Educação – Estônia – Novos podcasts

  • Riigihanke blogi podcast. Ajame juttu riigihanketeemadel erinevate huvitavate saatekülalistega.

  • إذا كنت تحاول التفكير في طريقك لتعلم اللغة الروسية، فأنت تفعل ذلك بشكل خاطئ.

    تعلم اللغة الروسية كما تعلمت اللغة العربية: من خلال سماع كمية هائلة منها. (مع فكرة غامضة على الأقل عما يعنيه ذلك!)

    يتم عرض آلاف العبارات الروسية، إلى جانب الترجمات العربية، مباشرة إلى دماغك: من العملية إلى الفلسفية إلى المغازلة.

    مجرد عبارات، لا يوجد حشو!

    تجاوز أساسيات اللغة الروسية ليس فقط للتواصل، بل لتصبح شخصًا مثيرًا للاهتمام باللغة الروسية.

    باعتبارها أداة صوتية فقط لتعلم اللغة الروسية، فهي رفيق رائع للقيادة أو المشي أو القيام بالأعمال المنزلية.

    يُعد هذا البودكاست المكمل المثالي لدراساتك اللغوية الحالية، سواء كنت تستخدم تطبيقًا مثل DuoLingo أو كنت مسجلاً في فصل اللغة الروسية.

    إذا كنت مبتدئًا، فنوصيك باستخدام هذه الأداة بالإضافة إلى دورة تمهيدية جيدة باللغة الروسية.

    تم إنشاء مسرع تعلم اللغة الروسية من قبل محبي اللغة والمسافرين حول العالم، من أجل حب اللغة!

    كل حلقة لها ترجمات متاحة. (إذا كان مشغل البودكاست الخاص بك يدعمه.)

  • Astroloogia Abi toob teieni regulaarselt, kõrge kvaliteediga astroloogilist sisu. Meie poolt teile toodud sisu aitab igapäeva otsuseid langetada, ning toob selgitusi maailmas toimuvatele sündmustele kasutades astroloogilisi teadmisi, ja aastatepikkuseid kogemusi.

    Astroloogia Abi astroloogideks on Karin ja Urmas.


  • Esoteric knowledge, folklore, personal development, spirituality and other weirdness... Tin foil hats optional.

  • Vabanemine. See on teekond stressist ja valust vabanemise poole, läbi ise enda ja ümbritseva uurimise ning mõistmise. See tee ei ole alati lihtne, aga tunneli lõpus on see, mille osad me kõik oleme ja kuhu me varem või hiljem jõuame. See on teekond koju, teekond tagasi Armastuse juurde.

  • In this podcast, we study the habits and routines of successful people, world-class performers and athletes, hoping to make better versions of ourselves each day.

  • This podcast serves as a safe space for women to become equipped with the tools needed to show up everyday with confidence as they navigate through adulthood and work to build the lives that they dream of. Support this podcast:

  • Привет и Добро пожаловать в подкаст Монтессори мама, меня зовут Дарина Король, а моего малыша Лев (сейчас ему 3,5 года).

    В первом сезоне мы поговорим о пути осознанного материнства, о радостях и сложностях, о том как стать счастливой мамой и воспитать счастливых детей благодаря бережному воспитанию по методу Марии Монтессори.

    Ставьте лайки выпускам, если они вам понравились, отмечайте меня в социальных сетях (я буду вам за это очень благодарна) и конечно подписывайтесь на подкаст, чтобы не пропустить следующие эпизоды.

    Мой Telegram:

    Детский книжный Монтессори клуб:

    Во всех других соц.сетях ищите меня под ником "darinakoroll"

  • Effective Speaking and Communication are the key to success in business and in life. However, we're never taught how to leverage and maximize our most powerful tool: Our Voice!

    Sincerely Speaking explores the key questions surrounding speaking, communication, leadership, and confidence, to liberate our voices, increase our impact, and help us create powerful movements that change the world!

  • Sul on soov avastada, areneda, paraneda, aga motivatsioon ei tule kaasa?

    Stebby podcast "Samm-sammult heaoluni!" on arutelu täis segu heaolust, aktiivsest eluviisist ja inimestest meie ümber, kellel on jagada kogemusi, teadmisi ja nippe, et olla terve(m) nii vaimust kui kehast.

    Kui oled seikleja ja uute väljakutsete nautija või otsid hoopis head stardipauku ja motivatsiooni tervislikuma eluga alustamiseks, siis loodetavasti inspireerivad need vestlused sind ka päriselt tegudele!

    Stebby on sinu kompass heaolumaailmas:


  • For brave women on their healing journey and looking for a sisterhood. Join Astrologer and Women’s Empowerment Coach, Tanhathai Kanjanasoon (Tan), as she shares more about how you can alchemize your pain into your life purpose and warrioress mission. If you want to change the world from the inside, don’t miss an episode! Become a woman of the future.

  • Самый полезный и #КлассныйПодкаст про образование!

    Вместе с экспертами мы беседуем об учебе, оценках, воспитании и психологии для того, чтобы родители, педагоги и школьники получали полезные лайфхаки, которые можно легко применять на практике. Подписывайтесь на подкаст, чтобы знать больше!

  • This official DJ Master Class is presented to you by DJ BLVD, bar, corporate, and radio DJ personality. This course's structure and its podcasts are designed to take you through all facets of growing as a DJ, regardless of the skill level you possess. DJ BLVD will drop tutorial videos weekly, on Mondays at 3 p.m. EST via YouTube. Also, podcasts will drop on weekly on Thursdays @ 3 p.m. EST via all distributors.

  • Susan Wise Bauer and Susanna Jarrett discuss homeschooling and education.

  • Le podcast "Profondément Vivant" est une exploration de la connexion profonde avec soi-même, avec les autres et avec la nature. Il invite les auditeurs à se reconnecter avec leurs désirs les plus profonds, leurs passions. Ce podcast encourage la créativité originale et l'authenticité de chacun. C'est une invitation à embrasser pleinement qui nous sommes et à vivre une vie épanouissante et alignée avec notre véritable essence.

    En savoir plus sur vos hôtes:
    • Thomas →
    • Hélène → IG, FB et YT @le_club_v

  • Welcome to Hello Uterus — an informative and supportive space to increase your knowledge about female and period health. (Bonus: Improved health literacy has a direct and positive impact on health outcomes!)

    We promise to shine a spotlight on female health during a weekly show that covers news, clinical research, and chronic conditions–from endometriosis to fibroids to PCOS, and more. Also learn from experts as we take objective deep dives into technologies impacting gynecologic health today.

    HU is hosted by Carol Johnson, founder of Uterinekind — a free app designed to improve gynecologic care for everyone. Our mission is to decrease the time from symptom onset to diagnosis for conditions that are often dismissed as just "bad periods".

    Listen to the show where you get your podcasts and join us as we improve the experience of uterine care for everyone. 💜

  • Психолог Катерина Суратова

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  • Are you thinking of moving or living in Colorado? Whether you are thinking of moving to Colorado Springs, Castle Rock, or Denver, Laurie Derickson and Kalene Zaabadick, provide you with a local perspective of what it looks and feels like to live, work and play in the front range of Colorado. Give us a call or text anytime. 719 639-3393🔴 The BEST channel for Living in Colorado Springs, Denver, and Castle Rock; and learning all that is Going On in COLORADO! Are you wondering what it is like to live in these areas of Colorado? Well, this is the channel you need! We help 100s of families each year make the move to Colorado Springs, Castle Rock, and Denver! Reach out! We would love to help you make the move to Colorado. 🔴 Enjoy all of the videos about these areas FOR FREE by subscribing to our channel!🔴 We work with clients from all over the world that are relocating here and we ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! Reach out to us ANYTIME because we got your back when moving to Colorado✅ MOVING TO OUR AREA? HAVE QUESTIONS? Give us a call or text 719 639-3393Laurie Derickson & Kalene Zaabadick - brokersCall/Text Direct - 719 [email protected] Realty