior Design veteran, specializing in Kitchen & Bath Design, Sloane’s philosophy is that one’s home environment is a direct reflection of their psyche. Whatever is going on internally will often manifest externally. A chaotic mind may look like excessive clutter and doom piles, while someone who is in denial of their trauma or unable to process past events may live in a space that is overly sterile, impersonal, and austere. Neither is particularly healthy. Through my Pentacle Path signature program, I work with clients to integrate Body, Mind & Spirit with their home environment to create their ideal reality.



    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

  • In this enlightening podcast episode, Krista Boss, an adoptee who endured periods of homelessness during her childhood, shares her inspiring story of resilience and triumph. Join us as we explore the concept of home as not just a physical space, but also a sanctuary for healing and finding solace. Discover the transformative power of creating a safe haven and how it can impact our lives in profound ways.

    Krista is the owner of CasaHĂłzhĂł, a sanctuary built to aid in her own healing and the healing of others. Krista has been on a lifelong journey back to the home that resides within. Now she helps others on their journey back to their spiritual home, while also working as a real estate agent to help people on their journey to ownership of their physical sanctuary. Most recently she has dedicated herself to building living wellness communities through affordable and sustainable housing at Liberation Earth. Prior to real estate, she was a math and science teacher, swim coach, and holistic health office manager. Her background has led her to become fascinated with the science behind the spiritual. Her approach to healing is holistic, with an emphasis on women's health. Krista feels especially connected to adoptees, orphans, survivors of child abuse, emancipated minors, divorcees, and those working to heal generational trauma, as she has walked those paths herself, and has intimate knowledge of the trauma and hardships as well as the depth of wisdom those experiences can bring. Krista is a masterful manifestor who has created a life of abundance surpassing even the most well intentioned expectations based on her beginning. You can hear more about her story on Insta @ownyoursanctuary. Krista is currently working on her autobiography to be released in the fall of next year.



    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

  • In this podcast episode, Dr. Eben Alexander, adoptee and neurosurgeon, shares his profound insights and wisdom gained from a Near Death Experience (NDE). He explores how his abandonment wound ultimately became a catalyst for an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and understanding. Tune in to gain deeper insights into the transformative power of life's challenges and to hear Eben's experience of life after death.

    Academic neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander III, whose career includes decades as a physician, and associate professor at Harvard Medical School and revered teaching hospitals, was once staunchly committed to the materialist world view -- the belief that the physical world is all that exists. His scientific belief system was altered by his 2008 transcendental near-death experience (NDE), an odyssey into another realm during a week-long coma. Despite a bleak medical prognosis, Dr. Alexander awoke to make an inexplicable return to full health. His medical case and recovery were validated in the peer-reviewed Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Since his NDE, Dr. Alexander has been reconciling his rich spiritual experience with quantum physics, cosmology and the philosophy of mind. Dr. Alexander speaks around the world to educate about the role that consciousness plays in wellness, healing and recovery.

    A pioneering scientist and modern thought leader, Dr. Alexander has been featured in more than 400 media interviews including for ABC-TV’s Good Morning America and 20/20, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, Larry King Now, Fox and Friends, Discovery Channel, Biography Channel and numerous international radio, digital and podcasts. His books are available in more than 40 countries: Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife, The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion, and Ordinary People Are Proving the Afterlife, and Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness, co-authored with Sacred Acoustics co-founder Karen Newell.



    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

  • This first episode of "Finding Home" is a captivating podcast that delves into the profound experiences of Greg Gentry as he embarked on a quest to find a sense of belonging, wholeness and home. Through an intimate conversation we unravel the intricate tapestry of human connection, community and the pursuit of contentment. Join us as we explore the transformative and at times elusive journey of finding home.

    Greg Gentry is a domestic baby scoop era adoptee, born in California in 1969. He has been in reunion with maternal family members since 2006, and in 2021 also connected with his paternal side. Greg is a facilitator and interviewer for Fireside Adoptees, a private Facebook group founded in 2021, which is committed to additional outreach through its public Facebook page and through the Fireside Adoptees Constellation private Facebook group. Greg is also an administrator and facilitator within the Adoption Trauma Network and the host of Adoptees Connect out of Derry, New Hampshire. He enjoys connecting with others in the online adoptee community, and has found these interactions to be richly rewarding and supportive.

    Listen to his previous Thriving Adoptees interview here https://thriving-adoptees.simplecast.com/episodes/fog-mist-brilliant-sunshine-with-greg-gentry

    Connect with Greg here:



    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

  • How open to change are you? How willing and curious to new ways to heal? Listen in as we go deep on how a method that initially felt a little weird helped Trish to feel better on the inside and enjoying better relationships on the outside. And there's the matter of being adopted back by her birth mother...

    Trish doesn't do social media, but is open to talking with others email me [email protected] and I will put you in touch

    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

  • The more fellow adoptees I speak with, the more I see a broader view of healing. On one side there's the logic of getting answers to questions we've been asking ourselves forever. On the other side there's the mystery of what happens often when we are with others. Tapping into both sides help us heal. Listen in as Kit describes four of his key healing moments. They might well spark some ideas in you.

    Kit Myers is an assistant professor in the Department of History & Critical Race and Ethnic Studies. He was previously a Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow at UC Merced. His teaching interests include the study of race as a social, relational, and intersectional category of difference and power. His forthcoming book, The Violence of Love: Race, Adoption, and Family in the United States, with University of California Press (2024), uses interdisciplinary methods of archival, legal, and discursive analysis to argue that while adoption is imbued with love, violence is attached to adoption in complex ways. The book comparatively examines the transracial and transnational adoption of Asian, Black, and Native American children by White families to understand how race has been constructed relationally to mark certain homes, families, and nations as spaces of love, freedom, and better futures against others that not. Myers has also published journal articles in Adoption Quarterly, Critical Discourse Studies, Adoption & Culture, and Amerasia. He serves as on the executive committee for the Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture. He received his Ph.D. and M.A. from the University of California, San Diego in ethnic studies and his B.S. in ethnic studies and journalism from the University of Oregon.


    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

  • Is your trauma eating you up from the inside? That's how it felt to Becca. Writing her book and talking about it openly is helping her shift to thriving with the help of a great therapist, energy work and some fab people lining up behind to support her. Great insights on seeing our connectedness, authenticity and vulnerability.

    Here's a bit about Becca's previous interview:

    Do you wish your healing was faster?

    Did your world fall apart when you came out of the fog? Are you wondering what comes now you're consciously aware of your trauma? Listen in as Becca shares how she came out of the fog after tragedy and what's helping her heal. An incredibly vulnerable and empowering episode.

    Becca was born in 1975, adopted at 2 years old and lives in Seattle.

    Here's a link to Becca's that interview https://thriving-adoptees.simplecast.com/episodes/out-of-the-fog-beyond-with-becca-wellington

    Here's a link to the Kubler Ross curve https://www.ekrfoundation.org/5-stages-of-grief/change-curve/





    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

  • Chris yearned to meet her birth mother to heal. But meeting her didn't heal Chris. Because as she realised, healing is an inside job. So how come Chris doesn't feel traumatised anymore? Listen in with big ears.

    Contact Chris here https://www.facebook.com/christine.giles.758

    Here are the books I mentioned:



    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

  • What if love is the ultimate healer? Love for ourselves? Seeing that we ARE love? Listen in as Dottie goes big and I try to keep up. An epic conversation. I think you're going to love this. Pun intended.

    Dot Todman is a talented Canadian-Jamaican singer/songwriter and highly regarded celebrity vocal empowerment coach. Despite facing challenges in her journey, Dot’s optimism and positive outlook shine through in all that she does.

    She spent her early life in foster care before being adopted by an interracial couple. Growing up as the only Black girl her age in a small town of 32,000, Dot often felt disconnected from her cultural heritage. Raised by a single White mother, she faced unique challenges in navigating her identity and finding a sense of belonging...

    Read on....https://singwdot.com/epk/

    Find out more about Dottie here:





    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

  • Many of us feel that we were brought up in a false narrative. Many of us feel that the current narrative around adoption is still false. But what about OUR narrative? The narrative that sums up how we see our life? The narrative that changes. The narrative that's meant to change. Stephen shares routes to a more empowered narrative. Fascinating. Empowering. And very, very different. Different in a GOOD way.

    Stephen Rowley, Ph.D., is an adoptee, adoptive parent and psychotherapist practicing in Bainbridge Island, Washington. His professional past includes serving as an elementary school teacher and principal, and a school district superintendent in Washington and California. He has been a college professor at three universities, teaching courses in educational administration and organizational theory. He holds a Ph.D. in Administration and Policy Analysis from Stanford University. His new book is: The Lost Coin: A Memoir of Adoption and Destiny (Chiron Publications, Sept. 2023). Learn more at stephenrowley108.com/memoir/






    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

  • How does healing help us advocate? How does advocacy help us heal? Listen in as we explore how the intersection of two crucial parts of our lives.

    Here's the link to Joyce's previous interviews



    Here's a link to a replay of Advancing Your Advocacy For Adoptees https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4y-8Id3NajI

    Dr. Pavao has done extensive training, both nationally and internationally. She is a lecturer in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and she has consulted to various public and private child welfare agencies, adoption agencies, schools, and community groups, as well as probate and family court judges, lawyers, and clergy. Additionally, she has worked closely with individuals and families touched by adoption, foster care, and other complex blended family constructions.

    She has developed models for treatment and for training using her systemic, intergenerational, and developmental framework, The Normative Crises in the Development of the Adoptive Family, and her book, The Family of Adoption (Beacon Press), has received high acclaim.

    Dr. Pavao has received many awards and honors, including the Children’s Bureau/U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Adoption Excellence Award for Family Contribution (2003) and the Congressional Coalition on Adoption award for Angels in Adoption (2000).





    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

  • How do you feel about your wounds? Do they scare you? Do you just want them gone? Do you yearn to feel whole? What if you had a different relationship with them? Saw them as gifts. The cracks that let the light in. Listen in as we go deep to new perspectives on trauma. And peace.

    Here's an interview with the Headless way guy https://dramyjohnson.com/2024/04/ep298-the-headless-way-with-richard-lang/

    Here's a link to his website https://headless.org/

    There's pain and beauty in adoption. Donna like she's been healing her whole life. But coming out of the fog was a shock to her system. Listen in as she shares her insights on an expanding awareness of her self. That's where the most profound shifts are happening that are powering on to a better life.

    Listen to her first interview at https://thriving-adoptees.simplecast.com/episodes/painfully-beautiful-with-donna-joseph






    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

  • Feeling unloved hurts like hell. And most of us have felt that way. I know i've felt that my birth mother didn't love me enough to keep me. But what if we feel are adoptive parents didn't want us? Reading about some doubt her parents had in adopting her turned Patti's life upside down. Listen in as we go deep on feeling loved, wanted and enough.

    Patti Eddington is a newspaper and magazine journalist whose favorite job ever was interviewing the famous authors who came through town on book tours. She never dreamed of writing about her life because she was too busy helping build her husband’s veterinary practice, caring for her animal obsessed daughter—whose favorite childhood toy was an inflatable tick—and learning to tap dance. Then fate, and a DNA test, led her to a story she felt compelled to tell. Today, the mid-century modern design enthusiast and dance fitness teacher enjoys being dragged on walks by her ridiculous three-legged dog, David, reading with her Siamese cat Symon Francis O’Toole on her lap and watching the egrets and bald eagles from her deck on a beautiful bayou in Spring Lake, Michigan.





    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

  • Do you struggle with your desperate parts? Do you yearn to feel whole? Listen in as Mee Ok shares her learnings on healing body, mind and soul. A particularly dramatic episode - she was given just 5 years to live.

    Born in Korea, Mee Ok Icaro (pronounced “mēˈƍk i’kÀ’rƍ”) was renamed “Mandy” by her white, evangelical parents who adopted and raised her in California and Arkansas. After narrowly escaping conversion therapy but unable to avoid sitting next to Sarah Huckabee Sanders in Spanish class, she attended Boston University to study philosophy and the classics, but ended up majoring in partying, sleep, and girls. Ten years later she graduated and worked at Harvard as a research assistant in an office next to Timothy Leary’s old digs, while taking courses in history, film, medicine, literature, and German.

    After being diagnosed with scleroderma and given five years to live, Mee Ok was bedridden for three years until she began drinking ayahuasca, a shamanic brew from the Amazonian jungle, which gave her back her legs. She eventually obtained her MFA in Creative Writing, studying poetry, prose, and drama. Since then, she has been writing, pursuing the path of earth medicines, and trying to become the person she was meant to be.






    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.

  • If we're ok with not feeling ok, we're always ok. Listen in as we dive into healing, coping, peace and more. You'll love Alice's honesty and humour.

    Here's a bit about Alice's last interview.

    Listen on as Alice shares how she found the patience and persistence on her quest to find and meet her birth mother. There are bags of insights, realisations, twists and turns. Buckle up for a rollercoaster of a ride.

    Listen to it here https://thriving-adoptees.simplecast.com/episodes/patience-persistence-with-adoptee-alice-diver

    Here is a link to the publication Alice mentions https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b2nqk1B6XrYH1qRez_tryDW34Yv0qSmd/view?usp=sharing

    Here is a link to her profile and research


    Here's a link to the webinar video I mention https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnz7I7V_IOQ&t=224s

    Here's a link the webinar on another podcast episode https://thriving-adoptees.simplecast.com/episodes/whole-healing-my-primal-wound-webinar-recording

    Connect with Alice on Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/alice-diver-b6939545

    Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.