The Search For The Sheba Bandit
Episode 234 is not only a murder mystery, but it also explores the history of attitudes regarding alternative lifestyles. Now that we’re living in an age where gender is a fluid thing, it’s interesting to hear how the police and the press respond when the main suspect doesn’t quite fit into the sexual norms of nearly a century past.
Culled from the historic pages of the Chicago Tribune and other newspapers of the era.
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Assassination of Nancy Parker
Remastered from the True Crime Historian VaultEpisode 202 takes us inside the mind of an unhinged woman, but not too deeply. The story takes a lot of strange contradictory turns as the layers are peeled back and everyone tries to get the story straight. Or not.
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Episodi mancanti?
The Long Island Gas Station Murder
Episode 219 is the first-person report of New York private detective Felix De Martini as he investigates the death of a popular and benevolent small businessman, the owner of a service station. De Martini's dogged pursuit of the culprit was told in the classic pages of True Detective Magazine, historic purveyors of sensational true crime, in April 1945.
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The Solteldo-Barton Affair
Episode 247 strikes a little close to home for me. Having spent 25 years working in a newsroom with very little security, the possibility of an indignant individual bursting in with a gun and opening fire because he didn’t like what was printed, was a constant (albeit low-grade) fear. In this case, when the bullets start flying and witnesses start ducking out the door, it’s hard to tell who shot who.
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The Haynesville/Homer Hammer Murder
The scandal in Episode 188 unfolds in the small towns dotting the bayou country of Northern Louisiana. When the Haynesville town grocer goes missing, his wife declares that he ran out on her, but then a former border from Homer moves in and eyebrows are raised.
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The Covington Kiger Conspiracy Charge
Episode 227 is the strange tale of a teenage girl who admittedly shot her brother and father in the middle of the night thinking she was shooting at burglars. Did she kill her family because of a nightmare? Was the girl insane? Or were there more sinister forces at work? Seems like no one can decide....
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Starring Beulah Binford As ‘The Woman In The Case’
Episode 251 is the story of one of the most sensational murders of its day when the spoiled son of a well-to-do Richmond, Virginia, family commits a ghastly crime. The entire nation is enthralled by the salacious details of the case and photos of his beautiful young paramour, a girl with a bad reputation though still in her teens, graces front pages everywhere.
Culled from the historic pages of the Richmond VA Times Dispatch, the Washington Times and other newspapers of the era.
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The Baldwin Trunk Murder
Episode 187 takes us to Prohibition-era Los Angeles, where a gallivanting doctor gets a snoot full of juice and more than he bargained for. Factor in a devoted teenage son who will do anything to protect his mother and a somewhat bewildered boyfriend to come up with another scandalous tale.
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The Mutilation Of Anna Aumuller
Episode 217 is more than just a murder. It starts out as just your run-of-the mill everyday good-girl-gone-bad headless torso murders, but the finding of the body parts only opens a sweeping international criminal case that gets the Feds involved. This story has a big pile of drama under every headline, including some impressive courtroom theatrics, but is so laced with lies and deceit, that it might've been easier to put Anna's body back together than to get at the entire truth of the matter. Whatever story is true, any one of them will make your blood curdle. Promise.
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The Hodges Massacre And Its Awful Aftermath
Put on your favorite indignation hat, my friend, because episode 253 is going to be one of those. This case was mentioned in the coverage of the Padrick case, Episode 245, Slain For Her Own Salvation, and it piqued my interest and the interest of some listeners, so I looked into it. I hesitated going on. We live in tense times but I decided it’s important to remember how ugly things can get. All of my stories are cautionary tales, and we should never forget the dark past so we won’t go there again.The Hodges family massacre sparked a wave of lynchings and other crimes against African-Americans in Georgia and nearby states.
According to the Tuskegee Institute, between 1882 and 1964, 4,743 people were lynched in the United States, 3,446 of them African-Americans, 73 percent. Georgia racked up 531, 92 percent African-American, more lynchings than any other state except Mississippi, 581.
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The Golden Gate Park Tunnel Tragedy
Episode 185 takes us to the West Coast just after Prohibition, when a 23-year-old woman turns up dead, strangled and violated (as they say) in Golden Gate Park, just after being unceremoniously ejected from a rich man’s hotel apartment after refusing his advances. The man has an alibi. See if you buy it.
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The Atrocities Of Albert Fish
Episode 191 is without a doubt the vilest case you'll ever hear on this program because I don't think I could find a worse one if I tried. There's a lot of evil discussed here: torture, cannibalism, and more. Consider this your trigger warning: I'd turn back if I were you! Or at least put the kids to bed and plug in your ear buds. Keep this between us.
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The Florodora Girl Takes The Stand
Episode 257 combines some of our favorite tropes: the love triangle gone awry, another showgirl and another man about town who wants to eat his cake and take it to Europe, too. There were only two people in that hansom cab when the shot was fired, and the Flora Dora girl said she didn't shoot even though the gun was identified as hers.
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The Stanford Bathtub Murder
Episode 255 examines the sensational events following the discovery of a woman found dead in the bathtub, bludgeoned to death, and all circumstantial evidence pointing to the husband. I’m not so sure. The prosecution theory makes some sense, but I think they failed to prove a crucial element that would have convinced me. Drop me an email or a message on Facebook and tell me if you think the same way, what that missing element might be.
Culled from the historic pages of the Oakland Tribune, the San Francisco Chronicle, and other newspapers of the era.
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The Mahoney Trunk Murder of Seattle
Episode 194 takes place in the Pacific Northwest, when an elderly, wealthy widow marries a man fresh out of Walla Walla Prison, then disappears on their honeymoon two months later. I think we know where this is going, and yeah, it's not gonna end well.
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The Murders Of William Lindstrom, Cameo Soutar, And Maybe One Other Guy
Episode 201 tells the story of a woman's allegedly murderous career in Chicago and Indiana. Three times a murder or otherwise suspicious death took place near Mrs. Cassler, and she even spent some time condemned to the gallows, but fate twisted in her favor every time. She did spend more than two years in jail, but overall, it seems like she got pretty lucky indeed.
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The Scoundrel John Arthur Pender
In episode 259, a woman and her toddler son are brutally murdered in their remote Oregon cabin. Suspicion falls on a neighbor who had been given their mail, found unopened at the crime scene. With intense courtroom testimony and a handful of plot twists, this one will keep you guessing. Did he, or didn’t he?
Culled from the historic pages of the Oregon Daily Journal, the Oregonian, and other newspapers of the era.
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First Lady Of The Electric Chair
Episode 212 tells the story of the first walk of a woman to the electric chair. One cold winter night, a Brooklyn woman apparantly attacks her husband with an axe as he walks through the door, leaving him for dead in the entry way. Besides this gruesome sight, neighbors are about to discover a whole house full of horrors.
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The Trial of Susan B. Anthony Featuring
Featuring Emily Simer Braun as Susan B. Anthony
Episode 173 explores the prosecution of one of the most hideous crimes in American history, trying to sway an election by voting. By a woman! Just kidding. The real crime here is the way the judge handed down the decision. Listen, and tell me if you agree.
Theme Music by Dave Sams and Rachel Schott, engineered by David Hisch at Third Street Music. “Sound Off” by John Philip Sousa, performed by the United States Marine Corps Band
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Betty Martin And Mildred Bolton Take Aim
Episode 178 takes us to Chicago in the 1930s when two women stand trial for very similar crimes, murdering their husbands, the second one inspired by the first. Both women are a little crazy, maybe a lot crazy, but their demeanor during their trials and the very different outcomes makes an interesting study to compare and contrast. One of them is pretty, the other pudgy. Which one do you think gets acquitted?
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