Crianças e família – Letônia – Podcasts recomendados
Если у вас в семье есть подросток, то обнимемся. Это непросто.Фразу "мам, отстань" вы слышали уже не один десяток раз. Это универсальный ответ подростка на все родительские «почему». Почему «не хочет учиться, почему бросил музыкалку, зачем врет». Подростковый психолог Никита Карпов и журналист Александра Петровская каждый выпуск задают самые излюбленные вопросы родителей напрямую подросткам, а те откровенно отвечают почему им в школе скучно, что они скрывают у себя в мобильном телефоне и многое другое. Для ребят это возможность наконец быть услышанными. А для родителей ещё один шанс услышать и понять своего подростка.
"My two sons' godmother, who is a first-generation Dominican in New York City, was having a really, really hard time getting through to her mother about taking extra precautions during the start of the COVID pandemic," says Juleyka Lantigua, host and creator of How to Talk to [Mamí & Papí] about Anything, Apple Podcasts' Spotlight show for January 2023. "It was like they were speaking to each other in two different languages. The cultural and generational differences between them seemed to push them further apart as their conversations progressed. I realized they represented millions of children and parents enmeshed in a drag-out white-knuckle fight because those of us who are 'Americanized' see the world—and most importantly, live in the world—very differently from our immigrant parents." Lantigua, who is a veteran reporter and founder and CEO of the digital audio and production company LWC Studios, launched How to Talk to [Mamí & Papí] about Anything in 2020. She found out quickly that many listeners could relate to the experiences discussed on the show. "It was a grand experiment, and we were nervous and excited," she says. "And then the emails started pouring in from listeners who never knew they needed these conversations or those who wished they'd had the show growing up 20,30, 50 years ago!"Each episode features a listener with a problem that can range from navigating relationships with parents who disapprove of their spouse to maintaining a relationship with a difficult parent for the sake of the grandchildren. An expert on the episode’s topic joins Lantigua on the show to offer professional advice and analyze the generational and cultural dynamics at play. "So many of us straddle that hyphen of being American and something else. So many of us are trying to honor our parents' ways while making our own way in the world," Lantigua says. "This is a place to find solace and really good advice."After nearly 150 episodes, Lantigua is taking the plunge into extending the brand with a sister show, How to Talk to [High Achievers] about Anything. And her hope is that there’s more where that came from. "My vision is that the "How to Talk to" franchise continues to grow and serve the rising-majority audience in the US for years to come.”
Danny Peña and Riana Manuel-Peña have lived and worked in the games industry for a combined 30+ years. What have they learned in that time? Life (like gaming) is better together!
Join them on their journey through gaming conferences, red carpet events, baby milestones, marriage hurdles, and the occasional work update. Play along with game recommendations for busy parents and enjoy this seasoned couples’ sazón as they talk about their favorite memories, products, and experiences.
Business Email: [email protected] -
This is just a place where we can chill, catch up on all life things, recap our favorite BRAVO shows, talk about the books we’re reading, and anything really going on in pop culture.
So …grab your favorite beverage! Welcome to the Hot Mess Mom - I’m so glad you’re here!
Ja Tu vēlies izzināt sevi, saprat un izprast savus dzīves " kāpēc", Tu esi laipni lūgts būt kopā ar mani šajās podkāsta epizodēs. Būt vecākam nav viegli. Un lai šis vecākošanas ceļojums mums būtu pēc iespējas baudāmāks, cieņpilnāks, empatiskāks un izprotošāks, ieskatīsimies sevī. Kas ir tās lietas, kur jāmainās ir mums, jādziedē savas iekšējā bērna rētas, apzināti ar to strādājot. Saprotot savus trigerus, bailes un dusmas.
Šajās sarunās lobīsim dzīves sīpolu, lai Tu varētu atrast savas atbildes uz KĀ darīt lietas citādāk, AR KO sākt un saprast KĀPĒC es vēl to neesmu izdarījis. -
The Optimizing Mothers Podcast is here to optimize the chinuch of our daughters by inspiring, uniting and celebrating the foundations of Bais Rivkah’s families.
This podcast is a branch of the BRANCHES INITIATIVE by Bais Rivkah School.
Sara Blau, a mother like you will lead you on a journey that’s focused on optimizing everything you are already doing and making it better.
Enjoy both conversational and solo style episodes.
For more info on this initiative, go to: or -
"Ar bitēm nekad neko nevar zināt," saka Lācītis Vinnijs Pūks. Ar pasakām ir gluži tāpat. Tās valda gan pār bērniem, gan pieaugušajiem, kuri bieži liedzas, ka lasa pasaku grāmatas, un tomēr labprāt to dara. Jo bērnība nezūd, bērnībai nav pagātnes.
„Labu nakti” ir viens no vecākajiem Latvijas Radio raidījumiem. Šobrīd ēterā to var dzirdēt katru vakaru pulksten 20:45 - LR1. Protams, arī Latvijas Radio arhīvā un LR mājas lapā iespējams noklausīties Jūsu iemīļotās pasakas. -
Hello, and welcome everyone to our podcast.
Motherhood definitely isn't an easy task and every parent's story is unique, significant, and deserves to be heard. Hence, we've created this safe space here on our podcast - The colours of Parenthood. Our goal is to delve into the real, raw, and often untold stories of motherhood or parenthood overall, including the extraordinary highs, the challenging lows, and everything in between.
We'll be featuring powerful conversations with incredible people who are brave enough to share their experiences, wisdom, and insights – -
«Не усложняй» — подкаст о том, как жить с опорой на себя, создавать счастливые отношения и любить детей без условий.
Ведущая подкаста — Любовь Сурудо. Психолог, коуч и популярный блогер. Вместе с гостями она легализует право на ошибки, убеждается, что с ней (и с вами!!) все в порядке и рассказывает о сложном простым языком.
Не усложняет! И вам не советует)
Найти Любу в запрещённой соцсети можно под ником @love_enot.
*В этом подкасте мы упоминаем социальную сеть Instagram.
Instagram является продуктом компании Meta, эта организация признана экстремистской и запрещена на территории России.
В этом подкасте я, Кристина Гомзелева, журналист и будущая мама, говорю с экспертами о беременности, родах и жизни после. А еще рассказываю истории родителей, которые уже прошли этот путь и готовы поделиться своим опытом.
Приглашаю вас исследовать вместе этот важный и нежный период!
Мой Telegram-канал:
Micaiah Irmler is the Lead Pastor of Southridge Church in San Jose, California. This podcast features sermons from our Sunday morning services at Southridge.
The Southridge Way is to help Christians put Jesus first in their lives. Join our devotion to God by demonstrating your love for others. Let’s make a dent in our communities together and not take this opportunity for granted.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Классное радио "Движения Первых" это такое специальное место, куда приходят самые разные авторы, гости, знаменитые люди и разговаривают с нами, рассказывают, показывают, общаются. В результате появляются подкасты на самые разные темы. Слушайте, вдохновляйтесь, получайте мотивацию и будьте ПЕРВЫМИ!
Featuring the leading thinkers, practitioners, and experts navigating the future of learning, Remaking Tomorrow podcast is powered by Remake Learning, a network of people and organizations that ignite engaging, relevant, and equitable learning practices in support of young people navigating rapid social and technological change.
A vocação religiosa
Dad jokes are a type of joke that is typically characterized as being cheesy, corny, or groan-inducing. They are often puns or riddles that are designed to make people laugh, even if they are a bit silly. Dad jokes are often told by fathers to their children, but they can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Here are some examples of dad jokes:
Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh!What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef!What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A pouch potato!What do you call a bee that can't make up its mind? A maybe!Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two tired!What do you call a deer with no eyes? No idear!What do you call a fish with no eyes and no tail? Fshsticks!What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A pouch potato!Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!Dad jokes are often seen as being lowbrow or unsophisticated, but they can actually be quite clever and witty. They can also be a great way to bond with family and friends. In the world of joke types, dad jokes can be classified as a type of pun. Puns are jokes that rely on the multiple meanings of words or phrases to create humor. Dad jokes often use simple puns, but they can also be more complex and sophisticated. Dad jokes are a popular type of joke because they are relatively easy to tell and they can be enjoyed by people of all ages. They are also a great way to break the ice or to add some humor to a conversation. Here are some places where dad jokes are commonly told:
At homeAt workAt schoolAt partiesAt social gatheringsOnlineDad jokes can be told in any setting, but they are often told in casual settings where people are comfortable laughing and having fun. Dad jokes are a harmless and enjoyable type of joke that can bring people together. They can also be a great way to show your affection for others. So next time you're looking for a way to make someone laugh, try telling them a dad joke. While dad jokes are generally seen to be silly, cheesy, or groan-inducing, they are also surprisingly popular. A 2023 survey of 1000 people in the United States found that 56% of respondents enjoy dad jokes. Of those who enjoy dad jokes, 72% said that they find them funny because they are unexpected or clever. Additionally, 65% of respondents said that they enjoy dad jokes because they are a way to bond with family and friends. Dad jokes are also popular on social media. The subreddit r/dadjokes has over 1.5 million subscribers. The hashtag #dadjokes on Instagram has over 10 million posts. While dad jokes may not be to everyone's taste, they are a popular and well-loved type of joke. They are a great way to make people laugh, bond with others, and show your affection. So next time you're looking for a way to lighten the mood, try telling a dad joke. -
Hallo, herzlich Willkommen bei unserem Podcast! Wir sind Jenny und Andi und schon immer sind wir gerne gereist. Das hat sich auch mit unseren beiden Söhnen nicht geändert. Da wir uns bisher nicht auf eine Art des Reisens festlegen wollten und uns vieles Spaß macht, konnten wir in den letzten Jahren einiges ausprobieren und erleben. Vom Camping über Roadtrips und Rucksackreisen bis hin zu Pauschalreisen war so ziemlich alles dabei. Auch wenn wir primär individuelle Reisen bevorzugen, gefällt uns diese Mischung an Reisearten sehr gut. Was wir auf unseren kleinen und großen Reisen um die Welt, durch Europa oder Deutschland erleben und welche Tipps und Anregungen wir geben können, darüber berichten wir neben unserem Blog auch auf diesem Podcast.
Feeling left out as a first time mom of boy girl twins, Lauren Mulenos created Boy Girl Mom to explore the differences (and joys!) of raising both boys and girls. (#BoyMom and #GirlMom, y’all are welcome here too!) While this podcast is an extension of her parenting website, think of it as a weekly parenting discussion including real life examples, approaches, tips, and support. Regularly co-hosting with her husband Nick Mulenos, the ”dad” of Boy Girl Mom & Dad (and provider of dad jokes and laughs), they’re hoping to grow as parents and hopefully help their generation of parents grow as well, empathetically versus instructionally... not for you, but with you! Boy Girl Mom (& Dad), where you’re not alone unless you want to be. Join the conversation!
Мы — Диана и Маринэ, две мамы, прочувствовавшие на себе всю соль материнства без помощи. Наш подкаст — пространство поддержки и тепла всем мамам: бывшим, будущим, многодетным и потерявшим.
Среди бешеной погони за идеальное материнство, навязанное обществом, мы захотели создать свое небольшое уютное место, где можно не бояться выдохнуть, пожаловаться, расслабиться, посмеяться, выплеснуть чувства и обменяться опытом.
Собственно, это мы и делаем.
Иногда мы унываем, иногда — даем бой обстоятельствам, иногда — делимся важным, и за всем этим вы можете наблюдать в этом подкасте.
Хочется взять тебя за руку, дорогая, и провести через тьму. С тобой все нормально. Твои чувства нормальны.
А самое главное, знаешь, что? Всё обязательно будет хорошо.🫂
Обнимаем, твои Диана и Маринэ. -
Podcast by James Maurer and Christine Festa
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