Business – Letonya – Önerilen podcastler

  • Подкаст банка «Точка» и студии Либо/Либо о самых захватывающих историях из мира корпоративных противостояний. Что делали компании, чтобы выиграть в конкурентной борьбе? Какие стратегии полетели, а какие привели к падению? Что было гениальной находкой, а что обернулось полным провалом?

    Взрослому бизнесу нужны не маленькие лайфхаки, а большие истории. В этом подкасте мы ищем реальные факты и делаем из них полезные предпринимателям выводы.

  • Главный русскоязычный подкаст про крипту, деньги и арбитраж

    ✅ Как заработать life change money капитал?

    ✅ Тренды в мире крипты и арбитража

    ✅ Правдивые истории успешных предпринимателей

    ✅ Как создать пассивный доход и добежать до цели в 20 млн $ личного капитала

    Как зарабатывают на крипте, арбитраже, мобильных приложениях, и инвестициях.

    Идея канала - рассказывать истории нового поколения предпринимателей (до 30 лет)

    Новое поколение = новая энергия / новые ниши / новые герои.

    ХЕДЛАЙНЕРЫ - про ЛЮДЕЙ, про ЖИЗНЬ. Без пафоса.

    По вопросам рекламы и сотрудничества писать в tg:

    Стать гостем подкаста: [email protected]

  • Welcome to the weekly OriGensXYZ show on Rug Radio where we discuss web3 Origin Stories with European Accent. Hosted by Nikita Cikaluk every Tue at 2pm GMT (9am EST), the show invites creators, founders and investors who have facilitated web3 mass adoption. The goal of the show is to create an intimate space to reveal the origins of who they are as people and what drives them and create connections and a steering show within the European hemisphere. The European web3 community is still young but already growing at an enormous pace and we want to get you connected with its OGs.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • The world of leadership is rife with information, listicles and re-hashed advice. We all know that we need to have more difficult conversations, be kinder and more empathetic with those we lead, and walk the path of servant leadership.

    And yet we rarely seem to get any closer to developing ourselves as the leaders we wish to be. Instead, we clutter our brains with more information, enact a new promise to ourselves and those around us to lean in and show up more powerfully than we did last time, and somehow remain running around in circles.

    There’s no shortage of advice available to create incremental change, and they provide exactly that: create incremental change. You get better at doing what you already do, but slightly faster and slightly better. Boring.

    This podcast will NOT provide you with incremental change. It will expose your hidden genius, unlock a new level of mastery in yourself, and, provide you paths to creating exponential power and growth.

  • Подкаст агентства контент-маркетинга PostPost о том, как маркетинг влияет на наши действия и на нашу жизнь в целом.

    Страница подкаста:

    Вы можете написать Пете: Instagram, fb, telegram: @digitalpetya
    Email: [email protected]

  • Hey. I’m Allison Scholes. My mission is to help female entrepreneurs create content in an authentic, easy, simple and fun way.

    I believe the content creation process should be exciting and easy, not time consuming! I am here to help you streamline your content creation plan, define and fine tune your personal brand, elevate your marketing skills, write better copy, implement an easy social media strategy and more. It’s finally time to create less, but BETTER content that makes a BIGGER impact.

    In this Podcast, you will find creative copy and content tips, hacks for social media and sales, business growth secrets, and expert guests who will help you blow up your business and bank account. Find exciting content creation episodes, branding strategies, social media hacks and more.

    It’s time to streamline your content plan and show up as your most authentic you!

    Connect with me:

  • Komunikācijas aģentūra A.W.Olsen & Partners par aktuālāko korporatīvajā komunikācijā

  • Now more than ever, B2B companies cannot survive without a clear, defined and functional revenue strategy.

    We present - The RevOps & ABM Alignment - a podcast that highlights the stories and expertise of B2B Go-To-Market specialists and their strategies for two highly effective motions - Revenue Operations and Account-Based Marketing.

    Here you can expect to hear from Sales, Marketing, Customer Success and Operations specialists that thrive in building revenue models that exceed expectations and allow companies to scale.

    Tune in to this bi-weekly podcast to learn more on how to make RevOps & ABM your ultimate revenue strategy advantage!

  • Edge & Flow Podcast is a joint effort between knife makers TJ Schwarz and Lucas Burnley, your hosts. Free flowing, unscripted conversations unfold as we endeavor to explore the knife industry, craftsmanship, business, creativity, and beyond.

  • Join the host of the Account Experience Podcast, Adam Dorrell, CEO & Co-Founder of CustomerGauge, as he explores how some of the world’s top brands in Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) are listening to B2B channel feedback in real-time using Net Promoter Score and arming their front-line sales teams to grow revenue and market share.

  • Marvin L Thomson, CFP® is the President/CEO of Great River Investments, LLC.

    Marvin has over 26 years of experience and his career has showcased a wide variety of responsibilities and knowledge. After graduating from Western Illinois University in 1994, he went to work for Horace Mann Insurance company as a multi-line insurance agent and registered representative in the Chicago western suburbs. After five years of working as an agent, he was promoted to Manager of the Northern Illinois Agency and was responsible for the sales goals, development and mentoring of agents in the designated territory.

    This Podcast is used to inform and motivate people about saving, earning, and learning about what to properly do with their MONEY!

  • Welcome to "The NFT Pioneers" Podcast. Our goal is to provide you with different perspectives on the NFT space from industry experts and bring on major brands to share how they tackle Web3. We'll always try to challenge the status quo and share controversial ideas. This podcast is brought to you by Nouz.

  • Podkāsts par mārketinga un reklāmas pasauli nopietni izklaidējošā mērcē.

  • The Quest for Epic Customer Support is a podcast for everyone who understands that customer support should prioritize effectiveness over efficiency, empathy over automation, and a transformational relationship over a transactional one. Each episode will explore the darkest hours in a customer’s journey through conversations with the customer support superstars who live to illuminate the path forward. If you understand that customer support isn’t just a cost center, it’s a loyalty center, then you’ve come to the right place.
    Welcome to The Quest for Epic Customer Support!

  • Welcome to the Direct Approach with Wayne Moorehead, an exclusive podcast by DSN where Wayne shares candid and insightful conversations with leading corporate executives about today’s evolving direct sales channel.

    Tune in every other Thursday for timely insights and relevant takeaways.

  • Immer wieder ergeben Befragungen, dass ein Großteil der Deutschen keinen Schimmer von wirtschaftlichen Zusammenhängen hat. Sowohl bei volkswirtschaftlichen, wirtschaftspolitischen aber auch betriebswirtschaftlichen und unternehmerischen Themen herrscht gefährliches Halbwissen!
    Damit wollen wir Schluß machen!
    In jeder Folge behandeln wir wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Themen sowohl theoretisch, als auch tagesaktuell, aber immer mit Humor um das Verständnis für diese Themen zu erweitern.

    Die Inhalte können überdies hilfreich beim Bestehen einer IHK- Fachwirteprüfung oder Klausuren an der Hochschule sein.

  • Mike'D Up! is hosted by Mike DiCioccio & Dave Ragosa and showcases inspiring entrepreneurs, award-winning authors, thought leaders, business and mindset coaches, peak performers, entertainers, and other talented individuals who join the show to share their personal stories & deliver key insights to help you level up and achieve your greatest dreams.