In this episode of Underpaid Gamers Podcast Tony and Justin discuss Nintendo's SNES, Nintendo's streaming decision, Men in Black 3, Starfox 2 cartridges, Call of Duty WW2 beta, optic gaming, and the Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer. Listen in for a good time!
In this episode of Underpaid Gamers Podcast Tony and Justin discuss the current news of the gaming industry. Topics include Rockstar's announcement of an announcement, the tomb raider trailer, PUBG vs. Fortnite, Star Trek, Code Vein, and the Shadow of the Colossus remake. Listen in for a good time!
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In this episode of Underpaid Gamers Podcast Tony and Justin discuss the news highlights of the week. Topics include the movie It, The Pokemon Company's initial take on the switch, a Star Wars update, Naughty Dog's Bruce Straley, Armada's decision on the smash council, an overwatch free-to-play weekend, and the shader controversy in Destiny 2. Listen in for a good time! join the conversation by tweeting @UPgamerspodcast