
  • In this episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with Sean Tritt, a man whose journey from Jehovah's Witness upbringing to a profound relationship with Christ is nothing short of inspiring. Sean shared his early experiences growing up in a religious environment that emphasized rules over relationship, leading to a life filled with guilt and shame.


    [00:00] Podcast Preview

    [00:55] Podcast Introduction

    [01:32] Free Resources

    [02:12 ] Topic Introduction

    [03:12] Guest Introduction

    [04:45] Growing Up as a Jehovah's Witness

    [06:13] Rules vs. Relationship in Religion

    [07:07] Baptism and Early Religious Experience

    [09:45] Prodigal Journey and Leaving the Religion

    [12:13] Life as a Prodigal

    [14:00] Family Relationships

    [16:01] Returning to Christ

    [18:26] Tim Tebow's Influence and Moving to Kentucky

    [19:07] Joining a Christian Gym

    [21:33] Standing Up for Faith

    [22:07] Prayer Group at the Gym

    [24:11] Relationship Struggles and Seeking God

    [25:16] First Church Visit and Conversion

    [27:12] Gradual Transformation

    [30:59] Relationship with Earthly Father

    [31:12] Surrendering to God

    [32:53] Immediate Changes Post-Conversion

    [34:01] Keeping Christ at the Center

    [36:09] Career and Job Decisions

    [38:10] Discovering Pray.com and Christian Entrepreneurs

    [39:07] Connecting with Ministry in Pakistan

    [41:23] The Needs of People in Pakistan

    [42:54] Helping Others Know the Truth

    [44:22] Final Thoughts and Encouragement

    [45:47] Starting a Worship Service at Work

    [47:05] Closing Remarks and Podcast Wrap-Up

    Resources mentioned:

    FREE Unstoppable Ebook and Audiobook

    Guest's bio:

    Sean Tritt grew up as one of Jehovah's Witnesses starting at the age of eight. However, he was disfellowshipped at 21 and then embarked on a prodigal journey lasting over 15 years. During this period, Sean experienced the emptiness of living without God. This journey ultimately led him to develop deep compassion for those still trying to navigate life without faith.

    Proverbs 3:5-6 has been a cornerstone scripture in Sean's life, teaching him to truly trust in the Lord. Today, Sean is grateful to be a blessed father of two and is engaged to Nikka. She is wonderful, adorable, and also his best friend.

    Call to action:

    Make sure to visit yourbiggestbreakthrough.com for your FREE access to our e-book and audiobook, "Unstoppable: Divine Intervention in Overcoming Adversity," showcasing six powerful real-life stories. Get ready to be inspired by these mind-blowing breakthroughs!

    To learn more about Wendie and her Visibly Fit program, visit wendiepett.com

    To find out more about Todd and his coaching program for men, find him on the web at toddisberner.com.

    All the links you need to subscribe to the podcast are at both our websites! And if you feel so inclined, we'd be honored if you were to leave a rating and review of our show. It definitely helps with us being more visible to more people.

    And if we like it, we might just read your review on the podcast!

  • Join Todd and Wendie for a refreshingly candid and warm-hearted episode where they tackle the tough topic of betrayal and broken promises with a mix of humor and honesty. Their genuine interactions will have you smiling even as they dive into deep discussions.

    In this episode, Todd and Wendie share personal stories and biblical insights, exploring how to handle betrayal with grace, forgiveness, and a touch of lightheartedness. They emphasize the power of prayer and the importance of trusting God's plan, even when facing life's toughest moments.

    Todd and Wendie's playful banter and genuine vulnerability make for a delightful and engaging listen. You'll feel like you're right there with them, finding comfort and encouragement in their words. Don't miss out on their heartfelt advice on overcoming resentment and seeking reconciliation, all while keeping a smile on your face.

    Tune in for a dose of wisdom, laughter, and spiritual growth. This episode is a reminder to approach life's challenges with a light heart and an open mind. Come for the humor, stay for the healing – you won't want to miss it!


    [00:00] Podcast Preview

    [00:54] Podcast Introduction

    [01:50] Invitation to Download Free Audio Compilation

    [02:50] Discussion on Broken Promises on Politics and Education

    [04:40] Personal Experiences and Biblical Examples of Betrayal

    [12:05] Emotional Impact of Betrayal

    [15:16] How to Respond to Betrayal

    [17:22] Prayer and Forgiveness

    [21:15] Promises and Trust

    [22:13] Surrender and Letting Go

    [25:45] Turning Betrayal into Growth

    [27:38] Conclusion and Call to Action

    Resources mentioned:

    FREE Unstoppable Ebook and Audiobook

    Call to action:

    Make sure to visit yourbiggestbreakthrough.com for your FREE access to our e-book and audiobook, "Unstoppable: Divine Intervention in Overcoming Adversity," showcasing six powerful real-life stories. Get ready to be inspired by these mind-blowing breakthroughs!

    To learn more about Wendie and her Visibly Fit program, visit wendiepett.com

    To find out more about Todd and his coaching program for men, find him on the web at toddisberner.com.

    All the links you need to subscribe to the podcast are at both our websites! And if you feel so inclined, we'd be honored if you were to leave a rating and review of our show. It definitely helps with us being more visible to more people.

    And if we like it, we might just read your review on the podcast!

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  • In this episode, our guest, David McIver shares his faith journey and the breakthrough he had in sharing the gospel. He emphasizes the importance of surrendering our schedules and allowing Jesus to work through us to reach the one person in front of us.

    David shares personal stories of encounters with individuals and how Jesus led him to share the gospel with them. He encourages listeners to expect God to reveal someone to them each day and to walk with Jesus in an abiding relationship.

    The conversation explores the idea of sharing the gospel and looking for opportunities to bring people to Jesus. It emphasizes the simplicity of the process and the importance of walking with Jesus and being aware of His presence.


    [00:00] Podcast Preview

    [00:45] Podcast Introduction

    [01:50] Topic and Guest Introduction

    [04:35] David McIver Testimony

    [07:28] Allowing Jesus to Work Through Us

    [12:02] Expecting God to Reveal the One Person Each Day

    [13:44] Walking with Jesus: The Key to Effective Witnessing

    [17:49] The Power of Prayer in Impacting Lives

    [23:00] The Simplicity of Sharing the Gospel

    [24:49] Walking with Jesus and Being Aware

    [27:05] The Power of Ordinary People

    [28:49] Being Open and Willing to Share

    [31:12] Encountering God in Unexpected Ways

    [34:39] Writing the Book "Looking for the One"

    [38:47] Encouraging Ordinary People

    [44:14] Book Information and Closing Remarks

    Resources mentioned:

    "Looking for the One" book

    Guest's bio and social handles:

    Website: Looking for the One


    David McIver has been with the PraiseLive team since 1985 and is currently the Executive Director. He has faithfully shepherded the ministry's growth from one FM signal out of Osakis, MN, to signals across Minnesota and the Dakotas. In addition, PraiseLive covers Africa and the Middle East via satellite, with over 60 FM signals rebroadcasting the worship format. People worldwide can experience Jesus at PraiseLive.org.

    David is a former chapel leader with Baseball Chapel, serving the Minnesota Twins. His passion is to look for the one who needs to experience Jesus! He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Studies from Bethel University.

    Call to action:

    Make sure to visit yourbiggestbreakthrough.com for your FREE access to our e-book and audiobook, "Unstoppable: Divine Intervention in Overcoming Adversity," showcasing six powerful real-life stories. Get ready to be inspired by these mind-blowing breakthroughs!

    To learn more about Wendie and her Visibly Fit program, visit wendiepett.com

    To find out more about Todd and his coaching program for men, find him on the web at toddisberner.com.

    All the links you need to subscribe to the podcast are at both our websites! And if you feel so inclined, we'd be honored if you were to leave a rating and review of our show. It definitely helps with us being more visible to more people.

    And if we like it, we might just read your review on the podcast!

  • In this episode, we dive deep into the world of humble bragging. You know what I'm talking about, right? It's that sneaky way people have of tooting their own horn while pretending to be all modest about it. And let's be real, we see it all the time on social media and even in our day-to-day chats.

    We're getting real here, sharing some of our own stories, and, trust me, we've got some pretty funny ones that'll have you chuckling. But it's not all laughs; we're also getting serious about the need to be mindful of why we say what we say. It's amazing how the Holy Spirit can nudge us towards the right intentions if we just pay attention.

    We're inviting you to join us on this journey of self-discovery. Let's take a hard look at our conversations. Are we seeking likes and validation, or are we striving for authenticity? We're all about ditching the humble brags and embracing genuine connections. you won't want to miss this episode.


    [00:00] Podcast Preview and Introduction

    [01:27] Humblebragging

    [02:36] Understanding Humblebrag

    [05:10] Reasons for Humblebrag

    [08:12] Identity and Insecurities

    [12:50] Dangers and Impact

    [17:24] Solutions for Humblebrag

    [20:50] Letting the Holy Spirit Lead

    [23:18] Avoiding Gossip

    [23:54] Conclusion and Call to Action

    Call to action:

    Make sure to visit yourbiggestbreakthrough.com for your FREE access to our e-book and audiobook, "Unstoppable: Divine Intervention in Overcoming Adversity," showcasing six powerful real-life stories. Get ready to be inspired by these mind-blowing breakthroughs!

    To learn more about Wendie and her Visibly Fit program, visit wendiepett.com

    To find out more about Todd and his coaching program for men, find him on the web at toddisberner.com.

    All the links you need to subscribe to the podcast are at both our websites! And if you feel so inclined, we'd be honored if you were to leave a rating and review of our show. It definitely helps with us being more visible to more people.

    And if we like it, we might just read your review on the podcast!

  • In this episode, our guest, Michelle Ross opens up about her journey of faith and trust, especially during the challenging times when her husband suffered a stroke, and she faced her own health issues. But what's remarkable is how she found solace and strength in relying on God, even in the darkest moments.

    She shares candidly about the importance of community and reaching out for help when needed. Michelle's message is all about taking those small steps toward healing and restoration, even when it seems daunting. And you know what? She's living proof that God doesn't waste our pain. Instead, He uses our struggles to build resilience and inspire others around us.

    Listening to Michelle's story will leave you feeling uplifted and encouraged, reminding us all of the incredible power of faith and the goodness of God, even in the midst of adversity. So, grab your headphones and get ready to be inspired by Michelle's journey of hope and resilience!


    [00:00] Podcast Episode Preview

    [01:00] Podcast Topic Introduction

    [02:41] Guest's Background Introduction

    [04:30] The Impact of Michelle's Husband's Stroke

    [07:09] Questioning and Growing in Faith

    [08:30] Michelle's Faith Journey

    [10:23] Michelle's Struggles as Preacher's Kid

    [12:30] Rebounding Into Worse Relationships

    [15:04] Michelle's Experience with Homelessness

    [16:35] Reconnecting with God and the Church

    [18:43] Real Encounter with God

    [20:03] Overcoming Health Issues Through Lifestyle Changes

    [24:16] The Connection Between Diet, Mind, and Spirit

    [28:00] The Ministry of Receiving Help

    [29:58] The Importance of Community and Support

    [32:19] The Impact of Michelle's Story on Others

    [33:35] God Does Not Waste Our Pains

    [36:44] Practical Tips for Those Going Through Tough Times

    [40:30] Invitation to Access Free Resources and Conclusion


    KSWP Website



    Guest's bio:

    Michelle Ross is the president and general manager of KSWP radio in Lufkin, Texas, a station founded by her father over 30 years ago. Throughout her 29-year career, she has worked every conceivable job within the radio industry and has been a pillar of strength for the station.

    Michelle's life took a dramatic turn when her husband, Al, suffered a massive stroke, transforming her into a 24-hour caregiver. Despite the challenges, Michelle's faith has not wavered. She shared with us her journey from being a prodigal child to experiencing numerous breakthroughs in her life, including a return to Christ, healing in her marriage, overcoming disabling pain and food allergies, and now, navigating the uncertain path of her husband's recovery.

    As a pastor of "The River, a church for whosoever," Michelle continues to lead her congregation while caring for Al. Her story is a testament to the power of faith, the importance of community support, and the joy that can be found even in the midst of life's toughest trials.

    Call to action:

    Make sure to visit yourbiggestbreakthrough.com for your FREE access to our e-book and audiobook, "Unstoppable: Divine Intervention in Overcoming Adversity," showcasing six powerful real-life stories. Get ready to be inspired by these mind-blowing breakthroughs!

    To learn more about Wendie and her Visibly Fit program, visit wendiepett.com

    To find out...

  • In this episode, our guest, Nancy Willette shares her journey of faith and transformation, from living a structured life to finding her true passion in the outdoors. She opens up about her struggles with alcohol and the moment of despair that led her to seek God's help. Through divine intervention, Nancy encounters a man in need of hope and redemption, and together they experience the power of God's love and obedience. This story highlights the importance of being open to God's leading and the impact we can have on others when we allow Him to work through us.

    In this conversation, Nancy Willette shares her journey of hiding her true self and the pain it caused. She emphasizes the power of surrendering to God and overcoming shame. Nancy discusses the prayer of surrender and the challenge of letting go of control.

    She also talks about surrendering to God's will and seeking help from others. Nancy shares how surrender played a role in her transition from a career in finance to becoming a fly fishing instructor. She highlights the importance of surrendering to God's healing and miracles and the impact it has had on her life. Nancy concludes by discussing the connection between surrender and fly fishing as a metaphor for faith.


    [00:00] - Podcast Preview

    [00:32] - Podcast Episode and Guest Introduction

    [03:50] - Nancy's RV Lifestyle and Love for Fishing

    [05:30] - Nancy's Faith Journey and Alcohol Struggle

    [06:22] - The Turning Point from Despair

    [08:06] - The Conflict of Living a Double Life

    [09:20] - Nancy's Moment of Surrender

    [10:03] - The Intervention and Recovery

    [11:49] - The Power of Asking God for Help

    [14:28] - The Story of Steve and Divine Intervention

    [19:08] - The Importance of Obedience and Listening

    [20:00] - The Pain of Hiding and Shame

    [23:08] - Encouragement for Those Struggling

    [24:12] - Nancy's Transition from Finance to Fly Fishing

    [27:03] - Nancy's Simple Prayer and Surrender

    [29:40] - The Healing Journey and New Beginnings

    [31:30] - Fly Fishing as a Ministry

    [33:56] - Writing a Book of Faith and Fishing Stories

    [36:02] - Living Boldly for God

    [37:14] - Divine Protection and Future Plans

    [39:02] - The Metaphor of Fly Fishing and Faith

    [40:52] - Praying for Listeners and Encouragement

    [42:24] - Episode Wrap-up and Takeaways

    Guest's bio and social handles:



    Nancy Willette was formerly involved in the financial planning world. However, she has now transitioned to a life filled with adventures. Living out her dream, she now resides in an RV, accompanied by her dog, and spends her time fly fishing and instructing others in this skill, becoming an accomplished angler herself. Her mantra is to never give up on your miracle.

    Call to action:

    Make sure to visit yourbiggestbreakthrough.com for your FREE access to our e-book and audiobook, "Unstoppable: Divine Intervention in Overcoming Adversity," showcasing six powerful real-life stories. Get ready to be inspired by these mind-blowing breakthroughs!

    To learn more about Wendie and her Visibly Fit program, visit wendiepett.com

    To find out more about Todd and his coaching program for men, find him on the web at toddisberner.com.

    All the links you need to subscribe to the podcast are at both our websites! And if you feel so...

  • In today's episode, we have a captivating conversation with Preston and Holly Todd, a couple whose journey is a testament to the transformative power of faith.

    Join us as Preston and Holly share their personal stories of conversion, love, and purpose. From encountering Jesus in supernatural ways to stepping out of their comfort zones and into the mission field, their experiences are both awe-inspiring and deeply moving.

    We delve into their involvement with the Matthew 10 ministry, where they are on the front lines of setting people free from the chains of brick kiln slavery in Pakistan. Learn how virtual gospel crusades during the pandemic became a lifeline for those in need and how you can be a part of this impactful work.

    From the harsh reality of brick kiln slavery to the joy of celebrating freedom, Preston and Holly emphasize the importance of taking action and making a difference. Find out how you can be part of this transformative mission and help rebuild lives.

    Tune in for a powerful conversation filled with faith, love, and an unwavering commitment to serve others. This is more than a podcast—it's an invitation to join a movement of hope and restoration. Don't miss out!


    (00:00:00) Podcast and Guests Introduction

    (00:04:08) Conversion Story of Holly

    (00:07:37) Conversion Story Preston

    (00:09:44) Meeting and Falling in Love

    (00:12:17) Prayer and Trusting God's Timing

    (00:15:11) Deep Intimacy with Christ

    (00:19:22) Growing in Faith and Trusting God in Suffering

    (00:27:00) How Their Faith Affects Their Family

    (00:33:41) Meeting Dr. Pete Sulack

    (00:37:00) Supernatural Encounter with Jesus

    (00:40:00) Spreading the Gospel Virtually

    (00:41:17) Journey to Pakistan

    (00:44:10) Discovering the Reality of Brick Kiln Slavery

    (00:46:40) Causes and Consequences of Debt Bondage

    (00:51:10) Taking Action and Making a Difference

    (00:56:36) Freedom Celebrations and Re-establishment

    (01:01:07) The Impact of Setting People Free

    (01:04:26) Opportunity for Involvement and Transformation

    Resources mentioned:

    Matthew 10 International

    Help us set 12 families free this year: Donate here: https://fundraise-for-freedom.causevox.com/todd-isberner-wendie-pett

    Guest's bio and social handles:

    Preston Todd and Holly Scurry Todd are the VP of Global Missions & Discipleship and Church Planting at Matthew 10 International. They bring the gospel into difficult-to-access nations and they help to set captives free, literally, spiritually, and physically. They're on a mission to lead the lost to Jesus and rescue multi-generational families out of decades of slavery in the Middle East.

    In addition to serving at Matthew Ten International, it's their joy to lead ascent mentors and they have a huge desire to see young men and women connect to the heart of God and experience the relational nature of Jesus Christ through the power of one on one mentorship. When Holly and Preston were both in high school, they came to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior because their young life leaders intentionally spent time with them and taught them how to know Jesus instead of just knowing about him. And since then, they've had a passion to meet kids right where they are and help them truly know him as the best gift this side of heaven.

    Preston and Holly Todd Holly are newlyweds and they would both say that they have married their dream spouse. Holly is a bonus mom to Preston's eleven-year-old twins, Ruth and Liam. The word of God is their source of strength and their life verse is Acts 20:24.


  • In this episode of our podcast, we open up about the emotional and challenging journey we've been on while caring for Todd's mother, Carol, who is fighting a tough battle with aggressive bone cancer. We explore the complexities we've faced while navigating the healthcare system, the importance of being advocates in elder care, and the deep, life-changing lessons we've learned about compassion, love, and the honor it is to serve the elderly.

    Our conversation is a sincere reflection on the personal impact that caregiving has had on us and the universal need for empathy when dealing with terminal illness.


    00:00 Introduction

    01:13 Facing the Unexpected

    02:08 Gratitude and Generations

    05:16 Encountering a Health Crisis

    08:33 The Need for Advocacy

    10:12 God's Strength and Surrender

    12:53 Caring for the Elderly

    15:29 Honoring the Elderly

    17:39 Bringing Mom Home

    20:10 Carol's Gratitude and faith

    21:04 Perspective on Life and Heaven

    22:13 Enduring trials and finding joy

    22:44 Choosing not to complain

    23:53 Serving the elderly

    Call to action:

    Make sure to visit yourbiggestbreakthrough.com for your FREE access to our e-book and audiobook, "Unstoppable: Divine Intervention in Overcoming Adversity," showcasing six powerful real-life stories. Get ready to be inspired by these mind-blowing breakthroughs!

    To learn more about Wendie and her Visibly Fit program, visit wendiepett.com

    To find out more about Todd and his coaching program for men, find him on the web at toddisberner.com.

    All the links you need to subscribe to the podcast are at both our websites! And if you feel so inclined, we'd be honored if you were to leave a rating and review of our show. It definitely helps with us being more visible to more people.

    And if we like it, we might just read your review on the podcast!

  • We all go through moments where forgiving someone is really hard. But in this podcast episode, you'll hear a different perspective on forgiveness.

    Our guest, Pastor Mark Sowersby, bravely talks about his tough childhood marked by abuse and how he struggled to forgive and heal.

    He talks about how abuse affects the mind and how there wasn't much support or awareness back then. Pastor Mark also shares how he found faith and a supportive community, and how forgiveness changed his life.

    He opens up about confronting his abuser and the relief he felt after forgiving them. Pastor Mark ends with words of hope and prayer for anyone who has been through trauma.

    In this podcast, Pastor Mark Sowersby shares a strong message about God's grace and why being true to ourselves in our relationship with Him matters.


    00:00 Podcast's Introduction

    01:35 Guest's Background

    02:50 The Start of the Years of Abuse

    05:32 Impact of Abuse on Pastor Mark's family

    07:27 Effects of Abuse on Mark's Mind

    09:24 The Turning Point of His Life

    12:03 Finding Refuge and Protection

    14:41 Finding Faith and Joining a Church

    16:57 Seeking God's presence

    19:21 Receiving God's Answer

    20:45 Reading the Bible and Meeting His Future Wife

    23:39 Struggle with Forgiveness

    24:48 Moving the Mountain of Forgiveness

    26:30 Putting the Cross in Front

    28:18 Confronting the Abuser

    30:27 Understanding Forgiveness

    34:50 The Journey of Forgiveness

    37:02 Mark's Future Projects

    38:24 Encouragement and Prayer

    Resources mentioned:

    Forgiving The Nightmare Website

    "Forgiving The Nightmare" Book

    Guest's bio and social handles:



    Pastor Mark Sowersby accepted the position of Lead Pastor at Calvary Community Church in the summer of 2021.

    He grew up in North Attleboro, MA, and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology from Zion Bible College/Northpoint Bible College. He has been an ordained minister with the Assembly of God for 25 years.

    Pastor Mark also leads a ministry called Forgiving the Nightmare. In 2019 he went through a time of great healing and began speaking about the experiences of his past, God’s grace, and the transformational work of forgiveness in his life. He now speaks about his story through his ministry and book Forgiving The Nightmare.

    When he isn’t serving his congregation and his community through ministry, teaching, and support, you can find him on all the trails and lakes of New England, spending time with his family. He and his wife Jennifer are blessed with four healthy children.

    Call to action:

    Make sure to visit yourbiggestbreakthrough.com for your FREE access to our e-book and audiobook, "Unstoppable: Divine Intervention in Overcoming Adversity," showcasing six powerful real-life stories. Get ready to be inspired by these mind-blowing breakthroughs!

    To learn more about Wendie and her Visibly Fit program, visit wendiepett.com

    To find out more about Todd and his coaching program for men, find him on the web at toddisberner.com.

    All the links you need to subscribe to the...

  • In this episode, we had the privilege of speaking with Michele Arnoldy, a woman who has experienced incredible breakthroughs in her life. Michele shares her personal journey of navigating through the challenges of her husband's mental illness and PTSD, ultimately leading to his tragic death by suicide.

    Michele's story is a powerful testament to the strength and resilience that can be found in leaning on God during the darkest times. Despite the heartbreak and pain, Michele's faith in Jesus remained unwavering, and she found hope and healing through her relationship with Him.


    00:00 Introduction

    01:20 Guest's Background

    05:08 Encountering Jesus and Surrendering

    07:45 Meeting Chris and Sharing Jesus

    10:15 Chris' Decision to Go Back to the Military

    11:40 Year-Long Argument and Decision to Enlist

    15:55 Chris's Deployment to Afghanistan

    19:42 Strain on Marriage and Emotional Rollercoaster

    26:01 Chris's Return and Reuniting

    31:47 Moving to South Carolina and Dating Again

    34:10 Moving to Des Moines, Iowa

    36:13 Chris' Struggles with PTSD

    38:40 Chris' Admission and Seeking Help

    39:33 Chris' Job Loss and Behavioral Changes

    43:29 Navigating the Emotional Impact of Chris' Death

    46:03 Finding Breakthrough Through Jesus

    Guest's bio and social handles:

    Facebook: @coach2potential

    Instagram: @michelearnoldy

    Michelle Arnoldy has been a mentor at heart for 10-plus years. She has formally spoken into people's lives, molding them personally and professionally. Her life goal is never to stop growing herself to add value to others, and her passion is living well with purpose and intentionally helping others to do the same.

    Michelle worked as an RN for nearly four decades, primarily in yard departments, and she wrote a memoir now spanning her 20-year difficult marriage to her late husband, Chris. She shares a strong message of hope during the tragedy of his death, her vulnerability with intermarriage trials, the challenges of mental illness, the truth of her faith journey, and how her faith sustained her throughout that time. This memoir is called "His Last Breath: A Soldier, his wife, and the Man That Saved Them Both." But Michelle is a proud mother of three sons and two daughters in love and five little grand littles. She lives hilltop in an old English cottage in South Minneapolis with her two doggie roommates, Macy and Sadie.

    Call to action:

    Make sure to visit yourbiggestbreakthrough.com for your FREE access to our e-book and audiobook, "Unstoppable: Divine Intervention in Overcoming Adversity," showcasing six powerful real-life stories. Get ready to be inspired by these mind-blowing breakthroughs!

    To learn more about Wendie and her Visibly Fit program, visit wendiepett.com

    To find out more about Todd and his coaching program for men, find him on the web at toddisberner.com.

    All the links you need to subscribe to the podcast are at both our websites! And if you feel so inclined, we'd be honored if you were to leave a rating and review of our show. It definitely helps with us being more visible to more people.

    And if we like it, we might just read your review on the podcast!

  • In this conversation, Matt Potter, co-founder of Pray.com, shares his journey of faith and how it led him to create the popular prayer app. He emphasizes the importance of prayer and the ease of having a personal relationship with God. Matt also discusses the features and benefits of Pray.com, including daily devotionals, biblical sagas, and a community feed for prayer requests. He highlights the impact of the app on people's lives, including stories of how it has helped individuals in difficult times. Overall, Pray.com aims to create a world where everyone leaves a legacy of helping others through prayer and community.


    Prayer is a personal and easy way to connect with God, and there is no wrong way to pray.Prayer has a positive impact on mental health, reducing anxiety and depression.Pray.com offers a variety of features, including daily devotionals, biblical sagas, and a community feed for prayer requests.The app has had a significant impact on people's lives, providing comfort, support, and a sense of community.Pray.com's vision is to create a world where everyone leaves a legacy of helping others through prayer and community.


    00:00 Introduction and Guest's Background

    03:40 Early Journey of Faith of Matt

    05:48 Growing Up in Church

    08:00 Matt's Relationship with God

    11:45 How To Pray

    14:00 How Prayer.com Started and Its Founders' Stories

    18:40 Prayer and Mental Health

    22:36 Features and Benefits of Pray.com

    26:50 Pray.com's Vision

    29:48 Creating Community through Pray.com

    31:30 Impact of Pray.com

    37:42 Conclusion

    Resources mentioned:


    Guest's bio and social handles:


    Matthew Potter–PRAY.Com

    Co-Founder & Head of Strategic Relationships

    Matthew Potter co-founded Pray.com, the world’s #1 app for daily prayer and faith-based audio content, driven by a mission to grow faith and cultivate community. He brings expertise in strategizing change, building tech products and apps, and finding markets in the continuously evolving technology industry.

    At a time when Potter was looking for ways to give back and become more spiritually connected, he serendipitously ran into his friend Steve Gatena at a coffee shop in Santa Monica, Calif. He could tell Gatena had been struggling, and they spoke of the recent loss of his friend and business partner in a plane crash but how he was beginning to find hope again through prayer. Shortly after that divine run-in, Potter joined forces with Gatena to launch Pray.com, desiring to apply his expertise to do something bigger for the Kingdom of God.

    Before Pray.com, while he was still a student at Boise State University, Potter created HomeStack, a white-label real estate app. HomeStack launched in 2012, and Potter served as CEO until he stepped down to become a part of the team at Pray.com. Potter continues to serve as Chairman of the Board for HomeStack. In addition, Potter has developed over 6K apps.

    Calling Southern California home, Potter is from Westlake Village, Calif., and enjoys traveling to new countries, investing in real estate, and visiting new sports stadiums. He currently serves on the board of trustees at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Fla. Recently Potter has been featured on multiple podcasts including Seek. Go. Create. and The Mike Thakur Show

    Call to action:

    Make sure to visit yourbiggestbreakthrough.com for your FREE access to our e-book and audiobook,...

  • On today's episode, we have Justin Donald, the founder of The Lifestyle Investor and known as the "Warren Buffett of lifestyle investing."

    Justin shares his personal journey of breaking free from financial constraints and achieving financial freedom through low-risk cash flow investing. With his straightforward investment system and 10 commandments of lifestyle investing, Justin negotiated deals with over 200 companies, generating sufficient passive income to leave his job within 21 months.

    His success led him to write a bestselling book called "The Lifestyle Investor," which provides valuable insights and strategies for achieving passive income and financial freedom. This episode offers listeners the opportunity to learn from Justin's expertise and gain inspiration to pursue their own financial breakthroughs.

    Timestamp Chapters:

    00:00 Introduction to Podcast

    01:20 Introduction to Justin Donald

    04:22 Justin's Faith Journey

    07:13 Motivation for Pursuing Investments and Financial Freedom

    09:10 Early Interest in Finance and Investing

    10:57 Journey to Financial Freedom

    11:56 Overcoming Doubt and Fear

    15:26 Milestones and Lessons Learned

    19:06 Perceptions of Mobile Home Parks

    22:30 Financial Breakthroughs and Freedom

    25:14 Perspective on Net Worth

    26:35 Financial Freedom and Family

    29:27 Getting Started with Cash Flow Investing

    32:40 Overcoming Guilt and Negative Mindsets

    35:28 Aligning Investments with Biblical Principles

    37:36 Faith in Major Investment Decisions

    39:24 Peace of Mind and Trusting God

    41:19 Fun Fact about Justin

    45:47 Closing Remarks

    Resources mentioned:

    The Lifestyle Investor

    Guest's bio and social handles:





    Entrepreneur Magazine calls Justin Donald the “Warren Buffett of Lifestyle Investing.” As the founder of The Lifestyle Investor and a master of low-risk cash flow investing, Justin’s ethos is to “create wealth without creating a job.” He simplifies complex financial strategies, structuring deals, and disciplined investment systems that consistently yield profitable results. 

    After 21 months of investing, and before his 37th birthday, Justin’s investments generated sufficient passive income for him and his wife Jennifer to leave their jobs. Following his straightforward investment system and 10 Commandments of Lifestyle Investing, Justin negotiated deals with over 200 companies, multiplied his net worth to over nine figures, and continues to maintain a family-centric lifestyle.

    Justin's extensive entrepreneurial experience includes owning several profitable real estate-related businesses, one of the largest mobile home park portfolios in the U.S., various additional rental property portfolios, Orangetheory Fitness and KidStrong franchises, and multiple successful operating companies. One notable venture is Stellar, a residential maintenance and rehab company that Justin co-founded, that recently completed its Series B funding round, led by Alerion Ventures and S3 Ventures, the largest venture capital firm in Texas.

    Justin was recently invited to participate as a SXSW investor judge and speak at Texas Rangers Stadium. He is a member of Tiger 21 and serves on the board of Front Row Foundation International. Through his

  • Summary

    This podcast episode explores the topic of loneliness and its impact on individuals' well-being. Todd and Wendie discuss the prevalence of chronic loneliness and its designation as an epidemic by the Surgeon General. They share personal experiences with loneliness and highlight the emotional, spiritual, and physiological consequences it can have. The importance of community and reaching out to those who are lonely is emphasized, along with practical steps to combat loneliness. The hosts also discuss examples of individuals who have made a difference in the lives of lonely individuals. The episode concludes with a reminder to find comfort in God and His promises.


    Loneliness is a prevalent issue and has been designated as an epidemic by the Surgeon General.Chronic loneliness can have negative impacts on emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being.Reaching out to those who are lonely and creating community is important for combating loneliness.Practical steps to combat loneliness include joining community groups, volunteering, and reaching out to others.


    00:00 Introduction and Discussion of Loneliness

    01:16 Loneliness as an Epidemic

    02:56 Wendie on Chronic Loneliness

    04:08 The Impact of Loneliness on Health

    05:08 Definition of Loneliness

    06:19 The Importance of Community

    07:27 Personal Experience with Loneliness

    09:20 Emotional and Spiritual Consequences of Loneliness

    10:20 The Desire for Isolation

    11:23 Acknowledging and Addressing Loneliness

    12:21 Practical Steps to Combat Loneliness

    15:40 Examples of Reaching Out to the Lonely

    20:00 Creating Community and Connection

    22:00 Finding Comfort in God and His Promises

    23:00 Conclusion and Closing Remarks

    Call to action:

    Make sure to visit yourbiggestbreakthrough.com for your FREE access to our e-book and audiobook, "Unstoppable: Divine Intervention in Overcoming Adversity," showcasing six powerful real-life stories. Get ready to be inspired by these mind-blowing breakthroughs!

    To learn more about Wendie and her Visibly Fit program, visit wendiepett.com

    To find out more about Todd and his coaching program for men, find him on the web at toddisberner.com.

    All the links you need to subscribe to the podcast are at both our websites! And if you feel so inclined, we'd be honored if you were to leave a rating and review of our show. It definitely helps with us being more visible to more people.

    And if we like it, we might just read your review on the podcast!

  • Chuck Reich's life was once a turbulent whirlwind of drugs and reckless abandon, a life marred by the never-ending call of temptation: "the boy you didn't want your daughter to be around" in his words.

    But then Chuck encountered Jesus and his life transformed. Chuck left behind the shadows of his past and embarked on a spiritual journey that led him to become a pastor, offering guidance and hope to those grappling with similar struggles he once faced.

    Today, he is the driving force behind Overcomers TV, a platform dedicated to helping others find the strength to overcome their own battles and discover the transformative power of faith in Christ.

    We hope you'll listen to Pastor Chuck Reich's story and be in awe of the resilience of the human spirit and the profound healing of body and soul that is possible through faith in Jesus.

    In this interview with Pastor Reich, you'll learn:

    -Chuck was a legit villain, spiraling to rock bottom until his 30's...03:30

    -God's Word slowly made his way into Chuck's heart and lifestyle...09:30

    -Chuck surrenders completely to God's will and becomes a true servant...15:00

    -Keep trying to quit, and you'll eventually be able to quit - with God's help...19:00

    -Encouragement for anyone struggling with addiction, either personally or a loved one...22:45

    -How addiction distorts self-awareness and affects our quality of life negatively...25:20

    -Founding origins of and the good that comes from Overcomers TV...28:30

    -Success stories shared from Overcomers TV...31:30

    -We're all one decision away from stupid...34:45

    -And much more!

    Resources mentioned:

    Overcomers TV

    Guest's bio and social handles:




    On August 23, 2007, Chuck was led to launch Horizon Media Studios. The mission was to produce Television programs highlighting the Body of Christ in action which would complement the great teaching and preaching on Christian TV Networks. HMS has partnered with over 225 Christ-centered, Bible-believing ministries, producing segments and half-hour documentaries for “REVELATIONS” and “ANSWERING THE CALL”.

    Chuck became an ordained Pastor on July 13, 2008. He has a real heart for evangelism/discipleship and has a passion to teach the Bible in small group settings. Chuck is married to Annette, they live in Farmington, New Mexico where Annette is President of Navajo Ministries – Four Corners Home for Children. Chuck also pastors Fruitland Christian Fellowship.

    Call to action:

    Make sure to visit yourbiggestbreakthrough.com for your FREE access to our e-book and audiobook, "Unstoppable: Divine Intervention in Overcoming Adversity," showcasing six powerful real-life stories. Get ready to be inspired by these mind-blowing breakthroughs!

    To learn more about Wendie and her Visibly Fit program, visit wendiepett.com

    To find out more about Todd and his coaching program for men, find him on the web at

  • What do you think of when you hear the term "superhero"?

    Maybe a muscular man or woman donning a cape, flying through the night sky to foil the plans of evildoers who wish harm upon the human race.

    While those make for good comic books and movies, the truth is that real heroes don't appear to be anything special, but have an inward fire to make an impact that far exceeds what their earthly powers may appear to be able to make.

    Shane O'Rourke is one of these people, and we were thrilled to get him to sit down and chat with us about his journey of faith, and founding his organization Lift UP, whose unique "100%" giving model allows unprecedented amounts of funds to go directly to projects, all of which have been carefully vetted by Shane and his staff.

    We invite you to grab your favorite beverage and listen in to our conversation with a young man who is making miracles happen all over the globe!

    In this interview with Shane, you'll discover:

    -Shane's faith journey as a young child...03:30

    -Advice for parents to foster the calling in their children...06:15

    -How the vision of missions crystallized in Shane's mind and life...08:30

    -The unique structure of the Lift Up platform...16:15

    -How Lift Up selects the projects to fund...19:30

    -How to hear the voice of the Lord in seeking His will for our lives and careers....22:50

    -Why do people choose alternate voices over the voice of the Lord?...24:30

    -What is Lift Up Local?...27:30

    -Build awareness globally by focusing on local needs...31:30

    -And much more!

    Resources mentioned:

    Lift Up

    Guest's bio and social handles:





    Shane is a proud husband and father of two beautiful young children. He's an alum of Bethel University and enjoys time at the beach or on the basketball court. An entrepreneur with a significant vision, he's committed to making a meaningful impact on those who need it the most. After a transformative trip to Haiti, he launched Lift Up in 2018. Since then, the platform has grown from impacting one child to nearly 250,000 people in need.

    Call to action:

    Make sure to visit yourbiggestbreakthrough.com for your FREE access to our e-book and audiobook, "Unstoppable: Divine Intervention in Overcoming Adversity," showcasing six powerful real-life stories. Get ready to be inspired by these mind-blowing breakthroughs!

    To learn more about Wendie and her Visibly Fit program, visit wendiepett.com

    To find out more about Todd and his coaching program for men, find him on the web at toddisberner.com.

    All the links you need to subscribe to the podcast are at both our websites! And if you feel so inclined, we'd be honored if you were to leave a rating and review of our show. It definitely helps with us being more visible to more people.

    And if we like it, we might just read your review on the podcast!

  • Welcome to another riveting episode of Your Biggest Breakthrough! Today, we're joined by a unique individual whose profession and passion beautifully intertwine – Dr. Pete Sulack. While many know him as a talented chiropractor who's touched countless lives with his healing hands, there's an even deeper story to be uncovered.

    Journey with us as we delve into how Dr. Sulack transitioned from adjusting spines to adjusting lives through the power of the cross of Christ.

    In places like Ghana and Pakistan, Dr. Sulack has ventured into the heart of darkness, using his resources to literally redeem individuals out of the chains of slavery and bring them into the light of hope.

    Amidst great pain and suffering, he’s been a beacon of hope, sharing the transformative gospel of Jesus Christ to lost souls seeking solace.

    Discover how one man's commitment to healing transcends borders, breaks chains, and introduces hope to those who need it most. This isn't just a tale of chiropractic magic but an inspiring narrative of faith, resilience, and unyielding love.

    Join us and prepare to be moved, inspired, and uplifted.

    In this interview with Dr. Pete, you'll learn:

    -How Dr. Pete came into intimate relationship with Jesus...04:40

    -Work as a chiropractor used to infiltrate culture with the Gospel...09:00

    -Community with other believers is how we bear fruit spiritually...11:45

    -How God spoke directly to Dr. Pete about ministering in Pakistan...15:00

    -Do we fear intimacy with God because we fear what it might reveal?...19:20

    -The history and mission of Matthew 10 Ministries...23:45

    -How our spiritual condition affects our physical health...28:15

    -And much more...

    Resources mentioned:

    Dr. Pete's website


    Guest's bio and social handles:








    Dr. Pete Sulack is a chiropractor by day and an anointed evangelist by day AND night! He is a family man based out of Knoxville, TN. More than that, he is simply a son of the Most High God!

    In 2006 he started Matthew 10 International as a way to have an offering to the Lord from his businesses. Matthew 10 is dedicated to proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ, serving widows and orphans, ministering to the sick, and empowering pastors and leaders.

    Since its beginning, Dr. Pete has been around the world 25 times and preached to crowds of all sizes, from a few hundred slave laborers in brick factories in the Middle East to over a million souls in Nigeria, and all sizes in between!

    He is also the author of The Joseph Blessing with Jordan Rubin and has a clinic, Redeem Health & Chiropractic which supports the ministry of Matthew 10.

    It is in this setting that Dr. Pete is known as America’s Leading Stress Expert. At Redeem Health stage-four cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other ailments — all miraculously healed by the power of Jesus Christ. Dr. Pete has over 20 years of experience serving all ages – from infancy to 100.

    The Redeem Health experience has been carefully designed to help “break the cycle” of...

  • In the spirit of overcoming tremendous adversity, as we discussed in our previous episode with Mark Black, we introduce to you today Tahni Cullen.

    Tahni was blessed with a beautiful baby, who was named Josiah, "Fire of God." However, within just a couple of years, it was evident that Josiah was a bit different. He was sadly diagnosed with autism, leaving Tahni and her husband devastated.

    Yet, rather than wallow in self-pity, Tahni and her husband chose to seek the best care for Josiah, which eventually led them to realize that Josiah may be different from his peers, but he has a true fire within that inspires others in ways so-called "ordinary" people can.

    In this interview with Tahni, you'll learn:

    -The discovery of Josiah's autism, and the initial response to it...02:45

    -Where is hope when there is no hope?...05:45

    -Vaccines and inoculations and their role in bringing about autism...08:50

    -The moment Tahni had a ray of hope for the future of Josiah...14:00

    -Josiah has a major breakthrough in his learning and development!...19:00

    -You'll do anything to help a child become what God means for it to become...22:10

    -The importance of self-care while caring for another...28:00

    -Supportive relationships outside the marriage while caring for a special-needs child...34:00

    -Surprising results from Tahni writing her book about her experiences...37:00

    -And much more...

    Resources mentioned:

    Josiah's Fire book

    Josiah's Fire Facebook page

    Guest's bio and social handles:

    I have loved God and the Bible for as long as I can remember. I was seven-years-old when my daddy built me a wooden pulpit. I put on my plaid three-piece wool suit on a snowed-in Sunday to deliver a message on obedience to my family in the living room. Then, one day as this wonderful invention showed up at our house–a VCR–I picked up a flair for the theatrical as I would rewind and rehearse lines from the likes of “Anne of Green Gables.” The love of communication in writing, speaking, theater and sharing compelling stories has always run deep for me. It’s funny how you can trace those traits way back even to your childhood.

    Little did I know that language and expression that I loved the most would be whisked away from my only son, leaving me wounded and speechless before my God. An autism diagnosis at age two for our little boy, Josiah, was so swift, so final, with the words, “No known cause. No known cure. Lifelong.” My deepest question was, “Wow, what happens to hope when there is no hope?” Everything that I loved, believed in, and thought I knew about God got tested. If Jesus was Burden-Bearer, I knew somehow I would have to see if He would be that for me when the pressure of sickness, work, marriage, loneliness, finances, and spiritual wrestling dog-piled on our lives.

    Like so many things—impossible things—we are told to accept them and to learn to manage and to cope. The world is always trying to get us to just face facts and not to get our hopes up. “Your daughter is dead, Jairus. Why bother the teacher anymore?” But just when the facts start to get locked in as the “final answer,” if we listen hard enough, we will always hear Jesus say the same words He said to this dented father: “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Does the same Jesus we serve today still sound like this?

    It’s a complex road these days to a simple faith like this: don’t fear; just believe. I’d been desperately pursuing healing for five years, and learned so much about what intimacy with God, my identity in Christ, and my inheritance really meant to living out a Christ-following life. But despite our gallant efforts to help our son, my boy still

  • "Transform adversity into your competitive advantage." A phrase perhaps heard in any number of motivational talks you've attended, or hard lessons when "life happens" in its many forms and fashions.

    Our guest today, Mark Black, has experienced adversity we've never encountered before on this show - and that's saying a lot!

    For you see, Mark was essentially given a death sentence at the age of 23 when he was told he had congestive heart failure and lung failure. And he needed a transplant of both organs, and from the same donor!

    Against the odds, Mark received his transplant, and went on to inspire everyone around him by running marathons and using his incredible story to encourage those who are going through their own brand of adversity.

    Enjoy today's show!

    In this interview with Mark, you'll learn:

    -Mark's journey through multiple abnormalities from day one...05:00

    -Challenges faced throughout childhood after multiple heart surgeries...09:00

    -Mark's parents' strategies for teaching resilience and learning from consequences...12:45

    -Dealing with congestive heart failure and a heart transplant during the college years...15:00

    -Where was Mark internally and spiritually while essentially living in a hospital?...20:46

    -Acceptance and adaptation are the key elements of the journey to resilience...26:30

    -The Call comes letting know the donated organs are available...29:15

    -Reactions spiritually, physically and mentally to carry another person's organs...32:30

    -The thought process leading to the decision to run marathons after the transplants...35:00

    -Advice to anyone going through immense challenges emotionally or physically...39:15

    -Mark's ministry to others in light of overcoming his challenges...43:00

    Mark's bio and social handles:

    TED Talk with Mark Black

    Mark's personal website




    Mark Black is the only man in history to have run a marathon with someone else’s heart and lungs.

    Born with a life-threatening heart defect, Mark survived two dangerous open-heart surgeries before the age of one. Twenty-two years later, after waiting on the transplant list for nearly a year, Mark was blessed to survive a perilous heart and double-lung transplant,

    Three years later, he ran his first full marathon. Then he did it, three more times.

    A resilience expert, speaker, coach, and author, Mark helps people “Break Through” their limitations and transform adversity into their competitive advantage. He is a Certified Speaking Professional has inspired more than 200,000 people at more than 600 organizations including Exxon Mobil and Mercedes Benz.

    Mark lives in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada with his wife Marise and their three children; Emma, Matteo, and Caleb.

    Call to action:

    Make sure to visit yourbiggestbreakthrough.com for your FREE access to our e-book and audiobook, "Unstoppable: Divine Intervention in Overcoming Adversity," showcasing six powerful real-life stories. Get ready to be inspired by these mind-blowing breakthroughs!

    To learn more about Wendie and her Visibly Fit program, visit wendiepett.com

    To find out more about Todd and his coaching program for...

  • Introducing Chad Hawley, the ingenious founder behind the Nexus Mountain Network—a platform built to conquer the formidable "mountains" of government, religion, education, arts & entertainment, family, business, and media.

    Inspired by a life-changing medical diagnosis, Chad embarked on his mission to foster meaningful discussions across society's pillars.

    With an unshakable belief in the power of collective action, Chad sought to intertwine the complexities of human existence within the digital landscape of the Nexus Mountain Network. Here, users find a sanctuary where they can explore their passions, exchange ideas, and collectively strive to create a more harmonious society.

    Chad's vision extends beyond the platform as he uses it to promote advocacy and sustainable practices in every sphere of life. By encouraging users to connect their experiences in these different domains, the Nexus Mountain Network inspires transformative change on a global scale.

    Today, Chad Hawley's extraordinary creation stands tall as a testament to his unwavering dedication to fostering connections and positive engagement across the various "mountains" of society. The Nexus Mountain Network beckons thinkers, advocates, and individuals from all walks of life to join forces, scale the peaks of each mountain, and create a world where human potential intertwines in harmony.

    In this interview with Chad, you'll learn:

    -How a devastating medical diagnosis led to the founding of the Nexus Mountain Network...03:15

    -What is the Network, and what does it do anyway?...06:45

    -The doctor/prophet reveals a stunning revelation regarding Chad's cancer...10:00

    -What changed in light of the good news at the doctor's office...13:20

    -Chad's faith journey...15:10

    -We're called to be "that guy" who loves Jesus in this fallen world...19:00

    -A lesson from an Old Testament in pursuing the correct calling for our lives...24:00

    -The Seven Mountains, and how to discover your purpose in life...26:20

    -Unity gives courage...31:00

    -How to craft a personal purpose statement...35:30

    -And much more...

    Resources mentioned:

    Nexus Mountain Network

    Guest's bio and social handles:




    Chad Hawley is the Founder of the worldwide NEXUS Mountain Network and the NEXUS Podcast. He has a Master of Business Degree from Wayne State University and spent twenty years a part of the Pharmaceutical Industry in sales, marketing, training, and management. He is the author of 'Purpose Will Save Your Life.'

    Call to action:

    Make sure to visit yourbiggestbreakthrough.com for your FREE access to our e-book and audiobook, "Unstoppable: Divine Intervention in Overcoming Adversity," showcasing six powerful real-life stories. Get ready to be inspired by these mind-blowing breakthroughs!

    To learn more about Wendie and her Visibly Fit program, visit wendiepett.com


  • In today's most compelling episode, we delve into the miraculous account of Steffani Besch, now a seasoned minister, but who as a young girl endured an extraordinary incident that defied all rational explanation.

    At a local swimming pool on an ordinary summer day in 1979, 13-year-old Steffani embarked on what all expected to be a fun-filled afternoon with friends. However, fate took an unforeseen turn when Steffani was accidentally knocked unconscious and sank to the bottom of the pool. Unnoticed by anyone around, it wasn't until several agonizing minutes later that her absence was realized.

    As panic set in, Steffani's friends and pool-goers frantically pulled her lifeless body from the water. By the time medical assistance arrived and she was transported to the hospital, she had been clinically dead for an astounding 30 minutes. To all appearances, her young life had slipped away, leaving those around her in disbelief and profound sorrow.

    But in this dark moment of desperation, faith took center stage. Amidst the tears and prayers, one friend, driven by an unwavering belief, called on the name of Jesus in desperate supplication. The power of this heartfelt plea ignited a chain of events that would rewrite the rules of science and medicine.

    Inexplicably, as doctors and paramedics continued their efforts, Steffani Besch's heart began to beat once again, as if the hands of time had reversed themselves. Against all odds, she was brought back from the brink, defying medical logic and leaving experts utterly astonished.

    In this gripping podcast, we explore the astonishing details of Steffani's near-death experience, the profound impact on those who witnessed this surreal event, and the lasting repercussions on her life and faith.

    Join us as we unravel the threads of this mesmerizing journey, reflecting on the potential of faith to transcend the boundaries of life and death. Through Steffani's story, we confront the mysteries that lie at the intersection of science and spirituality, ultimately inviting our listeners to ponder the immeasurable depths of human resilience and the enduring power of hope.

    In this interview with Steffani, you'll learn:

    -Steffani shares about her childhood and spiritual birth...04:30

    -"Take the bad, and leave it there; take the good, and take it with you"...06:30

    -The incredible story of how Steffani was literally raised from the dead...08:30

    -"The only thing we could think to do is to call on the name of Jesus"...16:00

    -God is the light through the darkness...19:30

    -What was going on within while Steffani was physically dead?...24:00

    -A battle for Steffani's soul plays out in the immediate aftermath of the accident...27:30

    -If we would just step out in faith and embrace the power of prayer...30:30

    -Will we choose faithfulness and love, or live in fear?...38:50

    -The next step to break free from brokenness and fear...42:00

    -How did God keep Steffani alive, even when she was physically dead?...48:30

    -And much more...

    Resources mentioned:

    Besch Ministries

    God's View TV show

    Guest's bio and social handles:





    Call to action:

    Make sure to visit