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  • This podcast-interview concludes with an experience of light language.Abigail Wainwright is an alchemist, activator, transmuter, energy reader, healer and light language channeller. She assists people in reconnecting with their sovereignty. She is a Light language channel and 144,000 Grid Worker. She lives in Australia with her 4-year old daughter.

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  • This is an extract from a longer interview. The interviewer is Chris Alyssia from Awake TV. The ascension process is not about neutralising the ego it is about upgrading it. Upgrading the ego is about shifting our identity into a larger perspective, where all resistance to embracing our authentic or Higher Self is dropped. In 3D the ego is both guidance and protection system. In 3D there is a broad spectrum where at one end there is a fully functioning ego and at the other all the various dysfunctions that can occur. To shift into 4D we need a functional ego. In 4D we are learning a more fluid and flexible approach to life. There is a greater appreciation that this is only one life amongst many. That we contain many energies including both masculine and feminine. In 4D we are learning that we create and co-create our reality. In 5D there is a shift into unity consciousness. In 5D stabilising in a higher vibration where all limits to joy, to freedom, to growth, to love are removed. In 5D we discover there are no limits to flow and possibility.

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  • In this meditation we open a doorway to the fire elemental kingdom of the South. Here we call a Fire Dragon to meet you and take you on a healing journey deeper into the element of fire. Dragon beings can be very helpful at this time in keeping Starseeds clear of lower collective consciousness energies. Working with fire is not only purging it is invigorating. Dragons have lots of wisdom to share with us and meditation is a great way to establish a relationship and build rapport with the Dragon Kingdom.

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  • In this meditation we open and journey along a future timeline (between 18 months to 3 years) where you have learnt how to protect your field from 5G radiation. We meet a future self that has learnt to connect with the crystalline grid of the earth in a new way. This future self has also learnt to call on various other multidimensional resources to transmute these energies. By 2021, every city will have 5G towers and cell stations with them stationed on the top or side of millions of buildings throughout the world. Not only are the shorter millimetre waves more hazardous to human beings, because of the intensity of the technology, there will be many more mini cell towers than before. This will translate into an exponential increase in this type of radiation exposure within a relatively short space of time. (Why is this a problem some will wonder. Well, just think for a moment about the emergence of a new level of contagious virus. Many have already been connecting the dots between the two despite much loud protestations from those pulling the global media strings.)

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  • This meditation is designed to help with the many interlocking elements that has created this current Global Fear Pandemic. The first element is that of the Ascension process which is essentially a conflict between the old 'dark' paradigm and the emerging new paradigm of spiritual evolution and light. This level of the meditation clears out the fear you may have absorbed from the collective. This fear is being deliberately amplified by the corporate media machine (that is highly controlled by anti-light forces). This level clears with ultra-violet fire the gut and throat chakra.The second element is that of collective guilt. Over the past few centuries the collective has been increasingly out of balance with nature. There is a collective trashing the planet, with unethical farming and fishing. Many species are becioming extinct. Gaia is now reacting. This level clears the heart and lungs with ultra-violet fire.The next level is collective trauma – all kingdoms on the earth are suffering trauma because of the impact of unconscious governance and living on the planet. The nervous system is swept with ultra-violet fire.Finally, there is the level of collective anger, helplessness and despair as far too many are stuck in survival mode. The liver, bladder and gut are swept with ultra-violet fire.Then we work on shielding you from the new invasive cellular technologies that were introduced at the end of 2019. These are generating microwaves that are impacting the body and our energy fields. We call on the Crystalline Grid to create a Shield of Light. This shield is aided by Crystal Devas of Black Tourmaline and Shungite. Also, Devas of Orgonite and Tachyon. Also, Tree Devas to shield and cleanse your aura of the new microwave frequencies. Then we call upon the angelic energies of ultramarine blue and gold to infuse different parts of the body, especially the throat and lungs.Then we can call on more healing and supportive energies. We call upon the angelic energies of ultramarine blue and gold to infuse different parts of the body, especially the throat and lungs. When this is done we ask your Body Elemental to synch with the guidance of your HS and team in Spirit to allow you to be guided towards certain beneficial situations and away from potential harmful or limiting situations. Steering clear of pointless drama or suffering. We then ask for any guidance or requirements to shift your lifestyle more in line with the 5D timeline, including: nutrition, exercise, activities, situations and people.Finally, we can align with the positive intentions and outcomes of this situation. The collective invoked and allowed this crisis for a number of reasons. These positive outcomes are likely to occur further down the line. These include changes to the way we work, to money, to education, and to the quality of governance around the planet.

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  • This podcast includes a process at the end to gain guidance from your guides and angels. Melissa Kitto, originally from New Zealand and now living in the US, has been communicating directly with her angels since the age of 12. She has a degree in Psychology and a Diploma in Teaching which helps ground her work. She helps people connect with their angels, find their life purpose and trust their inner guidance!

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  • In this meditation we call upon your Team of the Highest Resonance in Spirit to hold space. We call upon the full cooperation of your Higher Self and Unconscious Mind to help with this deep release. We call upon a waterfall of Diamond White Fire to release fear that we have picked up directly in conversations and also indirectly through the Collective Consciousness. We call upon Emerald Green Fire to transform all limiting stories, beliefs and thoughts in the mental body that generates anxiety and fear. We call upon the Christ Grid to bring a higher light into any stories or beliefs that are behind our own generated fears or that are behind the reason for picking up fear from the collective.

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  • “I am on a wild journey of self-discovery and have a burning desire to share whatever I learn with all of you.”In this podcast Sarah Armide talks about how to maintain high vibrational living in terms of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. The podcast concludes with a meditation to connect deeply with Mother Earth. Sarah Armide, Wellness & Lifestyle Revolutionist, Physical Detox, Emotional Healer, Spiritual Awakener. She lives in Australia.

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  • Listen to this meditation by Rachel Wishart using drumming and light language to clear and release addiction programming.Rachel works on healing and bring backing whatever is needed to return a person to wholeness. This meditation works on all our bodies, mental, emotional, physical, spiritual.

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  • The fulfillment of a Starseed journey into the 3D Matrix is achieved through a lowering of density. This occurs over a number of lifetimes where the conscious connection to the higher dimensions is broken. Such lifetimes involve some form of trauma and often this will include pushing through sexual boundaries/limits to the more severe trauma of rape. Within patriarchal systems/structures feminine attributes/energies are deemed to be less powerful or valuable than masculine attributes/energies. This is part of the great schism that is created in 3D between the masculine/feminine attributes/energies. Within dark 3D bloodlines sexual trauma also increases the disconnection to the higher realms of light. Within patriarchal systems/structures it is not only women that suffer, men have also suffered sexual abuse as prisoners of war or as slaves.The descent from 5D to 3D is metaphorically described in the story of the Garden of Eden. This story depicts the collective fall from grace, where humanity was ejected from Paradise into the wilderness after eating from the Tree of Knowledge.Now the time of separation and schisms and growth through suffering is over. It is time to clear and heal all sexual trauma and reclaim your true inheritance of 5D light and power. In this transmission we call your team in Spirit of the Highest Light. We also call your I Am Presence and all angels around you to hold the four directions and two grids of light. Michael opens a portal to Temple of Isis on the earth-plane and here we meet the Great Goddess Isis who takes us to a healing temple of light on the star Sirius. There Isis with angels and masters of light work to clear sexual abuse/trauma in this lifetime and in one very significant lifetime where sexual abuse/trauma began the journey into 3D separation consciousness. In this transmission the masters and angels of light work to clear and heal all trauma held within the sacral centre. Then you will be reconnected to another 5D lifetime where sexual energy was deemed to be sacred.

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  • In this meditation we begin to connect with those areas of suppressed anger in the body. Since like attracts like suppressed anger can lead to an accumulation of anger that does not even belong to you. This anger is purified and released from your body, Then the meditation focuses on two aspects, the protection/controlling part of you that seeks to block anger and the part of you that is the suppressed anger. We could call these the prison guard and the prisoner. Working with your Higher Self the energy of the prison guard is shifted and it is given a new role in your energy field. Then the anger within you that is yours is cleansed and released. The channel for clean expression of this anger is then opened. The meditation ends with a calling back of all fragmented light that needs to be transformed and returned to your energy fields. Anger is energy and energy, like water, needs to flow and be expressed. There are two issues that are problematic around anger. One is where anger is over expressed in judgemental, aggressive and even violent ways. The other is where anger is blocked or suppressed which can create passive aggressive responses to life. Suppressed anger can be an underlying cause of anxiety and depression. Suppressed Anger can affect thinking and behaviour patterns and in turn disrupt relationships. Suppressed anger can contribute to a number of health issues such as fatigue, high blood pressure, headaches etc. Starseeds, because of their empathic nature, tend to block, disown and suppress anger.

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  • Listen to Darius Meibodi speak on the subject of Psychic Attack and Black Magic. What is Black magic? Is it the same as psychic attack? What are the signs/symptoms? Do you have to believe in black magic to be affected by it? This interview includes a releasing meditation. Darius Meibodi graduated in 1994 from the University of Heidelberg Medical School in Germany. He moved to London, UK in 1997 where he practiced oncology (cancer medicine) for almost 20 years. In 2002 he qualified as a Light Body Integration practitioner with Ahlmeirah Ariel Hallaire and Nicolas David Ngan and part of this work is to clear black magic. He left traditional medicine in 2015 in order to fully practice as a healer. Darius currently lives in the South of France. He travels frequently for his work, including to the UK and Mexico. He is available for individual and group sessions in person and via Skype.

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  • Emotions are meant to flow like water. When they do not flow, they stagnate and can even become toxic energy. The following tips may help in dealing with ‘difficult’ emotions. • Accept your feelings. Mostly we are taught to ignore our feelings, judge them or push them away. This actually helps to lock the emotional energy in your body and emotional energy field. There are no good or bad emotions. Emotions are energy that flow through you. You are not your emotions. • Practice Self-Love. Emotions can be locked into place by programming of self-hatred which can be learnt in childhood where the family is not very loving or supportive. We may learn to feel guilty for just being alive. This is just a family/ancestral story you have inherited. This is not who you truly are.This meditation will help to break up negative patterning and release old stuck energies. This meditation allows you to explore and shift the energy patterns within you allowing for healing and a greater sense of light, fluidity and peace to return.

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  • Listen to Katy Tucker speak on the fall of Atlantis and how this is affecting many of us on the earth-plane today. She also speaks about a special group of beings that held the unity consciousness for both masculine and feminine archetypal energies. This group of Atlantean beings are now returning once again. This podcast includes a healing meditation.Katy Tucker is a channel who has been practicing as a Channel for a number of years. Katy is a light-worker, who works closely with indigo's assisting them in finding their power. She works closely with the crystalline manifestation grid which is deep within the Earth, opening portals at Sacred Sites and healing in denser places. She channels Star-beings, Ancestors, Fairies, Elementals, ascended masters and Goddesses - and any guides that in the highest good at the time.

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  • This meditation is used to seal any openings in your energy fields which allows lower entities into your space. This is done initially by your Team in Spirit along with Ultra-Violet Fire Angels. Then Metatron and Sandalphon each open a portal of light. Metatron opens a portal above your crown chakra extracting lower astral entities. Sandalphon opens a portal beneath your feet in the Crystalline Grid extracting any lower elemental energies from your space. Your auric field is finally sealed by Michael.

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  • Listen to this transmission to connect with a group of Ultra_Violet Light Angels that can be called upon to clear, cleanse and uplift your personal energy space as well as dissolve cords to individuals or groups that interfere with your light and in some way block your soul path. This transmission also includes a clearing of the physical space around you, the equipment, mobile phones, computers etc as well as any virtual space such as social media or digital bank accounts that you are energetically connected to. (Please note in this clearing you are only clearing and dissolving what is interfering or blocking you are not dissolving the love between you and another. Please also note that you can include this clearing with your intimate partner to release anything lower between you. Please be mindful if including any young children as there will be cords between parents and children that need to remain until late adolescence).

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  • Listen to this transmission for Blue Ray Starseeds. This transmission is designed to reconnect you to your star origins, your star tribe and to activate Sirian lightcodes in your energy field and DNA. For some several decades Indigos, Rainbows, Crystals and Blue Rays, have been incarnating here on a mission to assist with the ascension process of Gaia. Blue Rays beings are strongly connected with the star system Sirius. They have lots of blue and violet energy in their aura that can be seen psychically. They are natural alchemists and skilled energy workers. They have a huge capacity for compassion and love. They are here to transmute dense difficult energies. Most have chosen difficult mission and often they incarnate in challenging circumstances. When they incarnate, like all other Starseeds, they forget who they are, their natural gifts and soul mission. Many choose ‘dark’ families and some ‘dark’ cultures where there are dense patterns of abuse that need to be released. This is extra challenging because Blue Ray beings tend to be ultra-sensitive. They can be effected by negative energies and criticism by beings around them that do not understand them nor resonate with them. This can create a strong alchemical process within Blue Rays where they need to heal themselves before they can awaken to their mission here. They need to learn how to handle this sensitivity and know how to generate strong energetic boundaries before they can really get on line with their energetic-alchemical mission. Their capacity to love can sometimes manifest as an inability to move on. In extreme cases, this can also show up as addiction. Blue Ray beings tend to be more empathic, mystical and quieter than Indigos. Many are drawn to energy work and healing. Blue Ray beings can attract lower energies and entities because they are learning to send all such beings to the light. When a Blue Ray being activates they heal genetic damage and manipulation in their energy fields. When this happens, they feel less effected by the world and more able to powerfully and positively affect the reality around them. Blue Ray beings, once awakened, work with intensifying their lightbody and they do this through connecting with masters of light and angels. They are connected to Sirian angels and archangels as well as master healers from Sirius. Blue ray are soul activators and awakeners. They are light-bearers shining a bright light in this time of global transition. They come to assist, touch and heal many people. (As an aside they tend to be aged between late 30’s and early 60’s. Astrological water and air signs or have lots of these two elements showing up in their charts).

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  • This light language track is designd to help you release fear from the end times of Atlantis and also to help activate your DNA, gifts and inner potential from that time. Suzanne Postings trained as a yoga teacher and in Shamanic practices and has been attuning people into Shamballa Reiki for many years. Suzanne went through some deep Light Language activations, awakening dormant codes within her DNA. This strengthened her intuition, connection and ability to channel high vibrational source energy.

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  • Energy cleansing is not something we do just once. It is an ongoing activity. Thus is because we live in a volatile world and we can pick up low frequency energies such as anger, fear, guilt and so on that need to be released. An energetic imprint is received during a highly charged experience, including something that can feel traumatic. An imprint can contain trapped emotions such as fear, guilt or shame along with a limiting thought or belief. Imprints can also generate energetic cords linking and looping your energy back to the past. We can receive an imprint from an interaction with another person or through our involvement in a highly charged situation. In this transmission we work with he angels to clear your physical body, etheric, emotion and mental bodies of any energy imprint received. The transmission works with Crystal Devas to extract low frequency energetic imprints. it also works with angels holding the transmuting Silver-Violet Ray.

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  • Etheric implants are non-physical devices that can be found planted into our energy body. Implants-devices operate within the 4th Dimension. (There are positive implants but the focus here is on the negative ones.) Implants-devices are often designed to keep us asleep and energetically tied to the 3D Matrix. They can block the flow of a certain energy, keep one or more of our chakras shut down, siphon off our life force, keep negative programming running in our fields and interfere with the actualisation of our natural gifts. They can also have a tagging function. An implant-device within the body often come with wiring, energetic booby traps, locks, plates-armouring and sometimes with a central programming unit. They are often situated close to a major chakra such as the throat. As we become aware of an implant it can feel like a heavy pressure or it can feel like something metallic is within y=our body or it may feel like some sort of interference, which is the implant fulfilling its designated function. Implants-devices are held in place by vows and agreements that must be destroyed before attempting to remove the device. Once an implant is removed there can be an 'imprint' left behind that will naturally clear within a few hours or at most a couple of days afterwards. It is important to note that the best attitude to this work is one of curiosity and serenity. There is nothing to fear in this process. What we encounter are mostly old implants that have been there for a long time. Fear can certainly help to recreate devices in the body and energy fields. Once the device is gone there is no reason for it to reappear unless at some level we have invited it back.

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