Videnskab – Slovenien – Anbefalede podcasts

  • Predstavljamo DŠFS strokovne podcaste Serotonin! Podcasti pokrivajo razno farmacevtsko, kozmetološko in ostalo zdravstveno tematiko. S podcasti želimo javnosti predstaviti različne poglede strokovnjakov na aktualno problematiko. Upamo, da se vam ob poslušanju podcastov sprosti nekaj hormona sreče - serotonina!

  • On this podcast, we talk all things truffles, foraging and dogs.

    Helping you connect to nature and deepen your relationship with your canine companion.

    Hear from experts and enthusiasts as they share their inspiring stories and bits of wisdom with you.

  • Listen to Medscape InDiscussion: Renal Cell Carcinoma, a podcast series where thought leaders and clinical experts share their diverse insights and practical ideas for optimizing patient care. Relevant disclosures can be found with the episode show notes on Medscape ( The topics and discussions are planned, produced, and reviewed independently of advertisers. This podcast is intended only for US healthcare professionals.

  • Are you ready to get your digital course out into the world but need help with the details and to-dos?

    Immerse yourself in the world of digital course creation with 'The Digital Course Creator Podcast,' expertly guided by Dr. Moira, a seasoned psychology professor and course creation expert. Each episode will address the multifaceted aspects of creating, developing, and refining online digital courses. We cover many topics, including crafting compelling content, implementing effective teaching strategies, selecting the right technological tools, and marketing your courses to attract the right students.

    Dr. Moira brings over 15 years of experience in education and entrepreneurship, combining insights from her academic background with real-world applications. This podcast is more than just a series of tips; it's a comprehensive guide to building a successful and impactful course creation business. From addressing the challenges of engaging student interaction to mastering the art of persuasive messaging, the podcast provides actionable insights for course creators at all levels.

    When you subscribe to 'The Digital Course Creator Podcast,' you join a community dedicated to excellence and innovation. Each episode promises to deliver valuable knowledge, whether you're in the early stages of course development or looking to scale and expand your offerings.

    Stay tuned for weekly episodes that dive into new perspectives, explore the latest technologies, and discuss trending ideas in the digital course industry, all while maintaining a focus on mindset, action, and compelling messaging.

  • Achieves of Sound-hiking around from Japan. Those focus on nature sounds and cultural sounds there.

  • Veliko pozornosti namenjamo izbiri sort semena poljščin, ki v naših pogojih dajejo najboljše rezultate. Radi svetujemo, da jih kmetovalci tudi v praksi dosegajo.

  • Body to Burial is a new podcast that follows the body trail from the crime scene to the final resting ground. Each week we bring you exclusive, in-depth, unscripted conversations with death and crime-adjacent professionals. These conversations explore the intricacies of their field and examine the physical, mental, and emotional toll that comes from making a living off of crime and death. Join us for a deep dive into the people and processes involved with death—from body to burial.

  • V podcastu Science Mamas klepetamo z uspešnimi znanstvenicami, ki so tudi mame različno starih otrok, o znanosti, o usklajevanju družinskega življenja in raziskovalnega dela, o izzivih s katerimi se srečujejo znanstvenice, o življenju in sploh vsem…

  • Bei PflanzenPlauderei kommen Pflanzen zu Wort! Lass dich von Blumen, Bäumen und Kräutern in ihre Welt entführen: Wie leben sie, was macht sie besonders, und welche Tipps haben sie für dich?..
    Wir haben uns versprochen kinderfreundlich zu sein und zu bleiben, dieser Podcast richtet sich an kleine Naturfreunde, die spielerisch mehr über die Natur erfahren wollen, aber auch an Erwachsene, die mit Gärtnern beginnen möchten. Humorvoll, informativ und herzlich – PflanzenPlauderei bringt Natur zum Zuhören!

  • The Downstream Column (DsC) is an online publication targeting members of the biologics industry. Our intent is to provide a community to share expertise and best practices as well as discuss topics of interest. The Downstream Column covers areas important to the research, discovery, development, and manufacture of biologic therapeutics. Key industry coverage areas include: purification, formulation, fill/finish and QA/QC for cell and gene therapies, vaccines, biologics, and emerging therapeutic modalities.

  • 💡 The world is full of questions, and science has the answers.

    🧠 Join Dr Emily Hughes, a social psychologist, and soon-to-be Dr Masha Remskar, a behavioural scientist, as they shed light on the science of health, wealth, and society. They’re here to translate the latest psychological research into actionable insights for your everyday decisions.

    🎙 New episodes out every Wednesday, starting 3rd January 2024. Subscribe now and join us in Getting Brighter—your weekly dose of science-backed tools for a healthier, happier you!

    💬 Follow us on Instagram, Threads, and Twitter @getbrighterpod to stay in the loop. We want to hear your thoughts and questions as we explore the science behind a brighter life!

  • On this podcast, you'll find interviews with high-performing successful individuals in Life Sciences. On a weekly basis, we cover their proven methods, principles, strategies, and mindsets to implement new technologies that scale to meet the needs of people in our world.

  • In dieser Podcast-Serie der Medical Tribune im Auftrag der Dr. Falk Pharma GmbH kommen Expert*innen der Gastroenterologie zu Wort, um aktuelle Themen und spannende Entwicklungen leicht verdaulich für Sie aufzuarbeiten. Dabei gibt es praxisnahe Einblicke in verschiedene gastroenterologische Krankheitsbilder von der Speiseröhre bis zum Dickdarm, deren Diagnostik und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten.

  • A half-hour dose of cosmic conversation with scientists, educators and students about the cosmos, scientific frontiers, scifi, comics, and more. Hosted by Dr. Charles Liu, PhD, an astrophysicist at the American Museum of Natural History. Support us on Patreon.

  • In Deutschland existiert ein ausgeprägtes Negativ-Narrativ. Bei Digitalisierung, Innovation, KI, Plattformen und Tech scheint das Land abgehängt. Doch entspricht dies der Wirklichkeit? Was aus unserer Sicht fehlt, ist mehr Optimismus und mehr Erfolgsgeschichten, die zeigen, wo Unternehmen in Deutschland spitze sind, aber auch, wo noch Potenziale schlummern. Im ersten Podcast mit Künstlicher Intelligenz als Host geht fischerAppelt auf eine Suchmission nach guten Ideen und konstruktiven Köpfen aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft.

  • Dinamični pogovori o: ✅ najnovejših in najbolj disruptivnih tehnoloških inovacijah, ✅ makrotrendih, ✅ dolgoročnem investiranju, ✅ filozofiji upravljanja ter ✅ vedenjskih financah. Na vaši najljubši podcast platformi.

  • Welcome to the "Setting Sails" podcast, hosted by Dr. Alexandra Jansky. Dive into the heart of a rapidly evolving landscape where Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is reshaping the way we think about teaching and learning. Each week, join Alexandra and a diverse panel of experts, enthusiasts, and critics as they tackle the most pressing ethical questions and explore the real impacts of AI on education. From the potential challenges to writing skills to the vast opportunities for increasing accessibility in higher education, this podcast is your go-to resource for understanding and navigating the integration of AI in educational practices. Whether you're an AI skeptic, an avid user, or an educator looking to adapt, our series promises to equip you with the necessary insights to contribute to a future where education is inclusive, effective, and thoughtfully enhanced by AI. Tune in here or on your favorite streaming platform to be part of the conversation that is shaping the future of education.

  • This is a weekly podcast discusses a variety of topics ranging from mental health, human performance, relationships and other scientific concepts that can be applied to everyday life. Our host Nicholas A. Davenport is former college professor, researcher and is currently the CEO of Mind.Body.1. where he trains the mental performance of a variety of populations such as professional athletes, military, law enforcement, corporations and much more! Every week we will either bring you a guest or an episode by Mr. Mental Muscle discussing a specific topic in depth.

  • Podkast Echo, pušča sledi, da jih ne bi puščali vi.
    Gradi mostove med razumevanjem in dejanskim napredkom na področju podnebne nevtralnosti. V času, ki je prepoznan kot ključen za spopadanje s podnebnimi ukrepi, očitno zaostajamo pri udejanjanju ukrepov.
    Echo ugotavlja, ali gre za:
    • nezaupanje strokovnjakom in političnim ciljem?
    • nepozavanje dejstev in možnosti?
    • nerazumevanje med različnimi deležniki?
    • Skrb, da bi škodovali poslovnemu uspehu?
    Morda je razlog drugje?!
    Podkast Echo z zanimivimi gosti odstira neznanke in razbija mite ter gradi znanje za prihodnost.