Religione e spiritualità – Danimarca – Nuovi podcast
Intuitive Style explores the connection between mindfulness and personal style. Each episode offers practical tools and real-world examples to help you quiet external noise, trust your instincts, and create a wardrobe that helps you feel comfortable, confident, and truly yourself. -
Welcome to the Entrusted to Lead Podcast, the go-to destination for faith-driven leaders who are ready to inspire, empower, and strategically lead with clarity and confidence.
As a leader, you’ve been entrusted with more than just a title—you’ve been called to guide others, achieve impactful goals, and create lasting change. Hosted by Danita Cummins, CEO, Nonprofit Founder and Business Strategist, this podcast provides practical strategies, faith-based insights, and real-life stories to help you navigate the complexities of leadership while staying rooted in your values.
Whether you’re leading a team, an organization, or a mission, you’ll find actionable advice on strategic planning, program implementation, and personal growth to lead with purpose and peace. Join us each week to learn, grow, and step fully into your calling as a leader who’s been entrusted to make a difference.
Tune in and take your leadership to the next level—because those you lead deserve your best, and so do you.
Welcome to Unlearned Wisdom! A gospel-centered podcast by me, Johnny Chang.
Every episode is a special lesson that I have learned through God, my pastors, and my personal life experiences. Everything I speak about can be directly applied to YOUR own life, today.
These lessons can’t be learned from reading a book or sitting in a classroom.
New episodes every Monday!
Enjoy and God Bless. -
Jeg har aldrig brudt lydmuren med min stemme, men alle skal have en fair mulighed for at vælge Gud til. Hvordan skulle det kunne lade sig gøre, hvis ingen taler?Jeg har i flere år været villig til at stille mig op foran mennesker, mange mennesker, i forbindelse med oplæg og undervisning - for at tjene min løn. Senest har jeg sagt ja til at blive fremstillet med portræt-billede og interview i forbindelse med fondsansøgninger.
Det kommer derfor ikke et øjeblik for tidligt, at jeg stiller mig frem her, inviterer med ind, så den personlige tro (forhåbentlig) kan mærkes og smages. -
Velkommen til Det Islamiske Perspektiv – en podcast, hvor vi dykker ned i relevante emner for unge muslimer og andre interesserede i Danmark. Vi taler om overbevisning, livsstil, identitet, samfund og meget mere.
Følg os på YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Spotify og Apple Podcasts, når vi løbende udgiver klip samt de fulde episoder. Følg med og få et nyt perspektiv!
#islam #danmark #muslim #podcast -
Catch up on what's happening each week at OneLife Church. These challenging messages and sermon series are designed to help you discover Jesus and how your one life can make a difference.
Welcome to The Rebels & Renegades Podcast. We explore the unique experience of Christians who have felt marginalized by religion, and find themselves on the fringes of faith. We look for, and embrace the Rebel. We explore, and seek out the mind of the Renegade.
The purpose of this program is to encourage and support the body of Christ in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ in a practical and applicable way. We want to see all Christians encouraged and strengthened in these last days; to stand in faith and obedience to the word of God until the return of our Lord and Savior. We want to see the uncommitted give their lives totally to Jesus Christ and begin to live fulfilled lives with purpose, hope and destiny. To Everyone Encouragement!
Rethink & Return Podcast brings thought leadership and teaching to pastors, church leaders and the greater Church by rethinking the modern church and returning to the ways of the New Testament church we see in Scripture.
With undeniable relevance today, this podcast covers topics like House Church, the stewardship of church space, culture, leadership, and more – as well as supplemental resources and in-depth exposition of Church Project’s weekly sermons.
This podcast’s weekly content is created and shared by Jason Shepperd, Founder and Lead Pastor of Church Project and Church Project Network. With decades of experience in planting and leading churches, Jason has started and scaled a movement of thousands of people, gathered in many House Churches locally, and also in different cities, states, and countries defined by a common eDNA (Ecclesiological DNA): decentralized from primary place and priest, that distributes pastoral leadership to empowered lay pastors, who fully pastor diverse, discipleship geographically-based House Church communities which carry out all of the functions of the church. Church Project has focused over $16.5 million in their first 15 years toward gospel-centered ministries and church planting. Jason also leads Church Project Network, a collective of churches aligned around a commitment to be a “Church of House Churches,” and Good City, a city centrality for local ministry collaboration and support.
Website: jasonshepperd.comAudio Devotionals:
Have Conversations Toward Salvation:
Church Project Network:
Good City:
“A Church of House Churches: An Articulated and Applied Ecclesiology”: -
Velkommen til podcasten med prædikener fra Immanuelskirken.
Vi er en levende og inkluderende baptistkirke i hjertet af Aarhus - et fællesskab af meget forskellige men stadig ret skønne mennesker, der helhjertet prøver at finde mening og sammenhæng i livet, overbeviste om at tro forandrer liv, der er håb og kærlighed er for alle.
Her kan du lytte til prædikenerne fra vores gudstjenester. Kom og vær med en dag - vi mødes hver søndag kl 10.30 på Hedemannsgade 1, 8000 Aarhus C -
Today’s Conversation is the podcast of the National Association of Evangelicals. Host Walter Kim, NAE president, talks with leading thinkers, theologians, activists, culture-makers and more, with the goal of helping evangelicals foster thriving communities and navigate complexity with biblical clarity.
Join your hosts Eliza and Sarah– a tarotist and a psychic medium- as we explore the depths of consciousness, life, death, and beyond.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Beyond the Ayah with Batool is a journey into the depths of the Quran, exploring its timeless wisdom, historical context, and spiritual significance. Each episode focuses on a selected surah or ayah, unraveling its meaning through authentic tafsir, hadith, and reflections from Islamic scholars. With a conversational and engaging approach, this podcast aims to bring the words of Allah closer to our hearts, inspiring deeper faith and connection. Whether you're new to tafsir or seeking to strengthen your understanding, Beyond the Ayah invites you to explore the beauty and guidance within the Qura
Welcome to the Centaur Podcast! I’m Camron Adibi, and together, we’ll explore the fascinating world of horse-human communication and the extraordinary connections that can develop between our species. Join me as we delve into the unique ways humans and horses connect and understand each other. Through discussions with true innovators, we'll uncover the subtle cues, bonding techniques, and emotional connections that enrich our relationships with these remarkable animals. Whether you're a seasoned equestrian or simply curious about the language of horses, there's something here for everyone.
Prædikener fra Kolding Bykirke
Podcast description
En podkast for katolska ljudböcker, katekes, predikningar, nyheter och böner.
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