
  • 1968年8月,苏联的坦克碾碎了捷克的自由之梦,哈维尔和昆德拉也因此而“大吵一架”,我们该如何认识那种极端艰难的形势?我们应做些什么?这场争论一直延续到今天,在习近平的高压统治下,我们是该心怀希望,坐以待变,还是该正视时局之难、路途之险,但依旧奋不顾身地反抗?

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  • 1968年8月,苏联的坦克碾碎了捷克的自由之梦,哈维尔和昆德拉也因此而“大吵一架”,我们该如何认识那种极端艰难的形势?我们应做些什么?这场争论一直延续到今天,在习近平的高压统治下,我们是该心怀希望,坐以待变,还是该正视时局之难、路途之险,但依旧奋不顾身地反抗?

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  • “弱肉强食、适者生存”适合用在人类社会吗?我们要接受成王败寇、枪杆子里出政权的逻辑吗?为什么总有人主张社会达尔文主义?它错在哪里?

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  • 你在上网发言、写文章、参加活动的时候,有没有过自我审查?什么是自我审查?为什么要自审查?过分的自我审查是不道德的吗?自我审查会带来什么后果?

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  • 来聊聊“体制内健康力量”吧,他们是谁?他们有哪些政治主张?他们跟这体制是什么关系?许多人对他们寄予厚望,他们有意愿和能力帮助中国摆脱独裁,走向民主和自由吗?

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  • 莫言因“侮辱英烈”被“爱国博主”起诉,一众宵小鼓掌欢呼,这是不是又一次“焚书坑儒”运动?这股妖风邪气从何而来?这是中共部署和怂恿的,还是极端“毛粉”想要的?文革是否正在中国死灰复燃?对现时和未來的中国生活将有什么样的影响?

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  • 习近平上台后,把各种权力抓在自己的手心,有人因此而指习为“有手腕”,甚至有人说他是“权术高手”,那么,这所谓的“权术”指的究竟是什么?习近平的弄权之路真有那么高明奥妙吗?这种崇拜权术的黑暗哲学是如何形成的,对中国的今天和未来会有什么样的影响?马聚、滕彪、慕容雪村一起聊聊习近平的弄权之路。

    After coming to power, Xi Jinping centralized various powers in his own hands, leading some to describe him as "skilful" and even a "master of power tactics." What exactly does this "power tactic" refer to? Is Xi Jinping's path to power really as sophisticated and intricate as some believe? How did this dark philosophy of idolizing power tactics form, and what impact might it have on China's present and future? Ma Ju, Teng Biao, and Murong Xuecun delve into Xi Jinping's power maneuvers.

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  • 纳瓦尔尼之死,会不会是又一起普京招牌式的政治暗杀?普京为什么要搞政治暗杀?对于纳瓦尔尼之死与刘晓波之死,为什么国际社会的态度迥异?陈军、滕彪、慕容雪村一起探讨“英雄死于狱中:从纳瓦尔尼到刘晓波”,欢迎朋友们收听。

    Could Navalny's death be another signature political assassination by Putin? Why would Putin resort to political assassination? Why does the international community react differently to the deaths of Navalny and Liu Xiaobo? Chen Jun, Teng Biao, and Murong Xuecun discuss "Heroes Die in Prison: From Navalny to Liu Xiaobo." Tune in to join the conversation.

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  • 1989年至今,很多人不断预测,中共会在两三年内或五年或十年内垮台,这些没有应验的“中国崩溃论”一再出现,背后反映了什么?中共会长久统治下去吗?它会不会像齐奧塞斯库那样突然垮台?共产党的崩溃意味着中国的崩溃吗?陈军、滕彪、慕容雪村再度开聊, 一起探讨《中共崩溃论》。

    Since 1989, many have continuously predicted that the CCP would collapse within two or three years, or five, or ten years. These unfulfilled 'China collapse theories' keep emerging, what do they reflect? Will the CCP rule for a long time? Could it suddenly collapse like Ceaușescu? Does the fall of the Communist Party mean the collapse of China? Chen Jun, Teng Biao, and Murong Xuecun discuss again, exploring the 'CCP Collapse Theory' together.

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  • 1989年至今,很多人不断预测,中共会在两三年内或五年或十年内垮台,这些没有应验的“中国崩溃论”一再出现,背后反映了什么?中共会长久统治下去吗?它会不会像齐奧塞斯库那样突然垮台?共产党的崩溃意味着中国的崩溃吗?陈军、滕彪、慕容雪村再度开聊, 一起探讨《中共崩溃论》。

    Since 1989, many have continuously predicted that the CCP would collapse within two or three years, or five, or ten years. These unfulfilled 'China collapse theories' keep emerging, what do they reflect? Will the CCP rule for a long time? Could it suddenly collapse like Ceaușescu? Does the fall of the Communist Party mean the collapse of China? Chen Jun, Teng Biao, and Murong Xuecun discuss again, exploring the 'CCP Collapse Theory' together.

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  • 中国人是不可救药的民族吗?中国是一个只配被“核平”的地方吗?这些在互联网上广泛传播的言论,有什么样的心理学和社会学基础?陈军、滕彪和慕容雪村在一起探讨“支黑现象”的由来及影响。

    Are Chinese people an incurable nation? Is China a place that only deserves to be 'nuked'? These opinions, widely spread on the internet, what are their psychological and sociological foundations? Chen Jun, Teng Biao, and Murong Xuecun discuss the origins and impacts of the 'anti-China sentiment' phenomenon.

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  • 在滕彪对陈健民的专访中,他们深入探讨了民主转型的理论和实践,特别是在中国和其他亚洲国家的背景下。陈建民教授分享了他对导师胡安·林茲在民主转型研究中的开创性贡献的看法,并讨论了林茲的理论如何适用于分析后毛泽东时代的中国政治体制。陈教授还探讨了民主化研究的新趋势,包括经济发展与民主化之间的关系,以及公民社会在推动政治变革中的作用。此外,访谈还涉及了威权主义的回潮、民主国家与独裁国家之间的经济依赖,以及大国民主化的特殊挑战。

    陈健民,香港著名学者和活动家, 原香港中文大学教授,“占中三子”之一,现为台湾国立政治大学社会学系客座教授。

    In Teng Biao's interview with Chan Kin-man, they thoroughly explored the theories and practices of democratic transition, especially regarding China and other Asian countries. Professor Chan shared insights on Juan Linz's pioneering contributions to the study of democratic transitions and how Linz's theories apply to China's political system after Mao Zedong. They also discussed new trends in democratization research, the relationship between economic development and democratization, the role of civil society in political change, the resurgence of authoritarianism, economic dependencies between democratic and authoritarian states, and the unique challenges of democratization in large nations.

    Chan Kin-man is a renowned scholar and activist from Hong Kong, formerly a professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and one of the "Occupy Central Trio". He currently serves as a visiting professor in the Department of Sociology at National Chengchi University in Taiwan.

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  • 在滕彪对陈健民的专访中,他们深入探讨了民主转型的理论和实践,特别是在中国和其他亚洲国家的背景下。陈建民教授分享了他对导师胡安·林茲在民主转型研究中的开创性贡献的看法,并讨论了林茲的理论如何适用于分析后毛泽东时代的中国政治体制。陈教授还探讨了民主化研究的新趋势,包括经济发展与民主化之间的关系,以及公民社会在推动政治变革中的作用。此外,访谈还涉及了威权主义的回潮、民主国家与独裁国家之间的经济依赖,以及大国民主化的特殊挑战。

    陈健民,香港著名学者和活动家, 原香港中文大学教授,“占中三子”之一,现为台湾国立政治大学社会学系客座教授。

    In Teng Biao's interview with Chan Kin-man, they thoroughly explored the theories and practices of democratic transition, especially regarding China and other Asian countries. Professor Chan shared insights on Juan Linz's pioneering contributions to the study of democratic transitions and how Linz's theories apply to China's political system after Mao Zedong. They also discussed new trends in democratization research, the relationship between economic development and democratization, the role of civil society in political change, the resurgence of authoritarianism, economic dependencies between democratic and authoritarian states, and the unique challenges of democratization in large nations.

    Chan Kin-man is a renowned scholar and activist from Hong Kong, formerly a professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and one of the "Occupy Central Trio". He currently serves as a visiting professor in the Department of Sociology at National Chengchi University in Taiwan.

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  • 在滕彪对陈纯的专访中,陈纯深入讨论了自己对政治哲学的理解,特别是分析哲学风格的政治哲学以及罗尔斯的政治自由主义。他探讨了左翼自由主义的概念及其与中国大陆流行的右翼自由主义的区别。陈纯还分享了自己对政治现象学的看法,以及如何将西方政治哲学理论应用于中国语境中遇到的挑战。此外,访谈还触及了中国政治体制的批评以及陈纯对中国知识分子态度的分析。


    In the interview with Teng Biao, Chen Chun delves into his understanding of political philosophy, particularly analytic philosophy and John Rawls' political liberalism. He discusses the concept of left-wing liberalism and its distinction from the right-wing liberalism prevalent in Mainland China. Chen also shares his views on political phenomenology and the challenges of applying Western political philosophy theories in the Chinese context. Additionally, the interview touches on critiques of the Chinese political system and Chen's analysis of the attitudes of Chinese intellectuals.

    Dr. Chen Chun is a young scholar who specializes in political philosophy, ethics, history of thought, and contemporary Chinese political culture. He is the author of "The Rebirth of Liberalism and Political Virtue" and "The Shadow of Nationalism: Scholars, Populism, and Minorities.

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  • 在滕彪对陈纯的专访中,陈纯深入讨论了自己对政治哲学的理解,特别是分析哲学风格的政治哲学以及罗尔斯的政治自由主义。他探讨了左翼自由主义的概念及其与中国大陆流行的右翼自由主义的区别。陈纯还分享了自己对政治现象学的看法,以及如何将西方政治哲学理论应用于中国语境中遇到的挑战。此外,访谈还触及了中国政治体制的批评以及陈纯对中国知识分子态度的分析。


    In the interview with Teng Biao, Chen Chun delves into his understanding of political philosophy, particularly analytic philosophy and John Rawls' political liberalism. He discusses the concept of left-wing liberalism and its distinction from the right-wing liberalism prevalent in Mainland China. Chen also shares his views on political phenomenology and the challenges of applying Western political philosophy theories in the Chinese context. Additionally, the interview touches on critiques of the Chinese political system and Chen's analysis of the attitudes of Chinese intellectuals.

    Dr. Chen Chun is a young scholar who specializes in political philosophy, ethics, history of thought, and contemporary Chinese political culture. He is the author of "The Rebirth of Liberalism and Political Virtue" and "The Shadow of Nationalism: Scholars, Populism, and Minorities.

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  • 在滕彪对Marie Holzman的专访中,Marie 分享了她对中国人权现状的深刻见解。从1975年她首次踏足北京开始,她就对中国产生了浓厚的兴趣。Holzman 讲述了她与中国异议人士的接触经历,探讨了在中国复杂的政治环境中推动人权议题的挑战,并反思了这些问题对全球人权话语的影响。

    Marie Holzman(侯芷明):法国汉学家,教授,记者,翻译家。中国团结基金会(Solidarité Chine)主席

    In an interview with Teng Biao, Marie Holzman shared her profound insights into the human rights situation in China, starting from her first visit to Beijing in 1975. Marie recounted her interactions with Chinese dissidents, the challenges of promoting human rights issues in China's complex political environment, and the impact of these issues on global human rights discourse.

    Marie Holzman is a French sinologist, professor, journalist, and translator. She is the president of the Solidarité Chine.

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  • 在滕彪对Marie Holzman的专访中,Marie 分享了她对中国人权现状的深刻见解。从1975年她首次踏足北京开始,她就对中国产生了浓厚的兴趣。Holzman 讲述了她与中国异议人士的接触经历,探讨了在中国复杂的政治环境中推动人权议题的挑战,并反思了这些问题对全球人权话语的影响。

    Marie Holzman(侯芷明):法国汉学家,教授,记者,翻译家。中国团结基金会(Solidarité Chine)主席

    In an interview with Teng Biao, Marie Holzman shared her profound insights into the human rights situation in China, starting from her first visit to Beijing in 1975. Marie recounted her interactions with Chinese dissidents, the challenges of promoting human rights issues in China's complex political environment, and the impact of these issues on global human rights discourse.

    Marie Holzman is a French sinologist, professor, journalist, and translator. She is the president of the Solidarité Chine.

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  • 在滕彪对石井知章教授的专访中,石井教授分享了他对中国研究的浓厚兴趣是如何萌生的,以及他的语言学习经历。他详细讨论了自己对马克思、列宁和毛泽东思想的理解,以及他对比较西方和中国马克思主义观点的看法。石井教授还探讨了他对中国政治、社会结构和工人运动的观点,以及他对中国未来民主化进程的思考。此外,视频还包括了石井教授对中国政治体制的批评和他对中国知识分子态度的分析。

    In the interview conducted by Teng Biao with Professor Tomoaki Ishii, Professor Ishii shared how his intense interest in China studies originated and his experience in language learning. He discussed in detail his understanding of the thoughts of Marx, Lenin, and Mao Zedong, as well as his views on the comparison between Western and Chinese interpretations of Marxism. Professor Ishii also explored his perspectives on Chinese politics, social structure, and the labor movement, along with his thoughts on the future process of democratization in China. Additionally, the video includes Professor Ishii's critique of the Chinese political system and his analysis of the attitudes of Chinese intellectuals.

    石井知章(Tomoaki Ishii),政治学家, 日本明治大学商学部教授,兼任韩国高丽大学、美国斯坦福大学、中国南京大学访问研究员。

    Tomoaki Ishii, a political scientist, is a professor at the Faculty of Commerce of Meiji University in Japan. He also serves as a visiting researcher at Korea University in South Korea, Stanford University in the United States, and Nanjing University in China.

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  • 在滕彪对石井知章教授的专访中,石井教授分享了他对中国研究的浓厚兴趣是如何萌生的,以及他的语言学习经历。他详细讨论了自己对马克思、列宁和毛泽东思想的理解,以及他对比较西方和中国马克思主义观点的看法。石井教授还探讨了他对中国政治、社会结构和工人运动的观点,以及他对中国未来民主化进程的思考。此外,视频还包括了石井教授对中国政治体制的批评和他对中国知识分子态度的分析。

    In the interview conducted by Teng Biao with Professor Tomoaki Ishii, Professor Ishii shared how his intense interest in China studies originated and his experience in language learning. He discussed in detail his understanding of the thoughts of Marx, Lenin, and Mao Zedong, as well as his views on the comparison between Western and Chinese interpretations of Marxism. Professor Ishii also explored his perspectives on Chinese politics, social structure, and the labor movement, along with his thoughts on the future process of democratization in China. Additionally, the video includes Professor Ishii's critique of the Chinese political system and his analysis of the attitudes of Chinese intellectuals.

    石井知章(Tomoaki Ishii),政治学家, 日本明治大学商学部教授,兼任韩国高丽大学、美国斯坦福大学、中国南京大学访问研究员。

    Tomoaki Ishii, a political scientist, is a professor at the Faculty of Commerce of Meiji University in Japan. He also serves as a visiting researcher at Korea University in South Korea, Stanford University in the United States, and Nanjing University in China.

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  • 在滕彪对林培瑞(Perry Link)教授的专访中,讨论重点放在西方政治家和学者对中国政府和中国共产党的误解及天真看法上。本次访谈深入探讨了中国语言和文化的复杂性,这些通常不为外国人所完全理解,即便是那些自认为是中国问题专家的人也是如此。采访涉及的主题多样,包括语言障碍的影响、西方人的简化观点、中国共产党的角色,以及这些因素如何影响国际理解和中外关系。对话还深入揭示了中国政府和共产党内部的动态,指出了外界常常忽视的细微差别和层次。

    林培瑞(Perry Link),著名汉学家,加州大学河滨分校讲座教授。

    In Teng Biao‘s exclusive interview with Professor Perry Link, the focus is on the misunderstandings and naivety of Western politicians and scholars regarding the Chinese government and the Communist Party of China. The discussion delves into the complexities of the Chinese language and culture, often not fully understood by foreigners, including those who consider themselves experts on China. The interview covers a range of topics, such as the impact of language barriers, oversimplified views of the West, the role of the Communist Party of China, and how these factors affect international understanding and Sino-foreign relations. The conversation also reveals the dynamics between the Chinese government and the Communist Party, highlighting subtle differences and nuances often overlooked by outsiders.

    Perry Link, a renowned sinologist and a Distinguished Professor at the University of California, Riverside.

    关于中文在线课程的具体内容请参见这里; 关注中国政辩的Youtube频道 关注中国政辩的Telegram频道 前往Telegram,参与中国往何处去讨论群的讨论 在Twitter上关注中国政辩和滕彪 中国民主转型研究所: