THE SECRET to making potty learning an enjoyable experience for both you and your child.
All children go through potty learning and it’s something every single parent has to face at some point.
It can sometimes be a struggle and cause a lot of stress but the secret is it doesn’t have to be that way! It can be a wonderful journey that you and your child share (with a few clean ups here and there )
In this interview I speak with Neus Carmona , who has helped hundreds of parents love potty learning as much as she does!
We approach this topic from a child centred, Montessori point of view, focusing on the child and following their pace rather than forcing them to adhere to rules and schedules imposed by us.
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Discipline doesn't have to be a conflict! You want your child to listen, you want your child to be caring and kind to others, you want your child to look after their belongings, you want them to be a good human...AND you also want to be a gentle & respectful parent.
You might hear people criticising gentle discipline, you might feel like you're being judged if you're not giving your child any punishments or consequences, you might worry that they will never learn the things you want them to...
Explore with me what gentle discipline is all about in this episode. I promise by the end of it, you will feel SO much more confident about using gentle discipline and empowered to reflect any judgemental comments, because YOU are building a secure relationship with your child.
Let's continue this conversation, come join our free private facebook community:
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Episodi mancanti?
When talking about respectful parenting/ mindful parenting/ gentle parenting, we look at the whole child, we encourage parents to look at the big picture, beyond the moment, beyond the behaviour in that moment. I feel like we cannot talk about a holistic approach to parenting without having some understanding of how our children’s brain works.
In this episode I speak with Blanca Velasquez-Martin about brain development of young children, why it’s relevant to us as parents and what we can do to help this important part of our children’s bodies grow and develop. Knowing how our children’s brain is shaped through experiences, how it works and what it’s capable of while it is still developing can really help us gain a much clearer picture of our child’s behaviours, some of the reasons for them and begin to normalise certain things that children do. When we understand them better, we can have more empathy towards them, we can make more informed choices and decisions, and ultimately we can really nurture their development in a way that creates a more peaceful relationships within your home.
You can sign up for my 1 to 1 parent mentoring programme: The Confident Parent where I will help you go from survival mode to pure parenting joy. If you want to
Feel more connected to yourself and your children;
Feel calmer about your children’s big emotions;
Feel empowered in the parenting choices you make;
get in touch and we can work together to uncover the amazing parent you are and help you regain your confidence in knowing you are the best parent for your child.https://www.trustingchildren.com/mentoring/
Show notes and transcript are available here.
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Floods of tears over the green cup, the broken in half banana or the milk that was supposed to be warm not cold and now it’s too warm. Our children can sometimes have the biggest emotions over the smallest things. If you are wondering how as a parent you can respond to these emotional outbursts, often called meltdowns or tantrums, then this episode is for you.
There is quite a lot of conflicting advice: ignore the child, don’t give into their desires, stay strong or they’ll have you wrapped around their little finger. On the other we are told to stay calm and help our little ones get through these emotions, but it’s not an easy thing to do! When emotions are involved, our own ones often start playing a big role in any interaction we end up having with our child and that can often add to the turmoil. In this episode I am going to explore why our children have these intense emotions, what is the best thing you as a parent can do during a meltdown and why it is important to respond empathically. Like I said, it’s not always easy, so alongside the why I will also give you the HOW. By the end of this episode, you will understand the reasons behind our children’s emotional outbursts, how you can respectfully respond to them and overall how as a parent you can stay calm when your children are not.
You can sign up for my 1 to 1 parent mentoring programme: The Confident Parent where I will help you go from survival mode to pure parenting joy. If you want to
Feel more connected to yourself and your children;
Feel calmer about your children’s big emotions;
Feel empowered in the parenting choices you make;
get in touch and we can work together to uncover the amazing parent you are and help you regain your confidence in knowing you are the best parent for your child.https://www.trustingchildren.com/mentoring/
Show notes and transcript are available here.
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As parents we often put unimaginable pressure on ourselves. We feel like we have to do it all and then when we can't we feel like we are failing. We get so caught up in looking after our children and often forget that we also need to look after ourselves. In this episode I speak to Nathalie Alvarado about re-connecting with our inner wisdom and really tuning into our own emotions and thoughts so that we can be fully aware when responding to our children.
If you want to know how to start this journey of inner-work in order to feel more connected and compassionate towards yourself then this episode is for you. Nathalie analyses the reasons we feel so much pressure as parents, and how to stop comparing ourselves to others and start focusing on our own strengths. She shares some ideas and tips on how to do this and also why it's so important that we model these healthy beliefs and patterns to our children. Nathalie also shares her secret to help parents get to a place where you feel confident about the parent you are.
Show notes and transcript are available here.
Find me on Instagram and Facebook and say hello :) @trustingchildrenSupport the Show.
We all want our children to be polite, generous and kind. We want to teach them how to share their possessions with others and we want them to act genuinely. When our child doesn’t want to give up an object we worry that they might be seen as being mean, greedy, nasty or selfish. In this episode I am going to explore what it really means to share, why there is so much pressure on sharing and how to deal with arguments over toys in social situations. When we are in a playground and our child is holding onto a toy for dear life with clearly no intention of giving it up while another child is hovering and wants to play with that toy we start to feel a bit uncomfortable. If you have ever felt this pressure to make your child “share” but not been entirely sure how to deal with a situation like this, then this episode is for you.
I talk about what sharing actually is and why it’s so hard for young children to do it, the developmental reasons for that; why we as parents or adults care so much about sharing and what it looks like in our adult world; the effects of adults forcing children to share and what we should do instead. And finally I will give you examples of how we can deal with these instances in social situations, like in a playground.
Show notes and transcript are available here.
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Montessori has become very popular amongst parents in the last few years. But what is it that has attracted so many of us to this philosophy? What are some of the most important, fundamental principles of this approach and how can they relate to parenting? What are some of the most common misunderstandings and myths about the method? What can we as parents do to implement some aspects of this philosophy into our homes? In today’s episode I am speaking to Carine Robin, who is going to answer these questions for us.
If you want to find out more about the Montessori approach or are thinking of implementing some aspects of it in your home, this episode is for you. Carine tells us which of the core principles we should focus on as parents. She calms our worries and fears by de-bunking some myths about Montessori and reassures us that we don't need to worry about any of the resources or 'shelfies.' You can totally be a Montessori parent or a Montessori family without buying loads of materials. It's all about your attitude, your approach and your respect towards your child.
Show notes and transcript are available here.
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Setting boundaries is an incredibly hard thing, it can often cause parents quite a bit of stress. Is this limit appropriate? Am I too harsh? Am I too lenient? Should I give in? They seem so upset, is it worth it? These are just some of the questions that come to mind. If you struggle with knowing how to respectfully set and hold a boundary then this episode is for you. We want our children to listen to what we are saying, at the same time we worry they won’t like us if we’re too strict. Sometimes we feel like we’re ‘giving in’ to our child’s whims and other times we end up in a power struggle that we’re entirely not sure why we’re even in.
We want our children to be safe, learn how to care for themselves and their environment. We want them to be free to make choices and decisions but we also need them to do as we ask at times. In this episode I am going to talk about why we should set limits with our children, how to do this in a respectful way, why children test them and how we can respond to this testing. By the end of the episode you will have a much clearer idea on why, when and how to set boundaries and feel more confident in doing so.
Show notes and transcript are available here.
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Join Aisha, Ana-Kay and Amorette for an inspiring, heart-warming and friendly conversation about raising twins in a respectful / Montessori way.
How do we respond to two children having intense emotions at the same time? How do we model something to two toddlers at the same time? Do we have double the amount of resources? What are our twins’ personalities like, how special is the bond between them? These are just some of the questions we answer.
Whether you are a parent to multiples or not, this episode is full of great advice, useful information and inspiring messages.
Make yourself a cup of tea, get comfy and tune in.
Show notes and transcript are available here.
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What actually is a Montessori resource? What the heck are open ended toys or loose parts? What does RIE recommend for babies? What is a passive toy? We are bombarded with adverts and beautiful images of all the resources that our children should have and often it’s really difficult to know what are the best toys to get for our little ones and what is really necessary. If you find your head is spinning from all the options and possibilities and you want to have a better idea about which resources are truly valuable, this episode is for you. I look at a what constitutes a valuable, quality toy, how to sift through the BS and what to actually look for when deciding what to get for our little ones. You will have a much better idea on what qualities to look for when choosing resources for your child.
In the Everyday Heroes segment I speak to Anna, a mum of 2 young children. Anna talks about how it took her a while to fully embrace her role as a mother and how over time she was able to re-evaluate her priorities, realise that trying to do it all was impossible and a cause of stress to her and how she came to accept her new, maternal identity. Real and raw stories from parents.
Show notes and transcript are available here.
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Do you sometimes feel uncertain about how to respond when your children hurt themselves? Sometimes it can be quite stressful for parents, and other times we don’t really think it’s that big of a deal. If you’re wondering what the best way to respond when our kids inevitably hurt themselves this episode is for you. I will talk about why I think certain responses aren't helpful and what to say and do instead. By the end of this episode you’ll hopefully have a slightly calmer approach towards minor injuries and also start building a collection of phrases you can use when your little one comes up to you with an owie.
In the Everyday Heroes segment I speak to Hannah, a mum of 2year old twins. Hannah shares how difficult it was to be thrown into the depths of motherhood with two very different children at the same time, but also how wonderful it has been watching them grow and develop into such amazing individuals. Real and raw stories from parents.
Show notes and transcript are available here.
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Do you sometimes feel confused about whether to help your child with a task or step back? Sometimes our children want us to do things for them and other times when we offer our help they get mad at us for even suggesting it! If you are wondering what is the best way to support our children through frustrations and struggles and when to step in or step back this episode is for you. I talk about why it's important to allow our children to sometimes make mistakes, learn from frustrations and also experience joy and success. I will give you some examples of when to step back and how to offer minimal help when it's required.
In the Everyday Heroes segment, I speak to Lucie, a mum of 2 children aged 5.5 and 3.5. Lucie talks to us about how she discovered positive parenting and also gives tips on ways of finding balance in our lives, which is especially challenging since the pandemic. Real and raw stories from parents.
Show notes and transcript are available here.
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Are you worried you aren't spending enough quality time with your children? Do you feel like it's another thing to add to your long list of things to do? What does quality time actually mean and why is it so important? If you’re looking for some easy and meaningful ways of connecting with your kids then this episode is for you. I will talk about the different ways we can spend quality time with our children and how to build it into our busy lives. I will give you a few ideas on how to do this so you can find a rhythm and way that suits your family.
In the Everyday Heroes segment, I speak to Monika, a mum of 2 girls aged 6 and 2. Monika talks about her experience of parental burnout and the changes she made in her life to find balance. Real and raw stories from parents.
Show notes and transcript are available here.
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Do your child's intense emotions make you feel uncomfortable, do you find it difficult to know how to respond or what to do during emotional outbursts ? In this episode we will look at how acknowledging our children's challenging emotions can help them process what they are feeling and how important it is to allow them to feel what they need to feel. I will give you plenty of examples on how you can do this and guide you through why we should.
In the Everyday Heroes segment, I speak to Lindsey a first time mum of a 5 month old boy. Lindsey talks about how it felt to become a new mum and how she survived the 4th trimester. Real and raw stories from parents.
Show notes and transcript are available here.
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If you’re not sure what to say to your baby or how to prepare your toddler for transitions, this episode is for you. It’s all about communication and specifically telling our children what is going on. I talk about how you can build this into your routine and make this a lifelong habit that can save you from many moments of frustration. I will give you plenty of examples of how to do this with your newborn, older baby, toddler and preschooler.
Show notes and transcript for this episode are available here.
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Are you unsure about how to observe your child and why you should do it? In this episode I de-mystify observations and I promise that by the end of it the idea of observing your children won't seem scary or strange to you at all. I talk about why observing our children is so important and how it can benefit us parents. I tell you how you can easily start and give you plenty of examples how to do this with children of different ages.
Show notes and transcript for this episode can be found here.
You can find me on Instagram and Facebook, come and say hello :]Support the Show.
This episode is a short introduction to me, Aisha and Trusting Children Podcast. I talk about why I started this podcast and how I hope it will help you on your parenting journey. I talk about how respectful parenting changed my life, what it did for me and what it can do for you.
Want to know more about me, head over to my website.
You can find the show notes and transcript to this episode here.
You can find me on Instagram and Facebook, come and say hello :]Support the Show.