
  • Tune in to hear from WE Founder and CEO Jackie Mattox and UC Irvine’s Dean of Continuing Education, Krissy Collins in a thought-provoking discussion on transformational leadership and systemic change, highlighting women's unique challenges and opportunities. The conversation touches on many critical topics, including the importance of empathy and human skills, strategies for overcoming systemic barriers, and the significant impact of gender parity on organizational success. This discussion also refers to work by Dr. Shawn Andrews’ related to women and men’s superpowers.

    One compelling example discussed is the role of divergent problem-solving, where women leaders excel by considering all angles of a problem, leading to more comprehensive and practical solutions. Additionally, hear Jackie emphasize the importance of patience and grace in implementing systemic change to foster inclusive and supportive professional environments and learn about the critical role of women leaders in driving positive change.

    Whether you're a seasoned executive or an emerging leader, this episode offers valuable insights and actionable takeaways on ways to overcome systemic barriers and lean into your unique superpowers.

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  • Hear from Genein Letford in the latest episode of the WE United Podcast as she presents “The Neuroscience of Executive Presence.” This presentation was first shared with WE Summit attendees in the fall of 2023.

    Genein shares that the workforce is moving from a VUCA-acronym world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) to a BANI-acronym world (Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear, and Incomprehensible) and how prismatic leadership and executive presence are key components of this “new normal”. She defines prismatic leaders as constantly evolving and highly empathetic; they know how to pull out the individual talents of their team members. Prismatic leadership cannot exist without executive presence, she notes. Executive presence is the ability to inspire confidence in your team that you are a leader they want to follow.

    To enhance executive presence, Genein shares four tools with specific examples including turning perceived liabilities into superpower strengths, myelinating your growth experiences, increasing awareness of your self-awareness, and using the arts. She poses questions such as, “When was the last time you did something for the first time?” and “How can you become an executive at things you never do?” enforcing the idea that we must practice what we wish to excel at.

    Listen in for more insight from Genein on becoming a prismatic leader and strengthening executive presence!

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  • In this episode of the WE United podcast, hear from Carla Howard as she presents “Cultivating Resiliency by Quieting Your Inner Critic” to the attendees of the 2023 Annual WE Summit. In her presentation, Carla discusses when and how our inner critic tends to show up in life, and how to quiet that critic through confidence and resiliency.

    Our inner critic tends to show up when we are out of our comfort zone, in the midst of comparison, or during feelings of self-doubt. With practice, we can learn to recognize these patterns of arrival – like a broken record that skips repeatedly. Instead of shying away from our inner critic, Carla recommends getting to know them! Describe them, record times when they appear, and even give them a name. “When you recognize and name your inner critic, you’re already on the path to improvement.”

    Carla concludes with suggestions on reframing the message from our inner critic. By knowing what your critic is going to say, you can prepare to diminish their voice and take back your confidence and power. Listen in for more tips from Carla on quieting your inner critic!

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  • Hear from industry leader Lynn Torrel in the latest episode of the WE United podcast, where she presents ‘Leading Leaders.’ This insightful talk was initially shared with WE Summit attendees in September 2023. Drawing from her personal experiences and various opportunities, Lynn sheds light on what it truly means to be a leader and how to guide others in their leadership journey.

    Lynn begins by recounting an early career opportunity she had to live and work abroad. During this time, she learned the significance of modeling leadership behaviors and never asking people to do work that as a leader, you would not do yourself. She emphasizes the value of embracing change and being open to unexpected paths, which she discovered while living abroad and gaining a unique cultural perspective.

    As Lynn takes us through her career trajectory within the industry, additional key themes emerge including having a plan, advocating for yourself, and leaning on the expertise of the team around you (which is especially important if you are leading leaders!). Lynn, a working mother, also acknowledges the distinct challenges faced by professional women and the importance of achieving balance.

    In her closing comments, Lynn offers valuable advice to the next generation of female leaders: ‘Be prepared, be confident, and be true to yourself.’ For more insights, tune in to Lynn’s engaging presentation!

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  • In the latest installment of the WE United podcast, Phil Gallagher, CEO - Avnet & WE Advisory Council Member, addresses WE summit attendees with his presentation “Leading in a Fast Moving World.” Through personal and professional anecdotes, Phil touches on the key qualities of a leader and what he’s learned throughout his tenure in the industry.

    In the world of business – trust and likeability are key; “People still do business with people they like and trust over a long time.” Phil’s speaks frequently of mentorship and how it should be a should be a continuous journey, not confined to a structured program with an expiration date. In exploring the core values of leadership, he maintains that emotional intelligence is what sets high achievers apart. Leadership is not always about having the highest IQ or being the most intelligent, but about qualities such as self-awareness, conflict management, and empathy.

    The session ends with a Q&A session and more insights from Phil on topics such as confidence, the trajectory of a leadership path, and how sometimes, it's not about the comeback; it's the way you leave a situation that determines your ability to return. Tune in to this episode to hear more detail from Phil!

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  • Catch host Jackie Mattox as she interviews Simon Meadmore, an electronics industry leader, on the latest episode of the WE United podcast. With a 30+ year career in the electronics industry, Simon shares how he got his start as a new hire on the production line at a contract manufacturing company, progressing through different roles at various companies as he moved up the corporate ladder. Throughout his tenure, Simon has seen the impact technology has had on the industry and the state of near-constant connection we are in now. He shares his thoughts on technology’s impact going forward and what he sees as potential threats to growth within our industry.

    His recent departure from Newark has provided him with time for reflection and perspective on what comes next. Simon and Jackie discuss topics of confidence, imposter syndrome, and emotional intelligence, and how leaders are not necessarily taught these skills but they are more important than ever. Simon encourages listeners to share their experiences with doubt and fear and to connect with others – “people need to remember they are not on their own.”

    The conversation shifts to the topic of mentorship and three key mentors Simon has had (and still has!) at different points in his career. His key words of advice include doing what you say you’ll do and following up on your commitments to make positive impacts. Jackie and Simon leave listeners with final thoughts on career advancement, things that bring the most pain and joy, and the impact WE United will have on the growth and diversity of the electronics industry. Tune in to hear more thoughts from Simon!

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  • Join host Jackie Mattox, along with WE Chapter Council Leads, Susan Leager and Jessica Knight as they chat all things WE Chapters in the latest Changemakers podcast episode. Susan and Jessica first introduce themselves and their backgrounds in the industry before diving into how they were introduced to the Women in Electronics organization and became involved with WE Chapters.

    Susan shares insight into how the chapter program has developed over the years, and how in the midst of the pandemic, the shift from in-person meetings to virtual meetings led to new opportunities for communication and connection. The chapter program continues to evolve and align with the monthly leadership trainings, reinforcing the content as members are able to put the knowledge they’ve learned into practice. As we’ve headed into our ‘new normal’, Jessica shares exciting updates about the relaunch of local chapter meetings and in-person events, including the upcoming 5K WE United Walk-A-Thon.

    Jackie, Susan, and Jessica close with some final thoughts on the value networking and connecting with others in the industry, and their hopes for the future or Women in Electronics. Tune in to here more detail!

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  • Join host Jackie Mattox as she catches up with Clarence Semple, Sr. Business Development Manager at Newark Electronics, & Paul Starr, Director of Sales & Customer Engagement at Newark Electronics, and part of the WE United Collegiate Committee in the newest edition of the WE United Podcast, Changemakers Series. Paul and Clarence first share not only how they got started in the electronics industry, but how and why they became involved in the WE organization. Both felt called to action after hearing Jackie speak about Women in Electronics at a Newark event, and they wanted to show others how to make an impact and what they can bring to the table.

    For many people fighting systemic issues of gender parity, diversity, and inclusion, it often feels like “What can I do?” or “How can I help?” Clarence and Paul offer insight on the benefits they’ve received being involved with WE United and how they practice what they’ve learned in their own leadership positions. To the men and women alike who wonder what they do behind the scenes as men supporting an organization like Women in Electronics, they challenge, “come see for yourself!” Both speak of a strong desire to leave the industry better than they found it and to create a more inclusive environment by opening doors to not only future generations, but those that have felt they might not initially belong.

    This leads to their thoughts on participating in the WE summit last fall – of what it felt like to be part of a small group of men in a room dominated largely by women, and how that is not the ‘norm’ in our industry and the unique perspective it gave. Clarence and Paul share final takeaways about their efforts as part of the collegiate committee and what they are trying to accomplish, including their outlook on the incoming generation and the value they will bring to workforce. Tune in to hear more in detail from Clarence and Paul!

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  • Join Jackie Mattox, founder and CEO of Women in Electronics, she sits down for an exclusive one-on-one interview with Mike Morton, CEO of TTI, Inc. in the latest “Leader in Highlight” podcast episode. Mike starts off with how he moved from a procurement role in the hardware business into the electronics industry after meeting Paul Andrews, Founder of TTI. He shares memories of Paul and his continued legacy throughout the company – from his compassionate, easy-going nature to his philosophy on doing business and his drive to be better in all the things he did. Mike continues with the story of how Paul was introduced to Warren Buffet, leading TTI to eventually becoming a Berkshire Hathaway company.

    The conversation then shifts to Mike’s tenure with TTI and the skills developed along the way that enabled him to thrive in the role of CEO today. His best advice is that there is a difference between learning and being taught – don’t wait for anybody, go out and learn! He attributes his success to experiencing the broad range of functions within the company. The diversity and learning all aspects of the business positioned him well to ultimately have responsibility for the business. He shares his outlook on growth for not only the future of TTI, but the distribution channel in general, as well as the broader electronics industry.

    Looking back on his career, Mike shares what he’s been most proud of, what he would or wouldn’t want to change about his career path, what brings him joy outside of work, and the value that the TTI Family of Specialists find as a founding sponsor of the Women in Electronics organization.

    Tune in to discover more insights from Mike!

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  • Join Jackie Mattox, Founder and CEO of Women in Electronics, as she sits down with Mary Ellen Powell, Senior Director of Global Employee Development at Vishay, for a special “Day in the Life” episode of the WE podcast. Mary Ellen starts off by providing some background on her upbringing and her childhood. She shares how wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted to be when she grew up, but ultimately found a path that led her to where she is today – leading a team of 8 that’s responsible for the development of 25,000 employees globally, with a motto of “Make them say no.”
    She talks through the mindsets she brings to Vishay and how her impressive resume of past experiences helped drive the development and mind shift she’s been able to generate within the Vishay organization. Mary Ellen shares the lore behind the Vishay lab coat – a tribute to their late founder, Dr. Felix Zandman – and what her average day looks like. Spoiler: no two days are exactly the same and for Mary Ellen, that’s the draw. Every position has it’s ups and down and Mary Ellen shares her favorite (and least favorite) parts of the job and the benefits of having a ‘healthy dissatisfaction.’
    As a working mom, Mary Ellen keeps it together by managing her calendar wisely and encouraging her team to do the same. She wants her kids to not only see her work ethic but take away the fact that if you put your mind to it and work hard, you can have a beautiful life and be proud of your accomplishments. Lastly, Mary Ellen concludes on fun note sharing which movie characters she finds a combination of in herself. Take three guesses who and hear more in detail from Mary Ellen on the latest WE podcast episode.

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  • Hear from Karen Gavenda, Director of Strategic Programs, and Melissa Bychinski, Director of Business Development, Value Add Solutions, from RS Americas as they join host, Jackie Mattox, live on location in the latest installment of the WE United Podcast. Karen and Melissa kickoff this episode by sharing background on how they got started not only at RS, but in the electronics industry before diving deep into the topics of women as leaders and mentorship.

    “RS is really progressive in supporting women,” Karen shares, mentioning their Employee Resource Group called Elevate, which aligns heavily with the same initiatives that Women in Electronics is working towards. Melissa adds that the industry has come a long way since her start, and she stays involved with WE because of the continued progression and support for one another. As leaders, both Karen and Melissa reflect on the mentors and mentorship they found early in their careers and how that has led them to pay it forward. They discuss the benefits of different types of mentor/mentee relationships and importance of proactively reaching out to others in need of support.

    Expanding on their mentorship experience, Melissa and Karen both cite adaptability as a critical piece of advice they share with mentees, and how sometimes drawing on the opposite of bad advice can lead us forward in our path. “Our industry can be daunting when you first come into it,” Melissa notes, emphasizing the need to have an advocate who is transparent with you and can help you grow. Through their time as leaders, Melissa and Karen share insights in where they’ve seen people derailing their careers, and they highlight the value in not letting the “No’s” get to you and trusting your gut. Ending on a personal note, Karen and Melissa share what makes them the happiest and saddest and some final words of wisdom. Tune in to this episode to hear more in detail from Karen and Melissa!

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  • Join Women in Electronics Founder & CEO, Jackie Mattox, as she hosts Anne Taylor, Senior Vice President for Customer Experience at Vishay, on the latest episode of WE’s “Leader in Highlight” podcast. Sharing how she got started in the industry, Anne had very different career aspirations at first. She landed a role in electronics and had so much fun, she didn’t want to leave! She talks us through her career path and what keeps her interested; how she’s been connected to Vishay since the beginning and her alignment with the values of the organization.

    Anne discusses what it’s like to be a woman in leadership in a male-dominated industry and how the skills she learned early on help her to lead with kindness, clarity, and empathy. “It’s up to the leaders to make sure the organization knows what the vision is.” She challenges leaders to really understand their employees and identify their skill sets to make sure the right people are in the right positions. The conversation shifts to mentorship, with anecdotes of Anne’s earliest mentors – her mother and grandmother – and mentors she’s had at Vishay who’ve helped to guide her career.

    In addition to her involvement in WE’s mentor program, Anne shares how Vishay became involved as a sponsor company and the alignment between both organizations’ values. She highlights her hopes to continue to grow with and contribute to the WE organization. The discussion closes with Anne sharing what makes her feel joyful and sad in her soul, and what song perfectly represents her – for anyone who knows Anne, you won’t disagree!

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  • In the latest installment of the Women in Electronics “Leader in Highlight” podcast Founder and Host, Jackie Mattox, catches up with Maria Gillespie, Sr. Manager Distribution Americas at TE Connectivity. Maria first shares how she got her start in the electronics industry – working as an expeditor at a small distributor – and ultimately what led her to stick around and continue her career path to becoming an industry leader. As a lifelong learner, Maria believes “if you are the smartest person in the room, find another room,” and attributes that longing for knowledge, along with a deep respect and involvement in the mil/aero and defense sector of the industry as what keeps her motivated to stay.

    The conversation continues with the topic of leadership, and Maria notes how becoming a mother helped her progress and find strength as a leader. Empathy, patience, and accountability are key themes as Jackie and Maria discuss the intricacies of being a leader and the importance of the human factor. Leaders sometimes must make tough decisions and for Maria, open communication allows her to be comfortable in whatever difficult action needs to be taken. Beyond her own success, Maria aspires to be a sounding board for others. She actively shares connections and resources, lifting her team and supporting their growth. Her involvement in the WE organization aligns with this commitment to fostering professional development.

    Maria and Jackie conclude on a more personal note, sharing what makes her happy and sad in her soul, what movie character she sees in herself (hint: she’s tough, empathetic, and passionate, just like Maria herself), and what key takeaways Maria wants to leave with listeners. Tune in to discover more insights from Maria!

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  • Join Jackie Mattox as she hosts Terri Walsh, Vice President & General Manager – North America at RUTRONIK Electronics, on the latest “Leader in Highlight” Women in Electronics Podcast episode. A nearly 30-year veteran in the industry, Terri shares how she got her start as an entry level engineer and how her career choices led her to the role she’s in today as a leader at RUTRONIK. Terri speaks on the opportunity she’s had to build a culture and a team from the ground up, focusing on inclusivity and embracing the differences and challenges that brings. She continues by highlighting the advances that women have made in her time in the industry, noting that one of the most positive things she has seen is the ability for women to come together and support one another. Jackie and Terri discuss work-life balance and the importance of choosing priorities and making the best decisions for you. Terri thinks back on the mentors in her life and how sometimes you just need someone to see something in you that you didn’t see yourself to give you a push forward. The interview concludes with thoughts on modern feminism, how connecting with people and helping others brings joy, and how our darkest moments can put everything else in perspective. Tune in to hear the full detail!

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  • Jackie Mattox of Women in Electronics hosts Jens Gamperl, Founder of Sourceability, on the latest installment of WE Radio’s “Leader in Highlight” Podcast series. Jens takes a deep dive through his career path and how his background in IT and distribution ultimately led to the creation of Sourceability. He shares what Sourceability does, how they work with the electronics industry, what services they provide, and how they continually look to their customers to develop the future of the company. Jens and Jackie discuss not only the future of Sourceability, but the future of the industry and the importance of training young leaders. Trust is at the forefront of this movement; it’s the job of the leader not only to inspire, motivate, and empower the people that they’ve hired, but trust them in their decision-making. Jens continues with the value he finds in the WE organization and how women have played an important role through his career. At the end of the day, Jens comments how it’s about making the best decisions for the company and the greatest joy is in hearing that if you could go back, you’d do it all again. Don’t miss this insightful interview!

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  • Join host, Jackie Mattox, on the WE Podcast latest episode of the "Leader in Highlight" Series as she interviews executives, Dave Doherty, President and COO, and Linda Johnson, Executive Vice President Operations, from DigiKey.

    Highlights from this episode include DigiKey's recent brand refresh and their focus on continuous innovation. Dave and Linda emphasize the aim to provide customers with instantaneous access to information, the investment in automation to enhance the digital experience, and the importance of being a healthy ‘disruptor’ by being that one-stop shop for customers of all sizes, supporting both small-scale orders for designers, home engineers, and hobbyists, and large-scale production orders.

    Dave and Linda also share DigiKey's vision for the future, which involves maintaining the high availability of inventory and choice of product their customers have come to expect. With their global presence, they can aggregate demand and deliver stock worldwide within 1-3 days, and they are dedicated to providing efficient and streamlined services to their customers.

    We learn that Digikey has kept it's roots in the quaint town of Thief River Falls, from where they headquartered and operating their global organization with the same foundational "people first" values. This episode explores DigiKey's emphasis on employee well-being and company culture and intentionally about how best to support their employees, not just in productivity, but as people in general, prioritizing the three C’s: connection, collaboration, and community.

    The episode concludes with final thoughts on what energizes and brings each executive joy and sadness, not only as leaders, but as human beings. Don't miss this enlightening episode of the "Leader in Highlight" Podcast, where you'll gain valuable insights into DigiKey's history, their customer-centric approach, their dedication to channel partners, employee well-being, and industry innovation.

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  • In this episode of the "Leader in Highlight" podcast series, Jackie Mattox, the Founder and CEO of Women in Electronics, speaks with Don Akery, Chief Executive Officer at Waldom Electronics.

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  • Join Jackie Mattox on the latest episode of the "Leader in Highlight" podcast series as she chats with Colin Strother, Executive Vice President of Rochester Electronics. Colin starts by sharing his career journey through various roles and companies in the electronics industry before joining Rochester for the past 16 years. He emphasizes the company's success in making customers happy, along with the importance of culture and human connections.

    Jackie and Colin discuss the future of work in the electronics industry and the potential impact of AI in the next 5 to 10 years. Colin also shares his experiences with mentors throughout his career and highlights the importance of support and reciprocity.

    The conversation then shifts to Colin's guiding leadership principles, emphasizing core values, authenticity, and trust. The episode concludes with a discussion on what makes a good leader and the work we have yet to do to bring everyone to the conversation within the industry. Check out this episode to gain insights into Colin's experiences and perspectives on leadership and the future of the electronics industry!

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  • In this episode of the "Leader in Highlight" podcast series, Jackie Mattox, the Founder and CEO of Women in Electronics, speaks with Michelle Jobst from Jobst Incorporated, a manufacturer’s rep firm. Michelle shares her journey of how she came full circle into her family business at Jobst, from going on sales calls with her father as a child to graduating college with a degree in International Business and working her way through different corporate positions before returning to the Jobst organization.

    Jackie and Michelle discuss the markets and industries that Jobst serves and the company's desire to be at the forefront of innovation. Jackie and Michelle also reflect on their initial meeting through MANA and Michelle's journey as the first woman on the MANA board as the elected chairperson. Michelle shares her thoughts on attracting young people to the industry and the importance of thinking outside the box when it comes to new hires. The discussion ends with Michelle emphasizing the importance of mentorship and connection and inviting women to the conversation. Tune in to the episode to gain insights from Michelle’s journey and her thoughts on the industry's future.

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  • In the latest episode of the "Leader in Highlight" podcast series, Jackie Mattox welcomes Kate Cartwright, Vice President of People & Culture, and Jessie Dearien, Vice President of Marketing, from RS Group. The episode kicks off with Kate and Jessie providing background on Allied Electronics & Automation and parent company, RS Group, and how the shift to one brand has simplified and unified benefits for both employees and customers.

    The discussion uncovers the passion for the electronics industry and what excites Kate and Jessie about RS, emphasizing the company's ability to influence the organization's culture and enrich employees' lives by demonstrating leadership qualities. The duo underscores RS's commitment to “make amazing happen for a better world” and the importance of their partnership with Women in Electronics in supporting their vision for equity and representation of women and other diverse groups in leadership roles in the industry. They conclude with a note on recognizing that the industry still has a lot of work to do in terms of equity and representation for women and other diverse groups in leadership and how their partnership with Women in Electronics will support that vision in the future.

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