In a game of tummy swords who would win?
Gross bugs, gross drinks, and Oz's fascination with gross things
Episodi mancanti?
Our first ever DnD session! The drink and debate covers the age old question, in 38k years from now, who can kill the man in pink.
Katelyn made a drink for her favorite dirty dangles
New set, new faces, same bad content
Who is this Cypher we keep hearing about
Journeys are best done with friends
If you don't know what we are talking about, then you are probably working with the bugs.
Primarch weapons of choice and beer. I see no problems here.
Beer Jim has a sharing moment about his his pals the white scars.
Chocolate Beer and the boys discuss the new movie Rebel Moon and how the Jim's are wrong.
Chaos gods and the people who love them. We talk beer (surprise) and whether or not being chaos makes you all that bad.
Another obscure chapter gets poorly explained
Sorry for the absence, life got busy.
Sometimes weird things go together, sometimes you should just leave it alone
From the darkest oceans come the tastiest grapes....
Scotch, theories, and hijinks
The Scamrak sits down and spreads his particular flavor of conspiracy.
He's got an invite for you trolls out there
We talk about what's on the boob tube in the grand imperium of man.
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