The 2017 Emmy nominations are rapidly approaching, and Orange is the New Black Season 4 is up for consideration. We enlisted Patrick Schmidt (Netflix Life) to narrow down the odds for both Season 4 and the recent Season 5. Who deserves a nomination? Can the show land a nod for Outstanding Drama?
Also, we talk the art of binging, surprise celebrity directors of OITNB, and whether or not the show could go on without Piper. SPOILER ALERT: Please don't listen to this episode unless you've seen all of OITNB Season 5. You've been warned.
You can contact our Orange is the New Black podcast on Twitter @YouveGotTimePod, via email at YouveGotTimePodcast@gmail.com, or on Facebook at facebook.com/YouveGotTimePodcast. We’d love to hear from you!
Wow. This season of Orange is the New Black was intense. And we're here to help you process all your complicated feels. Guest Julie Linzer joins us in an intense overview of OITNB Season 5. We chat highs and lows, share some funky haikus inspired by Poussey, and wildly speculate about what's going to happen in Season 6. SPOILER ALERT: Please don't listen to this episode unless you've seen all of OITNB Season 5. You've been warned.
You can contact our Orange is the New Black podcast on Twitter @YouveGotTimePod, via email at YouveGotTimePodcast@gmail.com, or on Facebook at facebook.com/YouveGotTimePodcast. We’d love to hear from you!
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Christina Iovanne, Certified Thanatologist, joins us to break down all the nitty gritty when it comes to mourning. She talks us through all the specifics of Grief and Loss, including the famous theories from Elizabeth Kübler Ross and John Bowlby, as well as how to apply these theories into the real life practice of mourning.
Also, we ask the best way to mourn a fictional character, process the loss of one of our favorites on Orange is the New Black, and talk about why the public mourning associated with Black Lives Matter can fall in the category of "disenfranchised grief." Loss is hard, y'all. We're here to help you through it.
You can contact our Orange is the New Black podcast on Twitter @YouveGotTimePod, via email at YouveGotTimePodcast@gmail.com, or on Facebook at facebook.com/YouveGotTimePodcast. We’d love to hear from you!
Jamie Broadnax, the founder of vibrant online community Black Girl Nerds, joins us for the first segment of a two-part discussion focusing on that emotional OITNB Season 4 finale. We talk about the lack of diversity in the OITNB writers room, the occasionally problematic integration of Black Lives Matter into the narrative, and whether or not we'll be tuning in for Season 5.
You can contact our Orange is the New Black podcast on Twitter @YouveGotTimePod, via email at YouveGotTimePodcast@gmail.com, or on Facebook at facebook.com/YouveGotTimePodcast. We’d love to hear from you!
On this week's Orange is the New Black podcast we explore the violent rollercoaster of emotion that is OITNB Season 4, Episode 12. Guest Julie Linzer dissects the episode with us, including the seemingly innocent origins of white male privilege, the development of prison parental figures, and how that shocking twist was handled.
You can contact our Orange is the New Black podcast on Twitter @YouveGotTimePod, via email at YouveGotTimePodcast@gmail.com, or on Facebook at facebook.com/YouveGotTimePodcast. We’d love to hear from you!
On this week's Orange is the New Black podcast, licensed therapist Gillian Tanz joins us to discuss the real-life stigma of mental health diagnoses, if Lolly is ever coming back, and a troubling misrepresentation of individuals with psychotic disorders on the show.
You can contact our Orange is the New Black podcast on Twitter @YouveGotTimePod, via email at YouveGotTimePodcast@gmail.com, or on Facebook at facebook.com/YouveGotTimePodcast. We’d love to hear from you!
We're closing in on the end of OITNB Season 4, and things are getting serious. So, we decided to take an educational breather with Gregg Pauletti from Laurel House. Gregg is the Program Manager of a program called Thinking Well which helps individuals with psychotic disorders work on improving their cognition.
We discuss the basics of schizophrenia as a disorder, how society can combat the ongoing stigma of schizophrenia, and what resources are available to help individuals living with the disorder.
You can contact our Orange is the New Black podcast on Twitter @YouveGotTimePod, via email at YouveGotTimePodcast@gmail.com, or on Facebook at facebook.com/YouveGotTimePodcast. Also - we have a voicemail now! Give us a ring at 302-316-4862 (aka: 302-31-OITNB) We’d love to hear from you!
One of our favorites gets released from prison, but ends up with a whole host of new issues. We discuss the siren song of easy money, recidivism, trauma, and oh so much more on our latest Orange is the New Black podcast.
You can contact our Orange is the New Black podcast on Twitter @YouveGotTimePod, via email at YouveGotTimePodcast@gmail.com, or on Facebook at facebook.com/YouveGotTimePodcast. We’d love to hear from you!
On this week's Orange is the New Black podcast, we focused on children of incarcerated parents, addiction, civil disobedience, and whether or not the show misrepresents veterans.
You can contact our Orange is the New Black podcast on Twitter @YouveGotTimePod, via email at YouveGotTimePodcast@gmail.com, or on Facebook at facebook.com/YouveGotTimePodcast. We’d love to hear from you!
Things are starting to get deep, y'all. Season 4, Episode 8 of Orange is the New Black is stuffed with relationship issues, foreshadowing, and some seriously fantastic acting.
This week, guest Patrick Schmidt (Netflix Life, FanSided) joins us for a chat. We try to answer the questions: Why is Red so damn helpful all the time? Did Linda actually have a point for once in her life? Also, what in the what is going on with Nicky? (Hint: We're super concerned about Nicky.)
Totally Non-Required Reading: Cal and Piper's phone call in this episode reminded me of this article* from the Verge on unfair charging practices within the prison phone system. There's a fun interactive tool where you can see what each state in the U.S. is charging per second. The disparities are astounding.
Reminder: We want you to be a part of the conversation. Join us for our live tweet every Monday at 9pm EST. This week, on Monday, August 15th we'll be watching S4E9, "Turn Table Turn."
You can contact our Orange is the New Black podcast on Twitter @YouveGotTimePod, via email at YouveGotTimePodcast@gmail.com, or on Facebook at facebook.com/YouveGotTimePodcast. We’d love to hear from you!
* http://www.theverge.com/a/prison-phone-call-cost-martha-wright-v-corrections-corporation-america
We go deep on schizophrenia, corporate greed, and the power of choice in our latest episode. The lovely Gillian Tanz (LCSW) returns to the podcast to discuss S4E7 of Orange is the New Black, "It Sounded Better In My Head".
Join us! You can contact our Orange is the New Black podcast on Twitter @YouveGotTimePod, via email at YouveGotTimePodcast@gmail.com, or on Facebook at facebook.com/YouveGotTimePodcast. We’d love to hear from you!
If you could be a Monopoly piece, which one would you be? Cindy and Allison's conversation about the popular board game inspires our podcast title today. Guest Patrick Schmidt (Netflix Life, FanSided) joins us as we chat about Season 4, Episode 6 of Orange is the New Black. We talk Nicky's return, Luschek's guilt, and the opiate crisis in America.
Join us! You can contact the podcast on Twitter @YouveGotTimePod, via email at YouveGotTimePodcast@gmail.com, or on Facebook at facebook.com/YouveGotTimePodcast.
In the first of hopefully many bonus episodes of the podcast, we interviewed Jean Casella, co-director of solitary confinement news organization, Solitary Watch. We chatted with Jean about the depiction of solitary confinement in Orange is the New Black, how solitary can alter the brain, and so much more. Consider this the building blocks of an education in solitary confinement.
You can read more about Solitary Watch at SolitaryWatch.com, or you can check out their book, Hell is a Very Small Place: Voices From Solitary Confinement, out now wherever books are sold. We highly recommend it for those looking for a more detailed picture of life in solitary confinement.
Join us! You can contact the podcast on Twitter @YouveGotTimePod, via email at YouveGotTimePodcast@gmail.com, or on Facebook at facebook.com/YouveGotTimePodcast.
Guys, we know Piscatella is totally awful. But what if he's kind of right? OITNB mega fans Karla and Chan join Erin on the podcast this week to discuss Piscatella, periods, prison, and more things that may or may not start with the letter 'P'.
Recommended reading for this episode: Shane Bauer's recent investigative piece in Mother Jones entitled "My Four Months as a Private Prison Guard." Check it out here or bop over to our pages on Facebook and Twitter for the link.
Join us! You can contact the podcast on Twitter @YouveGotTimePod, via email at YouveGotTimePodcast@gmail.com, or on Facebook at facebook.com/YouveGotTimePodcast.
Believe it or not, there are things you can do to make a difference in this insane world. Yes, you! In the aftermath of the horrific shootings around the country last week, we're focusing on solutions to issues, no matter how small. We'll introduce you to a few activist groups trying to make a difference and encourage those who are already effecting change in their communities to contact us.
In addition, we talk with the lovely Sandy Perez (editor, Hidden Remote) about the tragic aftermath in Dallas, Healy's sad childhood, and the importance of educating teens about consent.
Join us! You can contact the podcast on Twitter @YouveGotTimePod, via email at YouveGotTimePodcast@gmail.com, or on Facebook at facebook.com/YouveGotTimePodcast.
Licensed clinical social worker Gillian Tanz drops by to discuss the third episode of Orange is the New Black Season 4. We chat about Brook's flashbacks, lack of adequate psychological treatment for schizophrenic inmates, the harsh realities of paperwork in human services, and more! Also, we chat about the pop culture references in this particular episode, especially Taystee's amazing reference to HBO mega hit Game of Thrones.
Join us! You can contact the podcast on Twitter @YouveGotTimePod, via email at YouveGotTimePodcast@gmail.com, or on Facebook at facebook.com/YouveGotTimePodcast.
Are men the absolute worst on Orange is the New Black? What's the deal with Joe Caputo? How has mental health worked its way into the pop culture lexicon?
Host Erin Qualey and guest Patrick Schmidt (Netflix Life, FanSided) explore these questions and more during an in-depth discussion of Season 4, Episode 2 of Orange is the New Black, "Power Suit".
Join us! You can contact the podcast on Twitter @YouveGotTimePod, via email at YouveGotTimePodcast@gmail.com, or on Facebook at facebook.com/YouveGotTimePodcast.
In the very first episode of the podcast, host Erin Qualey discusses Season 4, Episode 1 of Orange is the New Black, "Work That Body For Me" with guest Ed Green. Since the premiere of OITNB Season 4 was kind of a catch all, we discussed an overview of the first episode along with how we felt about various characters and the changing status quo at Litchfield. Our conversation also hit on topics of gang violence, the real life effects of prison overcrowding, and why investing in therapy would likely drastically reduce recidivism rates.
And, oh yeah, we also talk about which characters we love, the ones we hate, and the ones we love to hate.
Join us! You can contact the podcast on Twitter @YouveGotTimePod, via email at YouveGotTimePodcast@gmail.com, or on Facebook at facebook.com/YouveGotTimePodcast.
We know you've got time to listen to this podcast about Orange is the New Black. Each week we're going to dive deep into an episode from OITNB Season 4. Host Erin Qualey is an experienced therapist and will invite various professionals in the mental health and criminal justice fields onto the podcast each week to discuss and fact check the show as well as process all our feels. But we're not in this alone.
Join us! You can contact the podcast on Twitter @YouveGotTimePod, via email at YouveGotTimePodcast@gmail.com, or on Facebook at facebook.com/YouveGotTimePodcast.