In our final sermon on the 'I am' sayings of Jesus, Marcio looks at why abiding in Christ, the 'True Vine', is the way to a fruitful life.
Episodi mancanti?
This morning we come to the penultimate week of our series on the 'I am' sayings, where Richard unpacks the meaning of Jesus as 'the Way, the Truth and the Life'.
In this sermon, Daniel looks at what Christianity says about death, how Jesus reacted to the death of his friend, and what this means for us today.
We're now over halfway through our series on 'Who does Jesus say He is?' In this sermon, Daniel looks at four things that make Jesus 'good', and how these prove His ability and right to 'shepherd' us towards heaven.
Are you thirsty for more of God? For more of the Kingdom breaking out in London and the nations? This morning on Vision Sunday Daniel reflects on the development of our church and mission, and leads us into a new season as a church, where he helps prepare us to expect great things from God.
This week Daniel shares two mistakes he made when he got baptised as a teenager. Firstly, a superficial view of his own sin. And secondly, a superficial view of Jesus’ work in saving us. Here we learn how deep our problem goes and how great Jesus’ work really is.
We cannot separate our relationship with Jesus from our relationship with the church. In this sermon, Daniel reminds us that the main reason we gather as a church is so we may go deeper into the presence of God and come to a greater understanding of who He is. Secondly, gathering sharpens and grows us; the gathering of God's people is His design for human flourishing. There are riches and depth and spiritual power found in the physical gathering of God's people.
In this sermon Onohili looks at the spiritual discipline of worship, focusing particularly on the practice of singing. She lays out three points about why we sing, namely: To glorify God, To be transformed, and to fight our battles.
Jesus asks that all who are thirsty should come to Him and drink, and He promises that whoever believes in Him, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them. In this Sermon Marcio invites us to respond to this call of Jesus so that we can be vessels of living water bringing the rule and love of God wherever we go.
God know's we are human, and that we often forget His goodness and faithfulness. That is why He invites us to come to Him time and time again. Each time we come to Him, He shows his faithfulness by filling us afresh.
To paraphrase C.S Lewis, 'we are all hope based creatures'. For all of us, our outlook on life heavily depends on where we put our hope. Do we put our hope in material things thinking that they will fulfill us? In this sermon Daniel reminds us that the lack of feeling fulfilled in this life is because we were created for something better. We were created to finally be fulfilled when we meet our God and Savior face to face, when we finally seat in eternity, at the table that He has prepared for us.
Do you often feel anxious, worrying about the future, not able to have peace and rest because you often give in to fear? This is a common human experience, yet the most common command in the bible is, ' do not fear'. In this sermon, Daniel reminds us that God know's what it's like to be human. He understands our worries and fears, and so He calls us to put our trust in Him because He is a good God who is with us in every circumstance.
Do you desire more of God in your life? Do you long to encounter Him often? In this sermon, Tom and Teesh Houston remind us who God is, and who we are in Him. We are reminded to seek God in the secret place, to continually have fear and have reverence for Him in all that we do, and in doing that we will experience more of Him in our lives.
Giving thanks is a foundational attitude of being a Christian. Our gracious Father is worthy of receiving our thanks for all He has done and continues to do for us. In this sermon Daniel gives us some practical ways in which we can incorporate thanksgiving into our lives.
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