Today I am journeying with Tara Kimes! Tara and I follow the thread of Perfectionism, listening with the many ways Archetypal Guides arrive to deepen our learning and offer us symbolic reflections that shift our perspectives. Lilith drops in to remind us of the raw truths we walk with, The Tower emerges to reshape our understanding of liberating moments, The Sun brings in the Father energy and reminds us of the beauty in our perfectionist approach, and Animal Guides show up to sharpen our clarity around going for what we want AND being playful in the process. We touch into some very human shadows that stem from the perfectionism storyline, and somehow find the LIGHT in what is presenting as fear.
This podcast episode was published as a dynamic post with photos, quotes, a synthesized overview and our Guest's bio via the Weaving Wisdom Substack! Here is a link to the beautifully published piece:
Perfectionism and Summoning Archetypal Guides to Enrich our Human Learnings
Interested in Journeying with the Elemental Dimensions to TUNE IN with your Field?Elemental Soul Mapping is an Immersive 3 Hour Session opening communion with your 5 Elemental Dimensions. We will explore your: Current Channeled Guidance, Emerging Gifts, Thresholds of Growth, Divine Alignments, Heart’s Desires, Vital Needs, and Shedding Identities as a present moment Map for your Soul Embodied Human Journey. You will be Guided INTO each Dimension through Invocations and Ritual Writing, woven with Intuitive Channeling and Reflective Inquiry to reveal the Wisdom specific for your current journey. This journey functions as a Reading of your field! Email me to schedule our time together: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com
Links to Explore Tara's Field of Magic:
Links to Explore Rhiannon's Field of Magic:
Weaving Wisdom Substack
1:1 Journeys with Rhiannon
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe -
Today I am journeying with Portia Gough! We touched into the power of Inquiry as the pathway of cultivating intimacy with ourselves and with the intricate mystery that is Life here on Earth. Portia shares about her relationship with Nature as a safe place to listen and be heard, introducing us to a few wonderful Plant Guides and the Elemental energies that resonate deeply with her Soul Truth. We explore the body and emotions as powerful communications and how to BE with the intensity that we experience. We share our love of Not Knowing and the curiosities we have around the true Human History. This conversation spoke deeply to restoring and remembering how to Trust.
This podcast episode was published as a dynamic post with photos, quotes, a synthesized overview and our Guest's bio via the Weaving Wisdom Substack! Here is a link to the beautifully published piece:
Inquiry as a Pathway to Trust and Intimacy with Life Itself
Interested in Journeying with the Elemental Dimensions to TUNE IN with your Field?Elemental Soul Mapping is an Immersive 3 Hour Session opening communion with your 5 Elemental Dimensions. We will explore your: Current Channeled Guidance, Emerging Gifts, Thresholds of Growth, Divine Alignments, Heart’s Desires, Vital Needs, and Shedding Identities as a present moment Map for your Soul Embodied Human Journey. You will be Guided INTO each Dimension through Invocations and Ritual Writing, woven with Intuitive Channeling and Reflective Inquiry to reveal the Wisdom specific for your current journey. This journey functions as a Reading of your field! Email me to schedule our time together: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com
Links to Explore Portia's Field of Magic:
Instagram: @root_and_crown
Substack: Root + Crown
Links to Explore Rhiannon's Field of Magic:
Weaving Wisdom Substack
1:1 Journeys with Rhiannon
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe -
Episodi mancanti?
Today we journey into the Dimension of Heart to listen with the Remembrance offered INTO our current Wisdom Spiral. The Dimension of Heart touches into the convergence of your Wholeness. I feel that all the dimensions meet in our Heart field to be integrated and purified INTO our unique melody of truth. It is here that our divine lessons emerge, leading us in and through the Soul Guided path that we came to embody. The sanctuary of our Heart is our safe space, the home of our Soul, the voice of our knowing.
Spelling Attunements through rhythmically poetic language evokes Remembrance. Layers of meaning dance with the melody, breathing inquiry into the multidimensional consciousness of your Soul Ecology. This spiralic path of intentional activation opens you into an intimate conversation with the current of transformation alive in your Elemental Dimensions. Each Spell an invitation, initiating restoration with the intrinsic channels of communion that weave the reality you breathe.
Let this spell be kindling for the hearth of your Heart’s Truth.
Click this link to access this published piece in its Wholeness which includes the written spell, photos, and further links ~ The Heart Field is a Consciousness
Links to Explore Rhiannon's Field of Magic:
Weaving Wisdom Substack
1:1 Journeys with Rhiannon
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe -
Today I am journeying with Carrie Bancroft! We navigate the hilarity of our human behavior in response to the Soul Guided journey that we are here to walk. We touch into the various ways we cloud our own reception through rebellious choices that lead to us tuning out, and the unconscious behaviors that lead to profound epiphanies through the mundane human moments of reaction. All of these beautiful lessons are in service to our Heart Centered Gridwork ~ the stillness point of presence that ripples deep healing into the song lines of our reality.
This podcast episode was published as a dynamic post with photos, quotes, a synthesized overview and Carrie's bio via the Weaving Wisdom Substack! Here is a link to the beautifully published piece:
The Gift of Getting in Our Own Way
Interested in Journeying with the Elemental Dimensions to TUNE IN with your Field?Elemental Soul Mapping is an Immersive 3 Hour Session opening communion with your 5 Elemental Dimensions. We will explore your: Current Channeled Guidance, Emerging Gifts, Thresholds of Growth, Divine Alignments, Heart’s Desires, Vital Needs, and Shedding Identities as a present moment Map for your Soul Embodied Human Journey. You will be Guided INTO each Dimension through Invocations and Ritual Writing, woven with Intuitive Channeling and Reflective Inquiry to reveal the Wisdom specific for your current journey. This journey functions as a Reading of your field! Email me to schedule our time together: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com
Links to Explore Carrie's Field of Magic:
Carrie's Write and Hike Retreats
Carrie's Substack Soul Joy
Carrie's Instagram
Links to Explore Rhiannon's Field of Magic:
Weaving Wisdom Substack
1:1 Journeys with Rhiannon
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe -
Today I am journeying with Emily P. Perry. We explore the power of meeting each moment as a Guide, approaching all that is emerging with Curious Compassion and the desire to create intimate communion with the fragmented aspects of self. Emily shares powerful wisdom about tuning in to ourselves as a prayer and setting down the stories to listen with the communications of our body’s primal language. She offers brilliant practices and approaches to gently cultivate a receptive relationship with our Embodied Wholeness.
This podcast episode was published as a dynamic post with photos, quotes, a synthesized overview and Emily's bio via the Weaving Wisdom Substack! Here is a link to the beautifully published piece:
Meeting the Moment with Curious Compassion
Interested in Journeying with the Elemental Dimensions to TUNE IN with your Field?Elemental Soul Mapping is an Immersive 3 Hour Session opening communion with your 5 Elemental Dimensions. We will explore your: Current Channeled Guidance, Emerging Gifts, Thresholds of Growth, Divine Alignments, Heart’s Desires, Vital Needs, and Shedding Identities as a present moment Map for your Soul Embodied Human Journey. You will be Guided INTO each Dimension through Invocations and Ritual Writing, woven with Intuitive Channeling and Reflective Inquiry to reveal the Wisdom specific for your current journey. This journey functions as a Reading of your field! Email me to schedule our time together: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com
Links to Explore Emily's Field of Magic:
Emily's Substack: Hear Love Here, Love
Emily's Instagram
Links to Explore Rhiannon's Field of Magic:
Weaving Wisdom Substack
1:1 Journeys with Rhiannon
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe -
Hello fellow Weavers! Today I am sharing about my current of learning with Rhythm through the lens of creativity. As we receive inspirations and begin new journeys of embodied learning, our Wholeness is spiraled through an integrative dance of transformation. Each layer of of our personal rhythm asks that we listen with the fluctuations in our pace and capacity, tending to our needs in real time. We cannot chart creativity, we cannot force it, we cannot demand of it. To preserve the integrity of our resonance, we must learn to responsibly allow our rhythm to lead. To learn the languages of our embodiment and give presence to the various phases of our creative process. How do we tend to our rhythm without imposing upon it? How to we nurture our rhythm without manipulating it?
I would love to hear your thoughts and wonderings about Creative Rhythm, and the transformational spiral that you experience when you receive inspiration for new creations. Connecting in the comments is a great way to spark new threads of perspective and cultivate community. You can share your reflections here!
Email: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com
Substack: Weaving Wisdom Substack
Share Your Voice: The Weaving Wisdom Garden
Journey with Me: 1:1 Journey
Website: WeavingWisdom.Love
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe -
Hi folks! Listen IN with my learnings about how Wholeness influences the creative process. In my exploration of cultivating a thriving ecology for our creativity, I have begun deepening my understanding of all the complex layers that nourish our gifts. Wholeness is a key ingredient! In this episode I share about the importance of shifting from intention to inquiry, shifting from curation to cohesion, and shifting from the pursuit of healing to the pilgrimage of Wholeness.
I would LOVE to hear your thoughts, questions and reflections! Give a moment a post a comment on the Substack.
My most recent writing explores Harmonizing Wholeness through the guidance of Linden! In this piece I share about Restoring our Wholeness, Accessing Guidance, the Potency of your Distinction, Wholeness Intelligence, and the medicine of Linden! You can read that here: Harmonizing Wholeness
Email: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com
Substack: The Weaving Wisdom Substack
Share Your Voice: WeavingWisdom.Love/Pollinating-Expression
Journey with Me: 1:1 Journey
Website: WeavingWisdom.Love
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe -
Hi folks! Today I am introducing the concept of Vital Soul Nutrients, potent rituals specifically crafted for our personal needs that support us in grounding IN our transformation. I share about the potential of our shadow habits to creep back in through a channeled message, and address the reality of responsibility when it comes to change. I offer inquires to support your exploration of Vital Soul Nutrients as well as my process in cultivating my rituals through these clarities.
I would love to hear from you. To share your thoughts about this episode, post a Comment on the Substack here!
My most recent written piece explores this topic, along with how our immune system comes into play, how Nettles support us with this process and what makes for fertile soil in our internal landscape. Check that out here!
Thank you for TUNING IN
Email: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com
Substack: The Weaving Wisdom Substack
Share Your Voice: WeavingWisdom.Love/Pollinating-Expression
Journey with Me: 1:1 Journey
Website: WeavingWisdom.Love
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe -
Hi Friends! Today’s episode is exploring the underbelly of Repatterning Reality. As we begin the process of restoring our Wholeness and embracing responsibility for our energy, we must step into inquiry with all the ways our shadow frequencies influence the behavior patterns and the core beliefs that we are functioning within. When we pull on the threads of our wounded past, we find ourselves NOTICING all the ways those wounds innervated into our relational dynamic with life. I touch on The Grounding Points and The Realms of Wisdom in this exploration. These are concepts that make up my foundational framework. There are past episodes about these (and more in-depth episodes to come) as well as deeper clarity shared through The Weaving Wisdom Guides that accompany those episodes!
I would love to hear from you. To share your thoughts about this episode, post a Comment on the Substack!
Thank you for TUNING IN!
Email: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com
Substack: The Weaving Wisdom Substack
Share Your Voice: WeavingWisdom.Love/Pollinating-Expression
Journey with Me: 1:1 Journey
Website: WeavingWisdom.Love
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe -
Hi friends! Today I am sharing about a Wholeness engaging process that supports integration with your shadow frequencies. Weaving a Gateway consciously gathers the power of your present moment energy through The Realms of Wisdom, and shifts the trajectory towards your desired reality. This practice invites you to uniquely create a ritual that harnesses the elemental energies converging to create your being, and craft an opening within the looping narrative of your wounding. This opening serves as new pathway, a new embodied belief that helps your shadow discover the safety of the present moment and the nourishment of integrating with your Wholeness.
I would love to hear from you. To share your thoughts about this episode, post a Comment on the Substack!
Thank you for TUNING IN!
Email: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com
Substack: The Weaving Wisdom Substack
Share Your Voice: WeavingWisdom.Love/Pollinating-Expression
Journey with Me: 1:1 Journey
Website: WeavingWisdom.Love
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe -
Hi friends! A channeled message today, rhythmically attuning perception to the beat of the shadowy deep. Offering openings into your ability to shift the subconscious reality INTO an aligned frequency that liberates your Wholeness fully. Listen with the flow of the words and FEEL your truths arise within you.
I would love to hear from you. To share your thoughts about this episode, post a Comment on the Substack!
Thank you for TUNING IN!
Email: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com
Substack: The Weaving Wisdom Substack
Share Your Voice: WeavingWisdom.Love/Pollinating-Expression
Journey with Me: 1:1 Journey
Website: WeavingWisdom.Love
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe -
Hi folks! Today’s episode is a continuation of the Meeting Your Thresholds component of Repatterning Reality. I felt the subconscious shadow frequencies needed their own space to be explored and expressed. I am sharing my perspective about how and why we fractal aspects of our being in response to wounding and what happens in our reality with these hidden energies.
I would love to hear from you. To share your thoughts about this episode, post a Comment on the Substack!
Thank you for TUNING IN!
Email: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com
Substack: The Weaving Wisdom Substack
Share Your Voice: WeavingWisdom.Love/Pollinating-Expression
Journey with Me: 1:1 Journey
Website: WeavingWisdom.Love
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe -
Hi friends! Today I am sharing insight into the Shadow aspect of Repatterning Reality. As we choose to consciously steward our energy into the Vision of our Hearts Desire, we must assess the commitments we have to the patterns we are presently perpetuating. Defense mechanisms, storylines, behaviors, narratives, loops, and core beliefs are called into curiosity as we explore the needs living under these choices. We need to cultivate self awareness and build a strong relationship with ourselves that allows for our shadows to safely integrate with our Wholeness.
I would love to hear from you. To share your thoughts about this episode, post a Comment on the Substack!
Thank you for TUNING IN!
Email: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com
Substack: The Weaving Wisdom Substack
Share Your Voice: WeavingWisdom.Love/Pollinating-Expression
Journey with Me: 1:1 Journey
Website: WeavingWisdom.Love
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe -
Hi friends! Today I am sharing a channeled message that harmonizes with Weaving an Enchantment. This activation is tuning INTO the power we carry in our co-creative abilities, and how that power can ripple liberation if we live from our LOVE vibration. Listen in with the Rhythm of this message and receive the expansive frequencies that may open your perception and stimulate your chosen participation in this multi-dimensional reality. You are here to anchor in your Harmonic Frequency - the woven expression of source vibration through your unique gifts! Choose into SYNERGY with your harmonic frequency and cultivate a Vision the nourishes your Wholeness.
I would love to hear from you. To share your thoughts about this episode, post a Comment on the Substack!
Thank you for TUNING IN!
Email: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com
Substack: The Weaving Wisdom Substack
Share Your Voice: WeavingWisdom.Love/Pollinating-Expression
Journey with Me: 1:1 Journey
Website: WeavingWisdom.Love
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe -
Hi friends! Today I am sharing the embodied practices that I utilize to Weave an Enchantment. This is an extension of the Repatterning Your Reality: Part 2 episode, giving an example of how you can begin cultivating your own version of casting a Frequency Field. I share the basis of how to approach this energetic weaving, and the personalized-to-me steps that I take when bringing this practice into reality. This is meant to inspire your creative expression and spark imagination to support your personal exploration of how You can build your own magical practice for embodying your vision.
I would love to hear from you. To share your thoughts about this episode, Post a Comment on the Substack!
Thank you for TUNING IN!
Email: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com
Substack: The Weaving Wisdom Substack
Share Your Voice: WeavingWisdom.Love/Pollinating-Expression
Journey with Me: 1:1 Journey
Website: WeavingWisdom.Love
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe -
Hi friends! Today I am speaking into another potent component of Repattering Your Reality. My version of manifesting a vision or what I like to call: Weaving an Enchantment. I share the foundations of WHY we should all be embracing the co-creative power we carry to consciously participate in our Soul’s desired evolutionary trajectory. I speak into how the Enchantment itself serves the process of evolution and how I personally come to clarity around what states of being I weave into the Frequency Field that my vision is creating.
I would love to hear from you. To share your thoughts about this episode, Post a Comment on the Substack!
Thank you for TUNING IN!
Email: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com
Substack: The Weaving Wisdom Substack
Share Your Voice: WeavingWisdom.Love/Pollinating-Expression
Journey with Me: 1:1 Journey
Website: WeavingWisdom.Love
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe -
This message was channeled in through my Ritual Writing Practice while exploring Repatterning Reality. TUNE IN and listen with the rhythm of the message for guidance about the foundations of this potent decision to shift trajectory and create your desired reality.
I would love to hear from you. To share your thoughts about this episode, post a Comment on the Substack!
Thanks for TUNING IN
Email: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com
Substack: The Weaving Wisdom Substack
Share Your Voice: WeavingWisdom.Love/Pollinating-Expression
Journey with Me: 1:1 Journey
Website: WeavingWisdom.Love
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe -
This is the first episode in a 5-Part Series about Repatterning Reality, a step beyond Manifestation INTO the Crystalization of Being. Through the Realms of Wisdom, I will explore the ingredients of this intricate process and give in-depth reflection about the Devotion required to consciously co-create and integrate with the Vision of Your Hearts Desire.
Today’s I go over the basis of this topic and share the groundwork of perception that is needed for this journey to feel consciously cultivated. We begin in the Realm of Heart, tuning in with our deepest needs, wants and desires. As we open to receive clarity and knowing in our being about this Invitation of Evolution, we must embrace Responsibility and Steward our Energy in Integrity to fully actualize a new reality.
I would love to hear from you. To share your thoughts about this episode, post a Comment on the Substack!
Email: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com
Substack: The Weaving Wisdom Substack
Share Your Voice: WeavingWisdom.Love/Pollinating-Expression
Journey with Me: 1:1 Journey
Website: WeavingWisdom.Love
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe -
These messages came through Ritual Writing with The Grounding Points: Devotion, Receptivity, Discernment and Attunement. Each expression shared deep lessons about the lived experience of these states of being.
Listen IN with the rhythm of the words and notice what resonates with your heart and expands your perspective.
I would love to hear from you. To share your thoughts about this episode, post a Comment on the Substack!
Email: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com
Substack: The Weaving Wisdom Substack
Share Your Voice: WeavingWisdom.Love/Pollinating-Expression
Journey with Me: 1:1 Journey
Website: WeavingWisdom.Love
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe -
To fully LIVE in our Wholeness we need to embrace the Light and the Dark of our internal landscape. There is often a hyper focus on High Vibrational energy vs Low Vibrational energy, rather than giving equal value to both and understanding how they weave together to create our Harmonic Frequency. Being flexible within density and light nurtures our attunement and honors the truth of our Human experience. Our humanness is NOT in the way of our manifestations, our desires, or our receptivity. Our humanness is the beauty of our experience on Earth, and we must remember what is means to allow for our Wholeness to be our focus.
I would love to hear from you. To share your thoughts about this episode, post a Comment on the Substack!
Email: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com
Substack: The Weaving Wisdom Substack
Share Your Voice: WeavingWisdom.Love/Pollinating-Expression
Journey with Me: 1:1 Journey
Website: WeavingWisdom.Love
Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe - Mostra di più