Could one person stop the Holocaust? Jan Karski, a super agent, who had escaped from Soviet and German captivity, and later from a Gestapo prison. He had crossed the borders of Nazi-occupied Europe several times, carrying secret informations and orders between the underground resistance movement and the Allied command. Karski set out on his life mission to change the course of history in the fall of 1942…
Could one person stop the Holocaust? Jan Karski, a super agent, who had escaped from Soviet and German captivity, and later from a Gestapo prison. He had crossed the borders of Nazi-occupied Europe several times, carrying secret informations and orders between the underground resistance movement and the Allied command. Karski set out on his life mission to change the course of history in the fall of 1942…
Episodi mancanti?
Could one person stop the Holocaust? Jan Karski, a super agent, who had escaped from Soviet and German captivity, and later from a Gestapo prison. He had crossed the borders of Nazi-occupied Europe several times, carrying secret informations and orders between the underground resistance movement and the Allied command. Karski set out on his life mission to change the course of history in the fall of 1942…
Could one person stop the Holocaust? Jan Karski, a super agent, who had escaped from Soviet and German captivity, and later from a Gestapo prison. He had crossed the borders of Nazi-occupied Europe several times, carrying secret informations and orders between the underground resistance movement and the Allied command. Karski set out on his life mission to change the course of history in the fall of 1942…
Could one person stop the Holocaust? Jan Karski, a super agent, who had escaped from Soviet and German captivity, and later from a Gestapo prison. He had crossed the borders of Nazi-occupied Europe several times, carrying secret informations and orders between the underground resistance movement and the Allied command. Karski set out on his life mission to change the course of history in the fall of 1942…
Europe, 1944. In January, the Red Army crosses the Polish border. Berlin is close to 1000 km ... in June, the Allied forces land on the beaches of Normandy. At the same time, German scientists are testing "Wunderfaffe" ... The Polish Home Army intelligence watches over their every step.
The project was co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the “Public diplomacy 2020 – a new dimension” competition. -
One of the scariest places in Warsaw. The Gestapo Headquarter. Inside, the prison is still the same as during World War Two. The leaders of the underground were held here as well as the man who won the war.
Jedno z najstraszniejszych miejsc okupowanej Warszawy. Więzienie Gestapo. Zwiedzamy wnętrza, które nie zmieniły się od końca wojny. Na wieszaku wciąż wisi płaszcz gestapowca. Tu byli więzieni przywódcy podziemia, wśród nich był „człowiek, który wygrał wojnę”.
The assassins placed half a tonne of explosives on Hitler’s route: certainly enough to blow up the Führer’s armoured vehicle and change the course of history of World War II. Who was responsible for the assassination attempt of Hitler? Featuring: the general who gave the order to kill Hitler and Professor Anita Prażmowska from the London School of Economics.
The project was co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the “Public diplomacy 2020 – a new dimension” competition. -
Na trasie przejazdu Adolfa Hitlera zamachowcy umieścili pół tony materiałów wybuchowych. To z pewnością wystarczyłoby, żeby pancerny Mercedes którym jechał furher wyleciał w powietrze, a historia II wojny światowej zmieniła swój bieg. Kto 5 października stał za zamachem na Hitlera? W odcinku występują między innymi generał, który wydał rozkaz zabicia Hitlera i Anita Prażmowska, profesor London School of Economics.
Seria podcastów Untold Stories from the Secret State została zrealizowana w ramach zadania publicznego współfinansowanego przez Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych RP w konkursie „Dyplomacja publiczna 2020 – nowy wymiar”.