Get ready! Hold on to your horses (or should I say your lance?) because I'm going to tell you about the Giostra del Saracino. This most thrilling and exciting event occurs in Arezzo every June and September! What is the Giostra del Saracino? It's a medieval jousting tournament that dates back to the 13th century, and it's held in the beautiful Piazza Grande, the heart of Arezzo's historic center. You can experience the Giostra del Saracino with me this year. Listen on! Ascolta bene!
In a new podcast, I take to Ascoli Piceno, where I’m planning a new Italian Language Program this September.
Here is a chance to meet some of the teachers and the school director with whom I am partnering this September to organize a small group Italian language program in le March in the town of Ascoli Piceno from September 11 - 23, 2022. We also go on a short walking tour with Antonella the director of the school.
There are still openings available for the 2022 Ascoli Piceno Italian Language Program! Join us this September 2022!
Episodi mancanti?
The Studentessa Matta discusses 5 learning difficulties that many language students encounter and the things they can do to keep their "language learning" boats from faltering and sinking but instead keep their boats afloat, getting them back on track so they can continue full steam ahead!! Follow along with the Youtube Video with transcripts in both Italian and English on the www.StudentessaMatta.com website
This was an incredibly delightful day! The Studentessa Matta Bookclub met Silvia Zucca the author of “Guida Astrologica per cuori infranti” to discuss her book that inspired the hit Netflix series of the same name! In the beginning, when I had this idea to start an Italian book club and I chose Silvia’s book, to begin with, I joked “who knew… at the end perhaps we could even meet the author!” Magical things happen when you speak Italian! Big thanks to the women who participated in the Matta Italian Book club and to Silvia Zucca for a wonderful chat and the opportunity to get to know you and talk with you about your work.
Learn more about Ascoli Piceno, the town in le Marche, where I plan the next "Matta" Italian Language Immersion Program with the Accademia Linguistica Scuola directed by Antonella Valentini and her staff of dedicated teachers. Join me in this charming town, immerse in language and culture, and take your Italian skills further.
In this podcast, la studentessa matta recounts for you the legend of "la donna Bianca" the beautiful fantasma that is trapped inside a castle in Italy. Learn also what the expression "sognare ad occhi aperti" means. Read more Italian legends and learn about Italian culture in Melissa Muldoon's novels set in Italy: Dreaming Sophia, Waking Isabella, Eternally Artemisia, and The Secret Life of Sofonisba Anguissola—all novels available on Amazon in print, epub, & audio.
Transcripts in Italian and English on the www.StudentessaMatta.com website. https://www.studentessamatta.com/leggenda-donna-bianca-italian-youtube-video-legends-ghost-story-novels-set-in-italy-sognare-occhi-aperti
During the month of November 2021, every week I posted a word or an expression combined with an image on the Studentessa Matta Facebook page. In this video, with my special guest Hazel the Bull Dog I present the words of November. These are random words that I came across while reading or that I heard in movies that I found useful and worth highlighting. Improve your Italian Vocabulary with these interesting words and phrases. Visit www.StudentessaMatta.com for transcripts in Italian and English.
Ciao a tutti! Benvenuti al mio canale. Sono la studentessa matta. Welcome to the Youtube channel. I’m the crazy student of Italian. I'm home again after spending seven weeks in Italy. I got my Italy fix and loved spending time in my happy place! To hear about some of my adventures and learn recent updates on the blog and the new Matta "Let's go to Italy!" Small group language programs that I'm organizing for next year—and all the learning opportunities available through the www.StudentessaMatta.com website, Italian Homestays, Conversation Practice, and the schools and individuals with whom I partner so that I can bring you discounts and small gifts…. listen to this podcast. All transcripts in Italian and English available on the Studentessa Matta Website https://www.studentessamatta.com/learn-italian-studentessa-matta-immersion-trips-homestay-language-vacation-affiliates-discounts-conversation-practice-improve-listening-youtube-video-chat/
During the month of October 2021, every week I posted a word or an expression combined with an image on the Studentessa Matta Facebook page. At the end of the month, I compile these word memes on the Studentessa Matta Website. Here is a short video to help you with the pronunciation of these fun words and expressions. You can find the post related to this video following this link: https://www.studentessamatta.com/parole-parole-parole-vocabolario-studentessa-matta-ottobre/
Tongue twisters are phrases that intentionally challenge our ability to pronounce them. Tongue twisters also exist in English. They are like word games and the fun part of a tongue twister is that they challenge us to pronounce them as quickly as possible without making mistakes. But the real fun is when you stumble and get tangled in the words that sound so much the same. Find the companion page to this video on the Studentessa Matta Website: https://www.studentessamatta.com/scioglilingua-italialn-tongue-twisters-forvo-pronunciation-learn-make-mistakes/ SHOW LESS
Caravaggio in his day was a controversial figure - both for his style but also for his personal life. Today, however, he is considered an artist who elevated the art of painting and who influenced a generation of painters. I would like to tell you about one of these painters, who is not a man, but a woman. They say that there were many "Caravaggisti" but only one "Caravaggista." Her name is - Artemisia Gentileschi.
I have always been struck by the story of Artemisia and her work. Truly she is a fascinating artist and her story is intriguing about her. Because of my interest in Artemisia I’ve written a historical novel of her life called "Eternally Artemisia." If you would like to know more about Artemisia I invite you to read the novel. It is available on Amazon in Print, Ebook and Audiobook.
https://www.amazon.com/Eternally-Artemisia-loves-women-timeless/dp/0997634871 -
I'm Melissa the crazy student. Welcome! I am glad you are here with me. Through the Studentessa Matta Podcast channel, we practice Italian together. You can follow the dialogue both in Italian and English on the StudentessaMatta.com website.
Discussing the changing role of women after receiving the right to vote in 1945 and how this emancipation changed the lives of Italian women and their families.
Italian cities throughout Italy celebrate civil and religious festivals, historical re-enactments, local festivals, and events particularly linked to a city or country. But the one event that stands out above them all, at least for me, is the Giostra del Saracino that occurs in Arezzo twice a year in June and September. Living in Arezzo during the joust is the most immersive experience I have ever encountered in Italy! Follow along and learn more about la Giostra del Saraceno.
Transcripts for this Podcast, both in Italian and English, can be found at: https://www.studentessamatta.com
Join the Sept 2021 Italian Language Program in Arezzo. Details about the program are on the www.StudentessaMatta.com
Learn more at: https://www.studentessamatta.com/2021-matta-cultura-italiana-arezzo-language-program
The Macchiaioli who closely resembled the French Impressionists never received the same international acclaim. Let’s take a look at the painters Giovanni Fattori and Claude Monet and compare the two 19th century artistic movements and discover how the invention of paint in tubes change the course of art history. Follow along with transcripts in English & Italian on the www.StudentessaMatta website
Ox-heads and betrayed husbands… what have they got to do with Florence's Duomo?? Did you know that on the Santa Maria dei Fiori Cathedral in Florence there is the head of an ox that looks down on from on high? What is the meaning of this? In a new post and Youtube Video, Melissa—the Studentessa Matta explores two intriguing explanations—one that has to do with paying tribute and the other with adultery! To read a transcript of the text in Italian and English visit www.StudentessaMatta.com
In a new Studentessa Matta Video, in Italian, I talk about my hometown of Austin, Texas. This is where you can find me when I'm not in Italy! Learn about this funky Texas city, which is also the state capital. Visit the Studentessa Matta website to view transcripts of this video in English and Italian.
For more information and to enroll in the Italian Language Immersion programs visit the StudentessaMatta.com website
It's been a while—13 months in fact—since I last made a video in Italian! Time flies when you are busy publishing a novel, producing Audiobooks, and waiting out the pandemic. But, now after a year, as things begin to sort themselves out and travel seems possible again I thought I'd brush off my video camera and share with you some highlights of this year's upcoming Italian language immersion program in Arezzo scheduled for September 2021. I plan to move forward, and as long as we all are healthy and we have the green light for travel I will meet you in the piazzas of Lucca and Arezzo this coming September!
Sofonisba’s life is as fascinating as her character and clearly Muldoon has done her homework in terms of research. A genuine 16th century ambiance permeates the pages as Muldoon takes us on a virtual tour through the settings of King Phillip’s court in Spain, Sofonisba’s hometown of Cremona, Italy, and the island of Sicily. Also, as is representative of Muldoon’s pervious works, she infuses her own passion for art, history and Italy into this story and it’s evident though the outstanding delivery of such an intricate and engrossing tale.
I have always loved a good legend, filled with mystery and intrigue, and last year when I visited Chiusi, my friends were happy to tell me the story of Porsena the Etruscan King, who was as rich as he was benevolent. But whatever happened to his tomb?
Thanks to everyone who reads the Matta Blog and who follow the Youtube Channel. I am eternally grateful that through the internet I have the chance to meet so many people who continue to enrich my life. All of you… and the love I feel for Italy — for her art, language and her people — are the reasons I do what I do!
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