Film e TV – Estonia – Podcast consigliati
پادکست سینمایی سینه پاد.
درباره دنیای مالی هنر و تجارت فیلم و سینما . کسب درآمد از هنر و حضور در بازارهای جهانی -
Mähime videotest, filmidest, videoideedest, sarjadest ja ka ühiskonna probleemidest, kui tuleb mõni hea idee teeme ka sellest hea video!
Vaata shitposte ja slaidi DM'idesse:
Kirjuta meile: [email protected] -
Elu Elamus podcast kutsub külla kõige põnevamad persoonid oma valdkonnast. Saatetunni jooksul arutatakse isiklikke ja aktuaalseid teemasid elust enesest ning jagatakse kuulajatega nii suurimaid õnnestumisi kui ka karjääriteele sattunud ämbreid.
Студенты ЛГУ им. А. С. Пушкина делятся своим контентом. Этот подкаст - обо всём, что интересно сегодня современным студентам. В частности, будущим журналистам. Про образование и профессию, хобби и психологию, молодое поколение и более опытное.
Good Mourning is a collective of artists and thinkers dedicated to providing entertaining and socially conscious media in this new era.
Our publishing house is the end of traditional romance novels; we publish only the best and most unique love stories that cover the spectrum of sexualities and cultures indiscriminately.
Our weekly podcast reports not only on the problematic and progressive news of pop culture but on fandoms as a legitimate subculture as is evident by our tagline: reporting from the front lines of fandom -
Dax Flame's Official Podcast
Scp what they is
The Chunk Zone is a movie and TV review podcast where I (Kyle Haggerty AKA BigTimeChunk) am forced to watch media from my childhood and possibly even father in the past by a mysterious rift which has materialized in my bedroom closet. I'm also joined by the occasional guest host who must travel through the rift to get to me. Join us as we see what the rift has to offer and whether anything I liked as a little smooth-brained farm boy will actually hold up.
Hosted by Will Weldon, I Hate Bill Maher is an investigation of the life and career of Bill Maher, a man who lives on a vast estate inside of the host's head, rent free.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
اینجا قرار نیست حرف تکراری و جمعآوری شده از وبسایتها و...، و یا شوخی و کلیشۀ بیخود بشنوید؛ سینما جدیتر و ارزشمندتر از این حرفهاست. لینک چنل تلگرام برای دانلود موسیقیهای متن و فیلمها:تلگرام سینما با ئامد
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hosted by Jimmy Bernasconi (‘Sacred Cinema’, ABC Radio), ‘Films for Today’ explores how the art of cinema can help us understand the social, cultural and political issues that currently trouble us. Each week, Jimmy selects a seminal film and contemplates its profound insights into the most pressing challenges of our time. For questions or enquiries about the show, you can reach Jimmy at [email protected] or on Instagram by searching ‘filmsfortoday’.
A high school cinephile and audiophile analyzes selected albums and films.
Гильдия кастинг-директоров и звукостудия Vox records представляют:
Кто такой кастинг-директор?
Почему практически никто из кастинг-директоров не имеет кинемотографического образования?
Где кастинг-директора ищут новых будущих кинозвезд?
Как сделать идеальный актерский ансамбль, который соберёт большую кассу?
Российский кинематограф делает новый огромный виток, ведь профессия кастинг-директора – уже не равно ассистент режиссера по актерам. В наших подкастах вы услышите реальные истории о том, как живут и работают люди, отвечающие за героев наших любимых фильмов и сериалов.
Самый крафтовый подкаст России. Говорим о досуге поколения мемов.
Хобби, кино, игры, путешествия, еда и современная культура.
Интересные гости, странный юмор, много нефильтрованного контента.
Ведущие, четверо уже не молодых, но не оскуфившихся ребят: Саша Мухтар, Валера Константинов, Андрей Бетин и Сергей Соловьев.
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A podcast where two gays watch a movie for straight people and ask, "why?" Support this podcast:
Kaks filmientustiastist sõpra Märten ja Oliver kohtuvad üle nädala Maailmalõpu Kinos, et arutada viimati nähtud filmide ja teleseriaalide teemal ning seejärel vaadata koos midagi uut.
For nearly four decades MTV defined youth culture -- today it's a shell of its former self. What happened? How did MTV build a brand that stayed relevant to young viewers for decades, just to throw it all away?
Who Killed the Video Star is a new 8-episode Audacy original about the rise and fall of MTV hosted by former MTV VJ, Dave Holmes. -
When Mak met Holy, he knew they were gonna have an anime podcast.
100 Most Popular TV Series of All Time
Den svenska film podcasten! Hostad av Blenda Hallqvist, Nils Stenmarck och Herman Hangvar Frängsmyr, tre filmnördar från Stockholm som tillsammans pratar om allting film relaterat. Perspektiv från filmskapare, entusiaster eller bara din vardagliga slö-tittare, allt detta hittar du här...
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