Our recruits go to the only planet that carries a Federation death sentence! But first, they deal with a bratty teen and a changeling. How will our cadets fare? Tune in to find out!
Some else dies!??!!? Surprise, don't get too attached to anyone in Alpha Flight as we bid goodbye to another beloved member.
Episodi mancanti?
For real, a team member dies in these issues and we would say you wouldn't expect it, but we hardly know these people! Other topics include a new person with a drug addiction, a tiny black hole, and our first letters pages!
We take a trip to the west coast to check out some prospective new headquarters for the team, then find ourselves at a troubled circus! There's a ton of Alpha Flight action and a complicated back story for a villain who doesn't make it out of issue 21!
We kick off our brand new season by beginning a brand new Star Trek series- Starfleet Academy! We meet a bunch of new characters (along with one familiar one!) as they begin their careers training to be a part of Starfleet!
What happens when flashback month coincides with Marvel wanting to start a new volume of Alpha Flight? Why, Alpha Flight Minus 1! Join us as we discuss the retcons present in this issue, as well as update you all on what we've been up to and what to expect for next season!
The Marvel Deep Space Nine series closes out with two standalone issues- one all about tribbles and Klingons, the other about Garak!
The fantastic D'Manda Martini joins as we progress through the Six-Fingered Hand Saga!
Happy 2025! We are starting the year off right with the two issue X-Men and Alpha Flight crossover from 1985! Loki shenanigans abound and the two teams have to work together to thwart his scheme.
Another Lwaxana Troi wedding?!?! Dearly beloved, there are some shenanigans afoot!
An Uncanny Experience Virtual Class! Join Daryl as he chats with Madison Jeffries, Northstar, and Aurora as we dig a little bit into their characters and toss some questions their way.
This was originally presented as a fundraiser for OutFront Minnesota and we encourage you to make a donation, however small, to help out their mission!
It's a rocking good time as Chandler and Chris from X-Reads: The Podcast join Daryl to discuss the next chapter int he Six-Fingered Hand Saga!
Egg monster! You read that right, a scrambled foe (not to be confused with Scramble, who is still in our future) is just the tip of the iceberg for this episode. Ready to not feel sorry for a racist getting his due? Tune in as the team goes back in time to unravel a mystery and face another Great Beast!
Ready to go back to the Gamma Quadrant? We have an away team mission that, well, goes awry. When doesn't it, honestly? Take a trip with us and enjoy the ride!
We finish up the Hell on Earth war. Someone unexpectedly dies! Someone else becomes ruler of Hell! What the...
We're north of the border again! Time to catch up with Alpha Flight and see what they're up to (or down to, in the case of Puck and Marrina). Also, the team gets a new leader!
Ready for a Halloween episode? It's a Son of Satan centric issue guest starring Dracula! Phillip is here to marvel of Daimon's abs, arms, and cake while we advance further along in the Six-Fingered Hand Saga!
We're back with a triple issue episode for DS9! We get a one-off story, followed by a two part story that sees the crew go on a classic Trek mission.
The Hell on Earth War begins! We have a group of baddies confronting the team and it's not looking entirely positive for our ragtag band of favorites.
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