
  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #236
    Date: 2020-08-23
    Topics: Questions & Clarifications Part 5, ARK 2.0 is finally here, WOEIH is transitioning its material off YouTube and onto LBRY, People in the Truth Movement should de-monetize their YouTube channels and stop taking YouTube's BLOOD MONEY, Most humans don't want to rock the boat and so they will never tell others around them that they are immoral people, the Unloved and Loveless pathetic excuses for human beings who work for Big Tech and the Mainstream Media, Human Beings are enslaving themselves by complying, Freemasonic lodges are largely corrupted and no longer in tune with the teachings of true esoteric Freemasonry, Transitioning properly to Plant-Based Nutrition, Every human being can eat a plant-based diet, When injections become mandatory WAR must begin, Kingship Rulership Government are all euphemisms for SLAVERY, Courage grows out of high-level Knowledge, the Q-Anon Psyop, Trump is not a savior, Turn the other cheek does NOT mean "Do not resist" but instead to keep giving the Truth to those who need to receive it, Are super right-brain people who have fallen for Religious programming dead or redeemable?, Morgellons disease is possibly a nano-tech bio-weapon, If you get offended at being told you're not doing enough, just put your name through a search engine and look at how much work you've released publicly, Go back and listen through all the WOEIH episodes from Episode 1, Intrinsic Value and what it REALLY IS, Humanity is entering a period of abject Slavery, Review of the Triune Brain Complexes, People are not truly receiving the message to get involved and take action, Mark probably taking a hiatus from live broadcasting, Those who complain or nitpick should ask: "What the fuck have YOU done?"
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  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #235
    Date: 2020-08-16
    Topics: Questions & Clarifications Part 4 For Real This Time, Request to be respectful of purposes for email links given over the air, Big Tech and it's continuing Fascist policies, Proper emotional responses in an age of Deception and Tyranny, Not feeling angry at the injustices taking place in our world means YOU are Spiritually BROKEN, Mask-wearing CLOWNS are all around us, Low-level Satanic front-groups like the Church of Satan are recruiting-grounds for psychopaths to be groomed into higher tiers of the global hierarchical network of Dark Occultism, the so-called "Freedom Movement" doesn't worry the Satanists who rule our world at all, Dark Occultists see the "Freedom Movement" as CLOWNS, Introducing BOBO Da Clown and his musical accompaniment, BOBO is the CLOWN GOD the People of Earth deserve, Our whole world has "Jumped The Shark," Private publishing is completely different than offering services as a Public Utility Platform, Saying "If you don't like Apple's criminal behavior then switch to Linux" is identical to people saying "If you don't like how things are being done in America then leave," Agape (Love of Truth) is how one develops True Authenticity, Importance of the correct order of Truth-Love-Freedom, Secret Societies and Fraternal Orders, the One Great Work is not for other people but for the Love of Truth and the Love of what is Right, the Scamdemic is filled with Satanic symbolism, Why is Sweden not under lockdown?, Australians got Clown-Shoed into giving up their guns, Satanists are winning because the average person refuses to understand how basic co-creation through Moral Behavior actually works, Richard Wetherill's writings on Natural Law and Morality, the Biblical allegory of choosing Barabus over Christ, the Self-Defense Principle is still not fully understood by most people, Violations of one human being's Rights are violations of ALL human beings' Rights, ALL People should and must exercise Personal Responsibility for their own Self Defense and NOT leave it to ANYONE else, least of all totally corrupt institutions, NOT doing that is the very Reason why we are in Bondage.
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    Related Documents: Invisible Rainbow (ePub) | Invisible Rainbow (PDF)

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  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #234
    Date: 2020-08-09
    Topics: Technology Fascism & Questions & Clarifications Part 4, Technical know-how free yourself from online censorship, "MY Freedom Movement" folks don't care if it doesn't affect them which is why the world is falling deeper into bondage and slavery, Apple privacy and property infringement and obstruction of the free-flow of information, Luddites, Fools who follow Anarcho-hyphenated ideologies don't get it, Apple's 2007 introduction of iOS policy by which applications can only be downloaded through the Apple App Store constitutes a software monopoly and racketeering policy, Stop telling others what operating system to use because it's NOT YOUR choice to make but THEIRS, Criminality of Apple forcing people to use THEIR OWN PROPERTY as Apple deems acceptable, Big Tech engaged in deliberate censorship of information which contradicts that mainstream media narrative, Benefits of Downie software by Charlie Monroe, Apple's criminal censoring of Downie 4, Apple is NOT doing this for "safety" but to censor the ability of people to download from YouTube and re-distribute information, Mark reads from Downie developer Charlie Monroe's blog regarding what Apple did, Demo of Downie 4, "Freedom" movement can't get its act together to fund BitChute streaming which is NEEDED to get away from YouTube's censorship, LBRY demo, How to ad-hoc codesign a macOS application, Circumvention of internet censorship, Unblockit.win, Search engines do not index 95% of internet content which is why that content is called the Dark Web, Concen.org BitTorrent tracker, BitTorrent files and Magnet links, BitTorrent demo with Transmission BitTorrent software, Subscribing to the upcoming WOEIH Newsletter, Libgen.is for finding important books online, Libgen.is demo.
    Related Images: Download (zip archive)
    Related Links: Charlie Monroe Software | Charlie Monroe's Blog Article: A Day Without Business | BitChute LiveStream Funding | UnblockIt | ConCen | LibGen | WOEIH Mailing List
    Related Documents: A Day Without Business (PDF) | Important Terminal Commands For macOS (PDF) | None Dare Call It Conspiracy (ePub) | None Dare Call It Conspiracy (PDF) | End Of All Evil (ePub) | End Of All Evil (PDF)

  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #233
    Date: 2020-08-02
    Topics: Social Media Group Outreach & Questions & Clarifications Call-In Show Part 3, Government Agent Trolling on Facebook, Explanation of the origins of the name Rhochar, Mark's assumed identity as an ordained priest of the Church of Satan, Absurdity of mask-wearing in the CoVID-19 Scamdemic, Feebleness of the Fake-Ass Patriots, So-called "Settled" "Science," People still can't understand that Government has no right to exist AT ALL, Mark's planned guests demonstrate the lack of technical competency and the need to become competent if you really want to reach people publicly online, Social Media is NOT a good way to reach people with the message of Natural Law online, Vomit Man Troll explains "Natural Law," Trolls who obfuscate Animal and Plant life when discussing Veganism, Man does NOT have dominion over Animals, Animals possess Rights, We are in a Great Spiritual War, Computer literacy IS modern Literacy, Mark to be interviewed on "Dark To Light" this week, Vetting process to allow people to post and comment on in Social Media Groups about anarchy and Natural Law, Getting rid of UNTRUE and DELIBERATE disinformation about Natural Law and Anarchy is NOT censorship, Vimeo and other Big Tech companies censoring content like the dirty rotten NAZI TRASH they are, Social Media is a DROSS DUMP, Will Power and Intellect among Dark Occultists, Methods to try to to keep centered and balanced, Plant-based Diet, Juicing, Supplementation, Meditation, Concentration, Contemplation, the Elimination of all Anger means that a part of your SOUL has been DESTROYED, the Critical Moment Of Choice spoken about in the WOEIH intro is happening RIGHT NOW, NEVER speak to on-duty cops, There is NO EXCUSE that YOU are not sending the message out RIGHT NOW, Ritual Magic and Directed Thought Experiments, the Satanic Agenda of Androgyny, Removing the distinction between the sexes to kill human uniqueness, the Occult significance of 2020 related to humanity's ability to SEE, Werner Heisenberg's quote: “The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.", Psychedelics as a tool but not a Panacea, Don't follow Gurus or anyone else but use your own Discernment, Nice is not necessarily Good, One Great Work Network will highlight content creators who are doing the Great Work effectively, Dark Occultists own and control Police, Military and Politics, Police and Military are the "dogs" of Satanists, Satanists don't actually "worship" any deities but try to embody Adversarial Archetypal Energy, "The" Satan as Adversary or Opposer of Order, Incompetence invariably leads to Impotence, Acquiring Life-Skills leads to personal Autonomy, Get Autonomy or be an Automaton, Military entrainment and entrancement, the Importance of listen to ALL episodes of what On Earth Is Happening IN ORDER, Do your own Work and stop complaining about how others who ARE doing it are doing it, Understanding True Objective Morality from the perspectives of the Ancient Mystery Traditions, Free Energy can NEVER manifest as long as Government exists, a Cataclysm destroyed Earth's Eternal Spring in our past, Cataclysm brought the Lack and Survival Mindset to humanity, Human beings don't belong in the extreme climate regions of Earth, Human being do NOT need to eat animal flesh, Vomit Man gives his "expert" opinion on going vegan "Cold Turkey."
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    Related Video: Former Satanist Talks About Satanism - Part 1 | Former Satanist Talks About Satanism - Part 2

  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #232
    Date: 2020-07-26
    Topics: Questions & Clarifications Call-In Show Part 2, the Importance of starting at WOEIH Podcast #001 and going through ALL of the WOEIH Podcasts IN ORDER, Erroneous understanding of Morality and Anarchy is harming the effort to educate the public because since First Principles are being obfuscated, Endless useless debate on Social Media dilutes and destroys the reception of Knowledge, Teaching Morality and Natural Law is not accomplished effectively via text on Social Media platforms, Formalizing Knowledge through Spoken Word via podcasts, video and live streams with added visuals is a VERY effective method of Teaching Natural Law, Disabling comments on content platforms to keep non-sensical Noise from corrupting the Message, Most people allow their Ego to stand in the way of the Reception of Truth, Publishing original content and archiving it for posterity, What is Dross?, Natural Law, Morality and Anarchy are NOT subjective opinions, If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention, Righteous Anger is a Sacred Gift, Being "soft" and easily frightened or offended is NOT a Virtue, Natural Law has nothing to do with the behavior of animals that are not Human, Mainstream Media is the most dangerous Virus, the Mainstream Media and Big Tech are lying Satanic pedophile-protectors, Satanists view the Police and Military as their Pet Attack Dogs, Satanists OWN the Police and Military, Satanists OWN ALL institutional infrastructures, Self-Loathing is why Order-Followers are Emotional Children, People should STOP COMPLAINING and do the Great Work THEMSELVES if they're not satisfied with how someone ELSE is already DOING IT, Learning useful skills to disseminate and publish information, Dark Occultists are intelligent, skilled, united and driven, while the public is ignorant, unskilled, apathetic and lazy, the concept of an Occult Master-Mind, the soon-to-be-introduced One Great Work Network, Many hands make light work, Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable, the Hegelian Dialectic of Communism vs. Fascism, Transmission of illness does NOT occur how Mainstream Media and Mainstream Science say it occurs, Humanity has adopted De-Facto Satanism as its main Religion, Mark Passio's official paperwork as clergy of the Church of Satan, Truly Intelligent human beings will learn from the mistake of others and not need to repeat those mistakes for themselves, Questions for Initiates to the Mystery Traditions, the Impossibility for Freedom to exist in a society that embraces Moral Relativism, People who make endless comments on Social Media and YouTube are the DROSS of Humanity, There are no Atheists in foxholes, the untimely passing of Tracy Twyman, Bob from Cincinnati!
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  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #231
    Date: 2020-07-19
    Topics: Questions & Clarifications Call-In Show, The Lying Whore Mainstream Media, CoVID-19 "Pandemic" is a Socially-Engineered Perceived Crisis, the Agenda of the Social engineers behind CoVID-19 is to divert attention way from the Pedophilic activity of the Satanic Occult Ruling Class, the Red Shoe Club/Society, Anthony Podesta's depraved art collection depicting child abuse, Demented pedophilic artwork of Ria Pratt / Kim Noble, Patricia Piccinini, and Biljana Djurdjevic, True Science vs. Scientism and Government-grant-money-funded "Science", Never ascribe your own Moral understanding to someone else, Definition of Natural Rights for a new student, Vices vs. true Harmful Behaviors, Theft is ultimately the only form of harm that exists, Mark repeating his work ad nauseam and still falling on deaf ears, Losing track of the Moral Principle when engaging in Semantical Arguments, Spirit of the Law vs. Letter of the Law, Willfully Lying and the implications of this form of harmful behavior, Richard Wetherill's books on Natural Law, Ignorant Opinions and Feelings vs. True Knowledge, Physical Resistance and Self-Defense in the face of mandated masks and vaccines, Cutting-edge Scientific experiments demonstrating the inability to transmit "viral" "contagions" to healthy people, Potential CoVID-19 Concentration Camps in New Zealand, Going DEEP into research to obtain thorough Knowledge, Fear is the killer of the Mind and Soul, True Forgiveness vs. Letting Go, Shadow work upon the Self creates Self-Respect which leads to Courage, the importance of starting at WOEIH Podcast #001 and going through ALL of the WOEIH Podcasts IN ORDER.
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    Related Links: Donate To Help Complete Mark's Natural Law Documentary | Autonomy Unlimited | Favorite "Art" Of Anthony Podesta: Image Search 1 | Image Search 2 | Image Search 3 | Favorite Podesta "Artist" Has Multiple Personalities | Be Right Or Go Wrong (PDF) | How To Solve Problems And Prevent Trouble (PDF) | Right Is Might (PDF)

  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #230
    Date: 2020-07-12
    Topics: The Psychological State Of Police & Their Supporters Part 4, How To Become The TRUE Media Webinar update, WOEIH partnership with Autonomy Unlimited (from Richard Grove), CoVID-19 is a Mind-Control PsyOp, Police are low-level members of the Satanic Cult that rules the world, Confessions Of A Former Bastard Cop reading continued, Policing is a form of SLAVERY, Crony "Capitalism," the Origin of modern Police was Runaway Slave Patrols during the Civil war Era, "Hegelian" Polarization Dialectics as a Divide-And-Conquer Strategy, the Cult Without A Name, the True Illuminati vs. the Dark Illuminati, the Cult Of The Black Sun, "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" by Gary Allen, "Tragedy And Hope" by Caroll Quigley, "The Anglo-American Establishment" by Caroll Quigley, Police are a VIOLENT GANG that is controlling human society, Voluntarism vs. the Control-based World-View, the necessity of Abolishing the Police, the complete Immorality of Prisons, the Inherent and Natural Right of Self-Defense, the Self-Defense Principle includes the Right to use DEADLY Force if your rights are being usurped, Socialist Healthcare is Theft and Conscription, People of all skin colors are MURDERED by Police every day, Holistic Intelligence vs. Left-Brained Intellect, ALL Contributions to the One Great Work are VALUABLE, Learning the technical skills needed to produce content and media, Waking up asleep family members, the Will to do the Great Work, the Personal Sacrifice which the Great Work requires.
    Related Images: Download (zip archive)
    Related Links: Donate To Help Complete Mark's Natural Law Documentary | Autonomy Unlimited | Tragedy & Hope (Richard Grove's Web Site) | Confessions Of A Former Bastard Cop (PDF) | Confessions Of A Former Bastard Cop (EPUB) | None Dare Call It Conspiracy (EPUB) | None Dare Call It Conspiracy (PDF) | Tragedy And Hope (EPUB) | Tragedy And Hope (PDF) | The Anglo-American Establishment (PDF)

  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #229
    Date: 2020-07-05
    Topics: The Psychological State Of Police & Their Supporters Part 3, How To Become the True Media Seminar enrollment update, July 4th as a Day of Mourning for the Ultimate Sacrifice of the American Revolutionaries that has been squandered by modern Americans, Psy-Ops, Exosome Theory vs. Virus Theory, Satanic Epi-Disgenics Culling, Wisdom is Knowledge converted into Right Action, the False Religion of "Authority," ALL cops are Bad People when we gauge their behavior from a place of True Moral Knowledge, ALL government and ALL Policing Is SLAVERY, the False Awakening of "woke," Characteristics of True Awakening, the Hardened Egos of Solipsists and Moral Relativists, Dark Occultists' Satanic mindset and "Mini-Me" Satanism, Mark's exposing of the Techniques of Cults, Isolation, Conformity, Repetition, Physical and Mental Trauma, "Confessions Of A Former Bastard Cop" reading and analysis by Mark Passio, the Endless List of DELIBERATE Violence and Wrong-Doings by Police, the Complicit SILENCE of alleged "good" cops, Police Academies' employment of CULT Techniques, Police ARE a SATANIC CULT, Police continue to engage in Wrong Livelihood because of their own Self-Loathing and complete lack of true Self-Respect, Police members' absence of Conscience, Police Psychopathy, Police Cowardice, Qualified Immunity for MURDERERS on the Police Forces, the Difference between Primary Psychopathy and Secondary Psychopathy, Police are LIARS, Police routinely use TORTURE techniques, Police are THIEVES, Police are RACIST, Police are RAPISTS, Police are DOMESTIC ABUSERS, Personal Participation in Institutionalized Evil makes YOU an Evil Person, Engaging the Trivium in the wrong order, Putting Rhetoric before Grammar and Logic, NAVER talk to on-duty cops, Getting OUT of your Hardened Ego by admitting you were WRONG, the Right To Kill when Rights are being thwarted as High-Level Spiritual Understanding, What it really means to be a Truly MORAL Human Being, Different "Flavors" of Feudalism and Slavery mistaken as "Freedom."
    Related Images: Download (zip archive)
    Related Links: Donate To Help Complete Mark's Natural Law Documentary | Confessions Of A Former Bastard Cop (PDF) | Confessions Of A Former Bastard Cop (EPUB)

  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #228
    Date: 2020-06-28
    Topics: The Psychological State Of Police & Their Supporters Part 2, Mark was interviewed for Magical Egypt III, How To Become The True Media seminar enrollment instructions, Psychological Polarization methodologies, CoVID-19 as a massive Communist takeover of society, Police as Order-followers and Psychopaths, Characteristics of chronic Left-Brain Imbalance, Supporters of Police as Boot-Lickers and Cowards, Characteristics of chronic Reft-Brain Imbalance, the Cult of Politics, Politics is the belief in the shadows on the wall of Plato’s Cave, Objective Truth and First Principles regarding Moral Behavior vs. Immoral Behavior, Proper Moral Education as the True Solutions to human problems, the Satanic Death Cult vs. the Rest of the World, "Oppo-sames" in Politics as a Divide-&-Conquer strategy, the False Left-vs-Right political paradigm, Psychological profile of Police reviewed, Police do the bidding of the world-wide Satanic Death Cult, False Spiritual "Awakening" that many people confuse with True Awakening, the Trap of the human Ego, The Inability to say "I Was Wrong," What it means to be a Truly Good Person, There is no such thing as no such thing as a "Good" Cop, Utilitarianism deconstructed as completely Immoral through the lens of First Principles, Soul Trauma, Spiritual Illness, Damaged Heart-based Intelligence, Eternal Truths regarding Police, Police CAN NOT protect ANYONE, Police DO NOT protect ANYONE, Why ALL Police SHOULD and MUST be ABOLISHED, Kabbalah as a method of Proper Reception, Teachings of Kabbalah related to Natural Law, the Causal Factors of human immorality, Human Nature is that humans are programmable beings, Immoral Behavior is learned or influenced by bad parenting/misinformation/cultural belief systems, False Information leads to Immoral Behavior, the Breakdown of the Ego to allow for integration of True Knowledge and to dissolve false belief systems, Moral Education for children, Systems of Control built upon the false belief of "authority" are always Morally Illegitimate, the Personal Responsibility of Self-Defense can NEVER be abdicated to others, Being rules by a criminal gang that others believe has the "right" to rule is ALWAYS far more dangerous than criminal gangs taking over that no one believes has the "right" to rule them, Mark's quote: “Since humans aren’t angels, NONE are fit to rule.", Self-proclaimed "Christians who believe in the "authority" of Government are all Fake-Ass "Christians.”
    Related Images: Download (zip archive)
    Related Links: Enroll In The "How To Become The TRUE Media" Online Technology Seminar | Donate To Help Complete Mark's Natural Law Documentary | Magical Egical Documentary Series

  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #227
    Date: 2020-06-21
    Topics: The Psychological State Of Police & Their Supporters, WOEIH is 100% donation sponsored, How To Become The True Media Online Technology Seminar review of sign up process and class material, "World-View Violence & The REAL Pandemics" now available in WOEIH Donation Gifts, New WOEIH t-shirts on the way, Mark Passio Complete One Great Work Collection, Mark Passio & The Science Of Natural Law Documentary, Help needed at WOEIH, No Lives Matter to the CULT called Government, Human lives "matter" to Government in the same way animal lives "matter " to meat farmers, Government attracts Psychopaths, control-Freaks, Bullies and Racists, Fake "freedom advocates" who want Police to intervene in a crisis are Cowards who abandon First Principles at the first sign of danger, Psychological Polarization Dialectics to create a world of Masters and Slaves, Psychological characteristics of Police, ALL Police are either Order-Followers or Psychopaths, Psychological characteristics of Police-Supporters, the Chronic Brain-Hemisphere Imbalance of Police and their supporters, Lack of Holistic Intelligence of Police, Police abdication of Personal Responsibility to discover the Knowledge of Objective Morality, Police do not truly "provide protection" for anyone, Personal Responsibility for security and Self-Defense, Qualified Immunity legislation for Police officers, All Police-Supporters are either Boot-Lickers or Cowards, Ceasing and Desisting immoral behaviors IS the Solution, The Great Work of removing false belief systems, the Absolute IMPOSSIBILITY for a Cop to be a TRULY Moral Person, There are NO "Good" Cops, Review of Gang Dynamics from Mark's presentation “Duress Dissidents & Deadly Force,” the definition of Duress, No difference between Police and Mafia enforcers, Police are Complicit Gang Members, Police are HOUSE SLAVES, the Moral Culpability of Order-Followers is greater than that of Order-Givers, Order-Followers are responsible for ALL Totalitarian regimes, the Inescapable Moral Logic of Why ALL Police SHOULD and MUST be ABOLISHED.
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    Related Links: Enroll In The "How To Become The TRUE Media" Online Technology Seminar | Donate To Help Complete Mark's Natural Law Documentary | World-View Violence & The REAL Pandemics Flash Drive | World-View Violence & The REAL Pandemics DVD

  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #226
    Date: 2020-06-14
    Topics: Remaining Loyal To First Principles In An Age Of Psyops & Disinformation: Part 2, Seed 4 Conference has been rescheduled for May 14-15, 2021, Mark's new presentation “World-View Violence & The REAL Pandemics” which was presented At Congreso Otra Perspectiva De La Realidad is coming to WOEIH Donation Gifts this week, Mark answers questions about his upcoming online seminar "How To Become The TRUE Media," WOEIH Help Needed: Graphic Design, Video Editing, Technical Support, Web Development, Socially-Engineered Perceived Crisis, Masks are a Mind-Control technique to put people into a mindset of Submission and acceptance of Government and Mainstream Media world-view, Free people should not allow anyone to dictate what world-view they may have, At least five separate groups of protesters with different agendas are involved in the George Floyd protests and civil unrest, Agent Provocateurs and their agendas, Police Agent Provocateurs, Communist Agent Provocateurs, White-Supremacist Agent Provocateurs, Almost ALL protesters and rioters still believe in governmental "authority" want government to continue and want to be the ones who direct it's violence, Everyone who wants Government to continue to exist condones and supports Human SLAVERY, Race/skin-tone is a Divide-And-Conquer technique that every human being should be able to see through at this point in time, Mark is seeking a previous associate from Truth-Freedom-Prosperity to testify about police actions during raids, Future shows about Police and their psychopathic mindset, No Lives Matter to the CULT called "Government," There is no law so trivial that the State will not KILL you to enforce it, Police have no MORAL Right or Legitimacy to exist AT ALL, People who want policing of any kind want the continuation of Violence, Murder, Coercion, and SLAVERY, the current political and social climate in the United States is extremely similar to Germany just prior to its takeover by the Third Reich, the Dark Occult Origins of Nazism and Communism, How the Police of the Weimar Republic (German Republic) became the S.A. (Sturmabteilung) and eventually the S.S. (Schutzstaffel), Staying loyal to First Principles by knowing what Rights are, Mark’s personal disappointment with people in the so-called "Truth Community" who have abandoned First Principles at the first sign of perceived danger to themselves, How the State wants to engineer a Race War so people will continue to fight each other instead of identifying the State itself as the True Enemy, Ego-Identification of Race, Politics, Gender, Age, Class, etc., are Divide-And-Conquer strategies that most people still fall for, the One True Divide in Humanity is between those who understand that Government is SLAVERY and those who do not understand that Eternal Truth, NO LIVES MATTER to Government and its CULT henchmen, the Lives of Human Beings "matter" to the CULT called "Government" in the exact same way that the lives of animals "matter" to Meat Farmers, The Murder of George Floyd was an example of a House Slave Thug murdering a Field Slave, Government is a Straight-Line Vector for Psychopaths, Control-Freaks, Bullies and Racists, As soon as most "freedom advocates" become afraid they call for Police and Military to protect them because most of them are COWARDS, ALL Police and Military are Oppressors and Enslavers because they enforce the dictates of these Freedom-destroying institutions, Natural Law IS First Principles and we must CONSISTENTLY stay TRUE and LOYAL to it, even above LIFE itself, the Justice and Strength cards of the Tarot and their significant inter-connection to each other, the Development of inner Courage as a pathway to the establishment of True Freedom.
    Related Images: Download (zip archive)
    Related Links: Enroll In The "How To Become The TRUE Media" Online Technology Seminar | Donate To Help Complete Mark's Natural Law Documentary | World-View Violence & The REAL Pandemics Flash Drive | World-View Violence & The REAL Pandemics DVD

  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #225
    Date: 2020-06-07
    Topics: Remaining Loyal To First Principles In An Age Of Psyops & Disinformation, Mark's hiatus from live broadcasting due to the untimely passing of his former life-partner Barbara Marinelli, this show is dedicated to the memory of Barbara Marinelli, Barb’s contribution to the great Work and helping WOEIH become what it is, Mark getting back to work slowly, Mark has ZERO tolerance for nonsense that saps his energy or attempts to take WOEIH off focus going forward, Self-ownership, Remaining loyal to First Principles regardless of danger or trauma, New social media and content platforms, WOEIH content now hosted on LBRY.tv and Minds.com, Big Tech censors are traitors to Humanity, Other Perspective Of Reality TeleConference June 13 Barcelona Spain, Mark's presentation World-View Violence & The REAL Pandemics, Mark's recent interviews on the Alex Jones Show, and Keith Knight's Don't Tread On Anyone, Mark's presentation Sacred Gift Of Anger now free on YouTube, New t-shirt designs coming to WOEIH Donation Gifts, the Complete Mark Passio One Great Work Collection solid state drive, Mark Passio & The Science Of Natural Law Documentary, Video editing for the documentary is still in progress, ARK 2.0 coming soon, Mark announces his new online 23-week technology skill-set sharing seminar "How To Become The True Media," Enrollment in the 2020 class ends July 4th 12:00 AM Eastern Time, learning the skills and publishing tools necessary to create media, basic and intermediate skill sets that will be covered in the True Media seminar, Content creation on computers vs. cell phones and tablets, Profound thanks to all donors and volunteers, WOEIH is 100% donation supported, WOEIH still needs volunteers to do the Great Work, Help Needed in Graphic Design, Video Editing, Web Development, and Tech Support so Mark can focus on research and content creation, One Great Work Network planning and development, Possible donation-wall for WOEIH Show due to lack of volunteers, CoVID 19 is a Socially-Engineered Perceived Crisis, Fear-based and trauma-based response to Mainstream Media hype, Researching virology and epidemiology to gain knowledge and dispel fear, Bolstering personal health and immune system to overcome fear, Mark’s view of his social media, People still believe the Mainstream Media liars, Being surrounded by idiots, Improving your local community instead of running away, Mark’s mother's awakening process initiated by seeing through the CoVID-19 Psyop, World-view Violence, the "Slave" Class is NOT to questioning the "official" narrative of the "Master" Class, the World-wide state of Duress over CoVID-19 regulations, the Illusion of Race, Violent Actions of Police and decrees of Politicians are completely morally illegitimate, yet people still believe they are their "authorities," Summary executions by Police in America, At least 5 groups of people are involved in George Floyd protests/riots, Protesters with legitimate grievances, 3 types of Agent Provocateurs (Police, Radical Leftists/Communists like Antifa, and White Supremacists) and Common thugs and thieves, EVERYONE involved in the protests/riots believe in the legitimacy of Government and want it to continue.
    Related Images: Download (zip archive)
    Related Links: Enroll In The "How To Become The TRUE Media" Online Technology Seminar | Donate To Help Complete Mark's Natural Law Documentary | Other Perspective Of Reality TeleConference | Mark Passio on LBRY.tv | Mark Passio on Minds.com

  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #224
    Date: 2020-02-16
    Topics: 2020: A Freedom Odyssey - Will Humanity Become A Type 1 Civilization?, Potential release date for "Mark Passio & The Science Of Natural Law" documentary at SEED 4 Conference, Moving past the Anarchadelphia 2019 drama, How the "Court of Public Opinion" would work in a society based in true Anarchy, Fundraising effort to complete the Natural Law documentary, the Kardashev Scale of Civilizations, Type I/Planetary Civilizations, Type II/Stellar Civilizations, Type III/Galactic Civilizations, Humanity’s progress in Consciousness, Where humanity rates on the Kardashev Scale, the Human condition of the Slavery of Humanity, False Love vs. Agape, Nothing has Real Value in the condition of Slavery, Freedom as Total Possibility, Slavery as the Destruction of Possibility, Apophasis, Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey, Kubrick's decision regarding the "2,000,000 Year Cut," Earth has been turned into a Prison Planet, Government IS Slavery, Most people still don’t know that Government is Slavery, the breakdown of Ego to be able to see Truth, there are only Two Solutions to all Human Problems: Philosophy and Technology, Philosophy solves Spiritual/Mental/Emotional/Inter-Personal problems, Technology solves Physical/Pragmatic Problems, Most people still don’t understand Occultism and Natural Law, for humanity to advance to a Type I technological civilization it must advance Spiritually, ALL forms of Religion are holding Humanity back from becoming a Type I Civilization, Polarization Dialectics, Slaves fighting against other Slaves, Memory as Humanity's "Sixth Sense," Understanding past mistakes of Humanity or repeating them endlessly, Most people have no Memory for History, True Scientific Methodology vs. Scientism, the Trivium Process of Truth Discovery, the critical difference between Having Knowledge vs. Understanding Knowledge vs. Doing The Right Thing With Knowledge, Teaching Natural Law, there are not enough modern teachers of Natural Law, Armchair Quarterbacks, Most people are Doing Nothing while complaining about others’ Work, Getting Involved and being part of the Solution, the prevalence of Atheism and a total Lack of Spirituality in Human Civilization, Logical Anti-Religionism vs. Reactionary Anti-Religionism, the so-called Freedom Movement's lack of acknowledgement and understanding of Natural Law, Karma and Free Will, Right and Wrong are not decided by Human Beings, the dominance of Atheists in the so-called Freedom Movement, how Atheism is the Great Destroyer Of Freedom, No Atheist can ever be a True Anarchist, Moral Relativism in "Freedom Movement," the completely out-of-control Human Ego, the ME-ME-ME Society, Most people are De-facto Satanists, Most people are completely Spiritually Sick and don't know they are Sick or how to become Well, what True Wellness is, the Multiple Dimensions of Wellness, Shadow Work and how to do it, why most people would rather die than do shadow work, Gratitude as the Currency Of The Future.
    Related Images: Download (zip archive)
    Related Links: Donate To Help Complete Mark's Natural Law Documentary | S.E.E.D. 4 Conference

  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #223
    Date: 2020-02-09
    Topics: Anarchadelphia 2019 Fallout & Integrity In the Freedom Movement, Mark's return to live broadcasting in 2020, Mark's recent hiatus from live broadcasting and the reasons for it, Mark's upcoming documentary "Mark Passio And The Science Of Natural Law," Donations toward the documentary have been very generous, especially from Europe, Mark will be speaking at the Seed 4 Conference in Athens OH, Mark's presentation "The Sacred Gift Of Anger" has been released in WOEIH Donation Gitfs, The complete Mark Passio One Great Work Collection Drive is a new item available in WOEIH Donation Gifts, a Detailed Timeline Of Events surrounding the bad-faith breach of verbal contract with The State Of Anarchy (organizers of Anarchadelphia), how donations from the attendees of Mark's workshop at Anarchadelphia were not given to Mark after the conference because they were used by the conference organizers to fund the conference's expenses without Mark's permission, how we should act in a society based upon the Principles of Natural Law and True Anarchy, problems regarding a lack of Personal Integrity in the so-called "Freedom Movement," Doing what you say you're going to do, Our Word as Our Bond, the only Law of "Don't Steal," an Honorable Mention of those who DID act with integrity during and after the events surrounding Anarchadelphia 2019.
    Related Images: Download (zip archive)
    Related Links: Donate To Help Complete Mark's Natural Law Documentary

  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #222
    Date: 2019-09-29
    Topics: Human Consciousness Checkpoint Late 2019 & The Future Of What On Earth Is Happening, The WOEIH Live Weekly Video Show will be on hiatus (most likely through the remainder of 2019) to complete the documentary "Mark Passio & The Science Of Natural Law," Review of the Anarchadelphia 2019 conference is postponed, Video Editor local to Philadelphia needed to complete the “Mark Passio & The Science Of Natural Law” documentary, Fundraising is needed to pay a Video Editor, Technical Support Expert is needed in-house at WOEIH, Mark will be speaking at the Seed 4 Conference, May 29-30-31st, 2020 in Rutland Ohio, Brandon Martin was the 2019 recipient of the One Great Work Achievement Award, Mark will not speak at other public conferences after Seed 4, Mark's future live speaking events will be formatted as all day events in the Philadelphia area and organized by him, Assessment of changes in Human Consciousness since Mark began his work 12 years ago, WOEIH has always been focused on targeting potential teachers, the main reasons WHY we have failed in changing the Human Condition, most people in the "Truth" and "Freedom" movements still do not understand the true meaning of Anarchy, most people in the "Truth" and "Freedom" movements still do not understand True Freedom, most people in the "Truth" and "Freedom" movements still do not understand The Occult, most people in the "Truth" and "Freedom" movements still do not understand Natural Law, most people in the "Truth" and "Freedom" movements still condone harming animals for "food," most people in the "Truth" and "Freedom" movements are still Moral Relativists, Occult "teachers" that do not teach Natural Law, most people are not literate in modern communications and publishing technologies, most people cannot create and publish media in the modern digital age, Developing the necessary skills and creating work in your own name to get involved in the Great Work, multiple publishing platforms must be utilized to do the Great Work, Archives of personal work are needed for efficient communication of ideas, Reaching people with the message of Natural Law through modern communications technology, Social Experiment Results 2019 from the Natural Law Documentary research, Examination of pie charts demonstrating exactly where the Human Mental Condition is at in our current time, Bad People always believe they are Good People, Human Beings are living their lives based upon completely erroneous and immoral belief systems such as Moral Relativism and the belief in "Authority" and Government.
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    Related Links: What On Earth Is Happening Donations

  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #220
    Date: 2019-09-01
    Guests: Carmen Carrangi | Pat Leach | Derrick Broze | Etienne de la Boetie2
    Topics: Anarchadelphia 2019 Preview, the rigors of organizing a large-scale conference, financing and sponsoring a conference, camaraderie to create events, connection to local community, taking steps to spread awareness, Moral Relativists are all around us, the Generational Organized-Crime Ruling Class, bridging diverse social circles with a message of Natural Law, Moral Relativism in the "freedom" "community," infusing creativity into live events by integrating music and lectures, breaking out of the truther "bubble" for a wider outreach, Mind Control designed to prevent people them from knowing that Government is immoral, the Free State project in New Hampshire, Philadelphia is a Communist-controlled city, Bertrand Russell techniques to modify human behavior, the Occult Priest-Class at the top of the power structure, the My "Freedom" "Movement," deep psychological resistance to information regarding The Occult in the "freedom" community, Mark’s disillusion with his own efforts and contribution, "The Most Dangerous Game," "The Hunt" movie, political blackmail using pedophilia, de-occulting the playbook of the Dark Occultists, Understanding can be garnered through methods other than Gnosis, Geomancy in regard to Philadelphia, distilling Spirituality from Religion, "The End of All Evil" by Jeremy Locke.
    Related Images: Download (zip archive)
    Related Links: Anarchadelphia 2019
    Related Documents: The End Of All Evil (Epub) | The End Of All Evil (PDF)

  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #220
    Date: 2019-08-18
    Topics: Telsa & Humanity's Missing Paradigm Shift Revisited Part 2, What On Earth Is Happening is a tapestry of Knowledge which has prior prerequisites for understanding, The Goal of the Great Work is in the Here and Now, Social Experiments to gauge social intelligence on Occult Knowledge and True Awakening, Mark’s view of the so-called "truth" "community," Widespread public disbelief in Truth, Natural Law, Google's outright and overt Censorship of Truth, the Improbability of the Clinton-related "suicides," Big-Tech authoritarian policies, the Paradigm Shift is stalled by the belief in "Authority," the False Left-vs.-Right political paradigm, Natural Law is virtually absent from freedom/truth community, Mainstream Media are paid liars and propagandists, the Mental Contradiction of Vegans who believe in and condone Government, Covert and overt oppression of Free Energy, Free Energy proponents and patent holders lack of understanding of Natural Law, Anarchists lack of knowledge of The Occult, Lack of Natural Law philosophy in the Free Energy movement, Bad People who don’t want to learn truth and rights, Bad People who don’t want to help change bad conditions, Accountability for the Sleeping Masses, the Need for Discernment and Judgement when attempting to find Spiritual Truth, Universal Peace through a Paradigm Shift in Consciousness, Care and technological solutions for human progress, Brainwashing and censorship by professors and administration in American Universities, Whole food plant-based diet vs. Processed Foods, Awareness of Synchronicities through studying The Tarot studies, Knowing the true philosophy of Thelema vs. glorifying Aleister Crowley, the agenda to push people toward Androgyny as espoused by the Whitehall Church of Satan.
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  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #219
    Date: 2019-08-11
    Topics: Telsa & Humanity's Missing Paradigm Shift Revisited, Jeffrey Epstein possibly "suicided" in prison, the Government is run by Dark Occultists/Pedophile/Satanists, Pizzagate/Pedogate, Mark’s upcoming appearance in “Unsustainable” documentary by James Jaeger, New Podcast Section instructions on how to view/listen and learn from the WOEIH Podcasts, Tesla's vision for the Human future powered by Free Energy, Scalar Wave Technology, Advancement and viability of Tesla Technology, the Control of Energy is the Control of Humanity, Manufactured Scarcity of energy, Scarcity-Based Mind Control, the Scarcity Energy Paradigm, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, True Unsustainability, Humanity’s downward spiral spiritually, Post-Apocalyptic Cosmic Judgement is upon Human society, Lower-level thugs who take payoffs to continue corruption also keep the immoral Energy Paradigm in place, the True definition of the Paradigm Shift in Consciousness, the Consciousness that must precede Free Energy manifestation, Most people in the "Free" energy movement don't understand the "Free" part and are still Statists supporting Human Slavery, the 20 Characteristics of the True Paradigm Shift in Human Consciousness explained, the Equality of the spiritual and Physical "Domains," Release from Lower-self Identification and Attachment, Moral Relativism, the Understanding of the Human Condition as Slavery, Occulted Knowledge is for EVERYONE to understand, the Failure of the Occult Mystery Traditions to change the Human Condition of Slavery because they stayed too attached to Occult Knowledge as "reserved only for some people."
    Related Images: Download (zip archive)
    Related Links: MEC Films By James Jaeger | Unsustainable Documentary | MEC Films Youtube Videos

  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #218
    Date: 2019-08-04
    Topics: The Tarot's Major Arcana As A Revelation Of Personal And Societal Progress: Part II, the Tarot in relation to Kabbalah's Macrocosmic Tree Of Life, Universal Forces at work in Nature, the Hermetic Principles, The Principle Of Correspondence, "As Above, So Below," the Human Soul reflected in the Universe, Daath as the realm of Hidden Knowledge, the Macrocosmic Tree Of Life as a guide to Humankind's Acceptance of Truth or Rejection of Truth, Morality and Natural Law, the Human states of Freedom or Slavery reflected in the Tarot, The Dark "Illuminati" as the Cult of Death, what "Turn the other cheek" really means, Humanity is Responsible for allowing themselves to be manipulated, the Death card of the Major Arcana as the Force of Involution, Stagnation, Backwards progress in the so-called "Freedom" "Movement," the Hanged Man card as True Evolution, Enlightenment, the True "Illuminati," understanding the Philosophy of Thelema, Natural Law is for EVERYONE, Elitism in Occult traditions and those who teach Occultism, Moral Relativism, People who believe they can "decide" or arbitrate what Right and Wrong are, the Justice card of the Major Arcana, the "Crown" Chakra, the Justice card IS Natural Law, Universal Consequences, Judgement and Hell, No One can escape the lesson of Natural Law, We should Not seek escape but rather confront the Great Work head-on, Christ Consciousness vs. Exoteric "Christian" thought, True Knowledge of Morality is revealed by Creation not by Religion, the Spiritual and Material domains One and the Same, a review of the Free Thought Project Community Group Facebook post showing how many people who say they want "freedom" are Moral Relativists, The Tarot as an encoded book, the Tarot as Discovery of Natural Law, the Natural vs. the Artificial, Perception of Reality vs. Objective Truth, Moral Relativism in Anarchist and Libertarian circles, True Freedom CANNOT be achieved in a society practicing Moral Relativism, the "Aquinas On Liberty" essay reviewed and explained, Atheists are DESTROYING the Freedom Movement, the False "Seven Deadly Sins" of religion vs. the True Seven Deadly Sins of Natural Law, Man is not the Law-Maker – God is.
    Related Images: Download (zip archive)
    Related Documents: Aquinas On Liberty Essay
    Related Links: Universal Waite Tarot Deck

  • Video: What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #217
    Date: 2019-07-28
    Topics: The Tarot's Major Arcana As A Revelation Of Personal And Societal Progress, Tarot as the Book of Life, Occulted Knowledge, the two categories of Occult Knowledge, Hidden Knowledge of the Human Psyche and the Laws of Nature, the Religions of Government and Scientism, the Major and Minor Arcana of the Tarot, a future WOEIH Tarot Deck, Tarot misused as only "fortune-telling" by charlatans, the Covert Language of Symbols, Suits of the Minor Arcana, Coins as Resources/Earth, Cups as Emotions/Water, Swords as Intellect/Air, Wands as Action/Will/Fire, the Tarot as part of the Goddess Tradition, the name "Tarot" derived from Terra/Tara/Truth, Symbolism of the the Wheel of Fortune, the Tetragrammaton, Symbolism of the Crosses of St. George and St. Andrew, symbolism of Archangels, False equivalency of Influence and Determinism, the Rejection of Free Will as a causal factor of Human Slavery, the meaning of the letters in the word Tarot, Kabbalah as an Occult Science, Kabbalah literally means "To Receive," Kaballah as a method of preparing oneself to receive Truth and Natural Law, the inseparable connection between Tarot and Kabbalah, the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the Sephirot as "emanations" connected by 22 Paths, the Correspondence between the Vedic system of Chakras Tree of Life, the Pillars of Severity, Mercy and Mildness on the tree of Life, the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Tree of Life, numbers of the Sephirot, Esoteric breakdown of the meanings of the Sephirot, the Kundalini Energy and its ascent up the Tree of Life, the "Lightning-Struck Tree, the Kabbalistic arrangement of the cards of the Major Arcana upon the two Trees of Life (Microcosmic and Macrocosmic), the 911 Ritual to destroy the "Ladder to God," the Esoteric meaning of each of the Major Arcana Tarot cards in correlation to the Sephirot, how Mark would rename the Major Arcana cards to reflect their true meanings.
    Related Images: Download (zip archive)
    Related Links: Universal Waite Tarot Deck