
  • What if strength isn’t about how much we can lift, but how we manage life’s struggles? What if we've been told lies our whole life about what it means to truly TAKE UP SPACE? What if failing isn't the end of a goal, but helps you set the goal itself?

    Today's SEASON 9 FINALE episode is with the incredible Alyssa Ages — journalist, strongman competitor, and author of SECRETS OF GIANTS: A Journey To Uncover The True Meaning of Strength.


    The importance of asking WHY, not HOW How endurance athletes frame FAILURE, and how to use this specific tactic in your own life way beyond achieving strength goals Why it's so hard for women especially to TAKE UP SPACE, the sneaky language to watch out for, and how to reframe your relationship with it The importance of using the word YET "BULK" (this is mind-blowing!) What Alyssa did when she realized the story she'd been telling herself for a DECADE was a lie Strength as we AGE and how to reverse hamful narratives even if we think "it's too late" and so much more!

    This is an episode you'll want to share with your friends, parents, grandparents, siblings, and more.

    Thank you for making Season 9 one of the best yet. See you in September for Season 10!



    Alyssa Ages is the author of SECRETS OF GIANTS: A Journey to Uncover the True Meaning of Strength (Avery/Penguin Random House) and a journalist whose work has appeared in ELLE, SELF, GQ, Slate, The Globe & Mail, and others. She is a mom, strongman competitor, endurance athlete (six marathons & an Ironman), rock climber, CrossFitter, and former member of the Jersey City Bridge & Pummel roller derby team. Her first book, Secrets of Giants (Avery/Penguin Random House, 9/23), is part personal narrative, part research mission, part midlife crisis odyssey into the world of strength to answer the question: What if strength isn’t about how much we can lift, but how we manage life’s struggles.




    Alyssa's website

    Alyssa on IG

    Alyssa's speaking page


    TICKETS to WANT YOUR SELF: A Book Launch Cabaret at The Bourbon Room on 7/16

    TICKETS to MODERN FRIENDSHIP at Guild Hall in conversation with Anna Goldfarb on 6/30




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  • It's the mystery that eludes so many of us: How do you make friends as an adult — REAL-DEAL friends – and how do you nurture these valued connections?

    Today's guest has been called "The New York Times Friendship Correspondent" and is here with us to dig into the #1 asked question throughout all of WANT's 10 year history: how do I find my people?

    Author Anna Goldfarb's reporting has appeared in The New York Times, The Atlantic, Washington Post, Vox, Vice, and more. Her book MODERN FRIENDSHIP (out TODAY, June 4th 2024), explores the nuances of navigating adult friendships.


    The HUGE yet shockingly simple factor keeping us from making and maintaining friendships, especially as we get older Why making friends is more of a challenge now than it ever was for our parents or grandparents How to categorize friends in a way that doesn't feel icky and actually HELPS you nurture friendships sans guilt or obligation Men and friendship, plus different gender expectations as we get older Making friends as an introvert or someone who has trust issues and SO MUCH MORE!!!!!


    Anna Goldfarb is a friendship journalist who has reported for outlets including the New York Times, the Atlantic, Time magazine, Vice, The Cut, Vox, and the Washington Post. Called “the New York Times friendship correspondent” by Tim Herrera, the editor of the New York Times Smarter Living section, she’s written hundreds of articles that explore the nuances of friendships, relationships, and pop psychology. She lives in Philadelphia. Her first book, MODERN FRIENDSHIP: How to Nurture Our Most Valued Connections, is out today and available wherever books are sold.



    Modern Friendship

    Anna's website

    Anna on IG

    Anna's Substack

    Anna in the NYT

    Join us in East Hampton on June 30th at Guild Hall!




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  • If you're fed up with ridiculous, patriarchal dating rules but don't know what you'd do instead...so feel like you just need to put up with sucky dates for who knows how long...our guest Lily Womble has got your back.

    This episode is about dating, of course, but it's really about building the most authentic relationships of your life — including the relationship with yourself.


    Feeling like you're either too much or not enough How to ACTUALLY meet people The way dating apps are engineered and where they fit in your dating life's ecosystem How to find great dates in difficult situations (ie small towns, places with values or politics that don't align with yours, etc) and more!


    Lily Womble is sparking a feminist revolution in the way we date and find love. She was one of the top matchmakers in the U.S., but after setting up hundreds of dates, Lily realized that the answer to finding love was much deeper than a setup, and that the way we are taught to date is still stuck in the patriarchal dark ages. She founded her company, Date Brazen, six years ago and has since helped hundreds of women create love lives that are epic, settle-proof, and joyful-as-hell with her intersectional feminist approach. She changes lives daily on TikTok, Top 4 Relationship Podcast- The Date Brazen Podcast , and sold-out coaching programs world-wide. Her debut nonfiction advice book, Thank You, More Please: A feminist guide to breaking dumb dating rules and finding love, comes out in June 2024 with Legacy Lit. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband, Chris.



    Order Thank You, More Please

    Lily on TikTok

    Lily on IG

    Date Brazen

    The Date Brazen Podcast




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  • When we talk about parenting, are we just talking about the kids or are we actually talking about relationships? When we talk about yoga, are we just talking about the poses or are we actually talking about life?

    Sarah Ezrin would argue: YES. We can learn so much about ourselves and how we walk through the world through these two things.

    (CW: pregnancy loss, abortion; eating disorders; substance abuse)

    SARAH EZRIN is the author of the award-winning book The Yoga of Parenting. She is a highly-sought after yoga educator, content creator, and maternal mental health advocate based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Sarah lovingly supports people along their wellness and parenthood journeys. She is a regular contributor for Yoga Journal Magazine, Motherly, Yoga International, Healthline, and more, and her words, teachings, and social media are supportive, healing sources for people to feel seen and heard.


    The delicate balance of being honest in your writing when other people are involved in your story What parenting lessons can teach us about ourselves What yoga can teach us beyond the poses Making big decisions in your best interests, even if they're heartbreaking The realities of parenthood, caregiving, and "the village" How to talk to kids when you're going through a tough time How to begin a yoga practice when you're intimidated How to navigate the parts of parenting you're avoiding or don't want to approach and SO MUCH MORE



    Buy The Yoga Of Parenting

    For more information on Sarah, visit her website, YouTube, or connect with her on Instagram and TikTok

    Subscribe to Sarah's Substack



    Email Katie at [email protected] or DM her on Instagram to let her know what you want to hear about, who you want to hear from, or what you want to learn next season of the WANTcast!

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  • When you hear "...you'll regret it," what do you do?

    If you’re someone who is of a certain *pre-45-ish* age, NOT a parent, and are either decidedly child-free or on the fence about this massive life decision, you’re probably familiar with the REGRET conversation. (“You’ll regret it when you’re old” being the main thesis statement of that convo.)

    But beyond the parenthood conversation, it can seem like everything is wrapped up in the will-I-won't-I debate: work, job, relationships, even food.

    Regret is a big topic for a lot of us, so today, we're going there.



    Listen to Episode 175 with Ruby Warrington

    Join THE WANT COMMUNITY (launching the first week of May!)


    Email Katie at [email protected] or DM her on Instagram to let her know what you want to hear about, who you want to hear from, or what you want to learn next season of the WANTcast!

    Follow Katie on social!

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  • Today we're talking to Ruby Warrington all about being a Woman Without Kids, being "a village person," and the nuances of being child-free (by choice or by circumstance).

    IN THIS EPISODE, we get extremely candid as we talk about:

    The ways the parenthood vs. non-parenthood discussion has evolved, and ways it hasn't The "motherhood spectrum" vs. the motherhood binary Other people's opinions and cultural expectations / "noise" around motherhood, and how that affects us Our inner "noise" around motherhood, and how that affects us A new spin on the conversations around love and regret Navigating grief when you wanted to be a parent but it wasn't in the cards (childfree by circumstance) How to create a movement that matters ...and SO much more!

    Ruby Warrington is a British-born author and editor, perhaps best known as the creator of the term “sober curious”. Her 2018 book and million-download podcast of the same title has helped to spearhead a global movement to reevaluate our relationship with alcohol. Her latest book, Women Without Kids, asks: “Instead of continuing to paint childfree women as sad, self-obsessed, or somehow dysfunctional, what if we saw them as boldly forging a first-in-a-civilization vision for a fully autonomous womankind? What if being a woman without kids was in fact its own kind of legacy?” Ruby's other works include Material Girl, Mystical World, The Numinous Astro Deck, and The Sober Curious Reset. With more than 20 years of experience as a lifestyle journalist and editor, Ruby is also the founder of self-publishing imprint Numinous Books and is known as a true thought leader in the “Now Age” wellness space.



    Find Ruby at https://www.rubywarrington.com/ and on Instagram @rubywarrington


    Attend the CELEBRATE BEING CHILDFREE retreat at Kripalu with Rachel Cargle



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    Email Katie at [email protected] or DM her on Instagram to let her know what you want to hear about, who you want to hear from, or what you want to learn next season of the WANTcast!

  • Skeptical when you hear words like "channeling" or "psychic"...but also wondering what is and isn't the real deal? Whether you're a tarot skeptic, tarot-curious, or a literal card-carrying member of the club, I cannot stress this enough: this episode is for you.

    Today's guest is KATE VAN HORN: tarot reader, psychic, spiritual mentor, and author of THE INNER TAROT.

    IN THIS EPISODE, we discuss:

    What it means to have a "channelled experience" What people get wrong about intuition How to approach reading tarot for the first time How to hone your own practice "Reversals," "panic pulling," and "sloppy shuffling" How Kate reads for hersefl vs reads for others and more!!

    PLUS!!!!! Make sure you listen til the end: Kate does an interactive tarot card pull for listeners, where you get to choose a card and she'll interpret it for us.


    The Inner Tarot

    Kate's website

    Kate on IG @kate.van.horn

    Kate on TT



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    Email Katie at [email protected] or DM her on Instagram to let her know what you want to hear about, who you want to hear from, or what you want to learn next season of the WANTcast!

  • No, this isn't another stereotypical "self-care" conversation — we don't need any more of those. This is about PLEASURE: what it (actually) is, isn't, and why it's so freaking hard for so many of us to access it.

    In this conversation with Anne Hodder-Shipp and Sarah Tomchesson, S3X PLUS cofounders + facilitators of "Pleasure Attitudes: Building An Embodied Self-Care Practice That Really Works," we'll dive into:

    Pleasure as a euphamism vs. pleasure beyond sexuality, and why these two can be so tough to separate for many of us A take on burnout you probably haven't heard before, and how pleasure fits into the mix "Pleasure role models" Hobbies and making friends as an adult and SO MUCH MORE


    Anne Hodder-Shipp, CSE (she/they) is an award-winning certified sex and relationship educator and coach dedicated to providing accurate, expansive, and compassionate care. They are the founder and lead educator at Everyone Deserves Sex Ed, a sex ed and professional development organization, and co-founder of S3X Plus, an online community that offers courses like Pleasure Attitudes: Building an Embodied Self-care Practice that Really Works. Anne works with people and couples to help build skills, knowledge, and confidence around identity, pleasure, relationships, and more. Most recently, Anne wrote the modern love language expansion, Speaking from the Heart: 18 Languages for Modern Love, and its accompanying guide, The Speaking from the Heart Workbook: A Practical Guide to the Modern Love Languages.

    (Listen to Anne on the WANTcast! Episode 016 and Episode 152)


    Sarah Tomchesson, C.S.E. (she/her) advocates for sexual liberation through her work as a sex educator, sex toy evangelist, and podcast host. Sarah has spent much of her career shaping legendary sex toy brands, including Pleasure Chest, Babeland, and, now, the iconic Magic Wand brand. She is a certified sexuality educator and has been developing, programming, and presenting pleasure-based sex education nationwide since 2007. She is co-founder of S3X Plus, an online community of curious people exploring the intersections of pleasure and healing, and co-host of the weekly feminist podcast, F*ck Yeah, which aims to disrupt harmful ideas about sexuality, intimate relationships, identity, parenthood, and more. Sarah is proud mama to a vivacious 8-year-old and honored to act as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of SIECUS – Sex Ed for Social Change, the nation’s leading sex education policy non-profit.



    Use code ATTITUDE15 to join Pleasure Attitudes for 15% off (begins March 14th 2024)


    Anne's website: https://www.annehoddershipp.com

    Anne on IG: https://www.instagram.com/theannehodder

    Anne on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theannehodder

    Sarah's website: https://damianaproductions.com

    Sarah on IG: https://www.instagram.com/sarahtomtomtom

    F*ck Yeah Pod: www.fuckyeahpod.com

    IG: @fuckyeahpod ~


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    Email Katie at [email protected] or DM her on Instagram to let her know what you want to hear about, who you want to hear from, or what you want to learn next season of the WANTcast!

  • This episode is a little bit of a paradox...building old habits to achieve new goals? You read that right.

    In this solo episode of the WANTcast, we're talking all about how to avoid losing steam on what you've got your heart set on — AND how to build momentum for yourself in a way that's actually SUSTAINABLE. Which is the key word if you want to move forward.


    168: How To Figure Out What SUCCESS Means to You (Before You Get There!)

    169: Motivation, Flexibility, and RETHINKING Your Relationship With FITNESS with Amanda Katz

    Join Katie on 2/27 for the launch of THE INNER TAROT in NYC


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    Email Katie at [email protected] or DM her on Instagram to let her know what you want to hear about, who you want to hear from, or what you want to learn next season of the WANTcast!

  • You've probably been told to FOLLOW YOUR PASSION in order to find meaning, purpose, and joy in life.

    But what if that's...just not it? What if passion isn't what STARTS the journeys worth taking at all?

    In today's episode, we're talking to Terri Trespicio: award-winning writer, speaker, and the author of Unfollow Your Passion: How to Create a Life that Matters to You.


    Imposter syndrome and how to "overcome" it (or maybe not?) Why passion often isn't the jump-start button we think it is What to follow instead How to find strength in our comfort zones The bts story behind Terri's life-changing TED Talk ...and more!



    Check out Terri's programs:

    Creative License (8-week program to create your personal playbook for figuring out what you want to do and how to do it)

    Hard Reset (self-paced program to clear blocks and set new rules so that you can better rise to the occasion)

    New Rules Studio (ideal for people who want to spend time on the page, either crafting your work or reflecting on your own journey/growth)

    Terri's website

    Terri's TEDx Talk

    Terri's IG

    Terri's FB

    Terri's LinkedIn

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  • Are you someone who wants to make big changes happen in the world, but sometimes feel so overwhelmed with how to actually make that change HAPPEN? How do you take steps to make shift happen on a real level, in a real lasting and mindful way?

    Christen Brandt is an impact strategist and advisor dedicated to integrating impact across sectors. She is the co-founder of She’s the First, an international NGO dedicated to ensuring girls everywhere are educated, respected, and heard, as well as the co-author of Impact: A Step-by-Step Plan To Create the World You Want to Live In.

    In this (semi-encore!) episode, we talk about:

    how to find your North Star — the vison of the world that YOU want to work toward — and what to do with that information (esp if that sounds overwhelming) how criticism and having a growth mindset can live side by side how you can match your intentions to your impact how to ensure that there's action and energy behind the things you're fighting for (because momentum can be fleeting) And more!!


    Christen's website


    She's The First

    Christen on Instagram

    Christen on the WANTcast ep 71

    Christen on the WANTcast ep 117

    WANT to join a WANT YOUR SELF x HWD event in Jan? Email [email protected] to reserve your spot at one of our Ft Worth, Austin, or Birmingham events!

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  • The best fitness advice isn't necessarily what you think it is. In a sea of tips, tricks, and programs telling you what to do, how do you figure out what's right for you, and maybe more tricky — how do you build a sustainably healthy relationship with exercise? Especially if you're someone who has a history with eating disorders or body image issues?

    Today's guest, NYC fitness professional Amanda Katz, is here to talk about:

    Why motivation and even discipline are smaller pieces of the puzzle than we realize, and what to focus on instead to create lasting habits Specific examples of what flexibility in an exercise routine can look like Having a healthy relationship with fitness after struggling with eating disorders, disordered patters, or body image How to approach fitness and training goals no matter who you are How to help a loved one when you're worried they're going down a harmful path of disordered behaviors Combatting NEW YEAR NEW YOU toxic fitness culture messaging in January (and beyond) and more!


    Amanda Katz is a full-time fitness professional. She's a certified personal trainer, RRCA certified run coach and serves as a group fitness instructor specializing in indoor cycling, treadmill running and total body conditioning formats at Equinox in New York City. Her philosophy is based on the notion that all bodies deserve a fitness experience without punishment, guilt or shame. She approaches her craft with humor, real talk and ultimately, wants her clients to feel stronger and confident in their bodies through movement. To learn more, visit Amanda on Instagram at @amanda_katzz or amandaskatz.com

    Sign up for GAINS & REFRAMES

    Work with Amanda


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  • You've probably heard the phrase "you get to decide what success means to you"...but how do you LITERALLY do that? And how do you outline succeess for yourself as you're chasing your dreams or setting goals in the first place?

    In this episode, we're talking all about SUCCESS, and how to get clear on what it means to you so that you can achieve your goals in a meaningful way — and avoid the traps of comparison, scarcity, and the continuous hustle.



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    Email Katie at [email protected] or DM her on Instagram to let her know what you want to hear about, who you want to hear from, or what you want to learn next season of the WANTcast!

    Follow Katie on social!

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  • Today is the final celebration in our October Book Birthday party — and we are ending with a BANGER of an episode. Today’s guest is a longtime friend of the pod, and a true force to be reckoned with.

    Karen Walrond is an author, leadership coach, activist and attorney. An avid photographer and journaler, Walrond's writing and coaching have helped thousands of people around the world find meaning and purpose in their lives. Karen and her work have been featured on Brené Brown's Unlocking Us podcast, PBS, Huffington Post, CNN, and The Oprah Winfrey Show, and her award-winning blog, Chookooloonks, is a lifestyle, inspiration, and photography destination.

    Karen is the author of The Beauty of Different, the Lightmaker’s Manifesto — and most notably for this conversation, her latest book, RADIANT REBELLION: Reclaim Aging, Practice Joy, and Raise a Little Hell.

    Radiant Rebellion is an investigation into how we can reclaim aging, cultivate joy, and resist ageism. As Karen says, internalized ageism--bias against our future selves--is not our only option; we can write a different story of aging than the one we've been handed. In this conversation we’ll dive into all the ways we get wrapped up in ageism without even realizing it, and how, exactly, to move forward.



    Karen on Instagram

    Chookooloonks blog

    The Lightmaker's Manifesto

    Karen on the WANTcast in May 2020

    Karen on the WANTcast in November 2018



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    Email Katie at [email protected] or DM her on Instagram to let her know what you want to hear about, who you want to hear from, or what you want to learn next season of the WANTcast!

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  • Changing your life, living your best life...sure they're great goals, but how do you actually make change happen? And, moreover, LAST? How do you balance striving for more while also enjoying what's right in front of you?

    Today's guest is Liz Moody: the host of the top-rated 'The Liz Moody Podcast,' author of bestselling books 'Healthier Together: Recipes for Two—Nourish Your Body, Nourish Your Relationships' and 'Glow Pops,' and content creator who has helped millions of people transform their lives. Her new book, '100 Ways to Change Your Life: The Science of Leveling Up Health, Happiness, Relationships & Success', draws from Moody’s more than a decade of experience in the health and wellness world, serving as a new kind of personal development book — one that empowers readers to craft their unique, best life based on the habits they want to form, the problems they want to solve, and the parts of their life they want to take to the next level.


    What people get wrong about your "best" life and what they should be focusing on instead Science-backed ways to create habits that stick A (BIG) curveball Liz was thrown in the book publishing process and how she navigated her way through it Liz's own moment when she knew her life needed to change — and why How to build real motivation ...and more!



    100 Ways To Change Your Life

    The Liz Moody Podcast

    Liz on Instagram

    Liz on TikTok



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    Thursday 10/26 NYC EVENT with Karen Walrond in support of Radiant Rebellion

    Email Katie at [email protected] or DM her on Instagram to let her know what you want to hear about, who you want to hear from, or what you want to learn next season of the WANTcast!

    Follow Katie on social!

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  • With so many things influencing us every single moment, is it ever possible to be "free" from influence? Where do these influences even come from? And how do we begin to choose what's right for us in the midst of so many voices and factors that seem to be choosing it FOR us?

    And...sort of related...how do you LAUNCH A BOOK on your own terms, free from the influence of industry expectations?

    Today's incredibly timely guest is Jessica Elefante, and we're talking about ALL of this. Jess is a writer and [former bullshit] artist who has spent the last few decades examining what it means to be human in our modern world. She's the author of Raising Hell, Living Well: Freedom from Influence in a World Where Everyone Wants Something from You (including me). Her book came out this week, one week after WANT YOUR SELF...so think of this episode as our dual-birthday-party. We recorded this before either of our books were published, so you're getting to hear the behind-the-scenes from two authors who are IN IT.

    Jess is the founder of acclaimed Folk Rebellion and a critic of today’s culture, and her award-winning talks, films, and work have been featured by Vogue, the Los Angeles Times, The Observer, Paper magazine, Wired, and more. In her previous life as a brand strategist, she was recognized as one of Brand Innovators’ 40 Under 40 and has been a guest lecturer at Columbia Business School and New York University. She’s influenced by the social, cultural, and technological circumstances of her life but mostly by her desire to lead a colorful one. She is no longer bullshitting.

    A must listen for anyone and everyone navigating the landscape of what it means to build a life of your own in today's day and age. Which is us all.



    Subscribe to Modern Bullshit

    Jessica Elefante's website

    Jess on Instagram

    Jess on TikTok



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    Saturday 10/21 LOS ANGELES EVENT (Malibu beach house party) with Lynn Chen

    Sunday 10/22 LOS ANGELES EVENT with HappyWomenDinners: email [email protected] or [email protected] for info and to RSVP

    Thursday 10/26 NYC EVENT with Karen Walrond in support of Radiant Rebellion

  • The time has finally come: WANT YOUR SELF is here!! In this episode you're not only getting a behind-the-scenes look at what "pub day" (book publication day) brought, how it all transpired and how we got there — and where we go from here.

    Plus...you get a sneak peek at the very first words of the book with a WANTcast exculsive reading!



    Amazon: https://bit.ly/wantyourselfamazon (don't forget to rate and review it here!)

    Amazon Kindle: https://amzn.to/48Fjd1H

    Audible: https://amzn.to/48FjaTz

    Bookshop: https://bit.ly/wantyourselfbookshoporg

    Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/want-your-self-katie-horwitch/1142971187

    Target: https://www.target.com/p/want-your-self-by-katie-horwitch-hardcover/-/A-88434525

    Sounds True: https://www.soundstrue.com/products/want-your-self-1

    Saturday 10/21 LOS ANGELES EVENT (Malibu beach house party) with Lynn Chen:

    Sunday 10/22 LOS ANGELES EVENT with HappyWomenDinners: email [email protected] or [email protected] for info and to RSVP

  • To get a book deal with a publishing house, you need to have a literary agent. But how do you find a literary agent? Where do you begin, and what should you look for? Is any agent better than no agent — and any deal a foot in the door of the publishing industry?

    In Part 2 of this 3-part behind-the-scenes book publishing series, we're diving into the nitty-gritty of the agent-finding process, the agent-partnering process, and ultimately securing a book deal with a publisher.

    We'll talk EXACT details on how to get started, how Katie (hi!) ultimately found her agent, and the plot twist that ended up leading to the book deal that was always meant to be.

    (And, don't be fooled: this episode is really just a big life lesson in disguise :))


    PREORDER YOUR COPY OF WANT YOUR SELF HERE (don't forget to grab your bonus gifts aka party favors!)


    Email Katie at [email protected] or DM her on Instagram to share what you wanna know about writing a book for future episodes

    Follow Katie on social!

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  • 81% of people say they want to write a book...but only 15% begin. So how do you become one of those people, and actually START writing the book you've been dreaming about?

    In this episode — part 1 of a 3-part behind-the-scenes book publishing series — we'll answer the biggest question Katie has gotten over the last few years about how to begin the book-writing process. We'll talk super-specific logistical steps, and also the essential mental and emotional work that goes into making sure your words make it to the page.

    Plus, never-before-shared behind the scenes of how exactly WANT YOUR SELF: Shift Your Self-Talk and Unearth The Strength In Who You Were All Along came to life in those earliest days. It might not be what you expect!


    PREORDER YOUR COPY OF WANT YOUR SELF HERE (don't forget to grab your bonus gifts aka party favors!)


    Email Katie at [email protected] or DM her on Instagram to share what you wanna know about writing a book for future episodes

    Follow Katie on social!

    Leave a review of the WANTcast on iTunes (and SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW if you haven't already!)

    Subscribe to WANT on Substack, and get our bimonthly email newsletter filled with tips, tools, motivation, and inspiration to shift your self-talk

  • You've probably heard (or used) the term "burnout" before...but what's actually going on when you're burnt out, and how can you turn it around? Or maybe even prevent it from happening in the first place? Do you need to hit certain marks for it to qualify as "burnout" vs. general blah-ness? Why are we all so spent???

    Today’s guests are Amanda Baudier and Rebecca Stump, the co-founders of Full Plate Full Cup, an educational platform and boutique consultancy on a mission to help individuals and teams become wildly happy — and wildly successful. They bring over 35 years of combined leadership experience and numerous wellness certifications to all they do, from coaching executives 1:1 to hosting their podcast, also titled, Full Plate Full Cup.


    how to recognize burnout in a really easy-to-understand way why more on your plate doesn’t necessarily equal more burnout (and less equal less) how to set ruthless boundaries (including friendship boundaries) how to distinguish between what is necessary and what you can let go of how to start to go from burnt out to lit up

    And more!


    From Burnt Out To Lit Up (begins 9/10 — use code "wantcast" for $30 off!)

    FPFC Podcast (if you love the WANTcast, you'll love FPFC!)

    FPFC on IG

    PREORDER YOUR COPY OF WANT YOUR SELF HERE (don't forget to grab your bonus gifts aka party favors!)

    Email Katie at [email protected] or DM her on Instagram to let her know what you want to hear about, who you want to hear from, or what you want to learn next season of the WANTcast!

    Follow Katie on social!

    Leave a review of the WANTcast on iTunes (and SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW if you haven't already!)

    Subscribe to WANT on Substack, and get our bimonthly email newsletter filled with tips, tools, motivation, and inspiration to shift your self-talk