Design Thinking 101 is part of how Fluid Hive helps people think and solve like a designer.
You'll hear designers' stories, lessons, ideas, resources, and tips. Our guests share insights into delivering change and results with design thinking, service design, behavioral design, user experience design and more, in business, social innovation, education, design, government, healthcare and other fields. -
Kritiški pose(la)dek je para-umetniški podcast o aktualnem dogajanju na domači umetniški sceni. Vodita ga umetnostna zgodovinarka in kuratorka Maša Žekš ter urednik in umetnik Jernej Čuček Gerbec. Z vidika likovne kritike se neformalni dialogi z izbranimi gosti pritikajo lokalnega arta, nedavno obiskanih razstav in trendov.
Odprta scena je odprta za kreativnost, dober vajb in kvalitetne vsebine iz področja kulture in umetnosti. Gostje podcasta so ljudje, ki mi tako ali drugače prekrižajo pot in z mano raziskujejo zakaj se je fajn ukvarjat z umetnostjo. Veliko je govora o stvareh, o katerih se po navadi ne pogovarjamo javno - neuspehih, negativnih izkušnjah v umetniškem svetu in seveda ne manjka smešnih anekdot in takšnih ali drugačnih življenjskih izkušenj. S tabo sem Tia, ustanoviteljica Odprte scene. Hvala, ker si tu.
Podcast for beginning and seasoned photographers of color.
Charles IG: @charlotte_exotic_spotter
DeJuan IG: @toakmedia -
Avengers talk
Cover art photo provided by Bia Andrade on Unsplash: -
Your go-to for design systems.
Se trata de un poema sobre la mujer
As an architect, I've learned through teaching about the practice of architecture, people feel more comfortable, trusting, and excited about starting their design journey. It’s been a gateway to unique and personalized designs. I’m going to share knowledge about aspects of your home that will hopefully inspire you to find the right architect, relieve the mystery of the construction, and get you on the path to a home that you will love for many years to come.
The Design WakeUp community was created to connect people who like to think outside of the box and are looking to provide new possibilities within their industry. Whether you want to learn tools that will help take a product or business to the next level, or simply understand how design management can help organisations stay competitive and grow. No matter what your reason is, we are here to share, learn and network with each other.
Marvel's Declassified is a non-fiction narrative podcast focusing on the rich, dynamic, and evolving history of Marvel Comics - as told through a contemporary lens. Each episode is hosted by writer and comic book expert, Lorraine Cink (author of Powers of a Girl , co-author of Marvel Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, and Ultimate Marvel) and acclaimed journalist and critic Evan Narcisse (author of Marvel’s Rise of the Black Panther). Utilizing unique access to writers, artists, editors, and industry insiders who have shaped key storylines and witnessed firsthand the historical shifts within the comic book industry, we get the real story of Marvel Comics it could only be told by the House of Ideas itself.
All about deforestation
Jen delves into watching the Disney Animated Feature films and reacts to them with a modern eye. Every episode includes the history of the film and how it came to be.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Dva "fotografa", ki bova govorila o vsemu, samo o fotkanju ne 😆
Pri Artopolisu ustvarjamo vsebine, ki jih umetniki in umetnice potrebujemo; od postavljanja cen, pisanja opisov, iskanja materialov, računanja stroškov in pridobitve statusa Samozaposlene_ga v kulturi.
Vse na enem mestu.
Artopolis je prva slovenska spletna platforma za objavo, prodajo in nakup umetniških del za vse slovenske umetnice_ke.
Projekt Artopolis sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Evropska unija iz Kohezijskega in Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj. -
For the love of all things Photography, here's a fresh take podcast on the art, the people, the equipment, and techniques of creative photography in the social media era.
Conversations about maker culture, design, craft, and technology
Dari mana kita berasal?,dan kemana kita akan pergi?
Your backstage pass into the world of filmmaking.
Join Joey Nicotra, an experienced DP, and Shane Reitzammer, the visionary behind CinemaStory Productions, for weekly conversations with freelance filmmakers from across the globe. Explore the untold stories and insights that shaped their cinematic view before the final cut.
With over 20 years of combined experience in film production, their works spanning commercial, corporate, music video, wedding, and narrative film, join Joey and Shane as they guide you through the art and business of filmmaking.
Follow along on IG & YouTube and
Check out CinemaStory and
Connect with Joey Nicotra
Connect with Shane Reitzammer -
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