In this episode of Uncut Talks, listen along as our members have a candid conversation with Shaurya Sinha, part of the Stanford Class of 2025, winner of the Pradhan Mantri Bal Puruskar 2020 and much more!
He talks about his experience with startup culture, having worked with multiple ever since he was in high school. We also dive into a conversation about film making, youtube culture and content creation as a whole.
A huge thankyou to Shaurya, for agreeing to this!
Niches in YouTube, Start-ups, Cancel Culture, and much more with Shaurya Sinha, content creator, entrepreneur and part of Stanford Class of 2025, in our interview with him in the third episode of Uncut Talks.
From anti trust law suits and his views on monitoring free speech to valentine's day plans, watch as the members of The Uncut Team have a candid conversation with Marton Barcza aka TechAltar. With more than half a million subscribers on youtube and a blooming tech startup, Marton is the best in his field.
Listen along and get the answer to questions such as "Are social media platforms stealing our data?", "how to enter a competitive space such as that of tech youtube" and much more!
A huge thankyou to Marton, for agreeing to do this!
Recorded on: 12th February,2021 -
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