This week I'm joined David Murray aka The 8-Bit Guy & 8-Bit Keys to discuss Star Wars films, Marvel Movies, Electric Cars, Techmoan, Sci-Fi and so much more.
We discuss how he hears Techmoan narrating his videos in his head when writing scripts, why he hates superhero films, his opinions on the Star Wars prequels and Sequels, how he got started on youtube and his personal favorite Sci-Fi films.
iTunes link http://bit.ly/DenpodStitcher link http://bit.ly/stitcherwhyZencast link http://bit.ly/zencastwhyGoogle Play link http://bit.ly/googlewhy
The 8-Bit guy is a youtuber who does videos on retro computers, laptops, keyboards and technology, focusing on reviewing technology and restoring old computers and restoring old keyboards, originally starting as the ibookguy, the 8-bit guy has worked with Clint from Lazy Game Reviews, Techmoan and Ben Heck.
With The 8-bit guy lazy game reviews techmoan ben heck all covering technology, and the restoration of technologies from the past.
Links mentioned in this episode:https://twitter.com/DennisMcCarsonhttps://www.youtube.com/dennismccarsonhttps://www.youtube.com/user/adric22https://www.facebook.com/the8bitguy/
This week I'm joined by Laneysha from Nerdsync and we dive deep into social issue in media, starting with the recent DCEU film Wonder Woman, to John Stewart vs Hal Jordan to the recent Bill Maher controversy.
We also discuss Mahershala Ali, Black Panther, Dragon Ball Z, intersectionality, diversity in comic book films, being black in history, growing up as a black female in America, representation in media and so much more!
iTunes link http://bit.ly/DenpodStitcher link http://bit.ly/stitcherwhyZencast link http://bit.ly/zencastwhyGoogle Play link http://bit.ly/googlewhy
Laneysha is a member of nerdsync on the marketing team, so if you ever see anything on the nerdsync twitter, nerdsync instagram and nerdsync facebook, it's likely that it's either her or me.
Links mentioned in this episode:https://twitter.com/DennisMcCarsonhttps://www.youtube.com/dennismccarsonhttps://twitter.com/La_Ney_sha
Episodi mancanti?
This week I'm joined by Owen from Owen Likes Comics to discuss music, The Office, vinyl records, Kanye West and tipping. Then like every other episode of this podcast we end up talking about the subtleties of the DCEU, the complexities of Batman Vs Superman, Man Of Steel and the casting choices from Suicide Squad.
Owen is a youtuber who creates weekly videos deconstructing and analysing the themes, concepts and characters in the world of comic books and geek culture, and examining what they can teach us about both our favourite heroes and the world around us.
Links mentioned in this episode:https://twitter.com/DennisMcCarsonhttps://www.youtube.com/dennismccarsonhttps://twitter.com/owenlikescomicshttps://www.youtube.com/OwenLikesComics
This week I'm joined by Ricky aka Stewdippin to discuss everything comedy. Ricky has years of experience working in improv comedy, and has strong opinions about Dane Cook, Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, and Andy Kaufman. We also talk about the DCEU and briefly discuss the Andy Kaufman biopic starring Jim Carrey "Man On The Moon" before discussing the importance of diversity in media, such as Static Shock and Luke Cage and the struggle of not fitting into the stereotypes that people put you in.
Stewdippin is a comic book, cartoon, comedy and youtuber who also makes song parodies, and does so much more. He also has a podcast where he reviews classic movies, Flashback Flicks, available through Nerdsync Productions.
Links mentioned in this episode:https://twitter.com/DennisMcCarsonhttps://www.youtube.com/dennismccarsonhttps://twitter.com/stewdippinhttps://www.youtube.com/stewdippinhttps://twitter.com/ricky_ii
This week I'm joined by RelaxAlax to discuss everything Nintendo and Overwatch. From how to reboot Smash Bros to how to sell the Nintendo Switch to casual fans, it's all discussed here. After fanboying over Nintendo and everything to do with them we move on to our love of Overwatch and discuss the fantasy dream of Overwatch on The Nintendo Switch.
itunes link http://bit.ly/DenpodStitcher link http://bit.ly/stitcherwhyZencast link http://bit.ly/zencastwhyGoogle Play link http://bit.ly/googlewhyYouTube Link https://youtu.be/e7is_r-wQZU
RelaxAlax creates videos on youtube helping you "Know Your Moves" of all the Super Smash Bros Characters, he also spends his time making sweet sweet memes
Links mentioned in this episode:https://twitter.com/DennisMcCarsonhttps://www.youtube.com/dennismccarsonhttps://twitter.com/RelaxAlaxhttps://www.youtube.com/user/relaxalax
This week Brandon Hardesty drops in to discuss why it's so hard to write a female character, why storytelling matters and what made Goosebumps and Are You Afraid Of The Dark so great.
We also discuss his screenplay and how influential Mad Men is, both for period pieces and television in general.
Brandon Hardesty is best known for No Small Parts, his IMDB videos and his youtube channel ArtieTSMITW where he uploaded videos of him making silly faces and recreating classic scenes from movies.
Links mentioned in this episode:https://twitter.com/DennisMcCarsonhttps://www.youtube.com/dennismccarsonhttps://www.youtube.com/user/ArtieTSMITWhttps://twitter.com/Brandon_Hrdestyhttps://www.youtube.com/user/NoSmallPartsShow
This week I'm joined by Scott Niswander of Nerdsync to discuss history, tangential learning, Hamilton, and our love of heist movies.
Later we move on to the topics of cooking and vinyl vs digital when it comes to music.
Scott is best known for making comic book related videos on Nerdsync, and I'm best known for that time at Stacy Johnson's pool party where I belly flopped so hard I had to be taken to the ICU.
Big ups to Jay-Z and Tidal for sponsoring this video!
Links mentioned in this episode:https://twitter.com/DennisMcCarsonhttps://www.youtube.com/dennismccarsonhttps://twitter.com/ScottNiswanderhttps://www.youtube.com/user/NerdSyncProductionshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGWQJ2Lh-b4
This week I'm joined by Dan Maher from Transform My Transformers and we discuss the Fast and Furious franchise, who we would add to the films, and why they just work.
We then get into the topic of super hero movies and discuss how we can make a 90's period piece on marvel super hero Darkhawk.
And it wouldn't be a podcast with Dan if we didn't discuss beast wars.
Links mentioned in this episode:https://twitter.com/DennisMcCarsonhttps://www.youtube.com/dennismccarsonhttp://danmaher.net/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA5e8vqo-aJpZtd7EEDEuDg
This week I'm joined by Chris Anderson, a writer and overall nice guy, whom you may know from the very successful nerdsync podcast. We discuss our childhood, how they relate to blockbuster, or maybe we discuss block buster and how it relates to our childhood?
We then discuss older comedies, movies and Star Wars, it always comes back to Star Wars.
Links mentioned in this episode:https://twitter.com/DennisMcCarsonhttps://www.youtube.com/dennismccarsonhttps://twitter.com/Chris_tufferhttps://medium.com/@Chris_tuffer
This week I'm joined by Auram aka Dylan from Auram's Comics, and we discuss everything from food to YouTube. We discuss what it's like being a YouTuber, growing up with YouTube, and how to order food properly.
I appreciate Dylan coming on as the guinea pig for the first episode of Why It Matters.
Links mentioned in this episode:https://twitter.com/DennisMcCarsonhttps://www.youtube.com/dennismccarsonhttps://www.youtube.com/user/AuramChaoshttps://twitter.com/AuramAlexander