

    (Guys can be demonized by Jezebel also, so if you fit the description, seek deliverance guys.)

    Please understand that spirits never come in alone. They come in groups. Jezebel is ALWAYS accompanied by other spirits, usually spirits of lust, fornication, perversion, likely spirits of whoredom, control, and manipulation, and if you're married then also a spirit of infidelity. So with that said, deliverance from the Jezebel spirit will take awhile because it's a stronger spirit. Jezebel also usually has what I call blocker demons. As you watch the video you may feel a release where a spirit has left, or you cough, etc. KEEP WATCHING the video. Sometimes you will feel a release 3, 4, or even 5 times before Jezebel actually leaves. You have to get rid of the guardians first before Jezebel is cast out. Just watch the video multiple times until you no longer feel manifestations and only feel peace.

    You also need deliverance from everything else that's there. Watch my other videos for those spirits listed above. I will be adding to the list of posted videos as I'm able. Once again maintaining deliverance is imperative. Control what your eyes are looking at.

    BEFORE you watch this video:

    Get somewhere comfortable where you can focus on being delivered. Preferably lay on your couch or bed when you're alone.

    1) PRAY. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Believe in His saving grace. Ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Confess every known sexual sin in your life individually and ask for forgiveness. Believe that He is faithful to forgive you. Ask Him to cover you in His blood and protect you.

    2) Forgive EVERY person who has ever wronged you in any way. Make a conscious choice to give it to God and forgive them. Let it go.

    3) Believe in the power of His name. Believe in the Son of God. BELIEVE.

    4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ.

    Say, "evil Jezebel spirit, I break all legal rights and authority you have in my life. I renounce and denounce any involvement I have with you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command you to leave. I break all ungodly souls ties and generational curses linked to Jezebel in the name of Jesus Christ."

    5) Pray again and ask God to forgive you for your manipulation, control, and sexual rebellion, and ask Him to deliver you from the spirit of Jezebel. This part is very important! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED!

    6) God WILL set you free if you seek Him. Watch this video multiple times if you need to.

    7) Praise Jesus and Him alone for your deliverance. We have no power. God alone has the power and gets all the glory. Believe in HIS strength to set you free.

  • Please understand that spirits never come in alone. They come in groups. Usually lust is accompanied by fornication, masturbation, perversion, pornography, if you're married then also infidelity, and potentially spirits of whoredom and Jezebel. So with that said, deliverance from lust will only provide some relief. You also need deliverance from everything else that's there. Once again maintaining deliverance is imperative. Control what your eyes are looking at.

    BEFORE you watch this video:

    Get somewhere comfortable where you can focus on being delivered. Preferably lay on your couch or bed when you're alone.

    1) PRAY. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Believe in His saving grace. Ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Confess every known sexual sin in your life individually and ask for forgiveness. Believe that He is faithful to forgive you. Ask Him to cover you in His blood and protect you.

    2) Forgive EVERY person who has ever wronged you in any way. Make a conscious choice to give it to God and forgive them. Let it go.

    3) Believe in the power of His name. Believe in the Son of God. BELIEVE.

    4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ.

    Say, "evil spirit of lust, I break all legal rights and authority you have in my life. I renounce and denounce any involvement I have with you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command you to leave."

    5) Pray again and ask God to forgive you for your lust and to deliver you from the spirit of lust. This part is very important! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED!

    6) God WILL set you free if you seek Him. Watch this video multiple times if you need to.

    7) Praise Jesus and Him alone for your deliverance. We have no power. God alone has the power and gets all the glory. Believe in HIS strength to set you free.

  • If you've ever gotten a tarot card reading, gone to a psychic, played with ouija boards, practiced deep meditation and astral projection, and so on and so forth, chances are good that you let in a spirit of witchcraft. This spirit usually comes in with the spirit of false religion. Witchcraft can also come in and root through attacks by satanic prayers and curses against you from those who are in the occult and satanism, etc.

    As you watch the video you may feel a release where a spirit has left, or you cough, etc. KEEP WATCHING the vidEo. Just watch the video multiple times until you no longer feel manifestations and only feel peace.

    You also need deliverance from everything else that's there. Watch my other videos for those spirits listed above. I will be adding to the list of posted videos as I'm able. Once again maintaining deliverance is imperative. Walk in obedience.

    BEFORE you watch this video:

    Get somewhere comfortable where you can focus on being delivered. Preferably lay on your couch or bed when you're alone.

    1) PRAY. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Believe in His saving grace. Ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Confess every known sin in your life individually and ask for forgiveness. Believe that He is faithful to forgive you. Ask Him to cover you in His blood and protect you.

    2) Forgive EVERY person who has ever wronged you in any way. Make a conscious choice to give it to God and forgive them. Let it go.

    3) Believe in the power of His name. Believe in the Son of God. BELIEVE.

    4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ.

    Say, "evil Witchcraft spirit, I break all legal rights and authority you have in my life. I renounce and denounce any involvement I have with you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command you to leave. I break all ungodly souls ties and generational curses linked to Witchcraft in the name of Jesus Christ. I specifically renounce and denounce past sins of ___________ (name them all).

    5) Pray again and ask God to forgive you for practicing witchcraft and ask Him to deliver you. This part is very important! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED!

    6) God WILL set you free if you seek Him. Watch this video multiple times if you need to.

    7) Praise Jesus and Him alone for your deliverance. We have no power. God alone has the power and gets all the glory. Believe in HIS strength to set you free.

  • Have you ever heard the phrase “failing upward?” If you follow sports, you’ve probably seen a lot of it – or at least it feels that way. The coaching ranks are rife with people who failed miserably at their last job, got fired, and were immediately hired by someone. If our team does the hiring, the response we usually give is “What were we thinking? Why would we want that guy??”

    Generally speaking, we’re not a culture that appreciates failing up. We look at failure as a dead end – it’s defeat, and it is a reflection on someone’s competence and a good reason not to trust them in similar situations again. They’re going to have to show us something pretty impressive to wash away the taste from that previous disaster. And in our own lives, we tend to live in fear of failure – failing up is what happens to other people, not us! And so we don’t go out on too many limbs, we take on tasks we’re confident we can accomplish, and we set goals that we know we can attain.

    But the reality is that Bible makes it clear that playing it safe is not an option for a disciple of Christ. The old cliché is that you miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take, but the more Biblical example is probably in Jesus’ parable of the Talents, where a man is given a large sum of money and entrusted with its use for a time. He’s afraid of what his master will do if he fails, and so he hides the money so that he can give it back without losing any. But God didn’t call us out of the world to break even. We are called to be a people for God’s own possession, one created in Christ Jesus for good works.

    So how do we view our failures? And how does God view them? Is He really the “harsh taskmaster who reaps where he hasn’t sown?” Does he really see me as just another instrument to do his work, and we’re only a success if we do as much as some other person in the kingdom? I don’t think any of us believe that – so why do we hold ourselves to that standard?