
  • Hey lovely people!

    I had a few questions about my coaching business, so I thought I'd share the info here in case anyone else is interested too.

    I’m excited to officially announce that I’m now taking clients who are ready to become coaches themselves. Over the years, I’ve coached several individuals to become established coaches in the ED recovery and self-love coaching space, and it's been such an incredible journey. If you’re interested in stepping into this field and making a real impact, I’d love to support you in building a successful, aligned coaching business.

    Feel free to reach out if you'd like more info or have any questions!

    Much love,

    Victoria xx

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Free masterclass “How To Stop Bingeing” https://victoriakleinsman.com/how-to-stop-binge-eating-without-the-need-for-willpower/

    Work with me: https://victoriakleinsman.com/work-with-me/

  • This podcast episode features Victoria Kleinsman interviewing Georgia Gidney, who recovered from an eating disorder with Victoria's help. They discuss Georgia's recovery journey, including the fear she felt around recovery, how she pushed past that fear, her experience with extreme hunger, and the hardest parts of recovery for her.

    Key Discussion Points:

    - Georgia's history with disordered eating started at a very young age and her eventual anorexia diagnosis at age 17

    - The pivotal moment when Georgia decided to get a recovery coach

    - The intense fear Georgia felt about starting recovery and how she moved past it through self-talk and opposite action

    - Georgia's experience with extreme hunger during recovery, eating up to 8,000 calories per day

    - The hardest part of recovery for Georgia is learning to rest and be less productive

    - How recovery transformed not just Georgia's relationship with food but her entire life

    Key Quotes:

    "I had a great fear that me recovered me would be, I don't know... Just stereotypically, like, not being able to do anything, not be productive." (Georgia, 00:42:46)

    "I want people to know that they might be so super, super, super duper scared, but they can still recover, go through recovery. And it's possible." (Georgia, 00:53:44)

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Free masterclass “How To Stop Bingeing” https://victoriakleinsman.com/how-to-stop-binge-eating-without-the-need-for-willpower/

    Join my group coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/group-coaching/

    Work with me: https://victoriakleinsman.com/work-with-me/

    Connect with Georgia: https://www.instagram.com/georgiagracerecovers/

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  • In this podcast episode, Victoria Kleinsman interviews therapists Dr. Teralyn Sell and Jenn Wagner about mental health, therapy, and the challenges within the industry.

    Listeners can expect to gain insight into issues like over-medication, problems with diagnosis labelling, lack of nutrition education among providers, and more.

    Main Discussion Points:

    - Problems with overuse of psychiatric medications and lack of emphasis on nutrition, sleep, movement etc. in mental healthcare

    - Issues around diagnosis labelling and misuse of the DSM manual

    - Why providers often fail to obtain full informed consent with medications

    - Flaws in the "chemical imbalance theory" used to justify psychiatric meds

    - The benefits of taking a more holistic, individualised approach to mental health

    - How to safely deprescribe psychiatric medications if desired

    Guest Bios:

    Dr. Teralyn Sell is a therapist and podcaster. She has over 15 years experience working in corrections and mental health.

    Jenn Wagner is a therapist and popular mental health influencer on TikTok. She is passionate about bringing more empowering narratives to the mental health space.

    Both have a podcast together called "The Gaslit Truth" where they challenge conventional thinking in therapy and mental healthcare.

    Key Quotes:

    "The biggest bullshit is the chemical imbalance theory of mental health. That's the biggest bullshit." (Jen Wagner, 00:36:35)

    "If you're listening to this podcast and something clicks or resonates with you, right, and you go, I need a starting point, what I what I tell people is, like, just get curious about the idea in general of what things could feel like or look like if you were taking just a little bit less." (Dr. Teralyn, 01:02:05)

    The Gaslit truth podcast: beacons.ai/thegaslittruthpodcast

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Free masterclass “How To Stop Bingeing” https://victoriakleinsman.com/how-to-stop-binge-eating-without-the-need-for-willpower/

    Join my group coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/group-coaching/

    Work with me: https://victoriakleinsman.com/work-with-me/

  • In this episode, Victoria Kleinsman interviews eating disorder recovery coach Tabitha Farrar about her experiences helping clients recover from eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. They discuss the recovery process for those with additional diagnoses like autism or OCD, dealing with fears around weight gain and health implications of eating more, as well as Tabitha's own journey to recovery. Expect candid stories and practical advice for supporting loved ones with eating disorders.

    Main Discussion Points:

    - Recovery process and adaptations needed for those with autism, OCD, or trauma histories [00:00:20]

    - Knowing when you are fully recovered and your brain is "rewired" [00:03:54]

    - Taking a "sledgehammer" approach at first by acting opposite to eating disorder urges [00:01:10]

    - Missing extreme hunger once it's passed - it's normal [00:38:58]

    - Tabitha's journey giving up excessive exercise cold turkey [00:23:56]

    - Ideas around taking time off work to focus on recovery [00:45:52]

    Guest Bio:

    Tabitha Farrar struggled with anorexia and compulsive exercise for 10+ years before recovering. She shares her story and advice freely on her website, podcast, and YouTube channel. Tabitha now coaches limited clients part-time while running her horse farm.


    "We have to be accountable for our actions. Your eating disorder cannot physically make your legs run a 10k every morning." [00:14:52]

    "I decided, look. You're gonna gain weight. It's gonna happen. So you may as well enjoy it because I could choose to gain weight and engage with all those negative emotions and have an awful time." [00:31:53]

    On giving up exercise: "I just decided I'm I'm stopping, and I meant it, and I stopped...I thought that all hell would break loose, and it just kinda didn't. It was just fine." [00:24:55]

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Free masterclass “How To Stop Bingeing” https://victoriakleinsman.com/how-to-stop-binge-eating-without-the-need-for-willpower/

    Join my group coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/group-coaching/

    1:1 coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/11-coaching/

  • In this week's episode of The Binge Love Podcast, host Victoria Kleinsman interviews her previous coaching client Amanda Dixon about her journey to recovery from an eating disorder.

    Listeners can expect to learn about Amanda's decades-long struggle with various disordered eating behaviours, what finally led her to seek help, and how she was eventually able to achieve full recovery with Victoria's guidance.

    Key Discussion Points:

    - Amanda traces her issues with food back to childhood, when she would sneak downstairs at night to binge eat without her family's knowledge

    - She cycled through years of restrictive dieting, bingeing, cutting, and over-exercising in an attempt to numb her trauma

    - Hitting rock bottom after a failed attempt to make herself throw up, Amanda discovered Victoria's podcast and law of attraction work and reached out for coaching

    - With Victoria's help, Amanda practised mirror work, sat with anxiety and learned to surrender rather than fight her extreme hunger and exercise addiction

    - now in a fully recovered and peaceful state, Amanda shares insights with those still struggling and prepares to start her own coaching business

    Connect with Amanda



    Key Quotes:

    "I would wake my sister up in the night when I was probably 4 or 5 to go downstairs and eat snacks that we were not supposed to eat during the day, like cookies and things like that." (00:07:53)

    "And I remember I just laid on the floor, and my throat was bleeding and throbbing. And I was like, I can't do this anymore." (00:12:17)

    "You have opened me up to this the me that I was, and I can see my potential and my strength, and I feel it." (00:50:37)

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Free masterclass “How To Stop Bingeing” https://victoriakleinsman.com/how-to-stop-binge-eating-without-the-need-for-willpower/

    Join my group coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/group-coaching/

    1:1 coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/11-coaching/

  • In this empowering solo podcast episode, Victoria courageously shares her personal journey with overcoming body shame and reconnecting with pleasure and intimacy. Listeners can expect raw vulnerability as Victoria guides us through the tools and mindset shifts that enabled her to fully embrace her sensuality.

    Main Discussion Points:

    - The extreme lengths Victoria went to in order to hide her body and avoid intimacy

    - The journey of healing her relationship with her body and sexuality by hiring a coach and committing to the work

    - Practical tips for building body confidence like naked mirror work, focusing on sensations over appearances, and giving herself permission to receive pleasure

    - The importance of open communication with her partner about her feelings and challenges

    - Adopting the attitude of "he really doesn't seem to be giving a shit about what I'm worried about in my head right now"

    - Allowing herself and her partner to see the real, authentic her

    - How embracing herself transformed intimacy from a performative act focused solely on her partner's pleasure into a mutually fulfilling, deeper connection

    Key Quotes:

    "I would fake noises. I would fake moaning." (03:04)

    "I was basically performing during intimacy." (03:36)

    "Relaxation is the gateway to pleasure." (05:57)

    "I would literally pretend that he absolutely loved pleasuring me." (07:24)

    "Women take longer ❀ and that is okay." (04:13)

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Free masterclass “How To Stop Bingeing” https://victoriakleinsman.com/how-to-stop-binge-eating-without-the-need-for-willpower/

    Join my group coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/group-coaching/

    1:1 coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/11-coaching/

  • This podcast episode features life coach Victoria Kleinsman interviewing her former coaching client Iruka. They discuss Iruka's decades-long struggles with disordered eating, body image issues, restrictive dieting, and compulsive exercise.

    Listeners can expect to gain insight into Iruka's journey to recovery, including what finally enabled her to break free of restrictive dieting for good.

    Main Discussion Points

    - Iruka first started dieting around age 9-10 when she had negative thoughts about her body after wearing an ill-fitting PE uniform

    - She suffered from years of restrictive eating, "good food/bad food" outlooks, calorie counting, over-exercise and recurring cycles of bingeing

    - A realisation that even her attempts at moderate eating plans kept failing her was an "aha moment" that doing more of the same wouldn't cut it

    - Working with Victoria taught her that stopping restriction is key to ending binge urges and finding balance with all foods

    - Exercise was previously compulsive and led to injury; now she works out for mental/physical health without tracking or calories goals


    "It's not about any bullshit, quite frankly, which is all short termist and temporary, and external...This is about, you know, what feels good inside." [00:39:16-00:39:36]

    "I truly didn't believe that it was possible to be at this point where I'm at now." [00:28:21-00:28:29]

    "The cost at the beginning of recovery, this was my experience anyway...that cost isn't as it doesn't feel as big now as it did when you made that decision of, like, right. I'm gonna go forward with Victoria, and then these things might happen as a consequence of that." [00:47:07-00:47:25]


    Iruka is a 44 year-old general practitioner (doctor) and mother of two. Victoria Kleinsman is a certified eating psychology coach who helps women heal their relationship with food and body using a non-diet, Health At Every SizeÂź aligned approach.

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Free masterclass “How To Stop Bingeing” https://victoriakleinsman.com/how-to-stop-binge-eating-without-the-need-for-willpower/

    Join my group coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/group-coaching/

    1:1 coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/11-coaching/

  • Join Julia Trehane and Victoria Kleinsman, two ED recovered women, as they have an enlightening discussion around eating disorders and body image. In this candid conversation, they share their personal recovery journeys, insights, and advice for overcoming fears around weight gain and self-acceptance.

    Key Discussion Points:

    - The importance of self-compassion in recovery

    - Letting go of restrictive rules and behaviours

    - Not settling for "quasi-recovery"

    - Surrendering control and trusting your body's wisdom

    Key Quotes:

    "When I truly realised that nothing means anything, that the way we feel about, let's say, weight gain...it was just a story I'd been told my entire life that I believed." (Julia at 00:01:51)

    "Self compassion is the biggest game changer of all." (Victoria at 00:01:18)

    "It's not healthy to exercise if you are not fuelling your body. No matter what society says, it's just not." (Victoria at 00:31:02)

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Free masterclass “How To Stop Bingeing” https://victoriakleinsman.com/how-to-stop-binge-eating-without-the-need-for-willpower/

    Join my group coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/group-coaching/

    1:1 coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/11-coaching/

  • In this episode of the Body Love Binge Podcast, host Victoria Kleinsman interviews Tracey Yokas, an advocate for mental health and wellness. Tracey shares her family's journey with mental illness to help others know they are not alone.

    The conversation focuses on Tracey's experience as a mother to a daughter struggling with disordered eating and depression. She provides insight into how a parent's past can impact how they show up for their children, especially when difficulties arise.

    Overall, listeners can expect to gain perspective on mothering children with mental health issues. There is also helpful advice around self-care, healing generational trauma, and embracing imperfection.

    Guest Bio:

    Tracey Yokas is dedicated to supporting women on their wellness journeys. She earned her master's degree in counseling psychology and lives with her family in California. Tracey creates art and writes about mental health to help destigmatize related issues. She recently published a memoir entitled "Bloodlines: A Memoir of Harm and Healing."

    Tracy's book: https://traceyyokascreates.com

    Main Discussion Points:

    - The grief over Tracey's mother's passing preceded the onset of her daughter's eating disorder symptoms at age 13 (06:50). She believes death and grief can trigger mental health struggles.

    - As a parent, Tracey felt confused, scared and angry in response to her daughter's eating disorder behaviors (12:02). She sought professional help, but her daughter continued declining.

    - Tracey emphasizes the importance of parents getting therapy to heal themselves. This enables them to be better support systems (14:44).

    - Her daughter ultimately spent time in intensive outpatient therapy as well as two residential treatment centers. Tracey says there's no one answer, but time and engagement played a big role in recovery (29:02).


    "I realised that the only thing I could do was start doing my own work to heal that and then allow my daughter to see me taking my own journey seriously." (39:44)

    "The relationship we want with other people is on the other side of the one we have with ourselves." (43:11)

    "Our children are people. Can we look at them without all of that baggage that was put on us by our parents?" (52:01)

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Join my group coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/group-coaching/

    1:1 coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/11-coaching/

  • Free masterclass: https://victoriakleinsman.com/how-to-stop-binge-eating-without-the-need-for-willpower/

    In this week's episode, I dives into the challenging topic of facing loved ones after gaining weight while recovering from an eating disorder. I share vulnerable insights into my own journey, along with practical strategies to navigate self-consciousness and fear of judgement.

    What you'll learn:

    - Ways to practice self-compassion after weight gain

    - Tips for setting boundaries with loved ones

    - Reframing negative thoughts and old stories

    - Living fully now instead of waiting to lose weight

    Main Points

    - Seek specialised support for binge eating and emotional struggles ❀

    - Replace negative self-talk with kindness and focus on inner qualities

    - Accept the reality of weight gain and process difficult emotions

    - Ask loved ones not to comment on your body; set boundaries

    - Focus on self-care over physical appearance

    - Live fully now instead of waiting to lose weight

    - Change the narratives you tell yourself about your body

    Key Quotes

    "I practiced pouring a whole lot of compassion into myself. This wasn't easy as my normal narrative in my head was based in self flagellation." [00:05:28]

    "I choose to let go of the attachment to a certain body size. I choose to live my life regardless of whether I like the way my body looks or not." [00:28:33]

    "Why not allow yourself to actually fully live? Because if not now, when?" [00:24:41]

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Join my group coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/group-coaching/

    1:1 coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/11-coaching/

  • Today I chat with my former coaching client Aga about her journey recovering from an eating disorder and improving her body image. Aga shares openly about her struggles with feeling fat, food guilt, and low self-worth, and how coaching helped her shift to intuitive eating, self-love, and living more aligned with her values.

    Key Discussion Points:

    - Aga's history with an eating disorder that stemmed from childhood trauma and using restriction to "disappear"

    - Her daily battles with body image, feelings of fatness and shame around eating

    - The impact of the eating disorder on her social life and relationships

    - Trying therapy and realising she needed specialised support

    - Deciding to invest in coaching and the self-discovery work she did

    - Shifts towards body neutrality, intuitive eating, increased self-worth

    - The power of group coaching calls in realising you're not alone

    Guest Bio: Aga lives in Barcelona and works as an agile coach. She struggled with an eating disorder and severe body image issues for years before discovering Victoria's coaching.

    Key Quotes & Timestamps:

    "I had very much the feeling of being fat. So every time I passed by a mirror or somewhere where I could see my reflection, I would look at myself and the kind of feeling of hate would just grow." [00:09:43]

    "If we don't do anything about it now, tomorrow might be too late." [00:21:39]

    "You're very authentic, and you have lived experience, which I think is very important in this scenario." [00:31:52] describing Victoria

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Join my group coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/group-coaching/

    1:1 coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/11-coaching/

  • In this podcast episode, I discuss the differences between extreme hunger and binge eating in eating disorder recovery. I provide an in-depth explanation of the underlying drivers of both to help you understand why they happen and how to overcome them.

    Expect to gain clarity and reassurance around extreme hunger and binge eating through my candid wisdom and personal recovery story.

    Main Discussion Points:

    - Extreme hunger is a biological and psychological response to restriction and past starvation, while binge eating tends to be a reaction to current restriction

    - Binge eating cannot happen if you keep allowing extreme hunger without attempting to restrict or compensate

    - Emotional eating is using food to cope with emotions, not the same as binge eating

    - Physical deprivation (dieting), mental deprivation (fear or guilt around food), and emotional deprivation (not letting yourself enjoy food) lead to binge eating

    - The only way out is to eat freely without restriction forever

    Key Quotes:

    "Binge eating is simply a healthy response to any type of restriction." (00:10:53)

    "The quickest way to the other side in freedom is allowing all foods." (00:16:08)

    "The only way to full recovery and mental freedom is to eat unrestrictedly for the rest of your life." (00:18:17)

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Join my group coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/group-coaching/

    1:1 coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/11-coaching/

  • This podcast episode features Victoria chatting with Marla Mervis Hartmann, a body image expert, about loving your body and yourself. Listeners can expect to learn Marla's journey to self-love and tips on overcoming disordered eating and negative body image.

    Main Discussion Points:

    - Marla's struggles with food, exercise and body image growing up as a dancer and actress, and her journey to self-acceptance

    - The role of spiritual practices like mindfulness, prayer and surrender in building self-trust and compassion

    - Tangible tools like thinking of yourself as a friend and asking "would I treat my friend this way?"

    - The paradox of learning to surrender and hold space for discomfort in order to experience real pleasure and joy

    - Preview of Marla's forthcoming book "Befriend Yourself"

    Guest Bio:

    Marla Mervis Hartmann is a body image expert, Reiki master and lifestyle coach based in Maui. She struggled with food and body image while pursuing acting and dance, and now helps other women make peace with their bodies through self-compassion practices. Marla has been featured at TEDx Salinas and works at eating disorder recovery centers.

    Key Quotes:

    "We don't have to do it all on our own. We don't have to figure it all out. We don't have to figure out how to love ourselves, eat well...There's support and there's care and there's love, and it's totally possible to let go of that control and find a deeper, more loving way." [00:06:04]

    "Pleasure is how am I talking to myself? Is that bringing me a pleasurable experience? How am I moving my body? And for me that was a big one." [00:21:18]

    "Surrender is not giving up. It's actually completely the opposite because surrender can be really hard." [00:48:47]

    Connect with me

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Join my group coaching:


    1:1 coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/11-coaching/

    Connect with Marla

    BOOK: :https://www.loveyourbodyloveyourself.com/book

    Breaking the Cycle of Emotional Eating Free Gift: https://goloveyourbodyloveyourself.com/emotionaleating

    Website www.LoveYourBodyLoveYourself.com

    TEDx Talk :Watch my Tedx Talk

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/marlamervis

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loveyourbodyloveyourselfalways

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loveyourbodyloveyourself


  • In this episode I provide guidance on how loved ones can support someone recovering from an eating disorder. I share tips on creating a supportive environment, avoiding judgment, showing unconditional love, and being patient through the recovery process.

    Main Discussion Points:

    - Meet the person where they are at in recovery and accept them fully

    - Ask how you can support them rather than telling them what to do

    - Create a home environment with plenty of food variety

    - Gently encourage small wins along the way

    - Educate yourself about eating disorders

    - Examine your own behaviors and beliefs around food and body image

    - Get outside support for yourself as the caretaker

    - Show unconditional love and compassion

    Key Quotes:

    "Acceptance is giving up resisting what is. Acceptance does not mean approval." (00:02:05)

    "If you tell yourself what to do, you'll only rebel against yourself." (00:03:45)

    "Recovery does get to be fun if you allow it to be. Fear and fun can go together because you get to decide if they can or they can't." (00:14:07)

    Connect with me

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Join my group coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/group-coaching/
    1:1 coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/11-coaching/

  • In this episode I interview my former client Emily about her eating disorder recovery journey. Emily shares openly about her struggles with anorexia, extreme hunger, fear foods, isolation, and her road to reconnecting with herself.

    Key Discussion Points:

    - Emily's background and mindset when she first started working with Victoria

    - Her "fake" recovery attempts before fully committing to all-in recovery

    - Details of her extreme hunger phase - bingeing on Fear foods like digestive biscuits to find calm

    - Learning self-compassion and establishing recovery non-negotiables

    - Regaining her personality, interests, laughter and ability to cry

    - No longer having disordered habits like OCD behaviors

    - Her first time honouring extreme hunger around her parents and fear foods

    Key Quotes:

    "I had just moved up to Sheffield because I was living in London. And because of the eating disorder, I was severely isolated." (00:14:56)

    "Enough's enough. I looked in the mirror, and I was I remember saying to myself, is this what we're doing this for? Because I can see myself." (00:16:46)

    "I'm getting sick of eating a whole packet of digestives every day, but they seem to be the only thing that calms the panic in my brain." (00:36:40)

    "I actually really like spending time with myself now. And that's not ED, isolation, introvert. It's getting to know myself and being okay with myself." (00:49:58)

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Join my group coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/group-coaching/

    1:1 coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/11-coaching/

  • In this podcast episode, I answer a listener's question about finding balance with food and eating intuitively after recovering from an eating disorder. I provide compassionate, in-depth guidance on overcoming restriction, fear of weight gain, and learning to nourish oneself physically and emotionally.

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Join my group coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/group-coaching/

    1:1 coaching: https://victoriakleinsman.com/11-coaching/

    Key Discussion Points:

    - Why the body loses the ability to restrict food after prolonged restriction or starvation

    - Identifying and overcoming "emotional restriction" around food

    - The importance of full acceptance and surrender to your body's needs in order to recover

    - Overcoming fear of weight gain through deep inner work - Choosing foods from a place of self-love and nourishment

    Notable Quotes:

    "You want what you need. And so at some level, you need the food you're currently eating in the way you're currently eating it." (00:04:54)

    "When you fully accept and surrender to whatever it is that you eat, however you eat it, you will then be able to focus on things other than food." (00:12:15)

    "It takes courage, support, and commitment to full food freedom and self love to find authentic and easy balance with food." (00:15:51)

  • In this episode of the Body Love Binge podcast, I interview Dr. Amanda Tambuisa, an integrative transformational specialist who helps women overcome people-pleasing tendencies and step into their power. We discuss the roots of people pleasing, tips for setting boundaries, and practical steps listeners can take to stop playing small and start advocating for themselves.

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Come hang out with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victoriakleinsmanofficial/
    Work with me: https://victoriakleinsman.com/11-coaching/

    Main Discussion Points:

    The origins of Amanda's people-pleasing tendencies stemming from childhood emotional neglect and lack of self-worth Learning to identify and reframe negative self-talk and core beliefs The importance of self-connection through check-ins with your body and emotions Saying "no" as an experiment rather than an absolute to build confidence Tangible tips for listeners to begin being more authentic

    Key Quotes:

    "Little did I know, of course, but that required to be as some sort of a perfect person, you know, that would do something either extravagant or exquisite or, you know, unique." [00:13:32]

    "The amount of personal development that I've done, the amount of psychological work that I've done, nothing has put me there together." [00:17:05]

    "Think of it as an experiment. Let's see what happens, you know?" [00:45:46]

    Connect with Dr Amanda:

    Free Support Group: https://amandatambuyser.com/freesupportgroup



  • In this episode of The Body Love Binge Podcast, Julia and I answer listener questions about recovering from eating disorders. We provide insight, advice, and motivation on topics like dealing with fear of weight gain, extreme hunger, choosing recovery even when it's uncomfortable, addressing exercise addiction, and more.

    Connect with me

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Come hang out with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victoriakleinsmanofficial/

    Work with me: https://victoriakleinsman.com/11-coaching/

    Main Discussion Points:

    - Managing fear of weight gain and extreme hunger in recovery

    - Getting to the root cause of your eating disorder

    - Making progress in recovery even with genetic digestive issues

    - Honouring your hunger signals and learning to feel comfortable while resting

    - Letting go of old habits and clothes that no longer fit

    - The importance of taking action to create change

    Key Quotes:"

    You're never gonna wake up one day and go, oh, I'm ready now. Today is the day. So it is simply how do I stop by stopping? Right now, right this moment." (Julia at 57:47)

    "Feelings change after actions are repeatedly done to change the feelings. Feelings will not change until the actions are being done again and again and again. And then they do change." (Julia at 1:00:55)

  • Have you ever asked yourself, "Am I sick enough to need help?" Or wondered how to stop delaying your recovery and finally take those crucial first steps? If so, you're not alone. These are questions many of us grapple with, and today, we'll tackle them head-on.

    First, let's address a question I hear all too often: "How do I know if I’m ill enough?" You might think, "Other people have it worse," or "I'm not thin enough to have an eating disorder." But here's the truth: If your relationship with food and your body is negatively impacting your life, you are sick enough. You deserve help right now, not just when things get worse.

    Next, we’ll talk about readiness for recovery. You might never feel completely ready, but if you're exhausted by your current situation and yearning for a better life, that's a sign it's time to start. Committing to recovery, even amidst fear and uncertainty, can set you on a transformative path.

    We’ll also discuss how to stop delaying recovery. It’s all about facing your fears and taking action. Fear is natural, but remember, wanting to recover is different from being willing to do what it takes. With the right support, you can move forward despite your fears.

    Starting recovery often feels daunting. The best place to begin is by seeking support. Whether it’s hiring a coach, joining a support group, or confiding in loved ones, declaring your commitment to recovery is powerful. Together, we'll explore practical steps you can take to change your behaviors and embrace a healthier relationship with food.

    Finally, we'll touch on what to eat during recovery. It’s about listening to your body and mind, honoring your cravings, and letting go of restrictive habits. We’ll break down some balanced meal ideas to guide you.

    Support is crucial on this journey. Whether through coaching or connecting with a community, you don't have to do this alone.

    So, if you're ready to break free from the grip of an eating disorder and reclaim your life, you’ve come to the right place. Let's embark on this journey together.

    Connect with me

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Come hang out with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victoriakleinsmanofficial/

    Work with me: https://victoriakleinsman.com/11-coaching/

  • In this episode, Victoria interviews nutritionist and eating disorder recovery coach Chris Sandell. They discuss why all eating disorders have commonalities in terms of recovery, what skills help build resilience to fully recover, and mindset shifts and action steps to move forward into recovery.

    Connect with me

    Join my free support group: https://victoria-kleinsman.circle.so/c/free-support-group/

    Come hang out with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victoriakleinsmanofficial/

    Work with me: https://victoriakleinsman.com/11-coaching/

    Chris attended the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) and graduated with a Diploma in Nutritional Therapy. He founded his own company, Seven Health, in 2009 and found his calling in working with eating disorders and helping people fully recover.

    As a perpetual student, Chris Sandel is also trained in Intuitive Eating (IE), Health At Every Size (HAES) Âź, Motivational Interviewing (MI), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), polyvagal theory, Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), trauma, behavioural psychology, and habit formation. Originally from Sydney, Chris lives in the UK with his wife Ali and 6-year-old son Ramsay.

    Main Discussion Points:

    - Why restriction is present in all eating disorders and the common threads between them (00:13:17)

    - Building resilience - physical, psychological, emotional, connection - to enable full recovery (00:41:09)

    - Taking meaningful action versus small incremental changes in recovery (00:25:44)

    - Creating distance from unhelpful thoughts through diffusion techniques (00:48:20)

    - Connecting to your vision and values to move through fear of weight gain (00:55:52)

    Key Quotes:

    "I am a full advocate that people can reach a place of full recovery and that full recovery is for everybody, and it's not a maybe or possible. It's like a yeah." (00:09:31)

    "The only way to build resilience is to take action. And so really, if if I'm looking at this in terms of a visual, the the thing that connects all of those things is action taking." (00:45:58)

    "It doesn't matter whether something is true or not. Because you can be thinking a thought that is true, that is really, really unhelpful for you to to continue thinking of." (00:49:50)

    Connect with Chris


