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    In this episode, we talk about how objects can hold energy, how other peoples energy can tether to us, and how to clear it.

    We chat about:

    How objects around you can affect your mood, creativity, and decision-making.Personal stories where things just “clicked” after interacting with certain items.The science behind why objects hold energy.Practical ways to clear or charge the energy of objects you use daily.How this awareness can boost your business, whether it’s your desk setup or the things you wear.

    You don’t need to be super spiritual to get something out of this. Just start noticing how the objects in your space make you feel and see what shifts.

    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com

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    Struggling with perfectionism? Us too. It's not just you!

    In this episode, we’re diving into how perfectionism shows up in our lives and businesses. It's sneaky and can hold you back from moving forward. We chat about our journey with perfectionism and how it’s been a constant challenge in business. We cover the fear of not being good enough, the need to have everything just right, and why it’s all an illusion.

    I’ll share some tips on how to release the pressure of perfection and embrace the messy, imperfect journey of life and business. You’ll learn how to trust your intuition, find joy in progress over perfection, and reconnect with the bigger picture – because perfectionism is just another way to block the flow of the universe.

    In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

    What perfectionism really is and why it’s so common in businessHow to let go of the need to be perfectWhy trusting your gut and intuition is the key to moving forwardSimple practices to stop getting stuck in overthinking and procrastinationHow to embrace the magic of being human – flaws and all

    Here is the sabotages assesment: https://www.positiveintelligence.com/saboteurs/

    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com

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    The episode includes a real-life story of a recent robbery and how it stirred up past traumas for Ané. Stacey and Ané discuss the importance of not suppressing emotions, the impact of past experiences on the present, and how to healthily move through these intense feelings.

    In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

    What emotional triggers are and how to recognize themThe importance of self-compassion and holding space for your emotionsPractical strategies to ground yourself when you’re feeling overwhelmedHow to harness the power of your body’s wisdom to process emotionsWays to trust the universe, even when things seem out of control

    What You'll Hear:

    How external triggers can bring up old emotions.Ané’s personal story about dealing with a recent robbery.The concept of a “Tower Moment” in Tarot and how it applies to life’s chaos.How past experiences, even from childhood, can affect us today.Different ways to process and move through difficult emotions.The importance of not numbing yourself and facing emotions head-on.How unprocessed emotions can lead to perfectionism, procrastination, or even numbing out.

    Key Takeaways:

    Emotions as Energy: Learn why it's crucial to keep emotions moving, whether through crying, meditating, or physical movement.Facing the Chaos: Understanding that after chaos often comes order and how to navigate that messy middle.Healthy Expression: Discover why it's important not to suppress anger and instead find healthy outlets for it.Real-Life Applications: How processing emotions can prevent them from derailing your life and business.

    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com

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    If you’ve ever felt torn between following your intuition and making logical business decisions, this one's for you.

    We chat about how trusting your gut can lead to unexpected opportunities, and why sometimes the universe really does have your back—even when things seem to be going off track. You'll hear real stories about how taking a leap of faith can pay off in ways you’d never imagine.

    We also talk about the importance of getting out of your own way and letting the flow take over. It’s about learning to trust, even when it feels like everything’s up in the air. Plus, there's a bit about balancing the woo-woo with the practical, and how to make it work in your everyday hustle.

    Tune in, and let’s get real about how to mix business with a bit of magic.

    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com

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    From psychedelic experiences to increasing your prices, how do you expand in a way that feels safe for your nervous system?

    We often want the quick fix, we want problems to be solved quickly and we want that miracle pill.

    People want to jump into the deep end without really understanding the preparatory and integrative work that is needed to truly benefit from such an experience.

    And similarly, in our personal and professional lives, we need to allow ourselves the space to expand gradually. It's about building that foundation step by step, and honoring the process of growth. When we force ourselves to leap too far, too quickly, it often leads to overwhelm and burnout, which is counterproductive to our goals.

    So, whether it's pricing our services, taking on new clients, or even expanding our personal boundaries, it's important to respect where we are in our journey. Take those incremental steps, and trust that with each step, our capacity to handle more will naturally increase.

    Meeting your edge is so personal and unique. It's about understanding your own limits and then gently pushing them, not leaping into something that feels completely out of reach. By doing this, we honour our own pace and create sustainable growth that aligns with our true selves.

    Join the Chill Out Audit Session Friday the 16 @ 4:30pm AEST

    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com

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    Us human folk often crave comfort.

    You know the ice cream and comfy couch while we watch our favourite movie. There’s nothing wrong with that don’t get us wrong, only if we’re doing it to avoid doing the things that are on our priority list

    But the problem is that we don't allow ourselves to feel uncomfortable emotions in a healthy way. Instead, we let them fester, and they manifest in unproductive or destructive behaviours.

    This is why authenticity and vulnerability in business are so crucial. When we're not honest about our capabilities, we create unrealistic expectations for ourselves and our clients. This dishonesty not only puts unnecessary pressure on us but also undermines trust.

    It may feel vulnerable to admit our limitations, but it sets a realistic foundation for the relationship. It also provides an opportunity for growth—learning new skills intentionally rather than out of fear of being exposed as inadequate.

    By embracing vulnerability, we foster genuine connections. When we hide behind facades, we prevent true understanding and collaboration.

    In the digital age, where social media often pressures us to present a perfect image, it's important to remember that showing our human side can be powerful. It filters out those who don't resonate with us and strengthens our connection with those who do.

    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com

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    The Evolution of Self, Judgment, and Cringe

    Welcome back to "Trusting the Universe and Sh*t"! In this episode, we're diving into the evolution of self, the nature of judgment, and how to embrace those cringey moments from our past.

    Episode Highlights:

    The Evolution of Self: Reflecting on our growth over time and the personal transformations we've experienced.Judgment Detox: Exploring why we judge, and how this judgment affects our self-perception.Embracing Cringe: Acknowledging and celebrating the cringey moments from our past as markers of our progress.Imperfect Action: The importance of overcoming paralysis by analysis and taking the first step, even if it’s imperfect.Overwhelmed?: Breaking down overwhelming tasks into manageable steps to make progress more attainable.Reflecting on Growth: Looking back on our journey with kindness and recognizing how far we’ve come.Self-Forgiveness: Practicing self-forgiveness and being kind to ourselves as we continue to grow and evolve.Giving Less Fucks: Is your bucket of fucks too big? We talk about how you can give away some of those fucks.

    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com

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    What's the essence of having an authentic business?

    We discuss personal branding, and emotional fulfillment in business.

    We talk about avoiding the trap of blindly following blueprints and templates other business owners set out for you and how this all comes back to imposter syndrome - because when you feel like an imposter you don't trust yourself and you don't trust your own expertise leading you to feel like you need to follow someone elses strategy.

    We want to emphasize the importance of creating unique offerings that align with your personal values and life circumstances rather than mimicking others. Copying is never a good strategy.

    We advocate for intuitive decision-making and staying true to yourself while contributing to the collective.

    Our conversation underscores the significance of balance, authenticity, and mindfulness in achieving sustainable business growth and personal fulfillment.

    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com

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    How did your teenage years shape how you exist now in the world? And what can we learn (or un-learn) from her? She has wisdom tucked away that we're keen to utilize.

    We discuss the authenticity, rebelliousness and unbridled freedom we felt during that time, unburdened by the expectations and pressures of adulthood.

    Our inner teen years were more carefree, unapologetically diving into experiences without overanalyzing or fearing consequences—a big contrast to the more cautious approach we sometimes get stuck with into adulthood.

    We recognize the patterns and behaviours from our teenage years that still influence us today, both positively and negatively. This reflection inspires a deeper understanding of how our past experiences can inform our present choices.

    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com

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    In this very special episode we talk to Emma Zia, COO of a multi-million dollar company and a powerhouse in the digital marketing world.

    We discuss bringing the Metaphysical to the Masses and why it's important - (the metaphysical incase you weren't sure what it is, takes us into realms beyond our 3D plane)

    We discuss knowing the difference between fear, ego, and intuition - and how to tap into your authentic self.

    We talk about Circumstantial vs. Personal Power, what's the difference? and can you get by with one and not the other?

    We cover so much in this episode! But here's a snippet of a few more talking points:

    Intuition vs. Gut Instinct: How to distinguish between intuitive knowing and primal gut reactions.How to build the relationship with your intuitionNavigating Fear and Thought: Recognizing when fear is based on recycled thoughts rather than intuitive knowing.

    Emma Zia is the COO of a multi-million dollar company, a mindset and motivational speaker, an educator in building a success mindset and creator of Authentic Success Habits™. For 7 years, she worked closely with entrepreneurs, executives and leaders using Energy Psychology and mindset practices to breakthrough subconscious blocks to success. Now, Emma shares her teachings through guest speaking, events and online content. She is dedicated to leading a movement where people prioritise genuine fulfilment as the ultimate goal in their life, so they can create success that FEELS good, IS good and DOES GOOD for humanity.

    You can find her on Instagram:
    or on her website: emmazia.com

    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com

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    In this episode, we explore the transformative power of life transitions, focusing on the journey from thriving in familiar routines to embracing change. Our discussion begins with an analysis of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs, including the often-overlooked mental toll of navigating both business travel and significant career shifts. We dive into the importance of grounding practices and self-care in managing stress, and the role of introspection in discovering new passions and evolving professionally.

    We also highlight the impact of privilege in the business world and the process of letting go to find clarity and personal growth. This episode is a deep dive into the balance between fantasy and reality, the necessity of support systems, and the practical steps needed to navigate change effectively. Whether you're facing a career transition or looking to rejuvenate your business approach, this discussion offers valuable insights and advice for your journey.

    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com

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    In this episode, we dive deep into the intersection of business, spirituality, and personal health with our guest Dr Divya Dwarak. She share's her journey of overcoming chronic health issues and finding solace in human design, astrology, and nervous system work. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:


    The eye-opening moment when traditional medical answers weren’t enough, leading to the exploration of alternative systems.The importance of understanding your unique design and planetary influences on your health.The transformative power of community and collective healing.Practical tips for recognizing and managing stress based on your human design and astrological chart.

    Questions Answered:

    What is medical astrology and how is it used?How can human design help in understanding and managing stress?What are the benefits of combining different healing modalities?

    Key Points:

    Adverse Childhood Experiences and Health:Discussion on how 20% of adverse childhood experiences contribute to chronic health issues.The impact of accumulated stress on the nervous system.Discovery and Study:How the guest found human design, astrology, and nervous system work as tools for healing.Emphasis on the importance of community and support in the healing journey.Medical Astrology:Explanation of medical astrology and its historical significance.How medical astrology helps understand physical and emotional health.Human Design:Introduction to human design and its relevance to understanding one’s energy.Explanation of different energy types: Generators, Manifesting Generators, Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors.Insights on how human design helps manage stress and improve life satisfaction.Nervous System Work:The role of the nervous system in integrating knowledge and healing.Techniques for reducing stress and achieving coherence in the mind, body, and soul.Integration of Systems:The importance of combining medical astrology, human design, and nervous system work for holistic health.Personalized approaches to health and well-being using these systems.Practical Applications:How to apply these concepts to daily life for better health and productivity.Examples of how different energy types can manage their unique challenges.

    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com

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    In this episode, we dive deep into the cosmic dance between business and spirituality.

    We explore the Law of Least Effort and it's profound implications for your business journey. Discover how embracing convenience can turbocharge your growth, why making buying easier is the key to customer satisfaction and how to shift your business mindset to prioritize convenience for your customers.

    We discuss the concept of cognitive ease and it's role in simplifying business processes, as well as strategies for streamlining operations to optimize the customer experience.

    Join us as we navigate the ever-changing landscape of customer preferences and learn to trust the universe to guide us towards business success.

    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com

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    In this episode of "Trusting the Universe and Sh*t," we delve into the theme of trusting the natural seasons of life and business.

    We discuss the ebb and flow of different seasons, from hustle mode to moments of softness and reflection. Exploring the intersection of spirituality and business, they share personal experiences of navigating these transitions and offer insights into honoring one's current season while trusting in the process.

    Touching on topics like finding balance, embracing change, and resisting the urge to compare yourself to others, we provide valuable reflections and practical tips for you to apply in your own lives. Whether you're in a season of hustle or flow, this episode encourages embracing the journey and trusting in the universe.

    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com

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    In this episode, we dive deep into the power of gratitude and appreciation, exploring how these practices can elevate our lives and align us with abundance. We share personal stories and insights into remaining in a higher frequency even when everything feels hard.

    Gratitude isn't just a trendy topic, but a powerful tool for manifestation and overall well-being. By shifting our focus to the things we often take for granted, we can tap into a deeper sense of appreciation for life's simplest pleasures.

    We share practical tips for cultivating gratitude, including daily practices like priming and mirror mornings, and reflect on how technology has made us more disconnected from the magic of everyday miracles.

    Join us as we uncover the beauty in life's ordinary moments and discover how gratitude can transform our perception and experience of reality.

    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com

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    Are you helping too much? Is the people pleaser force in you too strong? Sometimes, this can be detrimental to your clients in the long run.

    Asserting boundaries, learning when NOT to help, and really sticking to your project scope are all part of the put-on-your-big-girl pants part of business.

    Also here's the link to Braden Drake's contract course, it's USD$30.

    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com

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    Feeling spiritually hungover? Navigating the void after moments of growth, whether it's launching a new project or attending a transformative retreat.

    Honour where you are at, offer compassion to yourself, and allowing for integration periods after significant events. We discuss the energetic outputs involved in business, like launches and evergreen strategies, and the value of learning from both successes and perceived failures.

    We talk about managing expectations, finding grace in imperfection, and embracing the cyclical nature of growth. From the challenges of perfectionism to the power of pivoting, this conversation offers practical wisdom and encouragement for navigating the intersection of business and spirituality.

    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com

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    Welcome back to another episode of "Trusting the Universe and Sh*t"! In today's episode, Taylah shares her transformative journey after a near-death experience.

    Taylah recounts her intense car accident a few months back, a near-death experience that forced her to confront life's fragility. This pivotal moment sparked a deep reevaluation of her priorities and values, leading her to question the direction of her life and work.

    Caught in the relentless hustle, Taylah realized she was neglecting her true passions. Her Saturn return added to the wake-up call, propelling her into a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

    Despite fear and uncertainty, she embraced the opportunity to realign with her authentic desires, shifting her perspective on work and recognising the importance of fulfilment over societal expectations.

    The conversation delves into balancing creativity and business, exploring how Taylah navigates spontaneity and structure in her photography career. She highlights the importance of honouring both feminine and masculine energies.

    Taylah encourages listeners to embrace their uniqueness and explore passions without fear. She emphasises the power of allowing oneself to evolve and embrace change.

    The discussion also touches on visibility and vulnerability in the creative process. Taylah shares her approach to photography, creating a safe space for clients to express their authentic selves.

    In closing, Taylah offers heartfelt advice for those embarking on creative journeys, urging them to trust in the unfolding of their path and shape their lives according to their deepest truths.

    Visit Taylah and her brand Lioness creative on Insta:


    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com

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    In this episode of "Trusting the Universe and Sh*t," hosts Stacey & Ané delve into the topic of finding belonging and combating loneliness, particularly for small business owners.

    They share personal experiences and strategies for overcoming feelings of isolation and comparison, emphasizing the importance of vulnerability and authentic connection. Throughout the discussion, they explore the impact of social media on loneliness and offer practical advice for fostering meaningful relationships. Tune in for insights on energetic cord cutting, self-reflection, and personal growth.

    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com

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    What moving through an impossible situation can teach us about money energetics

    We talk about how your boundaries are connected to your money mindset and creating your own luck.


    Stacey and her co-host delve into the concept of pushing boundaries, challenging the status quo, and being open to unexpected outcomes.They share personal stories to illustrate how shifting mindset and challenging conventional wisdom can lead to surprising results.

    Pushing Boundaries:

    Stacey reflects on recent experiences, highlighting the importance of reframing situations and regulating emotions when faced with obstacles.She recounts a stressful ordeal involving lost passports and bureaucratic hurdles, ultimately leading to a reframing of the situation and a successful resolution.

    Reframing and Regulation:

    Stacey emphasizes the need to regulate emotions and reframe challenging situations, noting the impact on shifting energy and facilitating smoother outcomes.Ané underscores the value of persistence and reframing, drawing parallels to personal and professional challenges.

    Integration of Life and Work:

    The hosts discuss the integration of personal and professional spheres, sharing examples of how friendships and business relationships can intersect positively.They highlight the importance of fluidity and openness in navigating life's complexities, challenging rigid boundaries between different aspects of life.

    Challenging the System:

    Stacey shares strategies for challenging fees and rules imposed by institutions, advocating for assertiveness and boundary-setting.Her co-host reinforces the notion of challenging norms and rules, urging listeners to advocate for themselves and question societal constructs.

    Money Mindset and Boundaries:

    The hosts delve into the intersection of money mindset and boundaries, emphasizing the importance of respecting one's financial resources and setting boundaries with institutions.They encourage listeners to examine their relationships with money and assert themselves when faced with unfair fees or practices.

    You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
    Ané - @mgmnt__
    ✦ https://www.instagram.com/mgmnt__/

    Stacey - @barefootbranding
    ✦ instagram.com/barefootbranding
    🌐 barefootbranding.academy

    Visit us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.com
    Email us: 📩 [email protected]

    Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast - tonesontoast.com