Dr Degefa Podcasts
Dr Degefa Abisa is one of Oromo's precious sons who paved the way by making great sacrifices for the OROMO's struggle for freedom. While he is still retired, he is determined to pay everything he has for his people. During the Derg regime and also from 1991 to 1995, Tucho was a medical director and chairman of the board of the largest Ethiopian hospital, the Black Lion Hospital.
When he was fired off from his job his family encountered a terrible and brutal OPDO / TPLF prosecutions, and today his elder son cannot hear properly became patient because he was severely tortured in prison for being only a son of Dr Degefa.
I invited him over and had a wonderful discussion on my 'MIIDIYAA DADDHACHA OROMOO and OROM-BIYA PODCAST' to listen to what he is up to for this generation.
We also had a good conversation regarding the current situation in Oromia and Ethiopia in general. (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2qEbA4sI8c&t=5064s).
In our discussion, Dr Degefa said, ''We have travelled so many thousands of miles, but the left is even more. For our journey to lead to victory, the new young generation should be equipped with the knowledge and modern technology. Then they must grasp power and carry out their responsibilities like their fathers.''Support the show