Исландия – Новые подкасты
Við heitum Sara Rós Kristinsdóttir og Lóa Farestveit Ólafsdóttir og erum mæður á 4 vaktinni. Þegar við tölum um 4 vaktina þá erum við að vitna í þær vaktir sem við erum ósjálfrátt sett á í lífinu okkar. 1 vaktin er þá hefðbundinn vinnudagur, endurhæfing eða annað, 2 vaktin er það sem við þurfum að gera utan vinnutíma og 3 vaktin er huglæg og einsskonar verkstjórn yfir 2 vaktinni. Fyrir foreldra langveikra og eða fatlaðra barna þá er 2 og 3 vaktin umfangsmeiri og þess vegna ætlum við að tala um hana sem 4 vaktina. Við spjöllum um réttindi,þjónustu ofl og munum tala við aðra foreldra og fagfólk.
4 laugardagstrúðar úr útvarpinu að koma með fleiri þætti því afhverju ekki
The annual public Uehiro Lecture Series captures the ethos of the Uehiro Centre, which is to bring the best scholarship in analytic philosophy to bear on the most significant problems of our time, and to make progress in the analysis and resolution of these issues to the highest academic standard, in a manner that is also accessible to the general public. Philosophy should not only create knowledge, it should make people’s lives better.
HoopWise, from New England Basketball Journal, covers all levels of amateur basketball around the region, including the prep school and AAU circuit. Its hosts will bring listeners advice and insight from basketball influencers and leaders at all levels.
Alex Smith, Shane Battier, and Ravi Gupta are coming together to cut across the worlds of sports and business and dissect the subtle art of making others better. Glue Guys explores the qualities that make individuals become better leaders, teammates, and humans alongside a trio with those same ambitions. In each episode, you’ll hear candid conversations on themes and life lessons drawn from their own high-stakes experiences. From strategies for effective teamwork to personal stories of success, the podcast covers a broad range of topics relevant to anyone looking to make an impact in their respective fields.
Paul Bergrin is a hotshot criminal defense attorney in Newark, New Jersey. Seemingly unstoppable and with unorthodox methods, he’s built a reputation for getting his clients off the hook. But as Paul's legend grows, so do the suspicions swirling around him.
When FBI Agent Shawn Brokos starts investigating a major drug ring, she makes a shocking discovery: the gang's most powerful player is none other than Newark’s star attorney. Has the ex-federal prosecutor crossed the line and started committing crimes himself?
From Wondery, comes a new series about a lawyer who breaks all the rules, the FBI agent determined to take him down at all costs, and the people caught in the middle who paid the ultimate price.
Follow Criminal Attorney on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to new episodes early and ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting https://wondery.com/links/criminal-attorney/ now.
Authentisches Erleben - Transpersonale Entwicklung
Do you have a hard time understanding your Bible? In this podcast Pastor Luke will briefly explain each book of the Bible. If you are a new believer, or just need some help understanding God's Word, this podcast is the place to start.
Listen to Homilies and Podcasts from St. Bridget Catholic Church in Loves Park, IL
Bestselling author and speaker Heidi St. John teaches biblical truth where faith meets culture. Get #offthebench and onto the battlefield with the Heidi St. John community!
Weekly Bible Study
James and Ade are walking through the Bible with you 1 chapter at a time, 1 day at a time, with 3 daily devotional thoughts, a couple loving disagreements, and an infinite amount of household pets and awkward pauses.
We want to grow closer with Jesus, with one another, and with you. -
Dr. Michael Easley teaches from Genesis to Revelation, 1 sermon per book, to help listeners gain a deeper understanding of the big picture of scripture. Plus 48 interviews with biblical subject matter experts to go deeper into a book, character, or theme in the Bible.
The Proverbs Series at Austin Bible Church
The goal of this podcast is to cover spiritual topics in an informal setting. These are conversations to help others gain confidence in their personal studies.
Í þessum hlaðvarpsþætti fjalla Margrét Arna og Sólbjört um allt sem er andlegt við lífið á plánetunni jörð. Spurningar eins og hvaðan kem ég? Af hverju er ég hér? Hver er ég? Hver er tilgangurinn með þessu öllu, eru spurningar sem þær velta upp á ýmsa vegu.. Einlægt og hjartamiðað spjall þar sem Sólbjört og Margrét Arna deila af sinni andlegu vegferð með léttleika og innsæi og húmorinn með sem ferðafélaga.
Crochet blog, tutorials, projects
Dagskrárliðurinn Skrýtin veröld naut mikilla vinsælda á Rás 2 á sínum tíma þar sem hann var hluti af síðdegisútvarpinu í mörg ár. Nú hefur þátturinn verið endurvakinn sem hlaðvarp. Við vonum að sem flestir gamlir og nýir hlustendur njóti þess að skoða með okkur furðulegrustu hluta mannlífsins og mannkynssögunnar.
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