
  • "The descent turns on the inner gaze; it turns on our seeing."

    Dajé Alōh 

    We open this deeply reflective episode with Dajé sharing how her move to New Mexico and the powerful ‘desert medicine’ of the land have shaped her in recent years. Together, we explore the energies of both Coyote and Wolf, examining their contrasting influences and the interplay between masculine and feminine polarities. Dajé offers profound insights on reclaiming creative emergence and Vision in a culture often at odds with deep Soul Work, highlighting the Heart’s essential role in the visionary process and the radical, inherent Belonging we all share as children of Earth. We also probe the importance of the mythic Descent to Soul in accessing our truest Essence. Dajé reflects on the often-overlooked downsides of feedback culture and her ongoing contemplation of how to align her work more closely with her Essence. This episode invites listeners to acknowledge and embrace their inner wildness and creative genius, encouraging them to rise in their creations from deep, rooted depths. It offers rich reflections on creativity, transformation, and visionary liberation.

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    Thematic Show Notes

    Finding Home in the Desert & Coyote & Wolf Medicine:

    Dajé’s experience settling in New Mexico and the impact of the land’s “desert medicine.”Exploration of Coyote’s trickster qualities and its role in dissolving binaries.Reflection on the interplay and contrasts between masculine and feminine energies through Coyote and Wolf medicine.

    Reclaiming Creative Emergence:

    Discussion on reclaiming creativity and vision in a challenging cultural climate.Connection between essence and regenerative visionary creation.“We are all accessing the developmental arc of our Essence through vision and choose whether to engage or not.”

    Essence, Purpose, and Alignment:

    Contrasting the concepts of essence, purpose, and alignment.“Alignment is momentary; purpose is situational. But Essence is forever.”The visionary process as a means to care for culture by liberating Essence.

    Heart and Grief in Visionary Work:

    The heart’s responsiveness to the environment and its role in the visionary process.Exploration of grief as a key element in creative emergence and transformation.

    The Inheritance of Belonging:

    Reflection on inherent belonging to Earth, emphasizing it as a fact rather than something to be earned.The importance of listening as an act of worship and connection.

    Descent to Soul and Visionary Transformation:

    Exploring the descent to soul and its connection to visionary crises and creation.The violence and beauty of transformation likened to a caterpillar becoming a butterfly.Critique of the biomedical paradigm in supporting deep soul work and the need for soulful guidance.

    The Deep Earthiness of the Goddess:

    Examination of the rich, dark aspects of the Goddess and their contrast with modern Goddess movements.

    Wildness of the Heart & Dajé’s Personal Journey with Work:

    Reflection on connecting with the wildness of the heart and embracing life’s depths.Dajé’s regenerative approach to work and the challenges of feedback culture.

    Final Reflections:

    Dajé’s contemplation on balancing personal approval with following her soul’s calling.
  • “Stories never end; they just continue, evolve, and become something new.”

    — Iain McIntosh

    In this thought-provoking episode, Iain invites us on a transformative journey from Plato’s Cave to Pluto’s Cove. Beginning by introducing a dream-inspired analogy of a dilapidated theme park, he questions the deeper significance of this ‘broken-down’ setting and its metaphorical implications for our collective experience at this time. Iain reflects on the evolving nature of stories and underscores the importance of asking, “What happens next?” as a pivotal question in our current historical moment. We delve into the contrast between productivity and rest, consumerism and the Law of Reciprocity, and explore what it might mean to create in harmony with Natural Laws and Earthly powers rather than fighting against them or ignoring them. Iain also shares personal stories, including a serious car accident, weaving these experiences into the themes of our discussion. This episode offers a rich exploration of evolving perspectives, embracing transformation, the dance of time, and the deep mythic threads of connection that shape our journey of Becoming.

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    Thematic Show Notes

    The Dilapidated Theme Park:

    Iain introduces the analogy of a ‘broken-down theme park’ from his dreamscape.Key lessons from this dream journey are explored.We delve into the significance of what’s growing in the cracks and why these overlooked forces matter.

    Plato's Cave to Pluto's Cove:

    Extends the Plato's Cave analogy into a new story, 'Pluto's Cove.'The evolving nature of stories is emphasized, along with the question, “What happens next?”

    The Cosmic Giggle:

    Reflects on embracing ‘the cosmic giggle’ in navigating life’s ebbs and flows.This playful perspective is highlighted as a way to continue evolving beyond any perceived story’s end.

    Hope as a Trickster:

    We discuss hope as a non-binary trickster, challenging conventional views.Iain encourages a nuanced and flexible understanding of life’s unfolding narratives.

    The Spiral of Change:

    Change as a spiraling process with forward momentum.The significance of diversity of perspective in navigating this journey is underscored.

    Ancestry and Wounds:

    The concept of being “an ancestor to yourself.”How our wounds shape us and the importance of carrying them forward.Iain encourages awareness of the lines of gold in our lives that are often overlooked.

    Consumerism vs. Reciprocity:

    We contrast consumerism culture with the law of reciprocity.We explore the importance of creating in harmony with natural law and Earthly powers.

    Undone to Grow:

    We discuss the necessity of being undone to grow, evolve, and become.The opportunity within the process of undoing and the difference between the Soul’s pace and the ego’s pace is emphasized.

    The Dance of Time:

    Reflections on the dance between Chronos and Kairos.Presence is explored as a way to facilitate a different perception of time, crucial in the art of counsel and the path of Becoming.

    Assault on the Senses:

    We connect the assault on the wildness of Earth to an assault on our sense-making.The importance of reclaiming our integrated, sensorial selves and reconnecting with Earth’s wilds is highlighted.

    Final Reflections:

    The conversation concludes with a reflection from Iain, offering listeners a final take-away that ties together the diverse themes explored in the episode.
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  • “Myth is a map of being.”

    — Vincent Stanzione

    In this episode, we accompany Vincent as he traces his journey from childhood curiosity to his dedicated study of the ancient K’iche’ Maya text, the Popol Wuj. Vincent reveals the vital connections between place, language, myth, and culture, showing how Indigenous storytelling and wisdom is essential for reclaiming our humanity. We explore the rich mythic narratives of the Popol Wuj, gaining insights into the lives and landscapes of maize-growing cultures in the Americas and discovering how the text invites modern readers to engage deeply with imaginal realms while refining their sense of place and sustenance. Vincent also reflects on the importance of reviving ancient knowledge and stories to strengthen our relationship with the land and deepen our sense of belonging, wherever we are. This episode encourages listeners to decolonize their perspectives and imaginal capacities to reconnect with the mythic dimensions and place-based stories that shape our existence, whether we recognize it or not.

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    Thematic Show Notes

    Vinnie’s Journey to the Popol Wuj:

    Vinnie's path from childhood to academia and Guatemala, leading to his deep study of the ancient Maya text, the Popol Wuj.The significance of the Popol Wuj in understanding ancient maize-growing cultures in the Americas.

    The Importance of Place:

    Exploring the concept of ‘place’ and its importance in Indigenous cultures, particularly for the Maya.The necessity of teaching children about place and its associated stories and myths.Quotes: “Indigenous people have a very strong sense of place.” and “Myth is a map of being.”

    Language, Culture, and the Land:

    Discussion on how language and culture originate from the land.Vinnie’s experience learning Mayan languages and their non-abstract nature compared to English.A brief history of the Popol Wuj’s translations and its original purpose.A brief overview of the Spanish conquest and its impact on Mesoamerican history, particularly the Mayans.

    Key Themes and Stories of the Popol Wuj:

    Introduction to the Popol Wuj as the cosmogony of the K’iche’ Maya, a story of “the many-treed people.”The mythic meaning of ‘the twins’ and their connection to Maya land, animals, food, and life-ways.Discussion on the use of psychedelics (bufo, psilocybin, datura) and practices like live heart extraction (sacrifice) in ancient Maya culture.Emphasis on the idea of “reciprocity of sustenance.”

    Reviving Ancient Wisdom:

    Vinnie’s reflections on how the Popol Wuj has shaped his understanding of self, other, and place.Invitation to listeners to engage in decolonizing the self.The importance of reviving ancient indigenous knowledge, with the Popol Wuj as a key text.

    Belonging and Myth:

    Discussion on how myths expand our sense of self and resonate deeply within us.Encouragement to connect with the stories of the places we inhabit to foster a sense of belonging.Quotes: “When we belong to a place we are always going to treat it better.” and “The liberation of the Human Soul is up to each and every one of us.”

    Closing Thoughts:

    The necessity of connecting with myth to find meaning and feel at home in the world.Vinnie’s final message on the power of myth and the journey to liberate the Human Soul.
  • “We are all indigenous to Earth. We all belong to this lineage.”

    — Alena Natalia

    In this grounding conversation, Alena guides us through some of her rich life experiences and insights, from her childhood in Soviet Moscow and summers in the wilds of Massachusetts to her travels across 75 countries seeking diverse teachers and teachings. Her early encounters with nature and an extraordinary experience at age 14 sparked her wandering quest for a deeper understanding of reality. Alena shares valuable insights on belonging, reclaiming our unique gifts, healing our wounds, reconnecting with the lineage of Earth, and deepening our relationship with the wild within and around us to become more whole. This episode is a heartfelt exploration of living a life grounded in purpose, presence, and the intrinsic power of Earthly elementals and the Feminine essence of reality.

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    Thematic Show Notes

    Reclaiming Unique Gifts and Medicine:

    Alena explores how our childhood experiences, wounds, and passions often reveal the unique gifts we are meant to share with the world.She emphasizes the importance of courage in reclaiming these innate gifts.

    Global Journey for Wisdom:

    Having traveled to 75 countries, Alena sought diverse teachers and teachings to deepen her understanding of reality, especially the feminine nature of reality.She discusses how humanity is ready to reintegrate this feminine understanding into our shared consciousness.

    Belonging and Lineage:

    Alena speaks on the importance of belonging to ourselves, our ancestors, and the Earth, rather than compulsively mimicking other culture’s human-made lineages.She questions what it means to belong to the lineage of Earth, highlighting our cosmic-biological connection to the planetary system of which we are an integral part.

    Healing Through Earth Indigeneity:

    Alena delves into the wounds of displacement and the importance of remembering our indigenous connection to Earth as a whole system.She discusses how modern humans have strayed from the feminine Earthly powers and the need to reconnect with them in order to become whole.

    Nature and Relationship:

    Highlighting the pain the land experiences from human displacement, Alena emphasizes the importance of nurturing relationships with the elementals, our more-than-human kin, and our ancestral lands.She believes all land, all of nature, desires a nourishing, co-creative relationship with humans.

    The Feminine Holds All:

    Alena explores the feminine nature of the cosmos, which encompasses all dualities and naturally fosters balance, healing, and transformation.She addresses modern feminism, cautioning against perpetuating issues of modernity and emphasizing the need for sensitive balance and integration.

    Wounds and Wholeness:

    Discussing the nature of wounds, Alena describes them as messengers of love calling us back into harmony.She emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and shining awareness on our wounds to allow for natural alchemical processes to occur of their own accord.

    Wandering and Belonging:

    Alena shares her personal journey of not feeling like she belonged to one place, leading her on a quest for a deeper sense of belonging to all of Earth in the here and now.She speaks on the importance of wandering as a stage in the evolution of the human soul and the significance of laying roots as we go.
  • “Persistence hunting is the apex of human engagement with the natural world.”

    — Eric Haas

    Join us as we explore Eric’s journey through self-discovery, fatherhood, and service. He shares how caring for his son deepened his self-awareness and challenged the idea of being a ‘strong independent individual.’ Eric recounts his transformative path from travel and wilderness experiences to studying psychology, eventually leading to his time in the Kalahari Desert learning persistence hunting with the San people. Eric emphasises the human need to help others, the challenges of supporting vulnerable cultures, and the importance of humility and learning from indigenous elders. He also addresses reconnecting with our primal selves amid concerns about AI and virtual technologies. Through vivid stories of his persistence hunts and wildlife encounters, Eric reflects on his path from vegetarianism and veganism to ethical hunting, advocating for direct engagement with the world. He wraps up with his advice: "Be respectful. Be inspired. And find your own path."

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    Thematic Show Notes

    Eric's Motivations and Self-Exploration:

    Eric discusses his unique form of service and what motivates him to continue deepening into his practice.Fatherhood as a catalyst for self-exploration and growth, enhancing his ability to recognize his sensitivity and take better care of himself.Challenging the facade of being the ‘strong independent individual.’

    Pathways to Transformation:

    Eric's journey from travel, wilderness experiences, and relationships across continents to studying psychology to melding it all into a unique bundle of gifts to give in service to place and peoples.How painful dynamics led him to prioritize self-exploration, healing, and growth, transforming his compulsive care for others into a conscious, reciprocal decision.

    Connecting with the San People:

    Eric’s belief in the essential human need to help others.His transformative experience learning persistence hunting with the San people in the Kalahari Desert.His goal to inspire clients to support the San and their cultural regeneration through persistence hunting experiences, connecting with ancient human roots.The spiritual connection facilitated by persistence hunting and the San's deep knowledge of this practice.

    Cultural Preservation and Ethical Practices:

    The complexity of helping vulnerable cultures and the negative impacts of certain charitable actions.Preserving indigenous cultures as an essential thread of humanity’s fabric, with every loss diminishing our collective heritage.

    Bodily Wisdom and Psychological Health:

    Eric’s apprehensions around AI and virtual technologies driving his efforts to reconnect people with primal aspects of themselves.The significance of bodily wisdom versus embodied wisdom and fully inhabiting the body.The limitations of mainstream therapy compared to nature and indigenous psychology, emphasizing challenging physical activities as deeply spiritual growth opportunities.

    Experiences in the Kalahari and Alaska:

    Eric's sense of homecoming with the San in the Kalahari, emphasizing the importance of humility and respect.Vivid stories from his persistence hunts and wildlife encounters, including an encounter with a bull elephant.

    Ethical Hunting and Real Knowledge:

    Eric’s dietary journey from vegetarianism and veganism to ethical hunting practices.Advocating for experiencing life firsthand to gain real knowledge, emphasizing "killing with love" as a 'land ethic.'The essential difference between talking/thinking about things and truly understanding them through engagement with the world.
  • “Presence is the portal to truth.”

    — Oak Mountain

    This constructive conversation with Oak explores the transformative force of presence in communication and how it is a gateway to truth within ourselves and in our relationships. We navigate the subtle interplay between spoken words and unspoken gestures, alongside practical strategies for cultivating present moment awareness. Oak highlights how presence enhances focus, deepens intimacy, and fosters mutual understanding. Throughout the episode, we probe the nuances of compassionate communication and mindful reflection, offering insights into resolving conflicts with both empathy and skill. Drawing inspiration from improv comedy's 'yes, and...' approach, Oak emphasizes how curiosity and vulnerability nurture healthier relationships. Ultimately, this episode encourages you to fully embrace 'what is,' fostering more authentic connections with both others and yourself.

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    Thematic Show Notes

    Deepening Presence in Communication:

    Emphasis is placed on presence as a transformative gateway to truth, urging listeners to embrace 'what is' both internally and in their interactions.The discussion delves into the interplay between verbal and nonverbal cues, highlighting their role in fostering genuine connections.

    Exploring Present Moment Awareness:

    Insights are shared on the mechanics of present moment awareness and its impact on relational dynamics.The importance of embodying full presence in listening and understanding is emphasised, challenging traditional notions of communication.Practical strategies for enhancing sensory perception and maintaining focus are discussed, encouraging a deeper connection with oneself and others.

    Mindfulness and Relationship Dynamics:

    The role of mindfulness in redirecting focus and fostering open communication is explored.Discusses how mindfulness supports emotional regulation and enhances relational intimacy, promoting a shared reality in meaningful ways.Oak emphasises the power of curious humility.Practical techniques for inviting others into present moment awareness are offered, bridging disparate perspectives for deeper understanding.

    Navigating Challenges in Communication:

    Strategies for navigating misunderstandings and conflicts with mindful reflection and compassionate communication are shared.The importance of vulnerability and curiosity in healthy relationships is underscored, drawing parallels to improv comedy's 'yes, and...' approach.The Truth vs. Truing Together.The episode concludes with reflections on personal growth.
  • “We have been programmed, trained, and encouraged not to care because it is not logical. The answer is to go back into our hearts.”

    — Katie Gray

    We begin this episode by reflecting on the belief that we "deserve to suffer" and its impact on our lives, leading us to explore the nature and pervasiveness of trauma. Our guest, Katie, introduces her trauma resolution and healing methodology, The Empowered Heart, and shares insights on courageously deepening our connection to the heart. We discuss how intimate relationships can act as catalysts for healing, the importance of developing a healthy relationship with pain, and the concept of safety and self-trust.

    Katie emphasizes the need to resensitize ourselves to the natural world and the importance of “mothering the mother”. She shares her experience in caring for her mother who was diagnosed with dementia, and how it has deepened her connection to self, other, mother, and Earth. Throughout our conversation, Katie highlights the transformative power of healing trauma, encouraging us to shift from a "me" mentality to a collective "we" or "us," welcoming in a more connected and compassionate existence. Join us as we humbly explore how to rediscover our true selves beyond our past pains and build a harmonious relationship with the world around us.

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    Thematic Show Notes

    Understanding and Integrating Trauma:

    We explore what it means to understand and integrate the complexity past trauma, including how intimate relationships can serve as powerful catalysts for healing.Katie emphasizes the necessary interplay between fear, safety, disconnection, and reconnection within ourselves and our relationships.

    Establishing a Healthy Relationship with Pain:

    The importance of developing a healthy relationship with pain is underscored, along with the need to strengthen our ability to venture into the shadow territory of the unconscious to tend to the inner child for healing.

    Safety, Security, and Self-Trust:

    We discuss the true meaning of safety, contrasting security with insecurity, and the vital importance of staying close to oneself.Katie shares her commitment to self-compassion and self-trust, asserting that true confidence arises from knowing and trusting oneself.

    Connection to True Self and Radiant Life Force Energy:

    Katie explains her understanding of being connected to the essence of her true self, describing it as the "wild essence" and "unafraid radiance of life force energy."

    Healing Human and Planetary Trauma:

    We address the need to heal human trauma to improve our relationship with the planet, emphasizing the bizarre need to control everything as a manifestation of unresolved trauma.Katie highlights the importance of resensitizing ourselves to feel the natural world, fostering a deeper connection and understanding of how to be in right relationship with the wildness of Earth.

    Heart-Centered Care and Eldercare:

    Katie shares her experiences caring for her mother diagnosed with dementia, illustrating how this has strengthened her ability to communicate through the heart with the unseen, felt-sense dimensions of relationships.Her journey in eldercare has deepened her connection to Mother Earth, reinforcing the notion of "mothering the mother."

    From 'Me' to 'We':

    Katie discusses how healing trauma helps shift the focus from individualism to a collective "we" or "us" mentality.She encourages the recognition that caring and nurturing are innate abilities we remember and embody when we heal and connect deeply with ourselves and others.
  • “The most important thing is to give life to the stories and see how far you are able to go in service of the stories.”

    — Jan Blake

    In this episode, we delve into the art and essence of storytelling, emphasising the significance of stewarding stories with a sense of custodianship, rather than merely portraying the role of a 'storyteller'. Our guest, Jan, shares her journey and insights into how storytelling has shaped her life and creative expression. We reflect on the significant responsibility of honouring the voices, experiences, landscapes, and cosmologies present within a story, even those of morally complex or treacherous character. Jan discusses the necessity of listening deeply and embracing vulnerability, authenticity, and presence in the storytelling process. Throughout our conversation, we reflect on the ways stories serve as a bridge to our collective memory, culture, and humanity. Jan’s perspective challenges us to look beyond the surface, recognize our shared human capacity for both darkness and transformation, and appreciate the beauty and messiness of the human experience. Jan also shares a couple of captivating stories, leaving us with profound contemplations and queries into the nature of being human.

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    Thematic Show Notes

    Custodianship of Stories:

    Emphasise the role of being a custodian of a story rather than just a storyteller.Importance of deeply listening to a story to tell it authentically.Honouring the landscape, cosmology, and people of the story, including morally complex characters.Avoiding moral high ground; understanding the universal human capacity for any action in a story.

    Authenticity and Presence:

    The necessity of being fully present and vulnerable in storytelling.Balancing identity and authenticity in storytelling.Storytelling as a means of self-repair and personal growth.

    Identity and Background:

    Jan’s background as a second-generation Caribbean diasporic woman in England and its influence on her storytelling.The intersection of personal and cultural history in shaping a storyteller's voice.

    Challenges and Growth in Storytelling:

    Overcoming academic pressures and external judgments to embrace storytelling.The importance of improvisational readiness and being present in the moment.How lived experiences deepen the meaning and impact of stories.

    Community and Cultural Memory:

    The relationship between community and storytelling.Stories as memories that remind us of what we risk losing.The role of storytelling in culture-making within the mundane and ordinary aspects of life.

    Embracing Complexity and Messiness:

    Recognizing the impact of colonialist narratives on stories.Accepting the messiness of life and the human condition.Wrestling with fundamental darkness and highest self, and the importance of this struggle.

    Transformation, Impact, and Wildness:

    Human capacity for transformation and the significance of individual impact.Reflecting on what 'wildness' means in the context of Jan's identity and experiences.
  • “The domain of wisdom is the unanswered question.”

    — Angell Deer

    In this episode, we sink into some important depths of the human experience, honouring life's transformative trials and tribulations along the journey toward wholeness. Join us as we tenderly traverse the terrain, uncovering invaluable qualities forged amidst adversity and exploring the distinction between mere knowledge and embodied wisdom.

    Together, we reflect on the sacredness of mystery and the profound humility that accompanies genuine understanding and healing. Amidst our contemplations, we revere nature as a primary teacher, acknowledging its ancient laws and the vital role it plays in our collective journey of healing.

    This dialogue invites us to welcome life's mysteries and envision a new collective dream rooted in love, curiosity, and gentleness. Let us be guided by the wildness of the heart and the boundless wisdom of the unknown.

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    Thematic Show Notes

    Being Human, Being Divine:

    The idea that the more human one becomes, the more divine they are.Reflect on the wisdom of the wounded healer archetype.

    Knowledge and Wisdom:

    Distinguish between knowledge and embodied experiential wisdom.The expansiveness of embracing a not-knowing orientation to life’s mysteries.Recognize the sacredness in the unknown and the wisdom born from struggles.

    Authenticity and Healing:

    The importance of authenticity, honesty, and humility in healing.The transformative power of acknowledging and embracing wounds.Cultivate acceptance and welcome for the mysteries within oneself and others.

    Sacredness and The Unknown:

    The connection between the sacred and the unknown.Embrace the "don’t know mind" as a pathway to immediacy and presence.Challenge the ego-driven need to be right and open to ancient wisdom beyond mere knowledge.

    Communion with Nature:

    Explore the role of land as a primary teacher and the importance of deep listening.Examine the slow process of decolonizing the self and connecting with the land.The importance of discerning timeless, ancient wisdom from outdated practices.

    Unity and Service:

    Reflect on the teachings of unity and service found in nature, particularly amongst bees.Contemplate the importance of balancing prayers for life and death, honouring both seen and unseen.Action and service as sacred pathways of spiritual growth.

    Healing and Inclusivity:

    Contemplate the violence inherent in exclusive healing versus inclusive healing.Embrace imperfection as sacred and beautiful. Explore the need for a new collective dream.Draw parallels between Andean cosmologies and Norse shamanic traditions.

    Loving the World:

    The importance of loving and engaging with the world through the heart no matter what.The necessity of gentleness with oneself as the foundation for transformative work.What Wild Heart Revival means for Angell.
  • "When we are curious, we are naturally more open. When we pause, we create space to hear our own wisdom."

    — Zlatka Cholakova

    In this episode, we play at the intersection of the mystical and the practical, exploring how contemplation opens pathways to clarity and authenticity. Drawing from ancient tantric traditions like the Dhuni fire practice, we reflect on the profound power of aligning our rituals with the elements. By engaging in everyday rituals, we immerse ourselves in the enigmatic essence of existence, honouring the wisdom inherent in simplicity. Zlatka shares her journey with the Gene Keys system, illustrating how it serves as a contemplative tool, integrating shadows to unveil our gifts. We learn to welcome all emotions, even numbness, as we navigate the ever-fresh present moment. Trust emerges as a guiding force, fostering reciprocity and abundance, while courage leads us through the transformative journey of Becoming. Ultimately, this episode prompts reflection on weaving the golden thread of our hearts into the fabric of our lives, acknowledging that our vitality springs not only from our individual self, but from our interconnectedness, like any thriving ecosystem.

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    Thematic Show Notes

    Unlocking Clarity through Contemplation:

    Explore the transformative power of contemplation as a way of opening the self to greater authenticity and clarity.Understand the importance of grounding 'higher' aspects of self into the body and earth, finding connection through simple daily rituals.

    Gene Keys As A Path of Self-Discovery:

    Follow Zlatka's personal journey into the Gene Keys system and how she came to utilize it in her life's work.Gain insights from Zlatka's own Gene Key profile, discovering the contemplative tool's ability to bridge inherent shadows and gifts.

    Balancing the Shadow and the Gift:

    Bridge the shadow and the gift to go deeper into the self, understanding the significance of contemplation in shedding light on these aspects.Explore the transformative potential of siddhis as the flowering of our essence and gain wisdom from Zlatka's teachings from her own Gene Key profile.Embrace the medicine of letting 'the numbness' in, welcoming the freshness of the new moment, and orienting toward inner Home.

    Cultivating Trust and Reciprocity:

    Reflect on the necessity of trust in nurturing relationships and fostering abundance, understanding that prosperity flourishes when we trust in life's synchronicities.Discover Zlatka's biggest work: to trust in others and be honest in exploring where and why trust may falter.Explore the essential cycles of decline and expansion throughout life, trusting in the support of nature.

    Embracing the Golden Path:

    Understanding that shadows are not meant to vanish but evolve alongside us as seeds for evolution.Learn how the Gene Keys system helps us to focus on our gifts and walk the path of the heart, weaving the golden thread in our relationships, work, and life.Recognize the importance of allowing others into our lives and weaving our heart vision out into the world, understanding that we are part of an ecosystem just like nature.
  • "Life seems to invite us to surrender before it makes sense."

    — Patrick Sellin

    From embracing the potent catalysts of paradox and vulnerability to cultivating conscious connections through trust, authenticity, and breathwork, each theme of this episode unfurls like the petals of a wildflower, inviting beauty and evolution. We delve into the power of surrender, confronting the ego's resistance to change and embracing life's uncertainties with courage, love, and grace. Through embodied integration, we weave intricate threads of somatic and emotional intelligence, nurturing wholesome maturation from diverse experiences. Exploring the nuances of seeking initiation and connection, we embrace the never-ending invitation to surrender to life's mysteries with openness and curiosity. Our entire conversation is gracefully guided by Patrick's poignant poetry.

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    Thematic Show Notes

    Surrender as Transformation:

    Embracing vulnerability as a catalyst for growth and self-discovery.Exploring the multifaceted nature of surrender and its role in personal transformation.

    Cultivating Conscious Connection:

    Building trusting relationships through reciprocity and authenticity.Utilizing breathwork and paradoxical understanding to deepen connections with oneself and others.

    Rewilding Self and Stories:

    Embracing life's fluidity and constant change as a source of authenticity.Cultivating liminal spaces for introspection and personal evolution.

    Surrender and Personal Growth:

    Confronting the ego's resistance to surrender and embracing vulnerability as a path to growth.Choosing to surrender to life's uncertainties and embracing each moment with courage and love.

    Integration and Maturation:

    Integrating diverse experiences and emotions to foster emotional maturity.Embracing responsibility and surrender as essential components of personal development.

    Seeking Initiation and Connection:

    Exploring the absence of traditional rites of passage and yearning for meaningful connections.Surrendering to life's mysteries and embracing the unknown with openness and curiosity.
  • "She’s a very gentle spirit, the spirit of cacao. She is loving, and she is potent and powerful at the same time. The lessons that she brings us are of love."

    — Justin Waxman

    In this illuminating episode, we explore the origins, history, and cultural significance of cacao, from its ancient roots as ‘food of the gods’ in Central America to its modern-day status as both a revered superfood and an over-exploited commodity. From Justin, we learn about the Mayans’ relationship with cacao, the impact of European colonisation on the sacred fruit, and the complex realities of the contemporary chocolate industry, including the painfully pressing issue of child slavery. We also discuss topics such as the importance of direct trade, the medicinal properties of cacao, and the empowering potential of supporting cacao farmers. Justin shares his personal journey and connection with cacao, shedding light on its transformative power as both a physical and spiritual nutrient. Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion that will deepen your appreciation for the journey behind every chocolatey treat and the urgent need for transparency and ethical practices in the global industry.

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    The True History of Chocolate book as mentioned in the episode.

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    Thematic Show Notes

    Origins and Mythology of Cacao

    Delve into the ancient roots of cacao as a revered and sacred plant in Central American mythology.Explore the historical and cultural significance of cacao as the "food of the gods" among indigenous peoples.

    Historical Use and Preparation

    Learn about the Olmecs as the first people to use cacao and the Mayan rituals surrounding its consumption.Discover some of the practices of the Mayans and their meticulous preparation of cacao.

    Encounters with European Colonization

    Investigate the impact of the Spanish conquest on cacao and its integration into Europe and Africa.Discover the rich beauty of the "flowery wars" of the Mayans.

    Modern Chocolate Industry

    Follow the development of modern, processed cocoa and the rise of multinational corporations in the chocolate industry.Learn about the harsh realities of child slavery in Western African cacao farming and the challenges of accountability.

    Empowering Cacao Farmers

    Explore solutions to transparency issues in the chocolate industry, including the importance of direct trade and fair compensation for farmers.Highlight the gritty realities of being a cacao farmer and the need to dignify their labour.Gain insight into the importance of connecting with the story behind chocolate and advocating for ethical practices in the industry.

    Medicinal Properties and Spiritual Significance

    Dive into the incredible medicinal properties of cacao as a superfood rich in antioxidants and essential minerals.Reflect on cacao's spiritual significance as a heart-opener and its transformative power on an emotional level.

    Justin’s Journey with Cacao

    Hear from Justin about his personal relationship with cacao and how it opened his heart and emotional body.
  • “If God truly loves the world, why wouldn’t God create as many paths as there are people?”

    — Eric Elnes

    In this episode, we meander our way around substantial aspects of spirituality and personal growth. Through discussions on the significance of identifying life's 'sweet spots' and 'un-carving our blocks', listeners are encouraged to contemplate the essence of being as compared to doing. Drawing parallels between the teachings of Tao and Christ, we uncover Jesus as a wild and provocative figure challenging societal norms while embodying profound compassion. Themes such as forgiveness, acceptance of uncertainty, understanding the nuances of temptation, and finding divinity in the darkness are illuminated as transformative gifts to be unearthed in the inevitable darkwood of our lives. Boldly challenging conventional perspectives on Christianity, Eric also advocates for an experimental and controversial approach labeled 'Christianity 3.0'.

    Find Thematic Show Notes Below.

    Eric’s bio and relevant links:

    Rev. Dr. Eric Elnes is a nationally-recognized interfaith leader and award-winning author with a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies. He's known for his book "Gifts of the Dark Wood," and as the former host of Darkwood Brew, a groundbreaking television program exploring faith and culture. During his ministry in Omaha, Nebraska, his congregation joined the Tri-Faith Initiative — where a Jewish synagogue, a Christian church, and an Islamic mosque co-located to a 38-acre Commons to move beyond interfaith dialogue into interfaith community. Currently, Dr. Elnes serves as an Interim Minister and Executive Director of the Eden Tree Foundation, focusing on leveraging technology for spiritual growth and interfaith exploration. He's also deeply passionate about the "Christian Pluralism Project," an initiative dedicated to fostering inclusivity among Christians committed to interfaith dialogue and cooperation.

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    Thematic Show Notes

    Exploring Life's Essence:

    Recognizing and cherishing moments of joy and fulfillment in life.Overcoming obstacles as a means for personal growth and fulfillment.

    Balancing Doing and Being:

    Contrasting active tasks with contemplative presence in the moment.Drawing parallels between Christ's teachings and Taoist principles.

    Deepening Spiritual Connection:

    Exploring the transformative power of love and diverse paths to God.Remembering Jesus as a provocative figure inspiring change.

    Encountering the Divine:

    Reflecting on divine experiences amidst life's challenges.Embracing heaven as a present reality in everyday life.

    Forgiveness, Resilience, and Mortality:

    Liberating effects of forgiveness in healing relationships.Finding strength and peace in the face of adversity and mortality.

    Navigating Uncertainty and Temptation:

    Viewing uncertainty as an opportunity for growth.Reflecting on the challenges and shaping influences of temptation.

    Reimagining Faith and Controversy:

    Challenging traditional notions and embracing change in Christianity.Exploring controversy's transformative potential in faith.Imagining what a ‘Christianity 3.0’ might be li
  • “Tuning into my hands — an extension of my heart, this body, this vessel containing my soul, and connected to Spirit — has been helping me move and transform.”

    — Brooke Fenton

    In this third episode, we set out on a meaningful exploration of faith, rootedness, remembrance, and belonging, delving into the wild wisdom of the heart and finding solace in the simplicity of 'what is'. Through tender reflections on humility and surrender, we embrace the necessity of being moved by life's natural flows. Nurturing strong roots and seeking a sense of home within ourselves and the world, we explore authenticity and integration as a means of honouring the sacred in the mundane. Guided by the teachings of master plants, we unearth the vital importance of elemental harmony and the clarity needed to channel life's blessings through our being.

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    Thematic Show Notes


    Faith and Rootedness:

    Exploring faith as a deep connection to the heart.Finding solace in simply being present with 'what is'.Understanding faith as less about explanation and more about embodiment.

    Humility and Surrender:

    Reflecting on the meaning of humility in any given moment.Embracing the necessity of being moved by the natural flows of life.

    Connection and Belonging:

    Nurturing strong roots and longing to belong.Seeking a sense of home within ourselves and the world.

    Authenticity and Integration:

    Embracing our true selves and resonating with authenticity.Bridging the gap between earth and sky through the heart.Integrating profound experiences into the fabric of everyday life.

    Creative Expression and Clarity:

    Exploring the creative capacity of being 'clay people'.Tuning into the subtleties of life to find clarity amidst chaos.

    Elemental Wisdom and Balance:

    Learning from the teachings of master plants.Understanding elemental balancing and its significance.

    Spiritual Connection and Embodiment:

    Acknowledging the possibility of being a clear channel for life.Returning to the Mother and honouring our embodied existence.

    Wild Heart Revival:

    Embracing the journey of self-discovery and authenticity.Recognizing each moment as a sacred prayer and every movement as a reflection of the soul's deepest yearnings.
  • “It’s important to honour what the practice really is: showing up with wonder, curiosity, openness, spaciousness, with a love of mystery.”

    — Rosemerry Trommer

    In the second episode of Wild Heart Revival, Rosemerry Trommer beckons us into a grounded exploration of the plentiful well of possibility that is poetry, inviting us to draw from its depths and discover the richness therein. Where Earth, Heart, and Spirit converge, the wild and rugged beauty of cave-like love exists, alongside the graceful flight of rough-legged hawks, and the radiant warmth of the sun. With sincerity and transparency, Rosemerry unveils the poetic gifts nestled within grief, love, and wonder, inviting us to embrace the simplicity that underlies each moment. Join us as we wander through the tangled landscapes of language and poetry, with bewilderment, curiosity, and a reverence for the mysteries that surround us.

    Find Thematic Show Notes Below.

    Links to Rosemerry's work and offerings:

    Website: https://www.wordwoman.com

    Podcast: https://emergingform.substack.com

    Blog: https://ahundredfallingveils.com

    . . . Find more of Rosemerry's links on our website:


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    Thematic Show Notes

    Poetry as a Pathway to Deeper Connection with Nature:

    Exploring how poetry and a poetic orientation can deepen our love and appreciation for the natural world.

    Embracing Authenticity and Transparency:

    Being aware of what is true and meeting the world in a real, intimate, and transparent way.

    Navigating the Creative Process:

    Recognizing the dangers of seeking specific outcomes in the creative process and the importance of touching truth in creative endeavors.

    Soulful Self-Authorship and Transformation:

    Delving into the intentional transformation of our guiding metaphors and the concept of soulful self-authorship.

    Understanding Language as Metaphor:

    Exploring the idea that all language is metaphorical and acknowledging the limits of metaphors in capturing the essence of experience.“All language is metaphor . . . As exciting as they are [metaphors], they all have their limits. Knowing that each one does its very best to point to the heart of it but none of them ever get to. They are just doing their best. That is all a metaphor can do.Purposefully re-crafting our metaphors in service to our hopes, dreams, intentions, and desires.

    The Entanglement of Grief and Joy:

    Examining the relationship between joy and grief, and how they intertwine in the human experience.

    Letting Go and Allowing Life to Unfold:

    Reflecting on the process of letting go of the metaphor of "holding" and embracing the idea of letting life come to us.“Life itself moves through us to meet itself” — Rosemerry

    Simplicity Amidst Complexity:

    Unearthing the paradox of simplicity and complexity, and the importance of trusting in the natural unfoldin
  • “Repair — to pair again with other alliances — making us alive in ways we don’t even know how to speak to yet.”

    — Báyò Akómoláfé

    In this first episode of Wild Heart Revival, Bayo guides us into an exploration of a timely concept that he calls 'A Politics of Tenderness,' navigating the fluidity of identity and challenging societal norms. From radical accompaniment to the wild wisdom of tricksters, Bayo invites us to embrace an animist’s ethics along our mythic quest for deeper self-and-other understanding. The conversation also traverses the transformative territory of initiatory rites, the wisdom of death as an advisor, and the vibrant playfulness of creation. Through Bayo's lens, we contemplate 'Wild Heart Revival' as a dynamic space for questioning, repair, and forging new alliances beyond human-centric perspectives. Thematic show notes below.

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    Thematic Show Notes


    A Politics of Tenderness:

    Bayo advocates for a politics rooted in tenderness, urging inquiry into the fluid boundaries of identity and the crisis of rigid categorizations.He challenges the violence inherent in framing concepts like home and identity, proposing a reevaluation of these constructs.Emphasizes the need to blur the lines that divide individuals and cultivate empathy for the "fugitive other."

    Radical Accompaniment and Stranger Solidarities:

    Explores the concept of radical accompaniment and the formation of solidarities beyond familiar boundaries.

    Animist Ethics:

    Discusses the necessity of embracing an animist ethics that recognizes the interconnectedness and vitality of all beings.

    The Trickster in Times of Change:

    Considers the role of the trickster archetype during periods of significant societal transformation.Questions the consequences of taking life too seriously and the value of embracing ambiguity.

    Initiatory Rites and Personal Growth:

    Reflects on the transformative experience of initiatory rites, particularly in Bayo's journey to manhood following his father's death.

    A New Cosmology of Death:

    Views death as a trusted advisor, proposing a reimagining of its role within a new cosmological framework.

    The Playfulness of Creation:

    Explores the playful nature of the universe and its ongoing process of self-interrogation, highlighting the intersection of dread, wonder, and play.

    Wild Heart Revival:

    Bayo shares his interpretation of "Wild Heart Revival," rejecting a simplistic return to past ideals and instead advocating for a dynamic, Dionysian spirituality.Envisions it as a space for questioning, repair, and forming new alliances beyond human-centric perspectives.
  • Welcome to Wild Heart Revival

    Heart-felt conversations and stories and pathways of renewal and revival.

    This brief introduction intends t o cultivate a nourishing ground in which to plant this project so that it may grow and bloom in a good way.

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