I’ve always wondered how moms, especially of multiple children, can have a thriving career and a loving family. Jamie attributes this to figuring it out as she’s goes, seeking the feeling of aliveness, and being brave enough to live a full life with a vibrant, beating pulse.
How it’s good to feel things—that’s how you grow.The importance of female friendships—and where/when they pick up where our partners may drop off. Why they’re vital to cultivate.What’s a good age to introduce music to children?Decision making out of love and purpose and not only the bottom line.
I’m this episode, you’ll also hear us talk about:Let us know what you thought about this episode. Please rate and review the podcast on Apple podcast.
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There are hard things we should get our kids to do, and then there are the necessary hard things they have to do...but don't want to do. These types of "hard but necessarys" are different for every household. In Eli's house, her "hard but necessarys" are getting her children to brush their teeth. In my house, it's getting my son to tolerate shots after his run with environmental shots. And it changes with every season. So my question to one of the most followed licensed therapists and mother of three is, "How do we get our Children to do Hard but Necessary Things?"
In this conversation we explore all the paths on the "how to," and Eli throws in tips for how to do it all with a partner that might not be on the same "conscious" parenting path as you.
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Thanks for listening. I love connecting with you all here and in my weekly newsletter. Subscribe today on EmilyNolan.com.See you in your inbox and podcast library next Tuesday!
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Episodi mancanti?
I’ve been looking forward to this conversation with Amanda Bacon from Moon Juice on being a modern mom who also uses ancient practices. This is a really interesting practice, especially as modern convenience items and lifestyles are burgeoning before our eyes. In a world when convenience was once in a while, now it feels everyday. With illnesses, allergies, and autoimmune challenges becoming more prevalent, it begs us to ask, “What are we doing differently than just thirty years ago?”
This conversation is an exploration in applying ancient wisdom to our modern practices. What’s realistic? What’s idealistic?
Amanda shares a homesteading dream of hers, and confesses that it’s possibly just a dream…because she loves both the generation and growing of her thriving business and family life.
I hope you enjoy this exploration we begin to excavate for curious minds. Let us know what you thought about this episode. Please rate and review the podcast on Apple podcast.
Thanks for following along. I love connecting with you all here and in my weekly newsletter—which keeps you up to date on all my personal thoughts, recipes, podcast episodes, and things I’m loving. Subscribe today on EmilyNolan.com.See you in your inbox and podcast library next Tuesday!
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Gillian helps us get a little more creative with our kids lunchboxes while adding a bit more diversity into that boring, cold lunchbox. She also discusses how she handles having life threatening food allergies in a house that is “the spot” for her children and all of their friends to hang out.
Let us know what you thought about this episode. Please rate and review the podcast on Apple podcast.
Thanks for following. I love connecting with you all here and in my weekly newsletter—which keeps you up to date on all my personal thoughts, recipes, podcast episodes, and things I’m loving. Subscribe today on EmilyNolan.com.See you in your inbox and podcast library next Tuesday!
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Just on the other side of his whole grain baking failures was a world of opportunity, waiting for him to fail enough to find it. Charbel started as a traditional pastry chef and got into whole grain pastries after working at Blue Hill Farms in NY.
I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I do. I especially love when Charbel talks about failure and how his wife, Andrea, encouraged him not to give up. It was just at his breaking point that he discovered this new/ancient art of baking, and thank heavens he did. It makes me wonder, when I feel like giving up, what could be on the other side of giving it a just few more weeks of effort?
Let us know what you thought about this episode. Please rate and review the podcast on Apple podcast.
Thanks for following. I love connecting with you all here and in my weekly newsletter—which keeps you up to date on all my personal thoughts, recipes, podcast episodes, and things I’m loving. Subscribe today on EmilyNolan.com.
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I finally get a chance to sit down and chat with Danika Brysha, founder of Self-Care Society and treasured model friend of mine from “back in the day.” Danika and I have both overcome so many body challenges—eating disorders, orthorexia, body Dysmorphia and more. Now, in our new season of life as mothers, we dive into how we’re navigating raising healthy children without projecting our past body and eating challenges onto them. It’s a tricky topic and I hope our conversation gives you a few takeaways to help you along your journey.
A couple of my favorite things in this conversation are:
When Danika talks about intuitive eating and how this philosophy and approach to health could be improved uponBody and food neutrality, and Getting back in touch with our bodiesLet us know what you thought about this episode. Please rate and review the podcast on Apple podcast.
Thanks for following this podcast I Am Emily Nolan. I love connecting with you all here and in my weekly newsletter—which keeps you up to date on all my personal thoughts, recipes, podcast episodes, and things I’m loving. Subscribe today on EmilyNolan.com.
See you in your inbox and podcast library next Tuesday!❤️If you haven't already, please consider leaving a review for this podcast on Apple Podcast. I love reading your feedback--it means a lot to me to know that what I'm creating is helpful for you.
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I think you might be surprised by this one. Three food allergy moms in different seasons of life rethink the “no nuts” policy in many schools.
Share this episode with your city, schools, and daycares. If you want to hear more from this roundtable crew, let us know when you rate and review the podcast on Apple podcast.
Thanks for following this podcast I Am Emily Nolan. I love connecting with you all here and in my weekly newsletter—which keeps you up to date on all my personal thoughts, recipes, podcast episodes, and things I’m loving. Subscribe today on EmilyNolan.com.
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Oh man. Or should I say, oh mama? Ingrid D'Aquin is my personal life coach. In this episode, we jump right into the challenges modern moms have once they become mothers. Choosing work paths as a mother--navigating work from home, staying at home, or working outside the home. We talk about the importance of sisterhood, not competing with other women, and letting your spouse or partner parent in their own way. My favorite part of this episode is towards the end, when Ingrid talks about doing what matters to you. Not Instagram or an algorithm. Because we don't die with our followers. We die with the memories we made and the energy we created.
Note to listener: There are F* bombs and profanity in this episode. They felt essential so I left them in. If littles are around, you may want to pop your earbuds in.
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Dr. Ciaccio is the doc I wish all moms could have on speed dial 24-7. Fortunately for me, I got an hour of her undivided attention and got to ask her questions like:
How can we prevent food allergies in our baby?Do probiotics work? Are they worth it?Can you explain prebiotics?Why is prebiotic fiber so effective in calming the immune system? How focused on Whole Foods, diversity, and flavors should we be with our children’s diet? What do antibiotics do to the gut? How can we support our health or our child’s health if we have to take them?Early allergen introduction. What is the science saying? How do we do it? Why is it important in preventing food allergies?Vitamin D and it’s relationship to the immune system and overall health. So much talk about sugar right now. Help me understand what it does to the immune system?Thoughts on the Standard American Diet? If you could change it, what would you change?Postbiotics are the future? What’s a postbiotic?How does the mother’s diet preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum (when giving breastmilk) affect baby and health outcomes?This episode meets the modern woman in every season of life—preconception, pregnancy, postpartum and raising a healthy child. Dr. Ciaccio sticks to the science so we don’t need to sweat Dr. Google.
If you want to hear more from Dr. Ciaccio, let us know when you rate and review the podcast on Apple podcast.
Thanks for following this podcast I Am Emily Nolan. I love connecting with you all here and in my weekly newsletter—which keeps you up to date on all my personal thoughts, recipes, podcast episodes, and things I’m loving. Subscribe today on EmilyNolan.com.
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On this episode Lindsay Gill of The Napkin Network, a non profit created to bridge the gap between moms in need and moms who want to help, talk about her work making sure every mother have what they need to provide for their children.
She also shared her story of being food allergy momma!If you haven't already, please consider leaving a review for this podcast on Apple Podcast. I love reading your feedback--it means a lot to me to know that what I'm creating is helpful for you.
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Elizabeth Ghia, a top interior designer, joined the show to offer ideas on thoughtful interior design for in home family health when considering allergies and irritations.
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Allison Gross is a Registered Dietician and Nutritionist and she joined the show to talk about navigating indulgences.
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On this episode Joyce Longfield, VP of Product Innovation for Good Foods Group, Chair Person of the Cold Pressure Counsel and mother of two, shared her expertise on healthy and safe solutions for packaged foods.
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Hustle Like A Mom was created to redefine what it means to be a working mom, and help women that wish to align their personal and professional aspirations. On this episode, Pamela Peckerman shares tips for organization and how to structure our lives to be more effective moms and mompreneurs.
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Neha Ruch, founder of Mother Untitled, joined the show to talk about how this community empowers women during a career pause or shift for family life. You can learn more by clicking here.
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In this episode of Whole-Body Health©, I chat with Ara Katz about the Microbiome and the Immune System. Ara is the CO-CEO and Co-founder of Seed as well as a mother who has devoted her life to studying the human body and microbiome. This episode is very informative as we divulge in-depth what prebiotics and probiotics are and how they can be beneficial to our children with food allergies. We share measures we take to better care for our microbiome and what we have learned throughout this journey.
In this episode...
(0:55) - Emily begins the episode with a story about a time she was navigating Oliver's food allergies. She shares what she learned throughout this process and how she chose to approach this oftentimes challenging journey.
(4:25) - Emily introduces Ara Katz.
(6:00) - Ara informs us about what prebiotics and probiotics actually are and what they do for our bodies.(10:40) - Ara explains more about what the PDS-08 (pediatric synbiotic) is that Seed launched, what it does, and how it is beneficial to a child's microbiome. She also goes into more detail about children's overall health and how this research helped create the synbiotic.
(15:00) - Emily and Ara discuss factors that can help avoid developing food allergies and how allergies can form. Emily shares how she is helping to build her son Oliver’s immune system to fight off his allergies. They go into the history behind allergies and what research now shows about our bodies and food allergies.(25:35) - Emily shares about the precautions she took at the beginning of her son's food allergy journey and what she learned from this.
(27:35) - Ara shares more about the microbiome and how we can explain it to children. Ara goes into great detail about how complex the microbiome is and the things you can do to better care for it.
(33:35) - Emily shares her personal experience on why learning about the microbiome is important and how she has been able to apply this knowledge to improve her son's allergies.
(35:25) - Ara explains how probiotics in some things can be a gimmick and what to look for in products that are marketed, including “probiotics”.
(40:45) - Emily shares how she uses the Seed pediatric synbiotic for her son Oliver and what other supplements and ingredients she adds to make it the most beneficial for him. Ara recommends how she would use the product.
(46:35) - Emily asks Ara rapid-fire questions.
Pediatric Food Allergy Essentials
SeedIf you haven't already, please consider leaving a review for this podcast on Apple Podcast. I love reading your feedback--it means a lot to me to know that what I'm creating is helpful for you.
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In this episode of Whole-Body Health©, I chat with the ever-delightful Hillary Tolle Carter, a mama of two beautiful boys, a food allergy advocate, and a Board of Governors member for FARE. Hillary and I have a conversation about raising children with food allergies and how challenging it can be for the caregiver, not just the child. We share our personal experiences on coping with this lifestyle and how it affects everyone involved. We give tips on how to manage and shift to a positive mindset to better navigate this journey.
In this episode...
(2:15) - Hillary tells her origin story of when she found out both of her sons had food allergies and shares her experiences. Emily and Hillary begin to get honest about their struggles with raising children with severe food allergies.
(5:25) - Hillary discusses the importance of grieving the life you thought you and your child would live before being diagnosed with food allergies or chronic illnesses. Emily and Hillary share their personal grief stories at the beginning of their diagnoses and how the diagnosis affected them as well.(14:45) - Hillary shares more about what she does in her work around food allergy advocacy and how that helps her in her healing process.
(15:20) - Hillary and Emily discuss taking a career pause and the shift that comes with a food allergy diagnosis for their children. They share about pausing all things with the focus being on your family and child with allergies. Emily and Hillary talk about how to reframe this pause from a negative to a positive by researching and restoring their purpose/identity as advocates.
(21:40) - Emily shares her experiences building her food allergy course and how difficult it was to do this on top of all her responsibilities as a mother.
(24:40) - Hillary and Emily get vulnerable about how their marriages and relationships were impacted by their children's food allergy diagnosis. They share the importance of finding someone who supports you and how alone you can feel during this journey.
(29:05) - Hillary shares some ideas to begin caring for yourself as a mother raising a child with severe food allergies. She motivates parents to prioritize their own physical and mental health, relationships, setting boundaries, etc.
(33:45) - Emily asks Hillary some fun rapid-fire questions.
Pediatric Food Allergy Essentials
Hillary Tolle CarterIf you haven't already, please consider leaving a review for this podcast on Apple Podcast. I love reading your feedback--it means a lot to me to know that what I'm creating is helpful for you.
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In this episode of Whole-Body Health©, I chat with Meenal Lele about early allergen introduction and tolerance training to benefit parents of children with food allergies--and children not yet diagnosed with food allergies. Meenal is the author of The Baby in the Biome and devotes her life to helping parents of children with food allergies. This episode is informative as we discuss the microbiome and immune system and their effects on allergies. Emily and Meenal also share their personal struggles as food allergy mamas and how they overcame them.
In this episode...
(0:55) - Emily introduces Meenal to the podcast.
(1:45) - Meenal talks about early allergen introduction, what it is, and how to do it with young children.
(3:55) - Meenal shares about the product she developed, Lil Mixins. She tells us how Lil Mixins originated, what the product does, and how it can be beneficial to give to our children as early as four months old.
(7:30) - Emily shares her personal experiences raising her son Oliver and the challenges she faced navigating his allergy journey. Emily and Meenal discuss the baby-led weaning feeding method's benefits and drawbacks.
(11:35) - Meenal shares more about the correlation between how allergies are developed via skin contact.
(13:25) - Meenal discusses the myths behind tolerance training and clarifies when and how to introduce foods.
(19:15) - Meenal goes into detail about her book, The Baby and the Biome. She tells what we can find in her book based on her research.
(21:10) - Meenal and Emily discuss more on the immune system and how the things in our environment that we come in contact with can affect us. They give tips to help boost your immune system and offer beneficial tips that you can do for your body as well as your home/environment to stay safe and healthy. Emily and Meenal share personal stories on how they navigate their day-to-day lives to better help their children.(30:20) - Meenal tells what she is currently working on and the behind-the-scenes and what is going on in her mind. Emily gives us an update on what she is doing to better herself, as well as her son Oliver.
(34:00) - Meenal and Emily share ways to apply positive psychology and reframe your thoughts.
'Lil MixinsIf you haven't already, please consider leaving a review for this podcast on Apple Podcast. I love reading your feedback--it means a lot to me to know that what I'm creating is helpful for you.
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In this episode of Whole-Body Health©, I chat with Lisa Gable, a Wall Street Journal best-selling author of Turnaround: How to Change Course When Things are Going South, former US Ambassador, and former CEO of Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE). Lisa has devoted her life to bettering those around her and shares her insight on how to turn your life around and find your identity in your walk of life, especially for those parents who have children with food allergies. Lisa reveals a personal story of resilience, patience, and radical acceptance she had to learn to navigate. We then apply her turnaround method to a caregiver who wants to restore their identity after a child’s health diagnosis and the many sacrifices we make to take care of another.
In this episode...
(1:00) - Emily introduces Lisa, and we learn about her incredible background and life experiences.
(3:35) - Lisa and Emily dive into the topic of how to overcome burnout. Lisa shares how her method originated and gives background on what led her to create it.
(6:55) - Lisa and Emily discuss how your energy and mindset can affect relationships around you and your personal life. Lisa shares how to apply her methods while sharing her own difficult life experiences.
(12:15) - Lisa takes the audience through her method step-by-step. She teaches us how to apply it to help map out the future and find one's own identity through life's inevitable obstacles. She gives her tips on how to manage it all through her own experience- what worked and what didn’t.
(16:40) - Lisa goes in-depth on how to apply her method to parents of children with food allergies and shares how they can utilize her “turnaround” philosophy to help better handle stressful situations.
(19:10) - Lisa shares how you can find more of her resources and how to connect with her.
Lisa GableIf you haven't already, please consider leaving a review for this podcast on Apple Podcast. I love reading your feedback--it means a lot to me to know that what I'm creating is helpful for you.
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