
  • Around the globe, far-left ideas are being imbedded into society and governments are failing as they try to become “woke.” Leftists nevertheless are pushing their agenda, and a growing far-right movement is fighting back.

    You have probably heard of the “uniparty” in America. Is this just a conspiracy theory the far right has tried to convince the nation of? Liberalism is also a major problem in Europe, and we are seeing far-right parties gain popularity. Even Russian President Vladimir Putin is fighting the left by standing up for traditional family values.

    The more extreme the left gets, the more the right rises in defense. Does this mean conservativism will take over? If it does, will it fix our governments?

    This idea is covered extensively in the upcoming November 2024 Trumpet magazine. Watch today’s Trumpet World, as host Richard Palmer and guest Philip Nice discuss this issue.

  • [00:00] Israel Deals With Hezbollah

    After blowing up terrorist leaders with pagers last week, Israel launched an aerial bombardment of Hezbollah’s missile arsenal this week. With much of Hezbollah’s leadership killed, is Israel preparing for a land invasion? If so, it could dramatically reconfigure the Middle East. Meanwhile, France has joined the U.S. to push a ceasefire deal. Is this the start of more European involvement in the region?

    The King of the South
    “Has Israel’s D-Day Arrived?”
    “Britain’s and Judah’s Governments Fall—America Next?”

    [31:22] Russia’s Secret Drone Project in China

    Russia has established a weapons program in China to produce long-range attack drones to use against Ukraine. Russia also boosted its military spending to 40 percent of its budget for next year, and President Vladimir Putin just revised the nation's nuclear doctrine. Meanwhile, 251 Chinese military ships were spotted in the West Philippine Sea, and Xi Jinping is eliminating more of his critics.

    “Why the Trumpet Watches Russia Allying With China”

    [48:00] Violent Crime Increase Under Biden and Harris

    Crime is once again a top concern this election cycle, with voters often listing crime behind the economy, ongoing inflation woes, immigration and foreign policy on their list of worries ahead of voting on November 5. The FBI insists violent crime has fallen 3 percent this year. Is that true, or is there more to the story?

    America Under Attack

  • Episodi mancanti?

    Fai clic qui per aggiornare il feed.

  • [00:00] Has Iran Infiltrated the State Department?

    A series of shocking revelations shows Iran has infiltrated the U.S. State Department. Several senior staff members have ties to Iranian intelligence. Robert Malley, a key official in negotiating the Iranian nuclear deal, has some shady connections with Iranian spies. Why did the Obama and Biden administrations work so hard to empower Iran?
    The King of the South
    America Under Attack

    [37:25] Why Most Don’t Understand Bible Prophecy

    The Bible is full of prophecy, but sometimes it can be hard to understand. Here on Trumpet World, we explain these prophecies to you. But why do so many in the world not understand Bible prophecy? Here’s a vital key you need to understand prophecy. God Is a Family

  • This was an explosive week for news … literally. As Israel strategically targeted Hezbollah operatives, Europe struggled with some its worst flooding in a generation, Russia added more personnel to its military, and Donald Trump survived another assassination attempt.

    [00:24] Hezbollah Gets the Message

    Hundreds of devices from pagers to walkie talkies spontaneously exploded in Lebanon this week, causing massive damage to Hezbollah’s command and morale. Israel infiltrated supply chains years ago; in an effort to capitalize on their plans before they were found out, they acted. The total damage is unknown, and it is likely Hezbollah won’t be honest about the impact. But one thing is sure: This paves the way for a new and terrifying type of warfare.
    “Why We Told You to Watch Lebanon”
    “America’s Achilles’ Heel—and Germany”

    [21:30] Europe Is Drowning and Burning

    Extreme weather is hitting the entire globe, especially Europe. Parts of Europe are underwater, while other parts are burning. Is this the result of climate change, or is there a spiritual reason the weather is out of whack?
    Why ‘Natural’ Disasters?

    [32:00] Russian Military Becomes Second Largest

    Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on September 18 ordering his government to add 180,000 troops to the military. The increase will push Russia past the United States and India into second place for the world’s largest active military force, just behind China. The Bible prophesies that Putin will turn Russia into a military superpower that will join forces with other Asian nations and field the largest army in human history.
    The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia’

    [43:34] Trump Survives ... Again

    While Trump golfed on his Mar-a-lago golf course, a man waited in the bushes with an AK-47 to shoot him. Although not as dramatic as the first attempt on his life, there is something seriously wrong and unprecedented for multiple attempts on Trump’s life to occur. What is the force behind the hatred and, more importantly, the miraculous preservation?
    “Why God Is Protecting Donald Trump”
    Repentance Toward God

  • Does your country need a Putin? People across America, Germany, Britain, France and many other countries sympathize with the Russian dictator. It’s easy to see why. In America, the administration is deliberately dismantling the nation’s power. Who wouldn’t want a leader who stands up for their nation? LGBTQ policies are ripping apart families and mutilating children. But Putin supports family values. Churches are increasingly persecuted in the West—but Putin encourages religion and church attendance.

    [01:00] Putin’s Media Empire

    Western media has failed. Their distorted view of the world has caused many to look for other sources—including Russia’s Western media brands. But can you trust what Russia is saying?

    [19:00] Putin’s Personal Morality

    Vladimir Putin is a man of faith—or at least he works to show himself that way. Is Russia a friend to this world’s Christians?

    [43:40] The Hope Not in Man

    All this news may seem bleak, but there is an incredible hope behind the headlines. It isn’t in Putin, it isn’t any world leader, but it will be available to all mankind.

  • This week, Europe underwent more radical transformation, Russia alluded to an alliance with China, and more details were revealed about America’s shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan.

    [00:21] Europe’s Personality Change

    France finally has a prime minister. But it took the support of the fringe National Rally party to make it happen. That breaks a major taboo in France and could open the door for party leader Marine Le Pen to take even more power in France. Meanwhile, Germany is closing its borders and former European Central Bank head Mario Draghi released a report arguing that the European Union needs “radical change” or it could fall apart. This is leading Europe to a rapid fundamental transformation.

    “Why the Trumpet Watches Europe’s Ongoing Unification Project”
    He Was Right

    [17:18] A Russian-Chinese Union?

    Russian authorities said on Wednesday that Russia could combine with China in the near future if the two nations feel threatened by other powers. Could it really happen? Learn why Herbert W. Armstrong forecast this close alliance decades ago.

    “Why the Trumpet Watches Russia Allying With China”

    [27:33] Investigating America’s Most Shameful Defeat

    A 350-page report into the Afghanistan withdrawal from the House Foreign Affairs Committee sheds more light on a dark aspect of the Biden administration. It gives more evidence that America’s defeat in Afghanistan was intentional, caused by those in the White House.

    “This Is Not Incompetence” from America Under Attack
    October 2021 Philadelphia Trumpet

    [44:01] The Crisis Presidential Candidates Won’t Debate

    Donald Trump and Kamala Harris went head to head this week. But one of America’s most important crises did not figure at all in that discussion.

    “Why the Trumpet Watches America’s Economic Collapse”

  • Strongmen in Russia and Egypt seem to be in trouble. Meanwhile, Elon Musk has grand plans.

    [00:00] What Next for Russia?

    As Ukraine invades Russia, Western media is writing Putin’s epitaph. The trouble is, they’ve written that same epitaph many times before. Is this the end, or will Putin persevere? The Bible gives a sure and specific answer.

    “The Persistent Fantasy of Vladimir Putin’s Demise”
    The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia’

    [13:50] Egypt on the Brink

    A different strongman is in much more serious trouble. The Gaza and Ukraine wars have created a perfect storm for Egypt, while President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi spends like a drunken sailor. Is Egypt facing another revolution? Once again, the Bible gives a specific forecast.

    “Egypt on the Brink”
    The King of the South

    [41:20] Your Incredible Human Potential

    Elon Musk wants to found a city on Mars within the next 20 years. Will mankind ever reach the stars? The Bible gives a surprising answer.

    The Incredible Human Potential

  • While the United States and Isreal are busy dealing with pro-Palestinian and anti-Netanyahu protesters overrunning their streets, extremists are rising in Germany and Russian President Vladimir Putin is befriending neighboring countries.

    [00:00] AfD Dominates Germany’s Regional Elections

    The extremes are back in power in Germany—or two states will have no government at all, after local elections yesterday. The far-right Alternative für Deutschland won first place in Thuringia with 32.8 percent of the vote. The Christian Democratic Union came in second. In third and fourth place were two far-left parties—offshoots of the old East German Communist party. This means that of the top four parties, three are extreme.

    “Nazism Rises Again in Germany”

    [18:00] Death of Hostages Triggers Anti-Netanyahu Protests

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is coming under his heaviest pressure to quit since the October 7 attack last year. Many are calling for him to compromise and pull the Israeli army out of the Philadelphi Corridor to have a ceasefire with Hamas. But Netanyahu refuses to budge. At the same time, Iran is building “Islamic terrorist infrastructure” in the West Bank, according to Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz. They are “flooding refugee camps with funds and weapons smuggled through Jordan, aiming to establish an eastern terror front against Israel,” he wrote on X. “This process also threatens the stability of the Jordanian regime.” Israel Hayom reported yesterday that Israel is reclassifying the West Bank as a combat zone and is preparing to step up operations there.

    The Eternal Has Chosen Jerusalem
    “Who Is Behind the War on Netanyahu”

    [34:30] The Pro-Hamas Movement’s Threat to America

    Anti-Israel students brought chaos to Columbia University on Tuesday morning, returning the campus to its new normal: Dozens of keffiyeh-clad protesters blocked the entrance to the school, praising Hamas, vandalizing a statue, and clashing with police. At least one group involved aims to bring violence to America, while others called on their followers to help shut down the university. This is only the latest in a deluge of examples of the sickness in today’s higher education.

    “The Sickness in American Universities”

    [50:00] Russia and India Building Secret Trade Channel

    This week, leaked documents revealed that Russia and India are trying to build a secret trade channel to evade sanctions. In other news, a Chinese spy infiltrated the highest levels of the New York State government, Putin visited Mongolia despite his ɪᴄᴄ arrest warrant, and he endorsed Kamala Harris for U.S. president because he likes her laugh.

    Russia and China in Prophecy
    “Putin’s Mongolia Visit Shows Collapse of International Law”

  • Around the world, prosperous countries are being flooded with immigrants. Why? On today’s show, we sit down with Trumpet assistant managing editor Philip Nice to discuss the latest print issue.

    [00:00] Why Your Country Is Being Invaded

    This is the second time we’ve had an issue about migration this year. It’s that big of a story. But this issue also contains a critical dimension missing from our earlier coverage—it traces this deliberate migration crisis back to its source.

    [32:17] Prophesy or Become God’s Enemy

    The articles from Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry are the most important in the magazine. In this issue, they show why we must talk about Bible prophecy, what is necessary to end the suffering in this world, and how you can understand the spirit world all around us.

    Subscribe to the Trumpet magazine for free here.

  • Will the violence between Hezbollah and Israel turn into full-scale war? Who was behind last week’s stabbing in Germany? And why is Britain turning to Berlin?

    [00:00] Hezbollah Bombards Israel

    It looked like full-scale war had arrived in northern Israel on Sunday morning. Flights were cancelled as Israeli fighter jets bombed Lebanon and Hezbollah drones attacked Israeli military command centers. Also, we discuss a fight over oil revenues in Libya and the Biden administration’s attempts to demonize Israel by sanctioning settlers.

    The King of the South
    “Why We Told You to Watch Lebanon”
    “Who Is Behind the War on Netanyahu”

    [28:00] Stabbing Spree at a Diversity Festival

    A Syrian migrant murdered three people and injured eight more at a diversity festival in Solingen, Germany. Migrant attacks are transforming Germany. Meanwhile, France arrested the founder of the Telegram messaging app, and British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer wants a new trade and military alliance with Germany.

    A Strong German Leader Is Imminent
    “The EU’s War on Free Speech”
    “Europe and America: They’ve Lost That Loving Feeling”

    [44:20] Is Belarus Preparing to Invade Ukraine?

    Once again, Belarusian troops are massing on Ukraine’s borders. Could we see a new phase in the war? Meanwhile, North Korea continues to support Russia, and China is being increasingly aggressive.

    The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia’

    [53:00] America Surrenders the Seas

    China’s navy is growing much faster than America’s. The U.S. no longer has any ships in the Pacific. Control of the sea, and therefore global trade and wealth, is shifting to China.

    China’s Dangerous Move Against America
    The United States and Britain in Prophecy

  • Roughly 200,000 people have died in a land war in Europe. We live in historic times, and your world is changing around you. Today’s Trumpet World explores the ways in which Europe is transforming because of Russian aggression.

    [00:06:00] 1. Massive increase in German military spending
    [00:14:00] 2. Focus on nuclear war
    [00:23:00] 3. Stronger focus on the European arms industry
    [00:28:45] 4. Germany reorganizes its military
    [00:40:15] 5. Military cooperation with other European countries
    [00:45:20] 6. Germany moving east
    [00:48:15] 7. Germany testing weapons in Ukraine
    [00:56:40] 8. The Ukraine War has exposed Europe’s leadership void
    [01:03:22] 9. The change in the German view toward military
    [01:08:00] 10. Reintroduction of conscription

  • On this week’s episode, we discuss the agenda of the Democratic National Convention, how Germany is filling a void in Europe and updates on the wars in Gaza and Ukraine.

    [00:35] DNC and the Divider in Chief

    The left’s radical agenda was on clear display at the Democratic National Convention this week. Former President Barack Obama encouraged supporters to “fight” for that agenda. The dnc should have been a wake-up call to the whole world of a danger that will soon affect them.

    America Under Attack

    [29:50] America Declines, Germany Rises

    Migration, debt and the vacuum of world leadership is causing Europe, especially Germany, to rise. Host Richard Palmer breaks down some alarming developments within Europe and how when strong nations decline, it opens the door for others to take their place.

    “Why the Trumpet Watches Europe’s Push Toward a Unified Military”

    [37:20] Fatah Joins the Fight?

    Israel took out a prominent Fatah official … in Lebanon. What was he doing there and what does this mean for the West Bank? Mihailo Zekic discusses how the war in Gaza is developing and how the American election may even factor in.

    [54:20] “It Was an Accident”

    Jeremiah Jacques provides an update on the Russia-Ukraine War, and the mystery behind a Baltic Sea pipeline is solved. China did it. It says it was an accident, but does anyone believe them? Also, China continues its aggression with the Philippines, despite international law.

    “China Is Steering the World Toward War”

  • Democracy and government are key themes in the latest Trumpet print issue. Join Trumpet writers as they talk about their articles on the problems with man’s government—and the solutions.

    [00:00] Democracy Is Failing

    The West has almost universally accepted democracy as the best form of government. Yet around the world voters are forced to choose between candidates no one likes, results that don’t reflect who they voted for, and policies that don’t work. Is there a fundamental reason for democracy’s shortcomings?

    [23:55] El Salvador’s Problems Solved

    El Salvador was almost entirely overrun by gangs. It was the murder capital of the world, with thousands fleeing the country. How did one man turn this around?

    [41:22] Why Government Matters

    Are questions about government important for Christians to get into? Learn how today’s discussion gets right to the heart of the gospel message.

    Mystery of the Ages
    God’s Family Government
    The Wonderful World Tomorrow—What It Will Be Like

  • Elon Musk’s fight with the European Union, Ukraine’s invasion of Russia, the truth about the Nord Stream pipeline and other top news from around the world is featured on our weekly roundup of news events.

    [00:35] Who Do EU Think You Are?

    Elon Musk interviewed President Donald Trump this weekend. The left in America and officials in Europe were livid. Their attempts to shut down discussion expose a lot about their world view.

    “The EU’s War on Free Speech”
    America Under Attack
    “America’s Supreme Court Has Fulfilled Bible Prophecy”

    [16:00] Ukraine Invades Russia

    Ukraine continues to conquer an impressive amount of Russian territory. How will Russian President Vladimir Putin respond? Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal claims Ukraine sabotaged the Nord Stream ii pipeline. If that is true, how will Germany respond?

    The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia’
    “Germany’s Secret Deal With Russia Exposed”

    [32:00] Iran Builds Nuclear Triggers

    Iran continues to move toward a nuclear bomb. Will it succeed in starting nuclear World War iii?

    The King of the South

    [38:] A Tale of Two Deficits

    Once again, Germany’s coalition is on the brink of collapse—this time over a relatively small amount of money. Will their government fall? And is there any benefit to their obsessive attention to their deficit?

    A Strong German Leader Is Imminent
    “Why the Trumpet Watches America’s Economic Collapse”

  • Israel lies at the center of world news. Why? Today's show is your essential guide to the spiritual reality behind news from Israel.

    [00:30] Barack Obama vs. Benjamin Netanyahu
    Benjamin Netanyahu is one of the most maligned and attacked leaders on Earth. Yet perhaps more than any other living world leader, he has sounded a powerful warning about the dangers of modern Iran and beyond. Barack Obama and America's radical left have led the attack against him. What makes him such a target?
    August 2024 Philadelphia Trumpet
    America Under Attack

    [36:48] Why Is Jerusalem So Persecuted?
    This week was Tisha B'Av, the anniversary of the destruction of Jerusalem's temple. Many tragedies have hit the Jews and the Holy City on this day. Why does a loving God allow this kind of suffering? The answer reveals what God thinks of the evil in the world today--and the wonderful hope-filled solution.
    "An October 7 9th of Av"

    [53:03] Why Watch Jerusalem?
    We often emphasize the importance of watching Jerusalem. But why? Does it have a special role in God's plan? What is the future of this city? The answers to these questions reveal the real meaning of the Bible and the greatest vision of hope you could ever hear.
    "Why You Must Watch Jerusalem"

  • Ukrainian troops are now on Russian soil, America’s sky high debt is quickly painting the global economy into a corner, and the Islamic state plots an attack on Taylor Swift—on today’s Trumpet World program.

    [00:01:00] Ukraine Invades Russia

    Ukraine now controls 130 square miles of Russian territory, including a major energy hub controlling 50 percent of Russia’s gas exports to the European Union. Does this mean Russia is losing?

    Additional reading: The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia’

    [00:15:00] The Stock Market Shakes

    The stock market in Japan took one of its biggest downturns in decades this week; America’s soon followed, falling more than 1,000 points. Stocks have calmed down since then, but the jitters point to fundamental problems in the United States economy.

    Additional reading: “America’s Banking Crisis Will Unite Europe”

    [00:29:30] Hurricane Debbie Hits Florida

    At least six people are dead after Hurricane Debbie swept through Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina this week.

    Additional reading: Why ‘Natural’ Disasters?

    [00:32:15] Taylor Swift Concerts Threatened by Islamist Terrorists

    Nearly 200,000 fans expecting to attend three Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna, Austria, this week were greatly disappointed when Swift’s organizers had to cancel her shows after a threat from Islamist terrorists. Europe doesn’t take Islamic extremism lightly.

    Additional reading: “As You Watch Gaza—Watch Germany”

    [00:36:55] Middle East Update

    New information was released about the assassination of Hezbollah’s Fuad Shukr. Israel’s intelligence agencies planted the bomb in his guest house almost two months ago. After the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas raised October 7 mastermind Yayha Sinwar to the helm of the group. Now the world is wondering who will launch the first retaliatory strike.

    Additional reading: The King of the South

  • British cities are rioting. Protesters have looted shops, slashed tires and even burned a hotel. Why? The government says it is far-right thugs, but is that the whole story?

    Britain is not the only country with migrant controversies. Canada has imported huge numbers of migrants—despite having no conflicts on its borders. Migration has shaped German politics perhaps more than any other issue over the last year. We explore the meaning behind these events on today’s Trumpet World.

    [00:00:00] Why British Cities Are Burning
    What are the real issues that have prompted violence in British cities? Who else is taking to the streets? And where will the government’s response lead?

    [00:20:00] Canada’s Homemade Migration Crisis
    Why is Canada importing half a million migrants a year—and can they be integrated?

    [00:30:00] How Migration Shapes Germany
    “We can do this,” said German Chancellor Angela Merkel. But can they? How has Germany coped with a million Syrian migrants—and why is it on a different path to Britain?

    [00:49:00] The Real Cause and Solution to Britain’s Problems
    The book of Hosea is written specifically for modern Britain. It reveals the cause of these crises, why Germany is on a different path, and how it will be solved.

    Further Reading
    The United States and Britain in Prophecy
    Hosea—Reaping the Whirlwind.

  • [00:50] Assassinations in the Middle East
    Israel took out one of Hezbollah’s top military commanders, a man who had a $5 million bounty on his head from the United States. A multi-billionaire Hamas leader was also assassinated in his hotel room when attending the inauguration of Iran's new president, Masoud Pezeshkian. Was Israel behind both deaths? What does this mean for Israel and the Middle East moving forward? Trumpet writer Mihailo Zekic explains.
    Jerusalem in Prophecy

    [16:20] Venezuela’s Election Steal
    The panel discusses Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro's claim to a 51 percent victory in Venezuela’s election over the weekend. His own people don’t even believe him, but this is common in socialist and Communist nations. It is drawing attention from around the world, however, because it will affect America's southern border and could involve some of its enemies.
    April 2024 Trumpet Magazine
    “Preparing to Storm America’s Castle”

    [45:00] Russia Training Troops to Use Nuclear Technology
    Jeremiah Jacques explains how Russia’s defense ministry is training soldiers to use nuclear warheads. This is sparking fear in Europe.
    “The Crimean Crisis Is Reshaping Europe!”

    Also mentioned on the show: The United States and Britain in Prophecy.

  • In the debut episode of Trumpet World, we take a look at the country the whole world is focused on right now: France. The Olympic Games have drawn attention from billions of people. But that spotlight has shown turmoil, division and decay. Trains were sabotaged. The opening ceremony provoked outrage. The reaction to the Israeli athletes was ugly. Where does France go from here?

    France Under the Olympic Lights
    Trumpet writers Josué Michels and Abraham Blondeau discuss what the Olympics says about France, what previous games have revealed about Europe, and what the reaction to these games will be.

    France in Prophecy
    Is France mentioned in the Bible? If so, where? What is next for France, Europe and the world?

    In Pursuit of Excellence
    The Olympic Games have inspired millions around the world to push themselves in sports. A similar set of games inspired the Apostle Paul to pass on critical lessons from ancient athletes. Trumpet contributing editor Jeremiah Jacques explores what you can learn from the runners, jumpers and cyclists of the Olympics.