
  • One powerful way to spread the vegan message is through writing—whether it's books, blogs, or social media posts. Writing allows individuals to share their personal journeys, educate others on the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle, and inspire change. In the latest episode of the Veganpreneur REVOLUTION Podcast, hosts Kathleen Gage and VLynn Hawkins dig into the personal and professional journey of Madeleine Eno. With a background rich in creativity and spirituality, Madeleine shares how her vegan lifestyle has influenced her work and creativity, especially in the realm of writing.

    Discovering Veganism

    Madeleine Eno’s journey into veganism began approximately a decade ago. Triggered by a message received during meditation, Madeleine felt an unexpected nudge to give up meat. This decision led her to an unforgettable vegan potluck in Los Angeles, hosted by a plant-based chef and consultant at Whole Foods. This experience, filled with vibrant, colorful dishes, opened her eyes to the abundance and creativity possible within a vegan lifestyle.

    The Spiritual and Creative Connection

    For Madeleine, adopting a vegan diet was not just about the food; it was about enhancing her creativity and spiritual practice. She believes that the clarity and presence gained from a plant-based diet have been instrumental in her work, allowing her to connect more deeply with her clients. By removing distractions such as alcohol and processed foods, she has found a greater ability to be present and focused.

    COVID-19 and the Shift in Perspective

    The pandemic brought significant changes for many, and Madeleine was no exception. Living in a cabin in the woods, she found solace and creativity in her surroundings. The lockdown period heightened her awareness of food stewardship, leading to innovative and resourceful cooking with the ingredients she had on hand. This period also underscored the importance of being a good steward of resources, something that resonated deeply with her vegan values.

    Integrating Veganism into Professional Life

    Madeleine’s vegan lifestyle subtly influences her professional life. While she doesn’t aggressively promote her dietary choices, the principles of veganism—compassion, health, and mindfulness—naturally permeate her work. Her clients often discover her vegan lifestyle as they work together, leading to enriching conversations and shared values.


  • Can eating a plant-based diet revolutionize your health? If you ask Susan Smith Jones, the answer is a resounding yes. In the latest episode of the Veganpreneur REVOLUTION™

    Podcast hosts VLynn Hawkins and Kathleen Gate engage in a compelling conversation with Susan, a renowned author, coach, and advocate. The episode explores Susan’s journey toward optimal health, her staunch support for plant-based nutrition, and her practical tips for achieving wellness.

    The Journey to Health: From Adversity to Advocacy

    Susan’s journey to health began with a personal crisis in her teenage years. Following a family tragedy, she faced numerous health challenges, including weight gain and various ailments. A turning point came when her grandmother, a passionate advocate of natural living, introduced Susan to a lifestyle centered around whole foods and natural remedies. This pivotal experience ignited Susan’s passion for plant-based eating and natural healing, shaping her future career and advocacy.

    Plant-Based Eating: The Key to Vitality

    Throughout the podcast, Susan underscores the vital role of a plant-based diet in maintaining health and vitality. She explains how a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole foods can prevent and even reverse many common health issues. Susan’s books, Uplifted and A Hug in a Mug, provide in-depth guidance on plant-based nutrition, including practical recipes and tips for incorporating superfoods into daily routines.

    The Power of Positivity: Integrating Mind, Body, and Spirit

    Susan emphasizes the importance of a positive mindset in achieving holistic health. She advocates for nurturing the body, mind, and spirit through good sleep, regular physical activity, and a positive outlook. Susan believes that this comprehensive approach enhances overall wellness and builds resilience.

    Enhancing Your Daily Routine: Practical Tips and Advice

    Susan provides practical tips for incorporating plant-based habits into everyday life. She suggests starting with manageable changes, such as adding more fruits and vegetables to meals or swapping processed snacks for whole foods. Susan also recommends keeping a food journal to track dietary changes and their effects on health, offering a tangible way to monitor progress and stay motivated.

    Mindful Eating: Building a Healthier Relationship with Food

    A significant aspect of Susan’s advice is the practice of mindful eating. She explains how paying attention to the quality of food, savoring each bite, and listening to the body’s hunger cues can lead to a more balanced and satisfying eating experience. Mindful eating enhances digestion and fosters a deeper appreciation for the nutritional value of plant-based foods.

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  • When compassion meets healthy eating, one is left to wonder where the road leads. In this week’s episode of the Veganpreneur REVOLUTION Podcast, Dr. Angela Crawford shares her journey from compassion to vegan advocacy, offering profound insights into aligning values with lifestyle choices and the broader implications of veganism.

    The Journey to Veganism: A Story of Compassion and Change

    Dr. Angela Crawford's transition to veganism stemmed from a place of deep compassion. Raised on a traditional American diet, she remained unaware of the food industry's hidden cruelties until a PBS feature exposed the harsh realities of meat processing plants. This pivotal moment ignited her empathy, leading her to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle before fully committing to veganism. Her personal journey underscores how compassion for animals and workers can drive significant life changes and expand our understanding of our food choices.

    Aligning Values with Lifestyle: The Psychological Impact of Veganism

    In her book, The Vegan Transformation: A Mind, Body, Spirit Journey to Healing Yourself and the World, Dr. Crawford explores the psychological benefits of veganism. She identifies seven core principles—values, vision, authentic fulfillment, love, unity, empathy, and self-empowerment—that emerged from her research. Crawford's findings highlight how living in alignment with one’s values enhances personal well-being and fosters a deeper connection with the world.

    Overcoming Cultural Conditioning: Bridging the Vegan Gap

    Promoting veganism often involves overcoming entrenched cultural conditioning. Dr. Crawford explains that societal norms and food addictions create blind spots, making it challenging for many to consider a plant-based lifestyle. Psychological barriers and misconceptions, such as concerns about dietary restrictions and social acceptance, frequently deter people from transitioning. Addressing these obstacles is crucial for effective advocacy and support.

  • In today's digital age, technology has revolutionized activism and the spread of ideas, amplifying voices like Claire Howe's, founder of the Raven Corps, through platforms such as the Veganpreneur REVOLUTION™ podcast.

    From Subway to Social Justice: Claire Howe's Journey to Veganism

    Claire Howe's journey into veganism began unexpectedly during a lunch break at Subway, where she confronted the origins of her meal and its ethical implications. This pivotal moment ignited her passion for animal rights and social justice, propelling her from vegetarianism to veganism within three months. Claire's personal transformation not only influenced her dietary choices but also sparked a deeper commitment to advocating for the voiceless.

    Advocacy Through Education: The Birth of the Raven Corps

    Determined to make a tangible difference, Claire pursued a legal education to advocate for farmed animals. Her journey led her to internships at Mercy for Animals and the Humane Society of the United States, where she realized the crucial role of education in driving systemic change. Recognizing the need for inclusive curriculums, Claire pivoted towards empowering youth through the Raven Corps.

    Originally founded as Youth for the Voiceless, the Raven Corps evolved into a collective liberation organization, addressing not only animal rights but also environmental sustainability and social justice issues. Claire's grassroots work with local high school animal rights clubs in Portland laid the foundation for this transformative movement. Through workshops, campaigns, and community engagement, the Raven Corps empowers young activists to advocate for a compassionate and sustainable future.


  • The journey to veganism often begins with a deep-seated love for animals and the realization that our daily choices can impact their lives profoundly. During Episode 020 of the Veganpreneur REVOLUTION™ podcast, hosts @kathleengage and @vlynnhawkins talk with Bobby Sud, a filmmaker and photographer, who found his purpose in advocating for animals through the lens of love and empathy.

    Early Life and Inspirations

    Bobby's compassion for animals was evident from a young age. Growing up, he always had a strong connection to animals, a trait common among empathetic individuals. However, his journey into veganism and animal advocacy didn't begin until much later. Initially, Bobby pursued a degree in filmmaking, specializing in environmental filmmaking, yet he had not yet adopted a vegan lifestyle.

    Health Transformation

    It wasn't until Bobby's health spiraled out of control that he embraced a plant-based diet. Suffering from severe health issues, including obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension, Bobby decided to make a drastic change. With his twin brother’s encouragement, within eight months of adopting a plant-based lifestyle, he lost over 100 pounds and reversed his chronic conditions. This transformation was pivotal, not only for his health but also for his burgeoning advocacy.

    The Turning Point

    The significant turning point in Bobby's journey occurred when he attended the SoCal VegFest in Orange County. Introduced to the concept of animal vigils by Jon Pierre (JP), Bobby attended his first pig vigil. This experience was a revelation. Standing inches away from a truck filled with 200 six-month-old piglets destined for slaughter, Bobby had a profound epiphany. He realized that, just like humans, these animals had only one life, and their suffering and individuality were undeniable.

    Advocacy Through Filmmaking and Photography

    Inspired by this experience, Bobby's path took a definitive turn towards animal advocacy. He began documenting animal vigils, capturing the stark reality of animal suffering through his lens. His talent as a filmmaker and photographer quickly gained recognition, leading to collaborations with notable figures like Shaun Monson and involvement in significant projects like "Generation Vegan."

    LA Animal Save

    Bobby's dedication didn't stop at documenting animal suffering. He became an active organizer for the Animal Save Movement, specifically LA Animal Save. Through his powerful photography, Bobby highlights the individuality of animals, transforming abstract numbers into poignant portraits. His work emphasizes that each animal is a sentient being, capable of suffering and deserving of compassion.

    Emotional Resilience and Self-Care

    Dealing with the emotional toll of witnessing and documenting such suffering is challenging. Bobby's approach is rooted in love rather than hate. He focuses on his love for animals and his desire to help them, finding solace in the positive impact of his work. This love-based activism helps him manage the emotional weight and stay committed to his cause.


  • It has been said, “Compassion is the language of the heart.” This week’s featured guest on the Veganpreneur REVOLUTION™ podcast not only believes this to be true, she lives it. Elana Theis shares her personal transformation and journey towards veganism, and her work as a writer and energy practitioner sharing how she has integrated all of this into a life of compassion. The conversation was rich with insights about health, spirituality, and the deep connections between self-awareness and dietary choices.

    Discovering the Path to Health and Veganism

    Elana shared her profound transformation from a point in her life where, despite outward success, she felt deeply unfulfilled. She described how her initial step towards better health was influenced by an Ayurvedic dietician who recommended eliminating dairy and red meat. This dietary change led to significant improvements in her health, marking the beginning of her journey toward veganism.

    A Life-Changing Journey to Hawaii

    A pivotal moment for Elana occurred during a solo trip to Hawaii. Immersed in the island's diverse lifestyle, Elana experienced a deep connection with nature and herself. This trip catalyzed her shift away from societal expectations and towards a more authentic, self-guided life. By the end of her stay, she had naturally gravitated towards a vegan diet, a change solidified upon her return to Germany.

    Embracing a New Lifestyle

    Elana's story illustrates how personal growth and dietary choices are interconnected. As she became more attuned to her true self, she found it increasingly difficult to consume animal products. Her decision to fully commit to veganism came naturally and was a significant part of her overall transformation, which also saw her losing 60 pounds without intentionally trying to do so.


  • Get ready for an enlightening journey with JJ Judd on the Veganpreneur REVOLUTION™ Podcast! Adopting a vegan lifestyle not only led to shedding 50 lbs but also deepened her commitment to animal compassion. Her transformational experience inspired the creation of Veganowledge, a platform guiding others toward embracing a plant-based lifestyle.

    JJ shares personal insights on how veganism transformed her health, ignited her passion for ethical living, and motivated her to empower others in their vegan journey.

    Discover how overcoming health challenges and embracing compassion for animals shaped her path from a standard American diet to becoming a dedicated vegan entrepreneur. Join her as she discusses the profound impact of plant-based living and the ethical considerations that drive her mission. Whether you're new to veganism or a seasoned advocate, her story will inspire and educate, offering practical insights and motivation to make positive changes.

    Tune in to the Veganpreneur REVOLUTION™ Podcast to explore her journey and learn more about the transformative power of veganism!

    Listen here and learn so much more about JJ www.veganvisibilityproductions.com/podcast/018-JJ-Judd

    #VeganJourney #VeganEntrepreneur #veganpreneurrevolutionpodcast

  • Juneteenth, celebrated on June 19th, is a significant day in American history that marks the end of slavery in the United States. This day commemorates the resilience, culture, and achievements of African American people. In a recent discussion, Veganpreneur REVOLUTION™ podcast co-hosts V. Lynn Hawkins and Kathleen Gage explored the intersection of Juneteenth, veganism, and broader themes of liberation and justice.

    The Historical Significance of Juneteenth

    Juneteenth celebrates the announcement of the abolition of slavery in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865, two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued. This day signifies a pivotal point in the struggle for freedom and equality for African Americans, highlighting the importance of acknowledging and addressing historical injustices.

    Drawing Parallels: Human and Animal Liberation

    Hawkins and Gage draw parallels between the historical enslavement of African Americans and the modern-day exploitation of animals. They delve into the ethical, health, and economic considerations surrounding animal rights, emphasizing that the fight against all forms of slavery, whether human or animal, is interconnected.


  • Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, claiming millions of lives annually? But there's hope! Tune in to the latest episode of the Veganpreneur REVOLUTION™ Podcast featuring Paul Chatlin, founder of Plant Based Nutrition Support Group (PBNSG) and co-founder of SAGE Circle Alliance (SCA) as well as being a leading advocate for plant-based living.

    Paul's journey from battling heart disease to championing the transformative power of whole food, plant-based nutrition is nothing short of inspiring. In this episode, he shares his personal story and discusses how simple dietary changes can reverse chronic conditions and promote longevity.

    Discover the secrets behind the plant-based movement and learn how PBNSG and SCA are empowering individuals to take control of their health. Listen now to this insightful conversation hosted by @kathleengage and @vlynnhawkins.

    Listen here: www.veganvisibilityproductions.com/podcast/016-Paul-Chatlin

    Let's spread the message of health and wellness together! #VeganpreneurREVOLUTION #HeartHealth #PlantBasedLiving #PodcastInterview

  • Did you know there are now 79 million vegans worldwide? Or that the increase way back in 2014 to 2017 was a 600% increase in vegans. Today it’s much more.

    Join in on the most recent episode of the Veganpreneur REVOLUTION™ where @kathleengage and @vlynnhawkins talk with Dr. Sabatino, a renowned expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic health.

    During this episode, we dig into the fascinating statistics surrounding the vegan movement.

    We’ll also explore the impact of veganism on younger generations, with 39% of millennials actively considering a vegan lifestyle and 25% of 25-34-year-olds identifying as vegans or vegetarians.

    Additionally, Dr. Sabatino will discuss the booming vegan food market, which is projected to hit $22 billion by 2025.

    Tune in to learn about the health benefits of a vegan diet, including a substantial reduction in heart disease risk and a decrease in type 2 diabetes risk. Plus, discover how plant-based diets can significantly lower global food-related emissions by up to 70%.

    Join us for this enlightening conversation and be part of the #VeganpreneurRevolution. Don’t miss out! #VeganVisibility www.VeganVisibilityProductions.com/podcast/015-Dr-Frank-Sabatino

  • Did you know that adopting a plant-based lifestyle can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 73%? Excited to unveil the wisdom shared on the recent appearance on the #veganpreneurrevolution podcast of Alex Nerus!

    Join the insightful conversation about Alex’s journey to a plant-based lifestyle and learn practical tips for enriching your diet with more plant-based foods.

    Whether you're curious about the perks of embracing veganism or seeking guidance on navigating social scenarios seamlessly, this episode covers it.

    From revamping your go-to dishes with plant-based alternatives to uncovering hidden vegan treasures in your local grocery aisles, we've got you covered. Plus, dig into the realm of crafting delectable yet budget-friendly vegan meals without sacrificing flavor.

    Listen here: www.VeganVisibilityProductions.com/podcast/014-Alex-Nerus #VeganLiving #PlantBased #HealthyEating

  • Nancy Leeds Gribble was our most recent featured expert on the #VeganpreneurREVOLUTION podcast, where she shared her inspiring journey of embracing a plant-based lifestyle. From overcoming personal tragedies to establishing her own business, Nancy's story is a testament to the power of holistic health.

    In 2008, Nancy faced devastating losses. Financial turmoil and her husband's diagnosis with stage four brain cancer shattered her world. But in the middle of the grief, she found strength in prioritizing her health. Recognizing the profound impact of nutrition on overall well-being, it became her guiding light.

    Determined to educate herself, Nancy enrolled at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, discovering the transformative power of food. From a self-proclaimed "junk food vegan" to a proponent of whole foods, her journey reflects a stark shift in mindset and lifestyle.

    Nancy then launched her business, empowering women over 50 to embrace a plant-based lifestyle. Through coaching, workshops, and events like her "Pro Age: The Plant-Powered Way" Virtual Summit, she aims to inspire others to prioritize their health and vitality.

    Nancy's philosophy? Age is not a barrier to health and vitality. Approaching her 60s with optimism, she embodies the philosophy of living life to the fullest.

    Tune in to hear this journey of empowerment and self-discovery!

    Listen to Nancy's podcast episode on the #VeganPreneurRevolution podcast: www.veganvisibilityproductions.com/podcast/013-Nancy-Leeds-Gribble

    While you’re there, please Like our podcast and leave us a rating and review. We appreciate your comments too.

    Kathleen Gage and VLynn Hawkins

    CoFounders, Vegan Visibility Productions

    Creators of The Veganpreneur Revolution™

    #veganplantbasedentrepreneurs #veganplantbasedbusiness #veganentrepreneurs #plantbasedentrepreneurs #disruptivebusiness #VeganpreneurRevolution #VeganVisibilityProductions #KathleenGage #VLynnHawkins

    @V Lynn Hawkins @Kathleen Gage Vegan Visibility @Kathleen Gage

  • What do you get when you cross a vegan, a proprietor of a Bed & Breakfast, and a self-proclaimed Disney Adult? You get the AMAZING Jenelle Cruz, the visionary owner of Gardenview Estate B&B!

    Nestled in the beautiful scenery of the incredible Pacific Northwest, Gardenview Estate B&B is one of a kind establishment.

    Jenelle's journey is a fascinating blend of passion, creativity, and commitment to wholesome living. From her background as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) to her transformative transition into vegan entrepreneurship, Jenelle's story is nothing short of inspiring.

    At Gardenview Estate B&B, guests are welcomed into a sanctuary of vegan hospitality, where every dish is crafted with locally sourced and garden-grown ingredients.

    Jenelle's dedication to sustainability and compassion shines through in every aspect of the guest experience, making Gardenview Estate a truly magical destination.

    Join us on the Veganpreneur REVOLUTION podcast show as we dive deep into Jenelle's journey and discover the secrets behind Gardenview Estate's success.

    Tune in at www.VeganVisibilityProductions.com/podcast/012-Jenelle-Cruz and be inspired by Jenelle's passion for creating a better world—one compassionate meal at a time.

    #VeganHospitality #DreamsIntoReality #SustainableLiving #GardenviewEstate #VeganpreneurREVOLUTION

  • AMORE: The heart of our discussion on the Veganpreneur REVOLUTION Podcast with the insightful Lisa Kemmerer. Delving into the ethics of veganism, we explored the multifaceted benefits of embracing a plant-based lifestyle guided by Animals, Medical, Oppression, Religion, and Environment. Hosted by @kathleengage and @vlynnhawkins, this episode shed light on the interconnectedness between veganism, compassion, and positive change.

    Throughout our conversation, Lisa illuminated the profound impact of Amori—a holistic ethical framework that extends beyond dietary choices. By embracing compassion and mindfulness, we can address issues ranging from animal welfare to environmental sustainability. We discussed the importance of approaching conversations with empathy, fostering open dialogue to bridge divides and inspire meaningful change.

    From religious teachings to scientific intersections, we explored how veganism aligns with diverse belief systems and holistic health practices. Our dialogue emphasized that veganism is more than just a lifestyle; it's a conscious choice rooted in compassion and mindful living.

    We invite you to listen to the full episode at www.veganvisibilityproductions.com/podcast/011-Lisa-Kemmerer and join us in spreading awareness for a brighter, more compassionate future. #VeganpreneurRevolution #CompassionInAction #SustainableFuture

  • Delighted to have Heather Zeitzwolfe join us on the Veganpreneur REVOLUTION Podcast! We had an amazing conversation with Heather about vegan entrepreneurship and ethical business practices. We navigate the thriving landscape of the vegan economy and its profound impact on businesses worldwide.

    Did you know that small businesses constitute a staggering 99.9% of all U.S. businesses? When combined with the exponential growth of the vegan industry, it becomes evident that we're on the brink of monumental change!

    Throughout our discussion, we'll dig into the intricacies, from financial empowerment to sustainable success, uncovering the pivotal statistics and strategies driving plant-based businesses to the forefront of today's market.

    With over 600,000 new businesses emerging annually, entrepreneurship is not merely a trend; there is so much potential for this powerful movement. And within this movement lies a plethora of opportunities for ethical entrepreneurs like Heather.

    Join us as we peel back the layers and reveal the transformative potential of purpose-driven businesses in the vegan domain.

    Don't miss this enlightening exchange! Tune in to the Veganpreneur REVOLUTION Podcast at www.VeganVisibilityProductions.com/podcast/010-Heather-Zeitzwolfe #VeganBusiness #EthicalEntrepreneurship #SustainableSuccess #VeganVisibility

  • Kate Galli, a plant-positive figure in the vegan community, recently shared her journey and insights on the Veganpreneur REVOLUTION Podcast, offering a profound glimpse into her life, work, and philosophy. From finding sanctuary in podcasting to building a successful vegan business with passion and purpose, Kate's story embodies the transformative power of love, compassion, and unwavering dedication.

    Finding Sanctuary in Podcasting

    In the midst of her professional endeavors, Kate discovered solace and inspiration through podcasting. It provided her with a platform to engage with individuals whose values resonated deeply with her own, offering invaluable lessons on leading with love and positivity in a non-vegan world.

    Leading with Love

    Through her podcast conversations, Kate learned that leading with love is the key to making a meaningful impact. She emphasized the importance of positivity, happiness, and genuine compassion, highlighting how these qualities can foster inclusivity and effect positive change.

    Navigating Relationships

    Kate's personal journey taught her valuable lessons about navigating relationships, particularly with non-vegan family members. By focusing on shared experiences and acceptance rather than differences, she rebuilt profound connections, fostering mutual respect and understanding.

    Plant-Positive Journaling

    Kate is the mastermind behind the groundbreaking Plant-Positive Journal. This isn't your average journal – it's a holistic roadmap to embracing a sustainable, plant-based lifestyle, backed by the latest scientific research.

    Unlike traditional journals, Kate's creation offers a daily dose of gratitude, empowering users to cultivate positivity and appreciation in their lives. But that's not all – the journal also includes weekly WIN sheets to help users celebrate their victories and lock in their progress.

    More on Kate Galli: https://www.veganvisibilityproductions.com/podcast/009-Kate-Galli

  • In the episode titled "Revolutionizing Veganism: A Conversation with the Mad Cookie Man, Rey Ortega," we explored the profound impact of plant-based living and how it inspired the creation of Rey Ortega's vegan cookie business. Rey revealed the driving force behind his mission – spreading compassion and sustainability through delectable treats – and during this episode, hosts, Kathleen Gage and VLynn Hawkins dissected the harmonious blend of taste, health, and ethical living with Rey.

    For those eager to discover more about his narrative, check out the full episode post about his experiences in the vegan business sphere, and uncover the secrets behind his tantalizing vegan cookies, be sure to go to the VPR podcast episode at https://veganvisibilityproductions.com/podcast/008-Rey-Ortega

    Come along as we embark on a journey into the sweeter side of veganism and uncover how each lovingly baked cookie can contribute to a brighter world.

    #veganpreneur #veganvisibility #veganpreneurrevolution to engage in the dialogue and propagate the message of compassion and sustainability. Let's bake a future brimming with promise, together!

  • Renowned physician and heart disease survivor, Dr. Akil Taher, recently joined VLynn Hawkins and Kathleen Gage on the Veganpreneur REVOLUTION Podcast. His insights into lifestyle medicine and heart health resonate deeply within the Veganpreneur community, where health and entrepreneurship intersect.

    Open Heart: The Book

    Dr. Akil is the author of the inspiring book, "Open Heart: The Transformational Journey of a Doctor Who, After Bypass Surgery at 61, Ran Marathons and Climbed Mountains." Chronicling his personal odyssey towards optimal health, Dr. Taher has the unique position of having been on both sides of the heart health experience.

    Through "Open Heart," he shares his vulnerabilities, triumphs, and practical wisdom, empowering readers to confront their health challenges with courage and determination. Above all, the book stands as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, demonstrating that with dedication and perseverance, transformative change is not only possible but within reach for all.

    Transforming Lives Through Lifestyle Medicine

    Dr. Taher's personal journey from heart disease patient to advocate for holistic well-being serves as an inspiration. He emphasizes that age is no barrier to lifestyle change, urging individuals to take control of their health through sustainable practices.

    The Six Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine

    Central to Dr. Taher's message are the six pillars of lifestyle medicine: nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, social support, and avoiding substance abuse. He provides practical tips for integrating these pillars into daily routines, with a focus on the transformative potential of a plant-based diet.


  • In a recent episode of the Veganpreneur REVOLUTION Podcast, hosts, Kathleen Gage and Vlynn Hawkins, had the distinct pleasure of talking with Meryl Fury, a luminary in the realm of plant-based nutrition and the CEO of PBNM, the nonprofit organization, dedicated to fostering education and health for children and adults alike.

    Against the backdrop of the pivotal role of nutrition in shaping the trajectory of young lives, the conversation traversed through personal narratives, advocacy endeavors, and the pressing need to prioritize wholesome, plant-centric foods for the betterment of future generations.

    Personal Journey: From Nurse to Advocate

    Meryl embraced a plant-based lifestyle at the age of 15. Her passion for health transitioned into a career in nursing to becoming a fervent advocate for holistic health. Her story serves as a poignant testament to the profound impact of lifestyle choices and the remarkable synergy between passion and purpose in catalyzing positive societal change.

    The Role of Plant-Based Nutrition Movement (PBNM)

    The focus for much of the conversation was on the mission of the Plant-Based Nutrition Movement (PBNM), a pioneering initiative spearheaded by the visionary Dr. Steven Lome. The vision of PBNM is to champion plant-based nutrition as a potent prophylactic against chronic diseases, particularly concerning the health of our children. With a strategic focus on advocating for the integration of healthier food options within educational institutions and communities, PBNM strives tirelessly to address the root causes of health disparities and foster a culture of wellness for all.

    Addressing Health Disparities and Social Determinants

    A poignant segment of the conversation gravitated towards the intersection of nutrition and social determinants of health, shedding light on the stark reality of health inequities exacerbated by socioeconomic factors such as poverty and systemic discrimination. Meryl underscored the imperative of adopting holistic interventions to bridge these divides, emphasizing the indispensable need for equitable access to nutritious food, high-quality healthcare, and educational opportunities.

    Kathleen and VLynn echoed her sentiments, advocating for systemic reforms aimed at dismantling barriers to health and fostering inclusivity.


  • In the realm of holistic wellness, few figures shine as brightly as Angela Fischetti, whose journey from the stage to becoming a prominent advocate for vegan fitness and entrepreneurship inspires countless individuals worldwide. Recently featured on the Veganpreneur Revolution podcast, Angela's story is one of passion, resilience, and unwavering commitment to empowering others.

    The Evolution of Passion

    Angela's journey began in an unexpected place: the world of performing arts. As a former singer and actress, she initially pursued a career centered around the stage. However, it was the influence of fitness icon Jane Fonda that sparked a profound shift in her trajectory. Drawn to the world of fitness through Fonda's iconic workout tapes, Angela discovered a newfound passion that would shape her life's purpose.

    Overcoming Adversity

    Entering the fitness industry as a female trainer, Angela encountered skepticism and criticism, particularly from male bodybuilders. Yet, it was her unwavering commitment to veganism that often drew the most scrutiny. Despite facing derogatory remarks and doubts about her dietary choices, Angela remained steadfast, driven by her ethical convictions and belief in holistic wellness.

    Navigating the Vegan Landscape

    Angela's journey into veganism was marked by a fluid exploration of dietary approaches, culminating in a personalized blend of whole food, plant-based nutrition. Inspired by her connection to animals and ethical considerations, Angela found her optimal balance with an 80% raw and 20% cooked diet. This nutritional framework not only aligned with her values but also served as a cornerstone of her approach to holistic wellness.

    Bridging Fitness and Compassion

    Central to Angela's professional journey is the seamless integration of her passion for fitness with her advocacy for veganism. Specializing in senior fitness programs, Angela witnessed firsthand the transformative power of physical activity and plant-based nutrition, particularly among older adults. Through her work, she empowered clients to defy age-related limitations, rediscover their vitality, and embrace a renewed sense of purpose.

    Learn more at: https://veganvisibilityproductions.com/podcast/005-Angela-Fischetti