The world of interiors and renovations can be overwhelming, costly and time-consuming. Whether you want to do up your rental or you're renovating - it’s hard to know where to start!
Well, stress no more because interiors obsessive, Laura Jackson, is here to help.
In each episode, Laura explores a new topic with interior designers, tradespeople and good old DIYers to gather the insider secrets that will help you to make your dream home a reality, no matter your budget.
For more tips and tricks follow @sohowdoyou.podcast. -
Архив радиоспектаклей и аудиокниг от Радиотеатра – настоящий сокровищница для любителей качественного аудио. В нём собраны лучшие выпуски этого культового проекта, который снискал популярность не только в России, но и за её пределами.
Но это не просто подборка знакомых звуков – это уникальная возможность познакомиться с творчеством легендарных режиссеров, звукорежиссёров и актёров. Благодаря многолетнему опыту работы, Радиотеатр создавал свои произведения с настоящим мастерством, умело передавая атмосферу и настроение произведений.
Мы перезапустили проект с нуля с новым партнером. Именно поэтому он и называется Новый Радиотеатр (New Radiotheater)
Используя наш архив, вы сможете пройти путь от классических произведений мировой литературы до современной фантастики и детективов. А заодно и открыть для себя новые грани звукового искусства.
Не упустите возможность стать обладателем этого уникального архива – он обязательно станет незаменимым элементом вашей библиотеки и отличным способом провести вечер в кругу друзей или с пользой для развития себя.
Для связи: WhatsApp: +79270128668
Поддержать проект (РФ): карта 2200 0118 4714 6124 или по ссылке:
Before book sales and PR buzz, your favorite writers began with two things: the blank page and an idea.
Each week on How I Write, we go behind-the-scenes with today’s top writers to uncover the meta-mechanics of writing and the lifestyle behind it. You’ll be the first to hear writers deconstruct their creative process: from banging their head on the keyboard to marking the last period of their final draft. Victory.
Come discover how great writing is made. And who knows? Maybe you’ll be next.
New episodes of the How I Write show go live every week on Apple, Spotify and -
TOLEY RANZ for Parents with Young Children
Hello Parents-
Do the phrases ‘stop bullying and anti-bullying’ still have meaning? I believe they do NOT. Because when we’re using those phrases bullying is already happening! Right? And bullying goes on. Ergo: stop complaining, get involved! Yes, get even more involved in the emotional development of your children.
Did you know that 42% of all children experience being bullied during their school years? Toley Ranz strengthens a child's self-belief, self-value, and self-esteem- those qualities give any child the courage to stand up to and ward-off bullies. We counter bullying by taking charge :
The Toley Ranz BEFORE Bullying Happens Approach teaches HOW bullying can be prevented. It teaches and helps implement pro-life skill values BEFORE bullying happens.
BEFORE negative influences reach a child and fears set in.BEFORE exposure to teasing and bullying.BEFORE sadness and mental concerns grow.BEFORE kids are exposed to bullying and emotional issues develop.BEFORE young children are robbed of their inner security & innocence.BEFORE is Prevention. Prevention is BEFORE using the phrases ‘stop and anti’!
Our website, APP, UTube, social media, and podcasts provide detailed information how impactful our digital learning & fun material helps your kids about their own self-power and self-respect in countering bullying. Connect with us: [email protected] Parents, Grandparents, Caregivers, Teachers- you are on my mind, you are the ones on the frontlines for and with our children, this is for you. Do you have any QS at all? Please do NOT hesitate to connect with me:
Anke Otto-Wolf, fonder/creator Toley Ranz
+1 (928) 254-1879
[email protected]
[email protected]
Become a supporter of this podcast: -
Подкаст о том, каким разным бывает нон-фикшн. Его ведущие Лиза Каменская (соиздательница литературного журнала «Незнание») и Саша Баженова-Сорокина (филолог, преподавательница и переводчица) очень любят читать и почти так же сильно любят обсуждать прочитанное.
Каждый эпизод посвящен одной книге из нехудожественной литературы. Раз в неделю Лиза и Саша будут делиться впечатлениями, объяснять, почему это стоит читать, рекомендовать похожие книги и очень много шутить. -
Очень разные книжные обозревательницы обсуждают новинки русской прозы и лучшие переводные романы нового сезона премии «Ясная Поляна», регулярно критикуют выбор жюри и патриархат в целом.
В каждом эпизоде разговор о двух книгах: одна попала в короткий список, другая нет. Про что эти книги, куда смотрит жюри и почему девчонки не всегда с этим согласны.
Kļūsti par maksas abonentu:ārs, iknedēļas podkāsts par un ap izdzīvošanu dabā, pārgājieniem, ekipējumu un citiem ar to saistītiem jautājumiem. Katru epizodi tiek aicināts sarunas viesis/eksperts attiecīgajā tēmā, lai labāk palīdzētu izprast un iedziļināties tēmā.
Dejotāji - atklātā sarunā par pasauli, dzīvesstilu, pašizaugsmi un nedaudz par dejām!
Raidījumu vada: Ieva Biteniece. -
Šis ir sols kuru omes silda, bet kad viņas cepj kotletes tad Lācis, Raivis un Misters X turpina sildīt šo solu. ❌ ATTENTION ❌ Tiek izmantoti slāvismi un visādi citi žargoni.
What lessons do African objects have for us in the twenty first century? What can we learn from them about Africa’s long relationship with Europe? What can they teach us about being and becoming human?This podcast expands the conversation around objects from Africa – in, about and beyond the museum.
This podcast is about exploring distinct worlds of photographers, their photography journeys and what we can learn from that.
Episodes are parts of interviews pulled from "PODCAST ABOUT PHOTOGRAPHY"
Photography is easy to learn but hard to master. What I am trying to do with this podcast is to provide tips and interesting information across all photography genres. Talking about street photography, landscape photography, film photography, history of photography and it's great masters. If you enjoy this podcast and think someone else might enjoy it as well, please take a screenshot and share it on you Instagram stories, with your friends or other people who might like it. This podcast is usually recorded live on YouTube where you can follow me. Subscribe to this channel if you want to be notified when I post a new podcast episode or other content about photography. Thank you so much for tuning in and listening. -
Conversations with CODO Design on building stronger craft beverage brands.
Es un juego muy divertido
Welcome to Between the Sheets - a place where we dish weekly about all things books and relationships. We dive deep into popular books and intertwine conversations around building confidence, sex, and overcoming shame.
Getting a little freaky doesn't have to be something we keep just between the sheets.
Hosted by
Denise (@withlovedac)
Kels (@litpls)
Follow us on IG: @kdbetweenthesheets -
The story of our environment may well be the most important story this century. We focus on issues facing people and the planet. Leading environmentalists, organizations, activists, and conservationists discuss meaningful ways to create a better and more sustainable future.
Participants include United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, European Environment Agency, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, European Commission, EARTHDAY·ORG, Greenpeace, IPCC Lead Authors, WWF, PETA, Climate Analytics, NASA, UN Development Program, Solar Impulse Foundation, 15-Minute City Movement, Energy Watch Group, Peter Singer,, UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Global Witness, Global Institute for Water Security, EarthLife Africa, Planetary Health Alliance, Ocean Protection Council, among others.
Interviews are conducted by artist, activist, and educator Mia Funk with the participation of students and universities around the world. One Planet Podcast Is part of The Creative Process’ environmental initiative.
Коротко - о креативе и контенте. Подробнее — о том, как эту креативность качать, как использовать ее в создании контента (не важно: для ноготочков в Сызрани, или для топ блогеров).
Соло подкасты, интересные гости — тут будет все! Ведущий — Егор Черепанов. Креатор, маркетолог и контент мейкер с 10-летним стажем.
Где еще есть контент?
Секретная ссылка на ТГ (там бэкстейджи):
The extraordinary career of Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) forged intersections between political action, visionary leadership, creative achievement, and romantic self-invention. As a best-selling novelist, flamboyant dandy, notable wit, ethnic outsider, and icon of Conservative politics giving rise to a powerful political myth, his multifaceted public persona has become emblematically associated with various aspects of Victorian literary, political, visual, and material culture. Recent Disraeli scholarship has been instrumental in widening the perspective on his life and career, illuminating the cross-fertilisation between his fiction, political and social thought, Jewish background, celebrity status, and psychology. Disraeli’s breadth and versatility as one of the most conspicuous and prominent nineteenth-century public figures, writers, politicians, and thinkers necessitates a holistic, multi-disciplinary approach to his life and work. These papers -- which were delivered at a symposium in Oxford on 24 March 2015 -- facilitate a broad discussion of Disraeli’s many parallel (after)lives, representations, and his intellectual legacy within his Victorian contexts and beyond.
Привет, я Дмитрий Мелешко. Психолог - психотерапевт с 15-ти летним практическим опытом и более 7000 часов проведенных консультаций. А также:
Сертифицированный коуч двух федераций (ICU, ICF)Практикующий психолог в модальности транзактного анализаОснователь центра развития IDC, где более 1000 учеников и 16 наставников (психологов-психотерапевтов)Автор YouTube канала с + 100.000 подписчиковПубликую подкасты и полезные материалы на тему
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poetry and rants by the Cosmos