Throughout history, the unseen has affected the world. So many have tried to expose these forces to the world. But what if it takes a certain type of thought to do those? Are you willing to be one of those people that opens your mind to the invisible world around us?
Beyond Reason discusses various topics from ancient civilizations, conspiracy theories, medical advancements to prolong human life, space exploration, transhumanism, paranormal culture (Ghosts, extraterrestrial life, unidentified flying objects (UFOs), psychic abilities or extrasensory perception, and cryptids like Bigfoot and Lochness Monster, and religion culture such as Christianity, Hoodoo, and Wicca). Beyond Reason is more than a paranormal podcast, more than a conspiracy podcast… it is an examination of life and its mysteries.
The show is hosted by Justin Cancilliere, and is produced in Bismarck, ND. He has over 8 years of experience within the radio industry and has hosted and produced shows on BlogTalkRadio, Para-X Radio, and Shark Radio networks. He is also an aspiring writer and can usually be found in a quiet room of his home, writing a series of novels and short stories.
Beyond Reason is a production of New Lantern Media. -
“Our nation is in crisis. The questions Christ posed in his day, about truth, power, justice and of anyone who claimed to be his followers, offer clues for facing our current moment.” - Jim Wallis
Reclaiming Jesus Now with Jim Wallis is a ten-episode podcast series on the themes of Jim Wallis’ new book, Christ in Crisis: Why We Need to Reclaim Jesus. Wallis is joined by two voices from a rising generation of activists, William Matthews and Allison Trowbridge, who seek to reconcile their own spiritual journeys with the spiritual and political crises we face today.
Jim Wallis’ new book, and the conversations in this podcast, are organized around eight urgent and provocative questions Jesus Christ asked or provoked while pursuing his call:
The Neighbor QuestionThe Image QuestionThe Truth QuestionThe Power QuestionThe Fear QuestionThe Caesar QuestionThe Peacemaker QuestionThe Discipleship QuestionThese questions confront all of us with an invitation and a choice. How will you respond?
Go to: book.sojo.net
The Breakfast Show with Lawson and Joseph is your positive start to the day!
Join in for fun and sometimes hard discussions of current news, deep Bible studies, and interviews with special guests. We love to hear your thoughts on the topics and make you part of the conversation, so listen in and have your say. What’s more, you can text in to answer a quiz and win great prizes. Text us on 0491 064 669
The Breakfast Show airs live from Newcastle NSW each weekday from 7-9 am ADST (check the schedule for local times).
Breakfast Show Quiz T&C
To limit confusion and/or disappointment, here's the details about how quizzes work on the Breakfast Show
One winner will be chosen at random from all eligible entrants.
Employees and volunteers of the promoter are not eligible to enter.
Only one entry per household per quiz will be accepted (some shows have multiple quizzes, you may still have multiple entries if so).
Prizes are non-negotiable, non-transferable and non-refundable. No cash alternative is available. Where a prize becomes unavailable for any reason, the promoter reserves the right to substitute that prize for a prize of equal or higher value.
The name, address, email address and phone number of the winner must be provided to the promoter if requested and will be shared to enable fulfilment of the prize delivery and stored in the Faith FM database.
The promoter's decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into on the decision.
If you have won a prize in the last 4 weeks, we reserve the right to exclude you from the quiz till that time has passed.
You must hear and answer the quizzes correctly during the live show to go into the draw. We reserve the right to not repeat the question or correct your answers. -
Mundo Cristiano, producido por CBN News, informa lo que Dios está haciendo alrededor del mundo.
飯田浩司のOK!Cozy up!
https://radiko.jp/#!/live/LFRこのPodcastはそんな「飯田浩司のOK!Cozy up!」の
ON AIRを再編集して、世界中にお届けしています!
ぜひお楽しみください。 -
豊かで幸せになるための スピリチュアルラジオ番組
This is the latest news in English from NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN. This service is daily updated. For more information, please go to https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/. -
Veteran prosecutors Andrew Weissmann and Mary McCord discuss and dissect the cases against former President Donald Trump, including the historic indictments from the Manhattan D.A., Special Counsel Jack Smith and Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis.
Bilingual News is a free English and Japanese news podcast. Casual and unedited colloquial language learning experience through a weekly review of relevant news topics! Transcriptions for each episode are available via the Bilingual News: Transcripts app at itunes.com/bilingualnews.
Join us and improve your Japanese language ability! -
Experience the dynamic Ministry of Pastor Loren Larson in these anointed Messages. Your life will be touched and your heart changed by Spirit of God. Brother Larson has been anointed to teach and explain the Message of the Cross. Your faith will be challenged as you listen to these messages. These messages are taken from Bro. Loren Larson's daily Sonlife Radio Preaching Broadcast and recent Family Worship Center services aired over the Sonlife Broadcasting Network. For more information please visit www.jsm.org and www.sonlifetv.com
毎週月-木曜 15時30分~17時30分に ニッポン放送で生放送中のラジオ番組『辛坊治郎 ズーム そこまで言うか!』の公式アカウントです。辛坊治郎が政治・経済・文化・社会・芸能まで、今日一日のニュースの中から独自の視点でズーム!し、ニュースの見方や本質を解説。リスナーが「なるほど」と感じるニュースワイド番組です。番組ハッシュタグは「#辛坊治郎ズーム」です! #zoom1242
アシスタントは月-木曜通して増山さやかアナウンサー + 木曜は飯田浩司アナウンサーです。 -
EP1〜EP135はアメリカ文化、EP136〜EP192はイギリス文化、EP193〜アメリカ文化に着目! アメリカ英語とイギリス英語の違いも楽しんでくださいね☆
★英語のそーた 各種SNS
・Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/eigonosota/
・YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1nznQzS-aHtUaICqGy-4cg
・まるでネイティブのような発音が身につく魔法の法則40 → https://amzn.asia/d/bBa7UI5
→ https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4053057507?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_2BHPZQKBA1VPV5X53F8X
・Twitter → https://twitter.com/wn7m32g6uj31k?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor -
News, Music and Pop culture from a dumb actor, beat making rapper.
FM91.6MHz,AM1134kHz文化放送 毎週月曜~金曜13時から放送!「大竹まこと ゴールデンラジオ!」 今ある場所で起こっている現実を徹底追求! その筋の専門家にいろいろ聞いてみよう!
(木)関口靖彦(株式会社KADOKAWA 文芸局 キトラ編集部 部長)/天久聖一/望月衣塑子(東京新聞社会部記者)/ガンバレルーヤ/高橋源一郎(小説家、文芸評論家)
■ApplePodcast、Spotify、AmazonMusicなどをご利用の方は番組フォローをお願いします!■大竹まことゴールデンラジオ! プレイリスト一覧
・【NEW!!】大竹のもっと言いたい放題 - 大竹まこと ゴールデンラジオ!
・大竹メインディッシュ - 大竹まこと ゴールデンラジオ!
・大竹紳士交遊録 - 大竹まこと ゴールデンラジオ!
・オープニング - 大竹まこと ゴールデンラジオ!