
  • This week's guest is the iconic, and exceptionally talented, chef Gabriel Rucker. Having started in kitchens at a young age, even though he dropped out of culinary school, Gabriel's incredible talent was there from the start. At 25, Gabriel became the chef at Portland’s iconic Le Pigeon, where he redefined French cuisine with his signature adventurous twists and carefree energy. He continued building award-winning restaurants, and he currently serves as Chef and co-owner of Canard—a French brasserie with two locations in Oregon–in addition to Le Pigeon. He is one of Portland’s most respected and decorated chefs. He has earned two James Beard awards for Rising Star Chef in 2011 and Best Chef Northwest in 2013. Over the past 10 years, he has become a leading advocate within the restaurant industry for recovery, health and fitness. In 2019, Rucker, along with fellow Portland chef Gregory Gourdet, he opened the Portland chapter of Ben’s Friends, the restaurant industry recovery group started by previous guest Mickey Bakst.

    Recently Gabriel did a Ted Talk Portland about leadership, mentorship and how to keep pushing forward in life even when things are tough. He also runs a group called Bird Dog Run, which is a running club that meets in front of Le Pigeon every Friday at 9am for people of all industry's to connect and enjoy the positive effects of exercise.

    We discussed -
    - Being a culinary school drop out.
    - How in 2007 he was the top of the culinary world, and how he nearly lost it all due to his spiralling addiction.
    - How alcohol and drugs had been an issue from a young age, but the environment and pressure of the kitchen had amplified this until he felt he could not do it anymore and sort help from his father, himself in recovery.
    - Priorising his wife and family over his job, and how by doing that and being a better family man he is actually able to be a better leader in the kitchen.
    - The teaching and mentoring he now does about balance, presence and boundaries with his own team, so they do not repeat the same patterns he did.

    Getting to speak to Gabriel was a real pinch-me moment, and it was amazing to get the chance to connect with one of the first chefs who has really taken it upon themselves to recovery loudly, to stop others dying quietly.

    Check him out on Instagram - @ruckergabriel @birddogrunclub

    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine



    This week's episode marks one year since releasing episode one. To mark this milestone, it was important to invite a guest along who has been instrumental in the genesis of this whole project, and indeed my sobriety. My guest, Rupert Davison is one of the company directors of A Rule of Tum. Rupert is a director at A Rule of Tum, which operates 6 restaurants in Worcester and Hereford, with plans to open in Birmingham. A Rule of Tum offers a diverse range of dining experiences, from Japanese ramen to classic burgers. They also run Dish by Art, a events company specializing in bespoke weddings and celebrations. Over the past decade, A Rule of Tum has become a culinary powerhouse.

    I worked at The Burger Shop Worcester for a few years, including over Covid. During that time, my drinking spiralled out of control, leading to devastating consequences like losing my job. In this episode, I chat with Rupert, a dear friend and the one who ultimately had to let me go. We delve into the challenges faced by employers in an industry with a long history of excessive drinking and drug use.

    We also talked about

    How Rupert got into cooking, and the great experiences the industry can offer young people in particular.The stresses of being a leader, and the burnout that so frequently comes with that.The lessons we have both learnt from the situation we found ourselves in.The great work that A Rule of Tum do to support their team members.

    This episode includes an introduction discussing the incident and my hope to inspire change by being open and vulnerable. Thank you to all listeners for an amazing year of podcasting.

    Check out the fantastic company A Rule of Tum here - https://aruleoftum.com/

    And follow on socials

    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


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  • In this week's episode we speak to the absolute legend Mickey Bakst, co founder of the national organisation Ben's Friends in the US. After losing a friend to addiction, Ben's Friends was born with a simple mission: to help struggling industry professionals break free from addiction. With almost 60 years of combined sobriety, Mickey and his partner Steve Palmer have proven that you can thrive in this industry while staying sober. Established in 2016, Ben’s Friends provides hope, fellowship, and support to those in the hospitality industry dealing with substance abuse. The organisation demonstrates that recovery is possible, and individuals can thrive in the industry without relying on alcohol or drugs through community, communication, and compassion.

    We discussed SO MUCH, including -

    - Why the industry is not to blame for peoples addiction ... But why it is also not blameless.
    - Why we need to stop throwing our people away, and how we can help them collaborative as mental health organisations.
    - How addiction is an industry wide issue, and not just reserved for chefs and BOH team members.
    - How to change the culture around drinking when the managers are the ones that need to change the most.
    - The recent change of narrative from 'let's get rid of the problem worker' to 'what can we do to support' and how important that change is for the future of the industry.
    - Sober contracts; what do they mean for the industry?

    Micky's honesty and willingness to generously share his story has saved so many lives. He speaks with love, passion and poetry of his time working FOH and his mission to protect both its people, and its magic is why he is an ICON. As Mickey himself says "Sobriety is a ball, we can do it in the industry and its even better if we do it together."

    Ben's Friends have daily online meetings, as well as in person meetings across the US and Canada. Check out their website for meeting links and follow on social media for more information.

    https://www.bensfriendshope.com/ @bensfriendshope

    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


  • In this week's episode, I sat down with the hilarious and incredibily intellectual Laura Louise Green, the founder of Healthy Pour. Healthy Pour is an organisation based in Chicago who focus on improving the mental health and well being of individuals in the workplace. Laura is a trained psychotherapist, and organizational consultant. It was shortly after receiving her license to practice as a psychotherapist, that the death of Anthony Bourdain prompted her to turn her sights on the hospitality industry and to provide free psychoeducation to the community at large. Since then, Healthy Pour has expanded to service all workspaces and industries, with a fondness for creative, high-pressure, working environments.

    We discussed –

    Trauma bonding and how that influence’s our decision on where we work.The impact of childhood experiences on our adult life decisions.How making small changes can have a massive ripple affect on the way people experience their work and therefore how they go on to enjoy their down time.The failed opportunities we had to reset as an industry after the pandemic.How to build trust in the workplace

    Laura is a powerhouse of information and her passion for change is not only infectious, but vitally needed at this time in the industry. Check out the amazing work she does on the website and follow her on socials.




    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


  • In this new episode, recorded late 2023, Shell talks to the wonderful Karl Considine back when he was still at the beginning of his journey with the now wildy successful Love From bar in Manchester.

    Throughout this heartfelt conversation, Karl peels back the layers of his experiences, discussing the stark realities of his former identity as the 'party boy' and the shift to a life where authenticity takes center stage. From confronting an identity crisis to building a new sense of self, he guides us through the intricate process of self-discovery that sobriety has ignited within him. His insights into the struggles with past habits, fears of relapse, and the joyous moments of living authentically offer a stirring glimpse into a life reclaimed.

    We also discussed -

    The challenge of looking after yourself when working in hospitality as you are there to serve others .Wearing you ability to work hard, party hard and repeat over and over as a badge of honour.Drinking home and alone; the secret world of addiction and that road to isolation it takes us down.The spectrum of extroversion and introversion.

    Karl's unwavering commitment to fostering inclusive, safe spaces where people can recover and discover themselves is such an inspiring story. He really is one of those unique humans with a very special heart and it was wonderful to chat to him.

    To connect with Karl, head to his instagram @love.fromco and @whatnext.karl

    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


  • In this new episode, Ben Gibbs, founder of the Sober Boozers Club, shares his journey with us in his signature candid, and humourous manner. He discusses his struggle with alcoholism and the pivotal moment that led him towards sobriety. Ben's story not only highlights his personal triumph but also sheds light on the growing market for non-alcoholic beer, emphasizing the inclusivity and happiness that can be found in a life without alcohol.

    During our conversation, we delve into the emotional challenges faced by those in recovery. We discuss the stigma associated with the term 'alcoholic' and the importance of self-forgiveness. Ben discusses the process of overcoming past mistakes while redefining one's identity.

    We also discuss -

    Being a big deal in RedditchThe challenge of being an alcoholic who loves beer, and how Ben claimed that and has not stopped doing what he loves just because he put down the booze.That you do not have to be an alcoholic to stop drinkingHow important to Ben it has been building a community of AF beer drinkers around him, and the joy of being able to share his love of these drinks with peopleThe commonality of addicts who search for community in the wrong places, which leads to the bottle of a bottle ... And how now we are sober we find what we were really looking for. Connection.

    This episode is a mix of laughter and honesty, showcasing a community that embraces vibrant living without alcohol. Pour yourself your fave AF beer and enjoy! For more from Ben, follow him on @sober_boozers_club

    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


  • This week on We Recover Loudly, we pull back the curtain with Shannon Michelle, whose journey from pizza counter to cocktail shaker has taken a turn towards sobriety and a quest for inclusivity in the bar industry. Her candid stories serve as a beacon for those navigating the rewarding yet tumultuous waves of hospitality. From the personal cost of burnout to her transformation into a charity-minded business owner, Shannon's reflections are a testament to the power of vulnerability and the strength found in choosing a life less intoxicated.

    Navigating a career in hospitality can be like mixing a complex cocktail – it requires balance, a dash of creativity, and the occasional bitter note to appreciate the sweet. We examine the silent struggles faced by many behind the bar, discussing the importance of recognizing the warning signs of mental health in our team and the necessity for compassionate leadership.

    We also discuss -
    - Burn out and neurodiversity
    - The fear we can feel around asking for help, and how this can esculate destructive behaviours.
    - How important boundaries are, and that we should be championing them in our teams, and ourselves.
    - The importance of mentorship.

    We discuss the burgeoning trend of low and no ABV cocktails that Shannon champions. This conversation is an inspiring a celebration of personal growth, professional evolution, and the realization that sobriety might just be the best decision you can make!

    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


  • On this week's episode, we are joined by Acme Fire Cult Leader, chef Andrew Clarke. Andrew Clarke shares about his childhood upbringing being around flames to mastering the art of live fire cooking. His journey has been one of transformation, both in the kitchen and in his personal life. As we discuss the timeline of his career, Andrew shares anecdotes from his early days as a musician to the key moments that shaped his path as a culinary expert, all while maintaining his signature beard in the fiery atmosphere of his craft.

    This episode delves into the challenges of kitchen life and the importance of mental health in the hospitality industry. Andrew Clarke openly talks about his personal struggles with depression and emphasizes the need for support networks within the profession. His work with Pilot Light offers hope for those facing the intense environment of the culinary world, highlighting the significance of self-care when working with the flames of the kitchen.

    Andrew's resilience and commitment to wellbeing in the hospitality sector showcase the importance of nourishing the spirit alongside perfecting a dish. If you're interested in the balance between humor, wellness, and creating a supportive workplace environment, tune in for a heartfelt discussion that could change your perspective on success in the industry. Each story shared contributes to building a healthier and more fulfilled community of chefs and culinary enthusiasts.

    Check out Andrew on instagram @chefandrewclarke and @acmefirecult

    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


  • This week’s episode is a total riot. Shell is joined by one of the brains behind the incredible brewery Mash Gang. Jordan talks about the journey from a hobbyist homebrewer during lockdown to launching a successful non-alcoholic beverage company. He discusses how their initial experimentation with fermentation led to creating some rather unique products before getting to the beers we know and love, collaborating with breweries like Northern Monk and BrewDog, and navigating challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite setbacks, Jordan reflects on their adventurous spirit of the Mash Gang team and how their sheer determination and hard work to turn their hobby into a thriving business has come to fruit in such an extraordinary way.

    We also discussed

    The importance of knowledge sharing and collaboration within the industry, highlighting initiatives like free training sessions for industry professionals.The commercialisation of addiction, with a powerful perspective on how things like Dry January can infact cause challenges for people due to a lack of safety.Jordan shares his personal experience with addiction, rehab and rehabilitation.Societal perceptions of sobriety and the need to respect individual choices without judgment.The obsession recovered addicts have with shortbread.

    Jordan is a massive character in the NA industry, and his personality is as delightfully refreshing as his beers. This episode really highlights that the NA beer space is full of energy, creativity and excitement. Whatever your reason for reaching for an NA beer, Mash Gang have really raised the bar.

    Connect with Jordan:

    @ mash_gang linkedin.com/in/mashgangjord

    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support:

    @werecoverloudly www.werecoverloudly.com

    [email protected]

    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    The Burnt Chef Project @theburntchefproject



    No Low Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


  • On this week’s episode, we are joined by Raj Markandoo, an openly queer sober legend who currently works as Operations Manager at London based Bubala. Raj shares his personal journey of overcoming challenges growing up feeling disconnected from his community and how he finally found a sense of belonging when he started working in hospitality in Cumbria. We connected on how we both previously used drugs and alcohol to escape our thoughts and emotions, and how as the years went past that behaviour became more and more problematic. Raj describes finding sobriety during the COVID-19 lockdown, and emphasises the importance of breathwork and mindfulness in his recovery.

    We also discussed

    How a personalised approach to recovery can be beneficial, and that finding what works best for the individual, whether it's meditation, support groups, or other forms of therapy is important.The value of gratitude and self-reflection in recovery.The importance of mindfulness practices and boundary-setting in your personal journeys and professional lives, emphasizing the need for ongoing conversations and resources to support mental health and well-being in the workplaceThe significance of honesty, resourcing oneself, and seeking help when managing team members struggling with addiction or mental health issues and how the best approach is always with compassion when addressing these challenges.

    Raj is a great example of what we should be striving for in our managers. He is open and honest about where he has made mistakes, but he has owned up to them and now he works hard to provide a shining example to not just his team, but the whole industry. Raj proves that you can be in recovery and work not only at a high level in the industry, but work there with humility and abundance.

    And if you live in London, get to Bubala now!

    Connect with Raj:



    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support:

    @werecoverloudly www.werecoverloudly.com

    [email protected]

    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    The Burnt Chef Project @theburntchefproject



    No Low Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


  • On this week’s episode, we have marketing legend and one of the incredible minds behind ‘Hospitality Rising’, Mark McCulloch. The campaign, which has created more excitement and drive towards getting people to consider a career in hospitality than any previous attempt, is coming up to 18 months old and has industry awards such as Casual Dining Awards ‘Special Award’ and Otolo’s Opra’s award for ‘Grassroots Marketing’, scattered amongst its many achievements. Previous to this campaign, 1 in 5 would consider a career in hospitality. This has now increased to 1 in 3. The tag line ‘Rise Fast, Work Young’ has engaged a whole new demographic of workers, as well as being supported by veteran industry leaders such as Angela Harnett and Tom Kerridge.

    We also discussed:

    How broken the way we recruit is, and that a radical change needs to be made to; and Mark’s suggestions of what that may look likeThe impact of hearing Trevor Gulliver speaking, and saying “are you generous enough to teach”; and the impact of those words for leaders.Whether hospitality is the ‘architect of its own doom’ and if so, what we need to do to change that future.Why hospitality is such a fantastic industry for young people.

    Mark is bundle of joy and passion for this industry, and he was a delight to catch up with. Make sure to follow Hospitality Rising as there are big plans for the future ahead.




    @werecoverloudly www.werecoverloudly.com

    Want us to come into your business and talk to your teams about addiction in the workplace?? Send us an email at [email protected] and we will be in touch!

    This episode is sponsored by The Burnt Chef Project.

    @theburntchefproject www.theburntchefproject.com


    Low No Drinker Magazine

    @lownodrinkermagazine www.lownodrinkermagazine.com

    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


  • On this week’s episode, we are joined by Greg Baker. Greg was a chef and restaurateur for 36 years, with six James Beard Award nominations behind him, before retiring in 2019, citing the physical and mental toll the work took on him as his reasons. In his last years as a chef, he became a vocal advocate for raising awareness of and dealing with systemic mental health issues in the hospitality industry. Since leaving restaurants, Greg has continued his advocacy work, and he now works as a freelance writer for such publications as Food & Wine magazine, Serious Eats, and Tasting Table.

    We first became aware of the work Greg is associated with when watching a short video The Wall Street Journal put together in 2018 after the tragic death of Antony Bourdain. The video called ‘A Reckoning With the Dark Side of the Restaurant Industry’ features industry leaders at the time such as Greg Baker, Cat Cora and Patrick Mulveny. Talking to Greg all these years later was really moving, especially as he shares how difficult his mental health became over the years and how his shame to share about it nearly cost him his life.

    We discussed -

    Toxic masculinity and whether it is self imposed at timesHow he gravitated towards the chaos of the kitchen and that high adrenaline lifestyle from a young manThe failure of the industry to rebuild itself after the pandemic better than it was beforeHow if we want to create lasting change, it has to start at the top

    This is a raw, no holds barred and very moving conversation with a talented chef who we could have lost, and who is now making positive changes with his story. Inspiring stuff.


    @werecoverloudly www.werecoverloudly.com

    Want us to come into your business and talk to your teams about addiction in the workplace?? Send us an email at [email protected] and we will be in touch!

    This episode is sponsored by

    The Burnt Chef Project.

    @theburntchefproject www.theburntchefproject.com


    Low No Drinker Magazine

    @lownodrinkermagazine www.lownodrinkermagazine.com

    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


  • On this week’s episode of We Recover Loudly, we were joined by Denise Hamilton-Mace , who is the owner and Editor in Chief of Low No Drinker magazine, the UK's No 1 magazine for sober curious drinkers.

    Denise is a hospitality veteran, having worked her way up to management in fast paced, high volume restaurants and bars from an early age. Finding herself continually getting burnt out from the stress of working, and fallings into the trappings of after work drinking, she decided to change direction and left the industry to study sport and nutrition. One day in the shower (love a shower moment) the idea for a magazine that celebrates low and no drinks and showcases a mindful drinking lifestyle in all is awesomeness was sparked and before long she was holding the first edition of her very own magazine in her hands. Since then, the magazine has gone from strength to strength and is the number one go to for anyone wanting to know more about low and now drinks, packed with articles from producers as well as interviews with people in the sober community, helpful advice if you are looking to change your relationship with alcohol, the latest events, and festivals and SO much more. Think ‘Good Housekeeping’ magazine but for the Sober Curious!

    For this episode we discussed

    Denise's early career in hospitality, and how much fun it was finding a community of people she had so much in common with.The challenges of being a female in the industry, and how she felt she had to 'man up' to be heard.How drinking became a go to after work, and before long she found she could not cope without the promise of those after work drinks.How changing her direction and educating herself on nutrition has taught her how important it is that we are mindful of what we put in our bodies, including alcohol.

    This is a fantastic episode that really highlights how we need to challenge the reasons behind why we are drinking, as it’s a slippery slope from 'healthy' relationship to a dependant one ... and that there is a big, beautiful sober curious life out there for everyone!



    @werecoverloudly www.werecoverloudly.com

    Want us to come into your business and talk to your teams about addiction in the workplace?? Send us an email at [email protected] and we will be in touch!

    This episode is sponsored by

    The Burnt Chef Project.

    @theburntchefproject www.theburntchefproject.com


    Low No Drinker Magazine

    @lownodrinkermagazine www.lownodrinkermagazine.com

    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


  • On this week’s episode of We Recover Loudly, we were beyond delighted to be joined by former chef and actor, now writer, producer AND film director, Phil Barantini. Phil is one of the creative minds behind the incredible films, and now BBC tv series, Boiling Point. Having previously worked as a chef, and personally experienced the stress, poor mental health and addiction that is all to common in the industry, he decided he wanted to create a short film that explores the unique challenges we face in hospitality. That film, staring Stephen Graham was then followed by the incredible single shot feature film and most recently the applauded 4-part BBC series.

    What The Bear lacks in authenticity, Boiling Point has in abundance as it shows real scenarios, real people and the real pressures of our industry, as well as, showing the beauty of connection in the team, and the fun and triumph of a great shift, the joy and the laughter.

    For this episode we discussed

    Phil’s early experience as a chef and how that shaped the focus of Boiling PointPhil’s own journey into sobriety after challenging times during his cheffing careerWhy the industry is such a fantastic one for young people to get essential hands on experiences that will serve them for lifeThe responsibility he feels to show the realities of his experiences in a balanced and non - sensationalised way.

    We are HUGE fans of the film and the tv show – And this chat with Phil was a highlight of the series to record. Boiling Point is available to watch on multiple streaming platforms, and BBC I Player.



    @werecoverloudly www.werecoverloudly.com

    Want us to come into your business and talk to your teams about addiction in the workplace?? Send us an email at [email protected] and we will be in touch!

    This episode is sponsored by

    The Burnt Chef Project.

    @theburntchefproject www.theburntchefproject.com

    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


  • Welcome to this week’s episode of We Recover Loudly, with guest Devan Rajkumar, otherwise known as Chef Dev. Chef Dev has worked in the industry from a young man, climbing the ranks from dish pit to world renowned chef, writer and tv personality on shows such as Fire Masters. Having started in the industry with a desire to eventually be a food critic, it was working with Food Dudes that cemented his love of working on the frontline. As well as becoming addicted to the rush and adrenaline of service, in his personal life, Chef Dev had long struggled with drug and alcohol use.

    Over the years his continued use increased until it got to a point where he had to change, or he was going to lose his life. He has always been very open about his sobriety, as well as his relapse, as he believes that the more open, he is with his story, the more people he can help – Something we could not agree more with!

    Now over 30 months sober, Chef Dev is a fantastic role model to other chefs showing that you can come through really dark times, turn it around and become a success.

    We discussed :

    His immediate addiction to the adrenaline of serviceThat he feels he would have been an addict regardless of working in hospitality, but that the industry accelerated it.Coming back from his relapse over the pandemic, and how hard that period of isolation was for him - something alot of us can relate too.How important it is for leaders to show vulnerability, as that is actually showing true strength.

    This was such a treat to record, and a really inspiring conversation.

    Connect with Chef Dev –



    @werecoverloudly www.werecoverloudly.com

    Want us to come into your business and talk to your teams about addiction in the workplace?? Send us an email at [email protected] and we will be in touch!

    This episode is sponsored by

    The Burnt Chef Project.

    @theburntchefproject www.theburntchefproject.com

    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


  • Welcome to this week's episode of We Recover Loudly where Shell has the pleasure of chatting to beverage industry titan Alex Jump. Alex is an award-winning bartender who began her career behind the stick in her hometown of Tennessee after spending time studying aboard in Florence, Italy, including a stint interning at the largest wine shop in the Italian city.

    Her first management role came in her early 20s, at East Bistro and by 23 she was promoted to overseeing the beverage programs at both Easy Bistro and there, more casual, whiskey-focused sister restaurant, Main Street Meats. She dreamt of working at the infamous Death & Co and moved to Denver hopeful for the chance to get to work at the opening of the cocktail bar. Finally in 2018 she got her wish and was made the new outpost’s bar manager.

    Alex continued to add accolades to her name, including being named a finalist for Bombay Sapphire’s “Most Imaginative Bartender” in 2019 and being included on the 2021 Forbes “30 under 30 Food and Drink” list. In 2020, Alex co-founded Focus on Health with her business partner, Lauren O'Brien, and they use this platform to advocate for the physical and mental wellbeing of people working in the food and beverage industry. With FOH she has is able to share about her own struggle with mental health over the years and has created some vital training and support resources for the industry.

    We discussed

    Looking for community when studying religion and the parallels with that and the communities we form in hospitality jobs.How there is still work to be done around the stigma of drugs and drug usage in the industryHow important it is to support team members with compassion and flexibility.Ways to bond with team members that does NOT involving getting drunk.The work herself and the Focus on Health team are doing bringing more awareness to the industry of the mental health challenges people face and how to support them.

    Alex is a wonderful example of bartender – one who still drinks but has changed her relationship for a more positive one, embracing having a mindful approach. She is also a totally awesome cocktail throwing, motor bike riding bad ass – a privilege to chat too!

    Connect with Alex –



    @werecoverloudly www.werecoverloudly.com

    Want us to come into your business and talk to your teams about addiction in the workplace?? Send us an email at [email protected] and we will be in touch!

    This episode is sponsored by

    The Burnt Chef Project.

    @theburntchefproject www.theburntchefproject.com

    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


  • Welcome to this week's episode of We Recover Loudly where Shell is joined by the brilliant Neil Rankin. Neil, a physics graduate, began his career in French fine dining but is best known for his talent in BBQ and fire-based cooking. He has worked with acclaimed US BBQ chef Adam Perry Lang, and has made significant contributions to the BBQ and meat cookery world as a published author, columnist, and TV personality.

    Neil is now focusing on creating natural plant-based meat alternatives under his brand Symplicity Foods, which are supplied to top UK restaurants and Michelin-starred chefs. His latest venture involves collaborating with a well-known burger chain to create a special burger. Neil has also held positions such as Chef Director at temper group of restaurants and Head Chef at highly acclaimed establishments like John Salt and Smokehouse. He is an accomplished chef, having competed in the 9th series of BBC2's Great British Menu. Neil's book, Low and Slow, was a bestseller upon its release in 2016.

    We discussed

    His early experiences in the kitchen, and what drove him to become a chefThe incidents of drinking and drug taking that he experienced working in kitchens.Seeing colleagues falling away from the profession due to addictionHis own journey into a more mindful relationship with drinking

    Neil is a great example of how you change your relationship with alcohol and have a more positive, non-dependant experience with it. He is also a shining light that proves to be successful as a chef, you do not have to fall into the archetype of ‘shouting/aggressive/addicted’ brut!

    Connect with Neil –




    @werecoverloudly www.werecoverloudly.com

    Want us to come into your business and talk to your teams about addiction in the workplace?? Send us an email at [email protected] and we will be in touch!

    This episode is sponsored by The Burnt Chef Project.

    @theburntchefproject www.theburntchefproject.com

    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


  • This weeks special bonus episode is released especially for Transgender Awareness week. I had the pleasure of being joined by my friends Phoebe and Rachel, hosts of The Joy Tuck Podcast, to discuss the challenges of being transgender, including the social expectations and the importance of the transitioning journey. I met Phoebe in the rooms of recovery and was blown away with how much I related when she shared what it felt like moving through the world in an identity that did not feel like yours. In the episode, we explore the parallels between toxic masculinity in the hospitality industry and the difficulties faced by transgender individuals when transitioning. The conversation highlights the resilience and survival instincts required in both situations, emphasising the need for more understanding and support in society.

    We also discussed

    The similarities between our journeys, instead of focusing on why we are different, such as the feeling of wearing an identity that is not yours.What it is like to spend every day wearing a mask, and how heavy it becomes over time. How to talk support team members who are transgender, or who are in the process of transitioning.The importance of compassion and connection to ensuring we are building inclusive workspaces.

    This is an important conversation, and I feel privileged to have been able to have it.

    @werecoverloudly www.werecoverloudly.com

    Want us to come into your business and talk to your teams about addiction in the workplace?? Send us an email at [email protected] and we will be in touch!

    This episode is sponsored by The Burnt Chef Project.

    @theburntchefproject www.theburntchefproject.com

    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


  • This is the second bonus episode, released as part of Addiction Awareness Week 2023.

    On this episode I chat to fellow Burnt Chef ambassador Patrick Lingle. Patrick's journey began in restaurants during his youth, and he was immediately drawn to the energy and social aspect of the industry. We talked about the high demands and long hours of working in the restaurant business, along with the culture of socializing and often drinking after work and how challenging it can be to maintain work-life balance, given the demands of the job.

    We also discussed

    The allure of the fast-paced, high-energy environment.His personal journey of how his drinking gradually escalated from occasional wine tasting to becoming an all-day habit, leading to a DUI arrest.How the industry needs to take steps to educate its employees about responsible drinking and raise awareness about alcoholism, which was not part of the conversation when he began his career. How plant based living has become such a big part of his new life, and how much he enjoys looking after his health now after so many years of abusing his body.

    Patrick is such a great example of how you can go through so much in working the industry, becoming unaligned with what is authentic and your purpose but through hard work and determination you can turn it all around and have a beautiful and successful life.

    @werecoverloudly www.werecoverloudly.com

    Want us to come into your business and talk to your teams about addiction in the workplace?? Send us an email at [email protected] and we will be in touch!

    This episode is sponsored by The Burnt Chef Project.

    @theburntchefproject www.theburntchefproject.com

    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine


  • This week's bonus episode, is released as part of Addiction Awareness Week 2023.

    It is a conversation with the lovely Liz Bennett, who works in a pub for Hyde's Brewery. One of the things we want the podcast to do is offer a platform for people currently working in the industry, while being sober, to share how they do it! Liz approached us wanting to do exactly that, and this is a brilliant conversation where we connected on how she positively manages her team without the need for after work boozing.

    We discussed :

    The camaraderie and life skills working in hospitality offers.How hospitality is a place where young people can grow quickly and gain skills in dealing with diverse personalities, maintaining respect for others and themselves, and handling high-pressure situations.The importance of good management and leadership in ensuring a positive workplace environments and how much easier it is to do this when sober.That is is possible to have a strong bond with your team without having drinks after work.

    This is a cracking episode showing what you can achieve when you make a decision to put down alcohol.

    @werecoverloudly www.werecoverloudly.com

    Want us to come into your business and talk to your teams about addiction in the workplace?? Send us an email at [email protected] and we will be in touch!

    This episode is sponsored by The Burnt Chef Project.

    @theburntchefproject www.theburntchefproject.com

    For more information on We Recover Loudly and to reach out for speaking engagements or support email [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by our proud sponsors:

    Low No Drinker Magazine @lownodrinkermagazine
