One of my favorite quotes is “the best companies don’t hire, they attract!” Today on the show, Tim Glowa of HRBrain.ai and I talk about what his research has revealed about the issues in company culture today. This show talks a lot about recruiting best practices but there’s only so much we can do if the work environment is terrible. Listen in to learn about some warning signs you should be looking for if you’re having issues hiring.
Download Tim's research: stateofworktoday.com
When Joel and I started recruiting, our goals were pretty simple. Hit this many submittals per week and this many starts per month. If we went out and started another firm today, those metrics would more or less be the same. Technology is supposed to be helping our company, right? Then why haven't our metrics improved?
Connect with Joel here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joelleege/
Episodi mancanti?
You collect talent data all day every day. You’re sitting on a completely untapped resource. Besides simply tracking your business, what could you be doing with that data? Today we hear from Andrew McKay to learn about what’s possible.
Be sure to sign up for Andrew's upcoming webinar here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/7017081154740/WN_vcy3JzXtT1S5pQLIdqhy2g
Find Andrew on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/agmckay/
Jeremy gets you. He's been there. How do you take a successful one or two person recruiting firm and scale it up to multiple Millions of dollars in production? In this episode, Jeremy Jenson will tell you how he did it.
Find Jeremy here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremyjenson/
According to Gary Benedik, the main issue affecting recruiting right now isn't complex, but it's difficult to solve. Perhaps technology won't be able to solve your underlying issues. Listen to Gary's thoughts on what's affecting success in putting people to work.
Find Gary here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/garybenedik/
Frank Mullett is building his firm's tech stack. He decided not to buy an off-the-shelf ATS and won't be custom building an ATS. What else is there? Well, listen to how Frank is leveraging flexible technology to configure the automations and processes his company needs to be successful.
Connect with Frank on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/frankmullett/
One thing I find myself saying often is that, as recruiting leaders, we should be allowing technology to do what technology does best and let our recruiters do what they do best. Well, what is that? What should they be doing? Find out today when I get old school with Duane Edwards.
Find more from Duane here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/edwardsduane/
Justin Priest joins me for our first ever LIVE episode of the show. Justin brings a wealth of knowledge around building and enabling recruiting teams. How many tips will you implement in 2024?
Find Justin here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinpriest
Are you posting your jobs to as many job boards as possible and then crossing your fingers that the right candidate magically applies? Well, there are a lot of problems with that approach. Thad Price, CEO of Talroo, and I discuss what other approaches might be better for you.
Find Thad here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thad-price-2368b/
Dee Pitts is currently going through evaluating her entire talent acquisition technology stack. I found her approach enlightening and invited her to give you an overview of how she's going about it.
Find more from Dee here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deidrapitts/
Episode disclaimer - we had some audio issues but I felt the content was good enough to still publish the episode.
Josh joins me today to talk about how he's helping the business world understand that the perceived gap between military service and the working world isn't exactly as large as we think it is.
Learn more from Josh here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshuajatkinson/
How can you disrupt the recruiting industry? Take your cues from other industries that have been solving the issues we face for years.
Today we talk about how applying the new trends in Web Design will help you get ahead.
How can you disrupt the recruiting industry? Take your cues from other industries that have been solving the issues we face for years.
Today we talk about how applying the fundamentals of Marketing will help you get ahead.
How can you disrupt the recruiting industry? Take your cues from other industries that have been solving the issues we face for years.
Today we talk about how applying the fundamentals of good customer service will help you get ahead.
What is a "Staffing Platform as a Service" and what can it do for your company? Kevin O'Neill will tell you what they are and what features to look out for in today's episode!
Read the article here: https://www2.staffingindustry.com/Research/Research-Reports/Americas/SPaaS-Global-Landscape-Report
A change of perspective can be what you need to transform your recruiting. Today we'll start a new series focused on helping you reshape your perspective. Today, let's think like a candidate.
Does your candidate matching engine only match based on keywords? There's a better way that will save your recruiters hours and hours of time. I'll tell you the secret in this episode.
Brad Owens spends a few minutes talking about his key takeaways from the 2023 SIA Executive Forum 2023 in Miami, FL.
Who better to teach us about the current trends in recruiting than the Technical Research Director at Staffing Industry Analysts, Kevin O'Neill! This one is a can't miss episode. Come see us on stage at the SIA Exec Forum next week!
Find Kevin here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-o-neill-07616863/
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