
  • How to present confident and convincing in live social interactions, from the inside out.


    Get a 7-day free trial + 20% off your first month: https://try.lingoda.com/ArielNiu_June

    Promo Code: 20ARIEL

    BOOK 1:1 COACHING WITH ME: https://bit.ly/EnergyCoachingArielNiu

    0:00 What is our Energy?

    1:17 Superiority/Inferiority/Balanced

    3:34 Detached Confidence

    5:13 Practicing Balance

    8:31 Intend and Let Go

    11:01 Thoughts create Reality


    Workplace Boundaries Scripts - https://bit.ly/workplaceboundariesscripts

    Livestream Replays/Exclusive Content - https://shop.arielniuviews.com/pages/memberships

    Instagram (join my channel) - https://www.instagram.com/niu.views TikTok (join my lives) - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views Inquiries/Partnerships/Media - [email protected]

    ABOUT: My name is Ariel Niu. I share views on social dynamics through understanding our emotions, expressions, and energy. I also share concepts on how everything and everyone is connected. I love creating content on human interactions, and I am grateful and excited to help those who resonate with my messages.

    #lifehacks #socialskills #psychology #communicationskills #emotionalintelligence #selfdevelopment #podcasts #socialdynamics #confidence #peoplepleaser #selfmastery #communicationtips #relationships #socialanxiety #niuviews

  • How I learned social dynamics, my experiences of our interconnectedness and how I apply it in social settings, and how to experience this for yourself.

    FREE STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE: https://bit.ly/niuviewssourcepart1 (YouTube transcript + step-by-step breakdown on how to influence others from your thoughts/emotions. This is part of my Summer 2024 source program.)

    JOIN/REPLAY MY LIVESTREAM ON THIS TOPIC ON 6/7/24 12pm ET: https://youtube.com/live/Nuopuutij4U

    BOOK 1:1 COACHING WITH ME: https://bit.ly/EnergyCoachingArielNiu


    Workplace Boundaries Scripts - https://bit.ly/workplaceboundariesscripts

    Livestream Replays/Exclusive Content - https://shop.arielniuviews.com/pages/memberships

    Instagram (join my channel) - https://www.instagram.com/niu.views

    TikTok (join my lives) - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views

    Inquiries/Partnerships/Media - [email protected]

    0:00 My past social frustrations

    3:59 My self-love journey

    4:56 How we are interconnected

    6:43 Balancing thoughts/emotions

    10:15 How to influence others from within

    14:34 Protect your energy

    16:13 @niu.views source program

    ABOUT: My name is Ariel Niu. I share views on social dynamics and human interactions through understanding our emotions, expressions, and energy. I also share concepts on how everything and everyone is connected. Since 2018, I have been practicing using my own inner state to change outer experiences and people. I love creating content about human connections, and I am grateful and excited to help those who resonate with my messages.

    #lifehacks #emotions #communicationskills #selfdevelopment #podcasts #emotionalintelligence #socialskills #socialdynamics #confidence #peoplepleaser #selfmastery #communicationtips #relationships #socialanxiety #niuviews

  • Episodi mancanti?

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  • In every moment, you're already programming yourself. Now you're just becoming conscious of it.

    IT'S ALL A GAME OF ENERGY ECO-TOTE: https://shop.arielniuviews.com/products/energy-eco-tote

    GET 1:1 COACHING: https://bit.ly/EnergyCoachingArielNiu


    Workplace Boundaries Scripts - https://bit.ly/workplaceboundariesscripts

    Get an Energy Reading - https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/energyreadingfromarielniu

    Livestreams - https://shop.arielniuviews.com/pages/memberships

    Instagram (join my channel) - https://www.instagram.com/niu.views

    TikTok (join my lives) - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views

    Inquiries - [email protected]

    ABOUT: My name is Ariel Niu. I share views and guidance on social dynamics and human interactions through understanding our emotions, expressions, and energy. I also share concepts on how everything and everyone is connected. Since 2018, I have been practicing using my own inner state to change outer experiences and people. I love creating content about human connections, and I am grateful and excited to help those who resonate with my messages.

    #lifehacks #emotions #communicationskills #selfdevelopment #podcasts #emotionalintelligence #socialskills #socialdynamics #confidence #peoplepleaser #selfmastery #communicationtips #relationships #socialanxiety #niuviews

  • Techniques and examples for you to be sharp, with confidence and balance.

    DOWNLOAD SCENARIO APP FOR FREE: https://scenario.app.link/itqPCuK1FJb

    Scripts + visualizations to help you prep for upcoming social interactions.

    BOOK 1:1 COACHING WITH ME: https://bit.ly/EnergyCoachingArielNiu

    0:00 When does Sharpness backfire?

    0:32 Superior vs Inferior vs Balanced

    1:42 How to be Definitive

    3:21 Detached Sharpness

    3:54 Speak from 'I'

    5:23 App for Social Scripts

    7:17 Regulation Technique

    9:46 Balancing Tonality

    10:57 Power of Trust

    11:43 Feel-Good Nonchalance

    12:48 More Resources


    Book 1:1 Coaching - https://bit.ly/EnergyCoachingArielNiu

    Workplace Boundaries Scripts - https://bit.ly/workplaceboundariesscripts

    Instagram (join my channel) - https://www.instagram.com/niu.views

    TikTok (join my lives) - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views

    Inquiries - [email protected]

    ABOUT: My name is Ariel Niu. I share views and guidance on social dynamics and human interactions through understanding our emotions, expressions, and energy. I also share concepts on how everything and everyone is connected. Since 2018, I have been practicing using my own inner state to change outer experiences and people. I love creating content about human connections, and I am grateful and excited to help those who resonate with my messages.

    #communicationskills #selfdevelopment #lifehacks #podcasts #selfexpression #socialskills #socialdynamics #assertivecommunication #confidence #peoplepleaser #selfmastery #communicationtips #relationships #socialanxiety #niuviews

  • This is how you do it from the inside out.

    LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE WITH LINGODA: Get a 7-day free trial + 20% off your first month - https://try.lingoda.com/Ariel

    JOIN MY SOCIALIZING WORKSHOPS: https://beacons.ai/niu.views

    BOOK 1:1 COACHING: https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/EnergyCoachingwithArielNiu

    0:00 People-Pleasing vs Kindness

    1:57 Genuine Compliments

    3:19 Know Your Wants / Needs

    4:04 Decisive / Definitive Communication

    7:41 Sharp / Soft Dynamics

    8:40 Body Language

    9:37 Facial Expressions

    10:20 Authenticity vs Strategy

    11:05 More Resources


    Book 1:1 Coaching - https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/EnergyCoachingwithArielNiu

    Workplace Boundaries Scripts - https://bit.ly/workplaceboundariesscripts

    Instagram (join my channel) - https://www.instagram.com/niu.views

    TikTok (join my lives) - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views

    Partnerships/Media - [email protected]

    Inquiries - [email protected]

    ABOUT: My name is Ariel Niu. I share views and guidance on social dynamics and human interactions through understanding our emotions, expressions, and energy. I also share concepts on how everything and everyone is connected. Since 2018, I have been practicing using my own inner state to change outer experiences and people. I love creating content about human connections, and I am grateful and excited to help those who resonate with my messages.

    #confidence #peoplepleaser #socialskills #selfmastery #communicationtips #lifehacks #emotionalintelligence #communicationskills #relationships #socialanxiety #niuviews

  • You are attached to nobody.

    GET THE WORKPLACE BOUNDARIES SCRIPTS + GUIDE: https://bit.ly/workplaceboundariesscripts

    BOOK 1:1 COACHING: https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/EnergyCoachingwithArielNiu

    Study Notes:


    - REACTIVENESS happens when we ATTACH our worth, needs, standards, liberation to others.

    - To resolve CONFUSION: Go to the ROOT, re-plant your TRUE INTENTIONS.

    - To resolve INSECURITY: KNOW and BE, not need, your standards and limits.

    - Conflict with others happen when we have SUPERIORITY or INFERIORITY within.

    - All expressions (Sharp, Soft, Playful) are okay when we practice EYE-LEVEL BALANCE.

    0:00 Introduction

    0:39 Tension with Boundaries

    3:54 Superiority vs Inferiority

    5:59 Imbalanced vs Balanced Boundaries

    9:19 Inner Emotions

    10:03 More Resources


    Book Coaching - https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/EnergyCoachingwithArielNiu

    Get an Energy Reading - https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/energyreadingfromarielniu

    Workplace Boundaries Scripts - https://bit.ly/workplaceboundariesscripts

    Instagram (join my channel) - https://www.instagram.com/niu.views

    TikTok (join my lives) - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views

    Partnerships/Media - [email protected]

    Inquiries - [email protected]

    ABOUT: My name is Ariel Niu. I share views and guidance on social dynamics and human interactions through understanding our emotions, expressions, and energy. I also share concepts on how everything and everyone is connected. Since 2018, I have been practicing using my own inner state to change outer experiences and people. I love creating content about human connections, and I am grateful and excited to help those who resonate with my messages.

    #boundaries #lifehacks #peoplepleaser #confidence #boundaries101 #selfmastery #emotionalintelligence #communicationskills #relationships #socialanxiety #niuviews

  • Confidence leans towards self - my presence, speech, delivery. Charisma leans towards others - flow, dynamics, engagement with others.

    BOOK COACHING: https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/EnergyCoachingwithArielNiu Improve your social presence, delivery, and influences on others.

    Study Notes:

    - INDIVIDUAL-GROUP FLOW: start a conversation with 1 individual in group (e.g. 'any upcoming trips planned Sarah?'), while having moments dropping questions and small statements to the rest of the group throughout (e.g. 'Honolulu? Amazing! Have you guys been?' 'Check out North Shore Sarah...guys, this place is beautiful. Sarah, I'll give you all the recommendations.')

    - Mastery is seamless flow from talking to the individual, to group, back to individual while maintaining full presence and ease with everyone.

    - QUESTIONS/PLAYFUL STATEMENTS: end your point/story with a question or a playful statement back to the group to reduce awkward silences.

    - SIDE COMMENTS: if you don't want full spotlight but want to be involved, be fully present in the conversations and confidently add reassuring or cheeky comments to others' stories.

    - UTILIZE SILENCE: instead of fearing or thinking about the silence, utilize it. Use silent moments to breathe and regulate, come back within yourself fully. This practice will allow new thoughts and flow to naturally arise.

    0:00 Individual-Group Flow

    2:02 Questions/Playful Statements

    3:32 Reassuring/Cheeky Comments

    7:19 Utilizing Silence

    10:29 Confidence/Charisma Balance

    11:26 More Resources


    Book Coaching - https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/EnergyCoachingwithArielNiu

    Get an Energy Reading - https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/energyreadingfromarielniu

    WORKPLACE BOUNDARIES SCRIPTS drops APRIL 2024 - https://beacons.ai/niu.views/email

    Livestream Replays - https://shop.arielniuviews.com/pages/memberships

    Instagram (join my channel) - https://www.instagram.com/niu.views

    TikTok (join my lives) - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views

    Partnerships/Inquiries - [email protected]

    ABOUT: My name is Ariel Niu. I share views and guidance on social dynamics and human interactions through understanding our emotions, expressions, and energy. I also share concepts on how everything and everyone is connected. Since 2018, I have been practicing using my own inner state to change outer experiences and people. I love creating content about human connections, and I am grateful and excited to help those who resonate with my messages.

    #charisma #confidence #networking #selfmastery #emotionalintelligence #communicationskills #relationships #lifehacks #socialskills #socialanxiety #niuviews

  • You are the presenter, and the initiator and alchemist of the energy in the room.

    *BOOK COACHING:* https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/EnergyCoachingwithArielNiu Improve your social presence, delivery, interactions and influences on others.

    *Study Notes*

    - Break the fourth wall with the audience before the presentation (casual chitchat).

    - Have a confident base that is sustainable - honed authenticity with nonchalance.

    - Honed authenticity = 'being real with a secret' kind of energy.

    - Nonchalance = I am aware of it all and it's always all good.

    - It's ok to ask for context, we need context to give thorough, useful responses. E.g. 'Interesting, tell me more about x' 'I think what you are trying to say is this, am I following correctly?' 'Give me more details on this aspect'

    - Approach unexpected questions with curiousity, see them as opportunities.

    - Hone in on the individual asking the question, treat it like a conversation.

    - Approach follow-ups with confidence and excitement if necessary. E.g. 'I'm excited to add this to my research, I'll have it as a point in our follow-up email.'

    - Avoid inferiority (shame/victimizing) or superiority (masking confidence) with mistakes, I like to admit to it in the moment with nonchalance and get right back into it. E.g. 'Ok, I just made up that word, what I meant is this :)'

    - Catch the initial anxiety, breathe and relax into lightness and nonchalance.

    - Curiousity translates into confidence, which translates into the ability to connect the dots.

    - It's within our control whether we approach unexpected moments with anxiety/shame/rigidness or curiousity/nonchalance/lightness, and that energy will be felt by all.

    0:00 Introduction + Examples

    0:33 Prepare a Confident Base

    2:01 Observe your Audience

    5:15 Unexpected Questions

    7:29 Unresolved Questions

    9:22 Mess-ups

    9:53 Your Presence + Reactions

    11:20 Power of Curiousity

    14:35 More Resources


    Book Coaching - https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/EnergyCoachingwithArielNiu

    Get an Energy Reading - https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/energyreadingfromarielniu

    WORKPLACE BOUNDARIES SCRIPTS drops APRIL 2024 - https://beacons.ai/niu.views/email

    Livestream Replays - https://shop.arielniuviews.com/pages/memberships

    Instagram (join my channel) - https://www.instagram.com/niu.views

    TikTok (join my lives) - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views

    Partnerships/Inquiries - [email protected]

    *ABOUT:* My name is Ariel Niu, I create content on social dynamics and human interactions. I give examples on social cues and techniques, and I share ideas on how everything and everyone is connected. Since 2018, I have been practicing using my own inner state to change outer experiences and people. I love creating content about human connections, and I am grateful and excited to help those who resonate with my messages. #publicspeaking

    #selfmastery #emotionalintelligence #communicationskills #conversationalskills #networking #relationships #lifehacks #confidence #socialskills #socialanxiety #niuviews

  • Know the difference between being SHARP / SOFT vs being SUPERIOR / INFERIOR.

    GET A 1-MONTH FREE TRIAL WITH SKILLSHARE: https://skl.sh/newviewswitharielniu03241

    The SkillShare Learning Path I am taking is called 'ChatGPT for Creatives', join me :)


    - Understand and accept your natural expressions

    - Notice the differences between your natural expressions vs reactive expressions

    - Remove reactiveness from initial sharp / soft responses

    - Active Breathing, remember your Intention, eye-level Balance

    - Less what you say, more how you say it (energy + delivery)

    - Use ChatGPT for starting scripts

    - Practice Nonchalance

    - Regulate live thoughts / emotions

    - Remember your live thoughts / emotions influence everything


    Book Coaching - https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/EnergyCoachingwithArielNiu

    Get an Energy Reading - https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/energyreadingfromarielniu

    Instagram (join my channel) - https://www.instagram.com/niu.views

    TikTok (join my lives) - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views

    Livestream Replays - https://shop.arielniuviews.com/pages/memberships

    Partnerships/Inquiries - [email protected]

    *ABOUT:* My name is Ariel Niu, I create content on conscious human interactions. I give examples on social cues and techniques, and I share ideas on how everything and everyone is connected. Since 2018, I have been practicing using my own inner state to change outer experiences and people. I love creating content about human connections, and I am grateful and excited to help those who resonate with my messages. #communicationskills

    #emotionalintelligence #selfmastery #relationships #lifehacks #confidence #socialskills #publicspeaking #socialanxiety #niuviews

  • When I’m in my element socially, my words and presence come naturally and attractively to both others and myself. However, I used to catch then LOSE this flow all the time. When I lose it in the moment, things become awkward in an instant. I’ve realized the trick for me to hold attention with ease and flow is to dynamically shift between certain extremes. SHARP/SOFT, FAST/SLOW, SINCERE/FUNNY, OPEN/INTIMATE, etc. ..always with active breathing.


    Book 1-on-1 Coaching - https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/EnergyCoachingwithArielNiu

    Get an Energy Reading - https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/EnergyReadingfromArielNiu

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/niu.views

    TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views

    Website - https://beacons.ai/niu.views

    Spotify Podcast - https://spoti.fi/3DhqyoB

    Apple Podcast - https://apple.co/3K4olPe

    Livestream Replays - https://shop.arielniuviews.com/pages/memberships

    Partnerships - [email protected]

    Inquiries - [email protected]

    0:00 Introduction

    0:53 Sharp/Soft

    2:41 Fast/Slow

    3:46 Tones/Pitches

    6:09 Practice to Flow

    6:42 Motion/Stillness

    7:40 Emotional Dynamics

    10:32 Intimacy Dynamics

    11:52 Intention/Breathing/Balance

    14:59 Resources

    *ABOUT:* My name is Ariel Niu, I share views and guidance on human interactions through understanding our emotions, expressions, energy, and the interconnectedness between all. I love exploring human dynamics, and I am grateful to help those who resonate with my messages.

    #charisma #confidence #publicspeaking #communicationtips #magnetism #selfmastery #lifehacks #confidence #socialskills #socialanxiety #niuviews

  • Nonchalance as a self-mastery technique, is not about caring or not caring. It’s about feeling light and good, inside and out, as often as possible, so every interaction we face can be experienced at its highest potential, with the least amount of energy needed. Balanced nonchalance flows between soft + sharp without going to the extremes.


    Book Coaching - https://shop.arielniuviews.com/produc...

    Get an Energy Reading - https://shop.arielniuviews.com/produc...

    MediVibe playlist - https://spoti.fi/3Teaxtp

    Website - https://beacons.ai/niu.views

    Instagram (join my channel) - https://www.instagram.com/niu.views

    TikTok (join my lives) - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/NiuViews

    Spotify Podcast - https://spoti.fi/3DhqyoB

    Apple Podcast - https://apple.co/3K4olPe

    Livestream Replays - https://shop.arielniuviews.com/pages/...

    Partnerships/Inquiries - [email protected]

    *ABOUT:* My name is Ariel Niu, I create content on conscious human interactions. I give examples on social cues and techniques, and I share ideas on how everything and everyone is connected. Since 2018, I have been practicing using my own inner state to change outer experiences and people. I love creating content about human connections, and I am grateful and excited to help those who resonate with my messages.

  • How can we collectively become comfortable being nonchalantly honest AND confidently kind? Piercing the social matrix starts with each of us, in knowing eye-level balance in live moments.


    Personal Coaching - https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/EnergyCoachingwithArielNiu

    Website - https://beacons.ai/niu.views

    Instagram (join my channel) - https://www.instagram.com/niu.views

    TikTok (join my lives) - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/NiuViews

    Spotify Podcast - https://spoti.fi/3DhqyoB

    Apple Podcast - https://apple.co/3K4olPe

    Livestream Replays - https://shop.arielniuviews.com/pages/memberships

    Partnerships/Inquiries - [email protected]

    ABOUT: My name is Ariel Niu, I create content on conscious human interactions. I give examples on social cues and techniques, and I share ideas on how everything and everyone is connected. Since 2018, I have been practicing using my own inner state to change outer experiences and people. I love creating content about human connections, and I am grateful and excited to help those who resonate with my messages.

    #communicationskills #emotionalintelligence #relationships #lifehacks #confidence #consciousness #lifecoach #socialanxiety #popculture #niuviews

  • To be intentional = we do less and achieve more, we exude natural confidence, and every moment can be guided with ease and grace.


    - Good intentions are balanced in Sharp / Soft:

    - SHARP: clear, decisive, committed to the vision.

    - SOFT: open, curious, flexible on the how.

    - apply this for personal intentions + intentions during interactions with others.

    - Your ultimate self (Him/Her/They) is your north star in moment-by-moment intentions.

    - Ask yourself, ‘what would He/She/They do?’, How would He/She/They respond?’

    - Review the root of WHY before actions.

    - Energy we embody when setting intentions will manifest in the results.

    - When involving others, the best intentions for all is easiest.

    - Breathe, come back to the Intention, Balance (eye-level in thoughts/emotions/actions).

    - Checkpoints when unexpected circumstances happen - ‘is this really what I want?’ ‘could this be happening in a better, unexpected way?’ ‘how can I flow?’ ‘should we take a break?’

    - When we're honest and open = eye-level is easier, diffusion is easier. It is what it is.

    Intention is 1/3 of the trifecta practice of Intention, Balancing, and Breathing. The way of actualizing all desires and resolving all conflict. Stay tuned for the next episode on Balance.

    0:00 Be Him/Her/They Now

    1:19 Example - Work Relationship

    1:36 Imbalanced Emotions

    2:14 Highest Potential Intentions

    3:53 Eye-Level Outcomes

    6:51 Example - Personal Relationship

    7:07 Clarifying Intentions

    7:57 How to Communicate Intentions

    9:11 Checkpoint Reminders

    10:11 Resources


    Personal Coaching - https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/EnergyCoachingwithArielNiu

    Website - https://beacons.ai/niu.views

    Instagram (join my channel) - https://www.instagram.com/niu.views

    TikTok (join my lives) - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/NiuViews

    Spotify Podcast - https://spoti.fi/3DhqyoB

    Apple Podcast - https://apple.co/3K4olPe

    Livestream Replays - https://shop.arielniuviews.com/pages/memberships

    Partnerships/Inquiries - [email protected]

    ABOUT: My name is Ariel Niu, I create content on conscious human interactions. I give examples on social cues and techniques, and I share ideas on how everything and everyone is connected. Since 2018, I have been practicing using my own inner state to change outer experiences and people. I love creating content about human connections, and I am grateful and excited to help those who resonate with my messages.

    #selfmastery #emotionalintelligence #relationships #lifehacks #communicationskills #lifecoach #careeradvice #lifehacks #niuviews

  • It's not about REPEATING, it's about FEELING. You must strategically trigger the precise thoughts/emotions of your intentions.

    BOOK COACHING: https://shop.arielniuviews.com/products/coaching-with-energy-reading

    SOCIAL INTERACTIONS HANDBOOK: https://shop.arielniuviews.com/products/the-social-interactions-handbook

    What we think, feel, speak - we are and we become. It’s about thinking, feeling, and speaking like that Him/Her/They NOW.

    Tips for Mantras:

    - Have clear intentions for your mantras

    - Keep them short + in the style you talk

    - Use words that feel good to you, enjoyable to say, aligns you back to your intention

    - Use active, present tense

    - Make the words and sayings very personal, defined for what you’re precisely going through

    - Experiment for a period, play with different words, before setting the program

    My 2024 Mantras:

    Intentions - Expansion, Sustainability

    'I go all in and all out with what I intend (with ease and flow)'

    'It’s only getting better and easier'

    'I trust my flow is a go (aka glow)'

    My 2023 Mantras:

    Intentions - Being, Self-Actualization

    'I make life work for me'

    'I accept myself to advance myself'

    'I trust my intuition'

    0:00 Potency of Words

    0:19 Programming with Mantras

    1:23 2023 Mantras + Results

    1:43 'I make life for me'

    3:48 'I accept myself to advance myself'

    4:51 'I trust my intuition'

    5:41 2024 Mantras + Intentions

    6:13 'I go all in and all out with what I intend'

    7:21 'It's only getting better and easier'

    8:17 'I trust my flow is a go'

    9:15 Tips + Tricks

    10:13 Exercise + Resources


    Human Energy + Social Interactions Handbook - https://shop.arielniuviews.com/products/the-social-interactions-handbook

    Energy Coaching - https://shop.arielniuviews.com/products/coaching-with-energy-reading

    Website - https://beacons.ai/niu.views

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/niu.views

    TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/NiuViews

    Weekly Q&As - https://shop.arielniuviews.com/pages/memberships

    Partnerships/Inquiries - [email protected]

    ABOUT: My name is Ariel Niu, I create content on self and social interactions. I give examples on social cues and techniques, and I share stories on how everything and everyone is connected. Since 2018, I have been practicing using my own energy to change outer experiences and people. I love creating content about human connections, and I am grateful and excited to help those who resonate with my messages.

    #mindblowing #lifehacks #selfactualization #expressionsqueen #howto #mantras #2024 #speech #affirmation #selfmastery #niuviews

  • I guarantee results in days, if you use every moment in your day as practice. It's easy.

    BOOK COACHING: https://shop.arielniuviews.com/products/coaching-with-energy-reading

    SOCIAL INTERACTIONS HANDBOOK: https://shop.arielniuviews.com/products/the-social-interactions-handbook


    BE INTENTIONALBE DEFINITIVESLOW DOWN, BREATHE, PAUSEREDUCE FILLER WORDS/PHRASESe.g. ‘like’ ‘just’ ‘so’ ‘um/uh’ ‘you know’LIVE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTe.g. ask ‘scenario’ questionse.g. address needs, traits, demographicsREPHRASE "I" PHRASES“I think this is good” 🠒 “this is good”“I think we should” 🠒 “why don’t we try…”“I need your help” 🠒 “I’m thankful for your support”“I will make it” 🠒 “I am making it”“I deserve more” 🠒 “I’m getting more”“I hope you’ve been well” 🠒 “I trust you’ve been well”“I hope they are…” 🠒 “I trust they are…”“He should know…” 🠒 “I trust he knows...”

    0:00 Be Intentional

    0:36 Be Definitive

    1:39 Breathe, Slow Down, Pause

    2:59 Reduce Filler Words/Phrases

    4:34 Live Acknowledgement

    6:46 Rephrase "I" Phrases

    8:29 Be Him/Her/They Now

    9:28 More Resources


    Human Energy + Social Interactions Handbook - https://shop.arielniuviews.com/products/the-social-interactions-handbook

    Energy Coaching - https://shop.arielniuviews.com/products/coaching-with-energy-reading

    Website - https://beacons.ai/niu.views

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/niu.views

    TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/NiuViews

    Partnerships/Inquiries - [email protected]

    ABOUT: My name is Ariel Niu, I create content on self and social interactions. I give examples on social cues and techniques, and I share stories on how everything and everyone is connected. Since 2018, I have been practicing using my own energy to change outer experiences and people. I love creating content about human connections, and I am grateful and excited to help those who resonate with my messages.

    #speech #selfexpression #publicspeaking #presentationskills #flow #selfmastery #smalltalk #interviewpreparation #communicationskills #lifecoach #interpersonalskills #niuviews

  • Save your energy, smile without laughter-padding, and BE REAL.

    Get Coaching with an Energy Reading from me: https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/EnergyCoachingwithArielNiu


    Start with slow and soft energyShare only what you want to shareBe calm and concise in honestySoften honesty with gratitudeInstead of conforming, do nothingInstead of conforming, get curiousBe light and nonchalantObserve and refine without emotion (aka meditate and cry/vent later lol)Know how you ideally want to socialize (if you’re like me - you want to be able to be both chill and playful, take jokes and make jokes. Find your balance.)Flow with your natural expressions (sharp and/or soft)


    Energy Coaching - https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/EnergyCoachingwithArielNiu

    Website - https://beacons.ai/niu.views

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/niu.views

    TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/NiuViews

    Partnerships/Inquiries - [email protected]

    ABOUT: My name is Ariel Niu, I create content on self and social interactions. I give examples on social cues and techniques, and I share stories on how everything and everyone is connected. Since 2018, I have been practicing using my own energy to change outer experiences and people. I love creating content about human connections, and I am grateful and excited to help those who resonate with my messages.

    #socialskills #socialanxiety #emotionalintelligence #communicationskills #energyreading #relationships #confidence #personaldevelopment #niuviews

  • No inferiority, no superiority (they can feel what you feel on the inside), keep it eye-level.

    GET ENERGY COACHING FROM ME: https://shop.beacons.ai/niu.views/EnergyCoachingwithArielNiu


    Soft and Sharp responses are only negatively experienced when imbalancedImbalances = feeling INFERIOR or SUPERIORINFERIORITY symptoms: people-pleasing, laughter-padding, white liesSUPERIORITY symptoms: reactiveness, judgement over observation, attachmentYOUR ENERGY: what you embody inside and out - facial expressions, body language, tone, pitch, pace, words, intention, thoughts, emotions...

    How to be SOFT and BALANCED:

    Be intentionalBreatheBe eye-level with othersSpeak slowerLift/lighten your toneGround your energy

    How to be SHARP and BALANCED:

    Be intentionalBreatheBe eye-level with othersBe honestBe definitive and open at the same timeStay present and conscious

    See my Instagram and TikTok for more examples on balanced Sharp vs Soft responses.

    0:00 Introduction

    0:35 Inferiority vs Superiority

    2:39 Embodying Energy

    3:45 How to be BALANCED SOFT

    6:45 How to be BALANCED SHARP

    11:23 Conclusion


    Coaching with Energy Reading (RECORDED VIDEO) - https://bit.ly/EnergyCoachingVideoArielNiu

    Coaching with Energy Reading (BOOK A CALL) - https://bit.ly/EnergyCoaching1on1ArielNiu

    Website - https://beacons.ai/niu.views

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/niu.views

    TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/NiuViews

    Partnerships/Inquiries - [email protected]


    My name is Ariel Niu, I create content on self and social interactions. I give examples on social cues and techniques, and I share stories on how everything and everyone is connected. Since 2018, I have been practicing using my own energy to change outer experiences and people. I love creating content about human connections, and I am grateful and excited to help those who resonate with my messages.

    #energy #socialanxiety #emotionalintelligence #communicationskills #socialskills #relationships #confidence #balance #niuviews

  • My recent experiences have been about balance, contradictions, and integration periods.

    EXTENDED VERSION WITH Q&A (60min): https://bit.ly/niuviewsportal

    PRODUCTS I USE (Canada-only for now):

    Save 30% on Neurodose microdosing products with code: ARIEL30Save 15% on Stellar Edibles cannabis-infused treats with code: NIUVIEWSSave 15% on DayTrip Canada psilocybin-infused products online/in-store (Toronto) with code: NIUVIEWS

    DISCLAIMER: This video has been created for educational, informational, and harm-reduction purposes. We do not provide or encourage psychoactive or controlled substance use, nor are we licensed medical professionals. Any information received are to educate and not to be misconstrued as medical or legal advice. This video abides by the community safety guidelines and is eligible for monetization. Thank you and enjoy.


    Content Subscriptions - https://bit.ly/niuviewsportal

    Get an Energy Reading from me - https://bit.ly/bookenergyreading

    Instagram - https://instagram.com/niu.views

    TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/NiuViews

    'New Views with Ariel Niu' Podcast via Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3DhqyoB

    'New Views with Ariel Niu' Podcast via Apple - https://apple.co/3K4olPe

    Website - https://beacons.ai/niu.views

    ABOUT NIUVIEWS: My name is Ariel Niu, I am a creator and speaker (@niu.views). I explore human connections through self, social, and spiritual views. I share stories and examples on the connections between everyone and everything. The vision is to inspire the utility, power, and love in consciousness. We are all playing an inner game.

    0:00 Introductions

    1:11 How my journey began

    3:33 My first awakening on LSD

    6:33 Universal laws of Oneness

    10:17 Contradicting self-love practices

    12:11 Integration periods

    17:16 How to set intentions

    18:25 Unexpected experiences and crazy visions

    20:33 Balance and breaks

    21:51 Visions coming true

    24:13 Living moment-by-moment

    26:03 Q&A preview

  • Life-changing tips when setting big goals in life!

    Extended Version: https://bit.ly/niuviewsportal


    Vague Goals = INSECURITIES. Clear Goals = CONFIDENCE Vague Goals = when a person is not fully intentional and committed to their goals + does not fully believe their goals can happenEverything intentional we experience are all technically goals fulfilled. The easy ones come easy only because we matter-of-fact KNOW, zero doubt, that of course it's happening.Be more intentional in your everyday. Set intentions and visualize them happening when you wake up in the morning.Try intentions where you put in effort, and try intentions where they will just happen for you.Sweet spot is in balancing between Knowing and Flowing after we set our intentions.Our purpose waits in our natural interests and curiousitiesFormulate your Ultimate Vision in life, then work backwards Blend your interests when creating your ultimate visionUltimate Vision: one big life moment including EVERYTHING you want, to have and to be and to experienceEXTENDED VERSION for remaining tips: https://bit.ly/niuviewsportal

    0:00 Introduction

    1:19 Clarifying Goals

    3:47 Practice Daily Intentions

    5:58 Your Ultimate Vision



    Exploring human dynamics (self, social, spiritual) with Ariel Niu


    Content Memberships - https://bit.ly/niuviewsportal

    Instagram - https://instagram.com/niu.views

    TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views

    'Views of Niu' Podcast via Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3DhqyoB

    'Views of Niu' Podcast via Apple - https://apple.co/3K4olPe

    The NiuViews Shop - https://shop.arielniuviews.com

    Website - https://beacons.ai/niu.views

    ABOUT ARIEL NIU @niu.views:

    My name is Ariel Niu, I am a creator and speaker with a million in my online community. I help people see the unseen connections between people, in consciousness, and within our mind-body-spirit (through self, social, spiritual development).

    #goalsetting #successmindset #selfmastery #lifehacks #niuviews #personaldevelopment #visionboard #manifestation101 #consciousentrepreneur #consciouswaystoconnect #careeradvice

  • 6 steps to solve mixed emotions:

    Analyze each emotion/option individuallyDecide CLEARLY the END GOALIs there a way to address BOTH?ACCEPT, then DETACH, from ALL OUTCOMESBELIEVE and THINK and FEEL the BEST OUTCOMEREMEMBER we have untangled and broken the loop

    ↓ SEE MY TIKTOK/REEL ABOUT CONFLICTING EMOTIONS ↓ https://www.instagram.com/p/CqB7FMtAMXo/




    The Consciously Developing community is coming Spring 2023. A space to experience true connection with yourself and others. Self and Social mastery to be in love with life.

    ↓ GET THE THOUGHT MANIFESTATION GUIDE ↓ https://bit.ly/ThinkingArielNiu

    ↓ SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL ↓ https://www.youtube.com/c/NiuViews


    Instagram - https://instagram.com/niu.views

    TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@niu.views

    'Views of Niu' Podcast via Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3DhqyoB

    'Views of Niu' Podcast via Apple - https://apple.co/3K4olPe

    The NiuViews Shop - https://shop.arielniuviews.com

    Website - https://beacons.ai/niu.views

    ABOUT ME: My name is Ariel Niu, I am a creator and speaker with a million in our online community. I share stories and examples on how to live and connect consciously (self, social, spiritual development). The vision is to inspire the utility, power, and connection in consciousness. We are all playing an inner game.

    0:00 Beginning

    0:29 Step 1

    1:55 Step 2

    2:43 Step 3

    4:46 Step 4

    5:56 Step 5

    7:16 Step 6

    8:33 Ending

    #selfhelp #lifehacks #selfmastery #socialskills #selflovejourney #lifehack #selfdevelopment #love #selfactualization #relationshipgoals #NiuViews #consciousness