Business – Denmark – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • My first podcasting, to comment on my situation with the pandemic

  • Welcome to "Not Just A Job" podcast, where we dive into the intersection of meaningful work, personal well-being, and building a better world without compromising your health and happiness.

    Join organisational consultant Nina Maria Mørk Hansen and her insightful guests as they explore the concept of having a job that's "more than a job."

    Together, they delve into the challenges and triumphs of maintaining individual well-being and, for team leaders, fostering their teams' mental health in an often hectic work environment.

    Discover strategies for creating safe and healthy workplaces and uncover why this is a crucial foundation for making a positive impact on the world.

  • Welcome to the Acts Academy Podcast, where we peel back the curtain and reveal the vibrant life of our Bible College.

    Join us, Esben Engholm and Silas Kruse, as we dive into the unique journey of what being a student is like. We will take you behind the scenes of our challenges, triumphs, fun, and transformations that shape the lives of the students at Acts Academy. From theological debates to moments of laughter and creativity, let us show you the essence of Acts Academy.

    Tune in for insightful interviews, inspiring stories, and a glimpse into the dynamic world of Acts Academy.

  • En podcast der skal inspirere sydjyske virksomheder til forretningsudvikling.

    Podcasten udgives af Erhvervshus Sydjylland.

  • Strømninger er en samfundspodcast der søger efter livets friske pust. Podcasten afdækker i etnografisk stil tidens strømninger og modstrømninger igennem inspirerende og idealistiske iværksættere, der gør en samfundsmæssig forskel, hvor hjerte altid kommer før mønt.

  • We are a couple of neurologic physical therapists on the quest to keep the passion, commitment, and possibilities alive for those who love neuro rehab and wellness like us, without burnout and overwhelm. This show is great for neuro therapists and trainers looking to stay up to date and make a greater impact. Join us in this important movement to elevate healthcare!

  • "Riel's Brainbites" er en nyskabende podcast, der udforsker skæringspunktet mellem neogeneralisme, læringsrevolutionen og den grønne dagsorden. 

    Værten, Jesper Riel, dykker ned i en verden af multidisciplinær viden og innovative løsninger, der har potentiale til at forme fremtidens samfund og miljø. Gennem dybdegående samtaler med eksperter, tænkere og changemakers giver denne podcast lytterne unikke indsigter og praktiske værktøjer til selvudvikling og bæredygtig handling. 

    Hver episode er en rejse mod forståelse af, hvordan vi kan integrere bæredygtighed i vores liv og arbejde, fremme en kultur af livslang læring og bidrage til en mere retfærdig og bæredygtig verden.

    "BrainBites med Jesper" inviterer dig til at blive inspireret, udfordret og udstyret til at tage del i den grønne omstilling og skabe forandring.

  • Dit ugentlige kvantespring er podcasten der giver dig inspiration og måske mod til at foretage dine personlige kvantespring i livet. Med udgangspunkt i både ny og gammel viden om os mennesker, får du indspark og redskaber til at kigge omsorgsfuldt på dine vaner og dit liv. Jeg har i over 15 år hjulpet tusindevis af mennesker til et mere tilfredsstillende liv gennem workshops, coaching og terapi. Klar, parat, spring...

  • My name is Dach Ska and I’m a dental hygiene student learning to be a guygenist! I will share my experience as well as tips, tricks, advice and whatever else I can get away with.

  • Real people. Real problems. Real coaching. Turned into real podcast episodes. That's the setup. No more, no less - and possible due to the courage of individuals who aren't afraid to share their challenges on the air!

  • Medicinalvirksomheden Novo Nordisk er Danmarks største virksomhed – og det er faktisk en af de allerstørste i hele verden. Men hvilken magt har Novo Nordisk herhjemme? Og er Novo Nordisk ved at blive større end Danmark?

    I NovoLand undersøger Frihedsbrevets journalister Mathias Blædel Lorenzen og Lasse Sandborg magten og metoden, der ligger bag Novo Nordisks succes.

  • Modern work can be a hot mess. The Debugging Work podcast is for discussing ways in which work doesn’t work. Host Derek Hatchard talks with guests about their areas of expertise and experiences making work better.

  • Er du nysgerrig på at lære mere om employer branding? I denne podcast serie dykker Karen Lebeck ned i feltet, og giver dig konkrete værktøjer til dit arbejde med at styrke arbejdspladsens tiltrækningskraft.

    Karen har arbejdet på nogle af landets største arbejdspladser med forretningsudvikling, change management, marketing og rekruttering - og har siden 2028 været selvstændig kommunikationsrådgiver med et særligt fokus på employer branding. 

    Selv om hun har beskæftiget sig med en ret bred palette, har der altid være en fællesnævner - nemlig et meget stærkt fokus på modtageren. Altså brugeren, kunden og medarbejderen. 

    Og det har lært hende vigtigheden af, at have en undersøgende og brugercentreret tilgang at forstå de mennesker, vi ønsker at påvirke. Det er også den tilgang, hun bruger i sit arbejde med employer branding - og som du vil møde i alle episoderne, og hvis du følger hende på Linkedin.



  • Do you want to become a dental hygienist? The Dental Hygiene Basics Podcast (also referred to as the DH Basics Podcast) is hosted by Dana, a dental hygienist and dental hygiene educator. While there are several resources that help students during and after dental hygiene school, there are few available for those who are applying to dental hygiene school. Dental Hygiene Basics was founded to provide insight into the admissions process, display alternative career paths for dental hygienists, and highlight the path to a successful first year of dental hygiene school. Dana has worked with first year dental hygiene students as an educator, and she has seen the struggles they face throughout the application process and their first year of school. Dana believes that preparation powers performance. By sharing personal stories, Dana and her guests motivate, encourage, and prepare future dental hygiene students for these experiences. The goal is to help YOU become a registered dental hygienist!

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Rethink Culture is the podcast that shines the spotlight on the leaders who are rethinking workplace culture. Virtually all of the business leaders who make headlines today do so because of their company performance. Yet, the people and the culture of a company is at least as important as its performance. It's time that we shine the spotlight on the leaders who are rethinking workplace culture and are putting people and culture at the forefront.

  • Being a highly effective coach and transformational practitioner, who can go deep with clients and help them create change in their lives, is an ongoing learning process. There are so many different client situations, and so many complex issues that can come up. If you’ve been looking for tools, wisdom and deeper conversations about how to be a better coach & practitioner, The Coaching R(e)volution Podcast is for you! Your host, Joanna Lindenbaum, has dedicated the last two decades to training thousands of coaches and transformational practitioners to be the best in their industries and to go deep with clients in ethical and trauma-informed ways. In the podcast, Joanna breaks down big ideas about human behavior, what it takes to co-create real change with clients, and how to show up as a better and better coach. All of this so that you can turn your clients into raving fans who re-sign with you over and over again, send referrals your way, and help you grow your reputation. Get ready not only for practical tips on your client work, but also to learn a lot about yourself. Because after all, the best coaches and practitioners are also always doing their own inner work as well!

  • All Inclusive is a podcast about game development and the diverse people who are a part of it. Hosted by Ashley Wade and Jasmin Habezai-Fekri.
    Contact: [email protected]

  • I’ll be sitting down with interesting people in my network as we discuss business, career growth, personal ambitions, charitable endeavors, and anything else we find interesting! The world is full of innovative, creative, and kind people. It will be my goal to shine a light on these folks and spread the positivity!