News – Netherlands – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • In de podcast The Next Level van softwarebedrijf SAP hoor je inspirerende verhalen van bedrijven die met behulp van de juiste technologie hun groeiambities waar konden maken. Ze vertellen waar ze tegenaan liepen, hoe ze de oplossing vonden en hoe de implementatie vervolgens is gegaan. Host Bram van Dijk geeft je een kijkje in de keuken van deze bedrijven en vertelt hoe deze bedrijven de stappen namen om hun onderneming naar The Next Level te krijgen.

  • Vigilante Kòrsou ta E Korant Di Pueblo ku un following grandi di experto nan di Negoshi, Bida personal, Politika, Hustisia, Farandula, i Polisial. Follow i keda Up-To-Date tanten Vigilante ta investiga futuro di Kòrsou.

  • What is the intersection of tax and compliance? Why should every compliance professional work with their corporate tax department to ensure more effective compliance program. In this podcast series, join Tom Fox and noted tax professional Tracy Howell as the explore the intersection of tax and compliance as well other tax issues that every business executive needs to be aware of for efficient business operations.

  • Yves & Rolf nemen je mee in het onderwerp van ecosystemen. Wekelijks worden er ecosysteemleiders geinterviewd om te leren hoe de toekomst van ecosystemen eruit ziet.

  • Tim and Sam break down the biggest sports news from the weekend and things to look forward to coming up.

    As life-long sports fans and former athletes, our goal is to bring easily digestible news to both the average fan and the die-hards.

    Grab a beer, come hang out and enjoy the ride.

  • Zijn de resten van bestrijdingsmiddelen in mijn voeding veilig? Wat zijn biociden en waar kom ik die allemaal tegen? Om de wereldbevolking te kunnen voeden moeten voedingsgewassen worden beschermd. Ook nu nog gaat ruim een derde van de oogsten verloren aan schimmels, insecten en ziekten. Voor de volksgezondheid zijn ook middelen nodig voor opslag, conservering en desinfectie. Gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en biociden worden gebruikt om schadelijke organismen te bestrijden. Bijvoorbeeld ziektes die voedselgewassen aantasten, mar ook schimmels, bacteriën en plaagdieren. Daarop is een goede controle nodig, want het gebruik van die middelen moet voldoende veilig zijn. Hoe komen deze middelen op de markt en weten we dan zeker dat ze veilig genoeg zijn? In deze podcastserie gaan medewerkers van het Ctgb in op tal van onderwerpen voor iedereen die meer wil weten over gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en biociden in onze voeding, in onze leefomgeving en in de natuur. Ze worden nieuwsgierig en kritisch bevraagd door journalist Janno Lanjouw. Ze helpen jou een goed beeld te krijgen van dit veel besproken onderwerp.

  • Haagse Invloeden is een wekelijks radioprogramma op Den Haag FM en gaat over hoe (en door wie) invloed wordt uitgeoefend in politiek Den Haag. Landelijke en lokale actuele onderwerpen worden besproken met lobbyisten, journalisten, politici en communicatiedeskundigen.

  • Onze beste verhalen voorgelezen: luister hier naar bijzondere verhalen van de Stentor.

  • 'All aboard!' Stap in de trein met 3FM-dj Andres Odijk. Hij reist langs verschillende Europese steden om de EU-temperatuur op te meten: zijn de mensen over de grens een beetje warm te draaien voor de verkiezingen in juni? Ook al is Europa belangrijker dan ooit, weten we eigenlijk wel wat de EU ons heeft gebracht? Of slaat de enthousiasme-meter toch vooral op de min uit? Stap op tijd in want deze trein wacht op niemand!

  • Welkom bij Deworrying Podcast, waarin we het gesprek aangaan met verschillende collega's uit de festivalindustrie.

  • The Business Journal's segment, 'Better Than You Remember,' takes a look at cult classics and fan-favorite movies, pop culture and current lifestyle & entertainment news.

  • Conversation with Your Favorites celebrities, Lifestyle, and Personality Profile

  • Forrest Richard "Dickey" Betts, the legendary guitarist, songwriter, and founding member of the Allman Brothers Band, passed away on Thursday, August 24, 2023, in Osprey, Florida, at the age of 80. Betts' innovative guitar work and country-influenced songwriting played a crucial role in shaping the Southern rock genre during the 1960s and 1970s.
    Born on December 12, 1943, in West Palm Beach, Florida, Betts grew up in a musical family. His father, Forrest Betts, was a carpenter and a talented mandolin player, while his mother, Hattie, played the piano. Exposed to music from a young age, Betts quickly developed a passion for the guitar and began honing his skills as a teenager.
    In the early 1960s, Betts formed a band called the Second Coming with bassist Berry Oakley. The group gained a strong local following and eventually caught the attention of Duane Allman, a talented slide guitarist. In 1969, Betts, Allman, Oakley, and Duane's brother, Gregg Allman, along with drummers Butch Trucks and Jai Johanny "Jaimoe" Johanson, formed the Allman Brothers Band.
    The Allman Brothers Band quickly established themselves as one of the most influential and innovative acts in the burgeoning Southern rock scene. Betts and Duane Allman's dual lead guitar work became the band's signature sound, with their intricate, improvisational interplay setting a new standard for rock guitar. Betts' country-inflected songwriting, which drew from his love of artists like Bob Wills and Merle Haggard, added a distinctive flavor to the band's blues-based rock.
    Betts wrote and sang lead on several of the Allman Brothers Band's most iconic songs, including "Revival," "Blue Sky," and the instrumental tour de force "In Memory of Elizabeth Reed." His songwriting contributions helped to define the band's sound and earned them a dedicated following.
    Tragedy struck the Allman Brothers Band in 1971 when Duane Allman died in a motorcycle accident. The loss of his guitar partner and friend deeply affected Betts, but he stepped up to fill the void left by Duane's absence. Betts' guitar work became even more prominent in the band's sound, and he continued to write and sing lead on many of their most popular songs.
    In 1972, the Allman Brothers Band released their double live album "Eat a Peach," which featured Betts' extended guitar solo on the epic "Les Brers in A Minor." The album was a commercial and critical success, cementing the band's status as one of the most important acts in rock music.
    Throughout the 1970s, the Allman Brothers Band continued to record and tour extensively, with Betts serving as a key creative force. He wrote and sang lead on hits like "Ramblin' Man" and "Jessica," the latter of which showcased his virtuosic guitar work and earned the band a Grammy Award in 1996.
    Despite the band's success, internal tensions and personal struggles led to the Allman Brothers Band's breakup in 1976. Betts formed his own group, Great Southern, and released several solo albums throughout the late '70s and early '80s.
    In 1989, the Allman Brothers Band reunited and embarked on a successful comeback tour. Betts remained a vital part of the group, contributing his signature guitar work and songwriting to albums like "Seven Turns" (1990) and "Where It All Begins" (1994). The band's live performances during this era were celebrated for their improvisational prowess and the chemistry between Betts and fellow guitarist Warren Haynes.
    Betts' personal life was marked by struggles with alcohol and substance abuse, which sometimes led to tensions within the band. In 2000, he was fired from the Allman Brothers Band due to his erratic behavior and declining musical contributions. The split was acrimonious, and Betts later sued the band for wrongful termination.
    In the years following his departure from the Allman Brothers Band, Betts continued to perform and record with his own group, Dickey Betts & Great Southern. He also made occasional guest appearances with other artists and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of the Allman Brothers Band in 1995.
    Betts' influence on rock guitar cannot be overstated. His fluid, melodic style and seamless integration of country, blues, and jazz elements inspired countless guitarists and helped to define the sound of Southern rock. His songwriting, which often celebrated the beauty and romance of the American South, added a poetic depth to the Allman Brothers Band's music and earned him a place among the great American songwriters.
    Dickey Betts' passing marks the end of an era for the Allman Brothers Band and Southern rock music. His contributions to the genre, both as a guitarist and a songwriter, will forever be remembered as some of the most significant and influential in the history of rock music. Betts' legacy will live on through the countless musicians he inspired and the timeless music he created with the Allman Brothers Band. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcastsForrest Richard "Dickey" Betts, the legendary guitarist, songwriter, and founding member of the Allman Brothers Band, passed away on Thursday, August 24, 2023, in Osprey, Florida, at the age of 80. Betts' innovative guitar work and country-influenced songwriting played a crucial role in shaping the Southern rock genre during the 1960s and 1970s.
    Born on December 12, 1943, in West Palm Beach, Florida, Betts grew up in a musical family. His father, Forrest Betts, was a carpenter and a talented mandolin player, while his mother, Hattie, played the piano. Exposed to music from a young age, Betts quickly developed a passion for the guitar and began honing his skills as a teenager.
    In the early 1960s, Betts formed a band called the Second Coming with bassist Berry Oakley. The group gained a strong local following and eventually caught the attention of Duane Allman, a talented slide guitarist. In 1969, Betts, Allman, Oakley, and Duane's brother, Gregg Allman, along with drummers Butch Trucks and Jai Johanny "Jaimoe" Johanson, formed the Allman Brothers Band.
    The Allman Brothers Band quickly established themselves as one of the most influential and innovative acts in the burgeoning Southern rock scene. Betts and Duane Allman's dual lead guitar work became the band's signature sound, with their intricate, improvisational interplay setting a new standard for rock guitar. Betts' country-inflected songwriting, which drew from his love of artists like Bob Wills and Merle Haggard, added a distinctive flavor to the band's blues-based rock.
    Betts wrote and sang lead on several of the Allman Brothers Band's most iconic songs, including "Revival," "Blue Sky," and the instrumental tour de force "In Memory of Elizabeth Reed." His songwriting contributions helped to define the band's sound and earned them a dedicated following.
    Tragedy struck the Allman Brothers Band in 1971 when Duane Allman died in a motorcycle accident. The loss of his guitar partner and friend deeply affected Betts, but he stepped up to fill the void left by Duane's absence. Betts' guitar work became even more prominent in the band's sound, and he continued to write and sing lead on many of their most popular songs.
    In 1972, the Allman Brothers Band released their double live album "Eat a Peach," which featured Betts' extended guitar solo on the epic "Les Brers in A Minor." The album was a commercial and critical success, cementing the band's status as one of the most important acts in rock music.
    Throughout the 1970s, the Allman Brothers Band continued to record and tour extensively, with Betts serving as a key creative force. He wrote and sang lead on hits like "Ramblin' Man" and "Jessica," the latter of which showcased his virtuosic guitar work and earned the band a Grammy Award in 1996.
    Despite the band's success, internal tensions and personal struggles led to the Allman Brothers Band's breakup in 1976. Betts formed his own group, Great Southern, and released several solo albums throughout the late '70s and early '80s.
    In 1989, the Allman Brothers Band reunited and embarked on a successful comeback tour. Betts remained a vital part of the group, contributing his signature guitar work and songwriting to albums like "Seven Turns" (1990) and "Where It All Begins" (1994). The band's live performances during this era were celebrated for their improvisational prowess and the chemistry between Betts and fellow guitarist Warren Haynes.
    Betts' personal life was marked by struggles with alcohol and substance abuse, which sometimes led to tensions within the band. In 2000, he was fired from the Allman Brothers Band due to his erratic behavior and declining musical contributions. The split was acrimonious, and Betts later sued the band for wrongful termination.
    In the years following his departure from the Allman Brothers Band, Betts continued to perform and record with his own group, Dickey Betts & Great Southern. He also made occasional guest appearances with other artists and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of the Allman Brothers Band in 1995.
    Betts' influence on rock guitar cannot be overstated. His fluid, melodic style and seamless integration of country, blues, and jazz elements inspired countless guitarists and helped to define the sound of Southern rock. His songwriting, which often celebrated the beauty and romance of the American South, added a poetic depth to the Allman Brothers Band's music and earned him a place among the great American songwriters.
    Dickey Betts' passing marks the end of an era for the Allman Brothers Band and Southern rock music. His contributions to the genre, both as a guitarist and a songwriter, will forever be remembered as some of the most significant and influential in the history of rock music. Betts' legacy will

  • Entertainment reporter Morgan Tremaine breaks down the week's biggest stories from film, TV, music, and video games in this weekly podcast recorded live every Saturday.

  • In de DutchMedia Podcast gaan journalist David de Jong en ondernemer Taco Jelgersma tweewekelijks in op actuele onderwerpen uit de wereld van media, marketing en telecom die steeds meer in elkaar overlopen. Feiten en een mening met een bite. Vragen? Wil je te gast zijn? Onderwerp suggereren? Samenwerken? [email protected]

  • All your favorite pop culture questions answered and explored! Do you want to know the best Darth Vaderโ„ข quotes? Or the top ten legendary Pokรฉmon? Maybe you just want the best MCU Avengers quotes or some Star Warsโ„ข knowledge. Don't worry, this podcast has it all.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Elke dinsdag zetten Rotterdam en jouw podcast-app zich schrap voor een spraakmakende mix van sport, media, marketing en een snufje politiek. ๐Ÿ”ฅ Onze hosts?
    Twee iconen uit de sportwereld: Jaap Stalenburg en Chris Woerts! Bekend van het scherpe commentaar op televisie en radio, brengen ze hun unieke perspectieven en een vurige dynamiek naar ons podcast podium.

  • Iedere werkdag werpt de Beursnerd een blik op de AEX. De grote stijgers en dalers komen voorbij, voorzien van duiding. Maar de Beursnerd graaft ook elke dag nog een slagje dieper. Hij of zij neemt een beursfonds onder de loep, bespreekt de effecten van het beleid van centrale banken op de financiรซle markten, of vertelt het geopolitieke verhaal achter beursbewegingen. Dat alles doet de Beursnerd in gesprek met Thomas van Zijl, misschien wel de best geรฏnformeerde presentator van Nederland.

    Beursnerd XL

    Naast de dagelijkse korte rubriek Beursnerd, is er een keer per week op donderdag nog extra tijd voor een langere analyse. Die neemt Beursnerd XL Jochem Visser, redacteur van BNR Zakendoen en een van de presentatoren van BNR Beurs, voor zijn rekening.

    Van de nieuwste cijfers van Heineken tot de laatste ontwikkelingen bij Tesla; van de rente op staatsobligaties tot de rendementen op aandelen; van verborgen kosten tot schandalen aan de top van beursgenoteerde bedrijven: de Beursnerd XL bespaart je de onzin en vertelt je waar het echt om draait in de wereld van het beleggen.

    Of zoals Beursnerd XL Jochem Visser het zelf zegt: โ€˜De waan van de dag viert hoogtij op de financiรซle markten, maar toch is elke stijger en elke daler onderdeel van een groter verhaal: van een sector, een economie, en soms zelfs van spanningen op het geopolitieke podium.โ€™

    Op donderdag worden dit soort ontwikkelingen beter belicht door Visser. Indien de Beursnerd XL dat noodzakelijk acht worden de wijsheden van de beste beleggers op aarde erbij gepakt om bedrijven en financiรซle markten in het juiste perspectief te zien. Hierbij schuwt de Beursnerd XL de diepgang niet en zal hij het niet nalaten om de beleggingsfilosofie van Warren Buffett van Berkshire Hathaway erbij te betrekken wanneer mogelijk.

  • Dé podcast over de Europese verkiezingen!

    We kijken naar de campagnes, bespreken de Brusselse folklore en interviewen kandidaat-Europarlementariers. Wat gaan zij doen als zij voor 5 jaar worden gekozen in het Europees Parlement? En wat hebben wij als Nederland daar eigenlijk aan?