Vaccines, Guns, out of control gov't overreach and the weakest generation on earth. Yay.
Ramblings of an incoherent madman, test pilot episode podcast companion to the notoriously evil RageCast streams on the dissident internet.Masks, Lockdowns, Politicians, Corrupt Billionaires, War - the world is a circus and I'm here to make fun of it. Because somebody has to. It's too ridiculous.Not Liberal/Communist friendly. At all.
Super risky, no condom, sketchy meth in an alley verison of an audio upload that violates so many TOS things its stupid to even upload. Anyway, the audio rip of RageCast 101, check out the website for more! Live Streams 3x a week, every Monday Wednesday and Friday at 8pm eastern on Youtube and Entropy! Join the chat and community and participate in the madness. Links available on website. Seriously, it's simple enough if you can't figure out how to find us then you probably shouldn't. K? K, Death To Stalin!Too many topics to cover, mostly that we live in a nightmare, the government is insane and we all pray for the meteor. Regularly. Also! White people are evil, or so I'm told! Cheers! - IG