Utbildning – Hongkong S.A.R. Kina – Nye podcaster

  • Welcome to Meditation Tides with Michelle's Sanctuary—your mindful escape from anxiety and stress. Join Michelle for brief yet impactful meditations, setting intentions for a purposeful day as you explore your inner sanctuary. Imagine this podcast as your personal retreat, a tool to navigate life's currents. Each episode propels lasting mindfulness habits, transforming moments into opportunities for self-discovery. Let the tides of imagination create a ripple of positivity throughout your day.

  • 我們是𝟏個香港女生& 𝟏個台灣女生👭🏻

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  • 台南小小舞蹈老師,跳街舞,教kpop,哦對我也是健身教練。


    合作請洽信箱:[email protected]
    【中豪的Facebook 】:鄭中豪
    【中豪的歌詞創作 】:youtube搜尋"鄭中豪"

    Soundon / Spotify / apple podcast / google podcast / kkbox

    Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • In the intricate dance of existence, where billions of atoms converge to create life, lies a profound truth about our essence. "Billions of Atoms" is a podcast series designed for those who yearn to explore the depths of our connection—not just with one another but within the very fabric of the universe.

    Navigating the realms of psychology, self-improvement, and philosophy, this podcast invites listeners to join us on a captivating journey through the landscapes of love, compassion, meaning, and purpose in life. It's a trek that promises to illuminate the unseen threads that weave us together, highlighting how our atomic connections underscore the universality of the human experience. ;) Web: billieatoms.com

    Shop: https://billieatoms.com/shop/

  • Hosted by CBM's own Vice President of Broadband, Tim Locker, Power the Network is bringing industry leaders to your feed every other week. One minute, you'll dive deep into products and innovative new processes. The next minute, you'll be learning timeless principles to equip you in your career. At CBM, we are powered by ownership, and we're bringing the same energy into podcasting with Power the Network. 

  • Nobody Talks ,a new podcast channel !
    讓NoBody來聊生活 聊日常 聊社會 什麼都聊

  • 知れば知るほど魅力たっぷりな食の北海道。


  • 每週六晚間8點-10點更新!
    我們是一個由三個剛畢業不久的社會新鮮人一起創立的Podcast Show,主要會談論一些我們認為有趣或是值得探討的話題!在未來也會邀請一些各行各業的來賓來與大家一起分享各個行業的內幕!

    Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • Kevin Thompson RICP®, CFP® is the founder of 9i Capital Group LLC is the registered investment advisor of 9Innings Capital Group LLc a marketing and consulting firm. On his podcast, he delves into deep financial topics and provides great insight on how markets and economics impact your money.

  • 全新自我提升Podcast節目 Lead Your Life 主持:JO

    在這裡你可以找到激勵人心的內容, 為你的生活帶來能量,也能學到NLP的入門知識,了解及掌控大腦,助你真正做到自己人生的主角!



  • 這是《每天10分鐘 聽聽西語人怎麼說》

    博客來訂購連結 https://reurl.cc/kLRqGd

    收聽兩位作者Yolanda & Fernando老師的超人氣podcast頻道
    台瓜夫妻 Esta pareja https://open.firstory.me/user/esta-pareja






    雲飛 x 西班牙語 x Mandarin x 語言師資訓練
    我們的語言學校雲飛 YouTube 頻道:

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  • 吳真源 Mike 老師
    — 專業命理教師,也是療癒教師
    在台灣從事全職命理靈性諮詢已 11 年,曾任職過台中一中和台北西門町東區塔羅牌店駐點占卜師。2019 年成立自己的個人頻道及台北工作室,目前擁有 6 年的教學經驗,並已培訓百位以上的占卜師。

    光的課程創辦人 Toni 媽媽指引我是光的老師,印度聖哲古老預言也說我的聲音具有療癒的力量,自 2019 年中秋後,收到來自宇宙母親 Shatiya 傳導智慧訊息,傳遞宇宙母親一切萬有源頭滿滿的慈悲之愛和靈性智慧,並且啟動天命帶領更多學生走在靈魂藍圖的路上。

    🍀【書籍&療癒小物】 https://shp.ee/br6qzqz
    🍀【真源心靈命理學院官網】 www.angel808.tw
    🍀【官方LINE】@angel808 ( https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40angel808​ )

    【台北總部教室】→ 新北市淡水區紅樹林路157號22樓
    【台中教室】→ 台中市中區成功路10號3樓之2 (台中火車站)

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  • 訪談型節目,每集探討分享各種樂齡及身心障礙生活的主題,包括學習、旅遊、運動、飲食、娛樂、權益、文化藝術、志願服務、高齡化等議題,希望能夠啟發更多人積極投入豐富有趣的生活。讓我們一起成為樂齡及身障人士生活的倡導者和實踐者。

    Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • Through candid conversations, we'll explore the rich tapestry of Satir's pioneering work in transformational systemic therapy, a groundbreaking approach that has touched countless lives around the world and continues to shape the way we understand relationships, communication, and personal growth.

  • Welcome to Cold Cuts N Pizza, the ultimate cannabis podcast where we dive deep into all things cannabis, from culture to cultivation. Join your hosts, Austin and Nick, as we share our cannabis journey, inspirations, and aspirations. We want to hear from you too!

    Former colleagues at Connected and Alien Labs, we bonded over lunchtime discussions that knew no bounds. Our talks left us with more knowledge, fresh perspectives, and plenty of laughter.

    Tune in each week for an unfiltered cannabis conversation. Let's blaze new trails together!

  • I wonder!

    What does the live streaming world look like?


    What does it take to become a streamer?

    Lets learn together!

    New episodes each week, in both swedish and english

    #howtostream on Youtube

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Welcome to "Get It Out the Dirt," a podcast dedicated to exploring the world of urban farming and its transformative power in our communities. Join us as we dig deep into the soil, unearthing the fascinating stories, innovative practices, and inspiring success stories of urban farmers across the globe.

    In each episode, we'll delve into the concept of regenerative agriculture and its role in sustainable food production.

  • This podcast explains how to write a well-developed paragraph using TIED format.

  • 死亡咖啡館-郭慧娟老師與天堂空少廖大森的對談,

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