
  • 背景音乐

    单纯的人 - Point



    Riddle Apple Podcast

    Riddle 喜马拉雅

    Riddle Wechat公众号 「流浪Riddle」

    Riddle Instagram 

    Patreon Page 

  • 《数星星的夜》& 雨中的爱情故事  by Amelia

    背景音乐 Caesarxmw - “Obsession", Tracy Chapman - Let It Rain, 艾米里阿 - Let it Rain, Radiohead - True Love Waits 

    Riddle Apple Podcast

    Riddle 喜马拉雅

    Riddle Wechat公众号 「流浪Riddle」

    Riddle Instagram 

    Patreon Page 






    我 无忧无虑













    一颗星关于妈妈 妈妈






    此刻 灿烂的星光落满山坡






    (1941. 11. 5.)







    별 헤는 밤


    季節계절이 지나가는 하늘에는

    가을로 가득 차있습니다。

    나는 아무 걱정도 없이

    가을속의 별들을 다 헤일듯합니다。

    가슴속에 하나 둘 색여지는 별을

    이제 다 못헤는것은

    쉬이 아츰이 오는 까닭이오、

    來日내일밤이 남은 까닭이오、

    아직 나의 靑春청춘이 다하지 않은 까닭입니다。

    별 하나에 追憶추억과

    별 하나에 사랑과

    별 하나에 쓸쓸함과

    별 하나에 憧憬동경과

    별 하나에 詩시와

    별 하나에 어머니、어머니、

    어머님、나는 별 하나에 아름다운 말 한마디식 불러봅니다。 小學校소학교 때 冊床책상을 같이 햇든 아이들의 일홈과 佩패、鏡경、玉옥 이런 異國少女이국소녀들의 일홈과 벌서 애기 어마니 된 게집애들의 일홈과、가난한 이웃사람들의 일홈과、비둘기、강아지、토끼、노새、노루、「ᅋᅮ랑시쓰·쨤」 「라이넬·마리아·릴케」 이런 詩人시인의 일홈을 불러봅니다。

    이네들은 너무나 멀리 있습니다。

    별이 아슬이 멀듯이、


    그리고 당신은 멀리 北間島북간도에 게십니다。

    나는 무엇인지 그러워

    이많은 별빛이 나린 언덕우에

    내 일홈자를 써보고、

    흙으로 덥허 버리엿습니다。

    따는 밤을 새워 우는 버레는

    부끄러운 일홈을 슬퍼하는 까닭입니다。


    그러나 겨을이 지나고 나의별에도 봄이 오면

    무덤우에 파란 잔디가 피여나듯이

    내일홈자 묻힌 언덕우에도

    자랑처럼 풀이 무성 할게외다。

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  • Big Sis Hitchhiking in Tibet 大妹西藏搭车 by Vasthi


    背景音乐 Caesarxmw - “Obsession"

    Riddle Apple Podcast

    Riddle 喜马拉雅

    Riddle Wechat公众号 「流浪Riddle」

    Riddle Instagram 

    Patreon Page 

    哈喽!我是Vashti, 朋友们都叫我大妹,性格使然加上个高笑声狂饭量大,得此名号,我可喜欢了!认识Yuan还是经由朋友Ellen介绍,说“你俩都在做(我曾经做过书屋,而且都不约而同地觉得这是件极致浪漫的事”。这可不,咱一拍即合!这家伙还在四撒明信片,我已经收到了一张。又被他说 ‘写篇文吧,稿费是一张明信片’ 轻易地给收买了,于是就有了下面这篇回忆。 

    Hallo. This is Vashti and all my peeps call me Big Sis. The reasons why I rock this nickname are 1. I laugh loudly and 2. eat a lot. I so dig this name. I know Yuan through our common friend Ellen. She said, "You both tried your own bookstore (me in past tense) and somehow you happen to deem this as extremely romantic." Well, we hit it off right away. This fellow is also spreading postcards here and there and I've already received one. This time he asked me, "Write something for me, will ya? I'll pay you with another postcard." And that was a cheap bribe to get me on the hook. Then such a memoir was penned down. 


    It was early autumn in 2016 and  I was working in Beijing. I had invited my folks to Chengdu from Malaysia. Our goal: to realize my old man's Tibetan dream. Devoting his life as a clergy, he yearned for all religious holy lands and Tibet was one of them. Other than altitude sickness and little spats among us, it was a visual spectacle and spiritual shock for this 8-day trip.


    The story with a stranger happened at the Everest Base Camp. 


    On a minibus with our fellow travelers, we zigzagged forward through the roads in the mountains. Soon the shape of Mount Everest, hidden behind small other mountains, came to our sight. It was around 3 p.m. and Everest was surrounded by thick clouds. After getting to the base camp, we walked about around the camp and then headed back to our hostel. Mount Everest was still being shy among all the clouds. Refusing to be bummed out by his shyness and knowing it was 3 kilometers from my current location to the camp, I asked our guide to let me stay until the clouds vanished. Our guide was pretty wordy about things I should be warned about and left with one comment: "I understand how you feel." She then led my folks and the rest of the gang to the bus, returning to our hostel.

    我架起了三脚架,找个舒服的地儿抱着保温瓶席地而坐,目不转睛地盯着珠峰方向。两小时过去了…… 就在天色逐渐暗下来的最后五分钟,突然云散,珠峰现形,一米金色的阳光洒满营地!日暮,落日没入群山,入夜。那时候,独自一人激动地在原地跳阿跳阿,嗯对,就跳了两下,即刻头晕目眩……高反的真实体验用户本人!

    I set up my tripod and sat down in a cozy spot, my arms warmed by my thermos bottle and my eyes fixed on Mount Everest. 2 hours passed and the sky darkened. Yet, 5 minutes prior to complete darkness, the clouds suddenly disappeared, showing the true colors of Mount Everest. A beam of golden sunshine scattered across the camp. 5 minutes later, sun set behind the mountains. So evening started. I was jumping up and down on my spot, unleashing my unbridled excitement. Mmmh. Yeah. my unbridled excitement powered merely 2 jumps before my head started spinning. I am a real-life altitude sickness customer!

    拾起三脚架,就着一点点的光,开始返回。这时候发现了问题,我压根没法走得快,走三步歇一步。更让我忧心的是,我没法有效呼吸。就是努力深呼吸,也感觉不到氧气进入肺里的畅快。呀... 在平地的三公里和在高原的三公里,我怎么办?边想办法边缓慢地前进。真的超级超级慢,看着手表已经过去20分钟了,我回头还能看见大本营的入口,也就是说我还没走出百米。 

    With the dim light, I walked back with my tripod. A problem occurred. I was unable to walk fast. 3 steps forward and 1 step for a break. What's more concerning, I couldn't breathe effectively. I tried to inhale, yet failing to feel the sensation of oxygen entering my lungs. Oh, my. 3 k on flatland and 3 k on a plateau, apples and oranges. What can I do? Contemplating that, I trudged forward. I walked so slow that 20 minutes passed, I could still see the entrance of the base when I looked back, which indicated that I walked for merely hundreds of meters. 


    At this moment, my mind recollected my hitchhiking experiences in other countries. "Why not? In China, I hadn't tried that yet."

    咻~ 一辆车飞驰而过, 我挥动着手臂试图引起注意。“没事!第一辆呢!”

    Swoosh...A car flew by. I swung my arms to get its attention. "It's OK. Only car NO.1!"

    咻~ 又一辆车经过,我满怀希望看了一眼司机,哎,没看清呢 车走远了...

    Swoosh...Another one. I looked at the driver with hope. Sigh, the car went far...

    咻~ 再一辆车经过,大拇指在空中有点落寞。“没关系,好事成双,咱双位数开始数,这是第11辆。”

    Swoosh...Another one. My thumb in the air felt a bit lonely. "It's OK. Good things come in doubles. Let's start with an even number. This is car NO.11."

    咻~ 咻~ 咻~ 咻~ 咻~...Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh...


    I lost count. My exciting heart had cost me more oxygens. Hyperventilating, I was so tired that I squatted down beside the road. It was pitch dark and I had nothing to reflect the lights and my phone died. But my thumb was still rising with its strong will. Tears were welled up in my eyes and my mouth went pouty. I was thinking with a heavy heart, "mom and dad must be worried. Should I just make do with sleeping beside the road tonight? Should I find a cozier spot to lie down for the moment? I can't breathe. It's too much..."

    哎,我旁边怎么一大阴影,转过去看还有轮胎... 抬头看,黝黑的司机大哥亮着一口大白牙看着我:“唷!你没事吧!上哪去?来,上车吧!” 我...我!! 我搭车成功了!!!

    "What? What's up with the shade?" I turned my head and saw a wheel. I looked up and a driver with sun-tanned skin and white teeth stared, "Oy, you all right? Where to? Come, hop on!" I, I, just hitchhiked!!!

    四轮驱动车上有司机一名,摄影师一名,还有一对盛装打扮的男女。上车后,我梗咽地说了一下目的地,接着打从心底放松地说了一句 “哎哟喂呀……!!” 把一车人都逗笑了! 司机大哥问我蹲在哪里多久了?摄影大哥笑说远远地看,以为我是长了独角的动物,后来发现那是我高举着的大拇指。女孩特别贴心地倒了半杯温水给我。我简短说了一下我的 “历险”,男孩瞪大眼睛地看着我说 :“你自己一个人,不担心自己被狼叼走吗?”我瞪大眼睛回看着他一句话也说不出来。后来还是司机大哥打破僵局说他是开玩笑的。

    On this 4X4 vehicle, there was a driver, a photographer, and a snappy-dressed couple. I told them where I wanted to go and said an "Aiyo...!!" with great relief from the bottom of my heart.  It made everyone burst with peals of laughter. Mr. driver asked me how long I'd squatted down there. Mr. photographer thought I was an animal with a unicorn from afar and then realized it was my thumb. The girl poured half a bottle of warm water for me. I briefly told them about my "adventure". The boy looked at me with widening eyes, "You're all alone here. Aren't you afraid that the wolves might get you?" Equalling his widening eyes, I looked at him, tongue-twisted. Then Mr. Driver broke the ice, saying that it was all a joke.


    It didn't take long for me to get to my hostel. After getting off, I asked for a group picture. We bade farewell with a "Tashi Delek".  Too bad I can't find that pic now.


    I still remember I walked slowly to the restaurant where everyone was dining. With hot tea in my hands, I said to my mom, dad and the gang, "I think, the spirits in the mountains took good care of me today."

  • Swansea Cigarette Ladies 斯旺西抽烟的女士 by Via


    背景音乐 Caesarxmw - 森林里, Tears in the Sea, Real Sea, 2019, Soul 

    Riddle Apple Podcast

    Riddle 喜马拉雅

    Riddle Wechat公众号 「流浪Riddle」

    Riddle Instagram 

    Patreon Page 

    It was my second day in Swansea and I was going to Rhossili. The bus to Rhossili from Swansea comes every hour. Unluckily, It passed 3 minutes before I arrived at the bus stop for buying some drawing stuff. So I grabbed a coffee and sat outside of the cafe to wait for the bus.


    "Do you mind we sit here if we smoke?" An old lady came and asked."Of course not," I said.
    “你介意我坐在这儿吗?我们会抽烟。” 一位年长的女士走过来问。“我不介意。”
    To be honest I didn’t hear it clearly because I was doing the sketch. But I never refuse the chance to talk with strangers while traveling. She sat down in the chair diagonally in front of me, took off the mask and put on her sunglasses. Then she took out a cigarette.  A moment later, another lady with a cane came out of the cafe.


    "Look what she drew!" A vivid voice came from behind. 

    “看她画的!” 一个声音从我身后传来。

    She sat down strenuously, putting her cane aside and taking out her cigarette case. It was a metallic case covered with leather. They lit up the cigarettes.


    "Do you live here?" She asked."No, it’s my second day here in Swansea. I’m on holiday. I live in London."

    “你住在这儿吗?” 我对面的女士问道。“不, 这是我在这儿的第二天。我正在度假,我住在伦敦。”

    "Swansea was not like this when I was a child. It had a lot of shops in the town centre. Now they are all cafes. I'm eighty-seven." She blew out a stream of smoke."You don't seem to be." I started to sketch her sneakingly, looking at her eyes."Age is not a big deal. It's fine because my brain is energetic. I don't want to live forever. That’s scary." She pointed at her head.…


    "You are asking too much, she’s drawing." The lady with sunglasses patted her shoulder. "Actually I'm sketching you… I'm sorry. Do you mind?" I confessed. 


    She glanced at my paper and pulled a face."Are you capturing my face?""Swansea was destroyed in World War 2…" Back to this topic again. She kept talking about how people were killed and escaped during the war.

    她瞟了一眼我的画本,然后做了个鬼脸。“你在画我的脸吗?” “斯旺西在二战的时候被炸毁了…“话题又回到二战了。她讲了很多关于二战在英国的情景。

    I was hesitating whether to tell them I was waiting for the bus. I missed my bus again.


    "Am I too noisy?" She asked twice. In the meantime, the lady with sunglasses noticed that I was sketching her and changed her smoking pose just like the models in the fashion magazine.


    "You drew me like a man." She watched my drawing carefully. Both of them have short hair.


    They finished their coffee and stood up. "I'm glad that we chose to sit at this table to meet you today, Via. We come to grab a coffee from time to time. Hope to see you again." "Don’t forget to add my wrinkles!" The lady with sunglasses said before she left.

    她们喝完了咖啡准备离开。“我很高兴我们今天坐在一张桌子上聊天。很高兴见到你Via。我们时不时地就会来这里喝咖啡。希望能再见到你。” “别忘记把我的皱纹画上去。”那位戴墨镜的女士说。

    I decided to post postcards during Christmas to this cafe. Maybe the cafe will forward the card to the cigarette ladies can receive them. Who knows?


  • 背景音乐 Underworld - Born Slippy (NUXX)


    词:袁丕业 曲:王熹茗


















































  • 背景音乐

    苏紫旭&The Paramecia - 没有你

    HOME - Resonance

    Nils Frahm - Ode

    Alexandr Misko - Misirlou

    刺猬 - 浪花游(环境版) A Spray's Trip(Ambience Version)

    荷尔蒙小姐 - 船

    Hans Zimmer,Benjamin Wallfisch - Mesa

    keshi - bandaids

    Riddle Apple Podcast

    Riddle 喜马拉雅

    Riddle Wechat公众号 「流浪Riddle」

    Riddle Instagram 

    Patreon Page 

  • Strawberry Banana Smoothie 草莓香蕉奶昔 by Patrick Manno


    背景音乐 Priscilla Ahn - I Don't Have Time To Be In Love, Luke Faulkner,Ian Urbina - Resignation, SOJA,Trevor Young - Things You Can't Control

    Riddle Apple Podcast

    Riddle 喜马拉雅

    Riddle Wechat公众号 「流浪Riddle」

    Riddle Instagram 

    Patreon Page 

    “I want the strawberry banana smoothie,” my son said, pointing at the menu behind the cashier.


    It was the first time seeing him since he left to stay with his grandparents a month ago; the three of them just arrived from their seven-and-a-half-hour road trip. The dark green-colored smoothie stand looked a bit sad and isolated compared to the other stands in the food court, but I couldn’t say no. 


     “One strawberry banana smoothie, please.”“Would you like that regular or large?” asked the cashier.“Regular, please.”




    The boundaries of spoilage had to be put back in place, after all. The smoothie arrived and my son wasted no time popping a straw into it and taking a few gulps before handing it off to me. He then went to his grandparents, excited to see if there were any other treats in the area to try. I looked at my wife and we rolled our eyes in sync, then looked down at the smoothie in my hand before taking a sip myself.


    “Pretty good, actually,” I said. My wife took a sip and made a slow nod of approval with puckered lips of surprise.


    As we were walking down the street I found myself taking sip after sip of the smoothie. Only half was left. Bad Daddy. I hoped my son would be too distracted by other things to notice.


    Then a little girl holding an ice cream cone walked out of a shop with her parents. My son was the first to notice. He quickly disappeared into the shop, his grandparents on his tail. I took another sip of the smoothie as I followed them in.


    It turned out that the shop was actually a hand-crafted chocolate shop that also made its own ice cream. I gave him his space with his grandparents at the ice cream section as I casually perused the chocolates with my wife. She then went to check out the ice cream herself, leaving me alone in the dark chocolate section.


    Dark chocolate with pecans, dark chocolate with almonds, dark chocolate with orange peel—it all looked tantalizing. I grabbed some dark chocolate with sea salt. When I looked over at the checkout, I saw my son and dad with big ice cream cones—with even bigger smiles —and heading towards the exit, my mom and wife following behind. 


    No more time to look. I headed to the cashier.


    “How are you today?” she asked. She was tall, dark-skinned, and seemed young, but it was impossible to tell with her face mask on.

    “I'm well, thank you,” The generic, standard response. “How are you?”

    “Doing just fine!” she said. My maskless face gave a gentle yet awkward smile of acknowledgment.

    “你今天过得怎么样?” 她问。收银员的个子很高,皮肤黝黑,看上去很年轻,但隔着口罩根本无法看出她的年龄。



    “What flavor is that?” she asked as she scanned the chocolate.

    “I'm sorry?” I heard her and knew what she was referring to.

    “Your smoothie, what flavor is it?”

    “Oh, it’s strawberry banana.”





    “That’s a good one!” I could sense a smile under her mask. Then time froze. For a fleeting moment, despite the boundaries of time and space, of mask and counter, she and I shared a shallow yet substantial connection that was, at its core, a palpable affinity between two strangers.


    “Yeah, it is.” I didn’t say it was my son’s, nor asked her what her favorite was. The moment stupefied me.


    I swiped my credit card. When the reader asked me how much I want to tip, I chose twenty percent.


    “Have a good one,” I said to her.

    “You too!”



    As I walked towards the exit, I took another sip of the strawberry banana smoothie, and it only seemed to taste better. 


  • 川藏骑行中相遇的调兵老男孩 D-Town Boys Cycling in Tibet by Yuan


    背景音乐 Priscilla Ahn - I Don't Have Time To Be In Love, Luke Faulkner - Life and loss, 昨夜派对(L.N Party)- Love Is The Key, 罗布桑珠,巴金旺甲 - 珠峰天使

    Riddle Apple Podcast  

    Riddle 喜马拉雅 

    Riddle Wechat Blogs

    Riddle Instagram 

    Patreon Page 

    "You, son? From Diaobingshan as well? No way!!" 


    I grew up in a very small town called Diaobingshan in the Northeastern part of China. If you have a hard time picturing where that is, then you're not alone. Well, to make your geology mind at peace, I'm going to point you in a general direction of where my hometown is: it's not far from the border of North Korea. 


    Now, back to the conversation at the beginning of the story. It was the summer of 2019. My daredevil buddies Xunxun, Xiaomao and the less daredevil-minded yet strong-minded I embarked on one of the most physically challenging trips in our lives: riding a bicycle through the Tibetan Plateau to our "mecca"--Potala Palace in Lhasa. Yes, you heard it right and it sounds just as crazily challenging as it was in reality, if not even more. En route to Lhasa, we had to bike for 2100 km and climb 13 mountains, all of which are over 4,000 meters high. 


    It was Day 13 and we had “merely” 900 km to go. Admittedly, the sceneries alongside the 318 Route were out of this world. However, the trip was starting to take a toll on me: sour thighs and a numb mind were just the appetizers of this entire 13-mountain-course meal (I can't speak for Xiaomao as he rode past me every day with a smug face). 


    Xunxun, Shiulai--another riding buddy, and I were trudging up Dongda Mountain in Qamdo, the highest mountain we'd faced thus far, 5103 m. When I say "trudging up", I meant we moved like snails with a "whopping" speed of 5 k/h with intermittent breaks of catching our breaths. 10% of our breaths were taken away by the humbling view of the Tibetan Plateau, the other 90% by the altitude sickness. 


    "Great. It's gonna be a looooonnnng day and my souring ass would be so 'relieved'." My taciturn sarcasm came out of nowhere. I shared a look with Xunxun and Shiulai and was pretty sure they were telling themselves the very same thing. 


    So we rode for 20 minutes and rested for 10. Rode for another 20 and rested for another 10. The routine just stuck around. Yet, the zenith of Dongda mountain still seemed unrealistically far away. We couldn't even see it as it was hidden behind the zigzagging road and the mountain ridges. Our last visual hope was even bereft.


    As we were probably taking the 10-minute break for the 20th time, two uncles who looked like in their 50s rode past us like a breeze (it couldn't be "ride past us like a wind" as the uphill was still pretty steep for human beings). "If I were half as fit as they are now when I am 50, I'd be over the moon," I told myself. 


    Suddenly, three Chinese characters on their cycling pants, the characters I'm so familiar with, caught my stunned eyes. It was "Diao Bing Shan", the name of my hometown! In fact, over my short 30-odd-year life, I've never stumbled upon another D town homie outside my hometown. And the first time was in Tibet?! I'm not kidding, but it feels like the universe puts us 3 D town boys there to inject hope in my exhausting mind and souring muscles. 


    I ran up as fast as I could to catch up with them while yelling in my rusty hometown dialect, "Uncs! Me from Diaobingshan as well!" They stopped, looked surprised at me, then gave me the response at the beginning of the story with an equally surprising yet amicable tone.


    We talked for a while and took a selfie. And they took off again like a breeze. I later found out on social media that these uncles were the rock stars in the biking community. Both of them are retired miners and they ride around 10,000 km across China every year. When I'm writing this story, they're still on the road, riding their experienced bicycles to see the world. 


    So there you go. A strangers' story where three Diaobingshan boys met in Tibet. And I dedicate this story to those two uncles and all the cyclists out there for their physical grit and their beautiful minds.


  • 致敬中央公园的街边诗人To A Street Poet in Central Park by Yuan


    背景音乐 阿斯豆 - Lettres à Nelson Algren,昨夜派对(L.N Party)- Love Is The Key

    Riddle Apple Podcast  

    Riddle 喜马拉雅 

    Riddle Wechat Blogs

    Riddle Instagram 

    Patreon Page 

    Before you read about this new stranger talent I met in New York. Allow me to take a deep breath and read the two following poems for you. 


    Whole, Again 


    By Ruben 鲁本

    Love lost, or love found 


    how I can tell is beyond 


    any thoughts 


    any conceptualization of 


    expectations have left me 


    feeling like I need 


    more but some how less 


    I took a flight 


    in the pursuit of curiosity 


    the purest of pursuits 


    one of love 




    looking for more 


    starting where I know 


    it once was 


    once was in your eyes 


    once was your head on my pillow 


    once was the way you hummed 


    tucking your hair behind your ear 


    so I took off 


    took flight 


    in pursuit of love 


    how was I supposed to know 


    I'd find so much more 


    a journey into the self 


    where I once drowned 


    I now swim 


    I came for you 


    found myself instead 


    I need more 


    and got more than I could imagine 


    returning me back to me 


    where books in my aisle remind me 


    where their spines reveal 


    where the mirror 


    shows me the man 


    I once knew 


    where the mirror has 


    the sore eyes 


    or reading into the night 


    Love lost, 


    so I may be found. 所以,找回了自己

    12/28/21@Central Park 

    致鲁本 To Ruben

    by Yuan


    A lonely quiet poet


    amidst comings and goings of people


    The cloudy winter day


    The sad music of strings


    The yellow autumn leaves


    Are nothing but ornaments 


    matching poet's five-color world


    mirroring poet's five-Skandhas-emptiness 


    A lonely poet


    lonely with no others 


    quiet with no sounds 


    @Central Park

    I met Ruben in Central Park. His sky blue typewriter and amazing beard immediately caught my eyes. In front of him, a hardboard said "PICK A TOPIC, GET A POEM". 


    As a fellow poet, I couldn't hide my excitement when I read these words for two reasons: 1. in spite of how poetry nowadays has been underrated, someone is doing it on the grassroots level; 2. I could do this with Riddle in different languages back in China, too! 


    Well, I sort of did it too here already as the poem "To Ruben" above was written ad lib on the spot, side by side with Ruben. And the poem he wrote for me after I gave him the first line, "love lost, or love found", was just like a poem I could write for myself. Suddenly, our communication was beyond what words could describe. We later talked about how we both hide our emotions and energies behind words or any other literary devices poets use to entertain the common readers. 


    Ruben had been writing poems in Central Park for only 3 months. Let's all hope when you come to New York, Ruben is still writing poems on this spot every now and then, and let's also hope someday, the poet Ruben could enjoy his loneliness with some good company. 


    Ruben's Instagram: rdescapado 

    鲁本的ins: rdescapado 

  • 一封告別愛人的信 by 匿名姑娘


    背景音乐 Cinema Paradiso Love Theme시네마 천국, 러브테마, 王梓轩 - 碰不上会更美 

    Riddle Apple Podcast  

    Riddle 喜马拉雅 

    Riddle Wechat Blogs

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    Hiya, hope my words find you well.


    First, please forgive my sudden and intimate manner of addressing you.


    It's 2 o'clock in the morning. I am sitting on the bench at Shigu road. Extremely bored as I am, I swallow the last sip of the orange juice. Not fizzy anymore. It's a bit nippy out here. The wind-up girl toy in the closet of the toy store is still spinning. Dimmed yellow light is reflected on her diamond dress, sparking an iridescent glitter. Yet the noise from the AC external unit drowns out the music, mixed with waves of laughter from the sleepless souls in this city. The night doesn't appear that quite, like my heart. As for me, I immersed myself in editing this letter I don't know how to send. Are you asleep at this moment? Are you curling into a ball like a peaceful cat, forgetting your daytime tiredness for now?


    After dinner, you took me to the seashore. Walking slowly, you jokingly reminded me to lose my shoes and socks, and walk barefooted so that we could be a part of the ocean. I said nothing but smiled and followed suit. You asked me where I see myself in the next few years. Hands in my pocket, I said bluntly that it was not the time. Yes, not the time. But do we really have many years to come before us?


    I want to tell you a story. But it's too long. As long as One Thousand and One Nights. I won't get to the end of it even if I tell it for three days and nights straight with no food or drinks. So, long story short is my plan. I've liked you since the very beginning to this day. I'd always remember the first time I laid my eyes on you down at the dorm. Beams of May's sunshine shoot through leaves' gaps, leaving scattered sparks on your hair. You with your curling eyebrows were walking towards me. The surroundings came to a sudden halt. I didn't know where to put my hands or my feet. Only this sentence dawned upon me: the first encounter with you is a reunion with an old lover. With two burning cheeks, I forgot the basic manners, not even saying hi to you. I totally forgot that we'd been talking online for days. You held my hands naturally. The softness and warmth from the touch of your palm sent stimuli rushing to my central nerves. Suddenly, from your eyes, I saw a distant future. A future where I could see the warm depth of blue and hear the resounding songs by the whales in the sea.


    But this is what I'd disillusioned. It fits everything I long for from my first love. But the fact is that I miss you. I came to your city. I called you, saying lightly I came here to visit another friend and since you were here, I wanted to see you as well. I requested a treat of Shacha noodles from you. From the other end of the phone, you paused, then let out a soft laugh and many yeses. But not until you finished with your contest. Through the virtual telephone connection, I don't even know whether or not you could sense my trembling voice and my blushing cheeks and earlobes which I tried my very best to keep under control.


    After hanging up, I had nothing to do but wander through this village. This place is so big and so small. So big that I feared that I could spot you in the crowd. So small that I feared that you could see the shy me who was nowhere ready to retort your jokes. My heart was swooshing down like a glider, wondering what a small world it was. Within a few hours, I could see the real you.



    My heart was tense like strings on a guitar. Upon your appearance, it couldn't help playing its music. As for the words rehearsed so many times and my self-claimed perfect smile, I put all of them behind me. I was such a nerve rack. I guess I must've looked so stupid. But I still want to say thank you. You were as gentle as I expected. No formalities of chitchats. No hand-holding. We meandered through alleys after alleys. I listened to your past stories, your first love, the girl who lives in your heart forever. Did you see the lights in my eyes? Or something else? I don't know. But I was really sad. My stomach churned. I held a tight grip on the sides of my dress, wanting to flee. On the roadside, branches of trees were dancing while it was raining heavily in my heart. Maybe, it was time to say goodbye.


    How time flies. I guess in the future, I can only quietly follow how you've grown from your Wechat moments. I occasionally and secretly asked for your news from my friends, trying my best to hide my intention. After some thought, it was nothing but a resigned disappointment: we've lived in this ordinary world together for more than 20 years. Stinks of dirt fill our breathing air; waning moon, full moon and waning moon again hover above our heads; we may not have seen the same cloud, but definitely have seen the same sky.


    You don't love me. I don't want you to settle for me, either.


    Me to your heart and soul, no matter they are mountains and rivers away or our eyes are just one line away. They are equally far away from each other.

    窃用很俗的一句话:你是我一生中最爱的人,但是你却从来不知道我是谁,爱你与你无关。就像Rick and Morty中说的那样,也许平行宇宙中有无数个你我,虽然我无法进行时空穿梭,但我依旧虔诚,也许在瑞城,我们能有一个美好的结局。 

    A cliche I'll borrow here: you're the love of my life, but you never know who I am. Loving you has nothing to do with you. Like in Rick and Morty, there are innumerable versions of me and you in parallel universes. Though I can't travel through times or space, I'd keep praying that in Ruicheng, we'd have a perfect ending.


    I'm going back. I'm sorry I can't keep the promise of going to breakfast tomorrow with you. I don't want to say goodbye to you. There's no way to count how many attachments I have and for ever, I'd always want to keep them longer, keep them more. But they're not meant to be kept. If so, allow me to wish you a sunny path ahead. Things I want to do with you, I can do them well by myself. The best goodbye is to look forward and start a new life. I won't cry and I hope you'll never forget me. I'll go traveling, see how the sun rises and sets, see Gyrfalcon fly across the sky, see the banquet around a bonfire in Khampa. So long for now, the boy I deeply loved. So long for never, the boy of mine.





  • 致敬一行禅师——在禅师的Blue Cliff Monastery遇到可爱的陌生人们 by Yuan


    背景音乐 Ólafur Arnalds - Epilogue, a-Pav - Pavonis ~ Piano Collection, 薬師寺寛邦,キッサコ - 般若心经 (chorus ver.)[中文版]

    Riddle Apple Podcast  

    Riddle 喜马拉雅 

    Riddle Wechat Blogs

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    The last day of 2021 for me was a rainy day. I left New York City by myself. My physical destination was Blue Cliff Monastery, a meditation center established by Thay Thich Nhat Hanh in update New York. He was a great Buddhism master from Vietnam. If you’re not familiar with this name in Vietnamese, you’d either know his famous book Old Path, White Cloud in China or his name Shi Yi Xing in Chinese (Yi Xing literally means “one action” in Chinese). 

    2021年的最后一天我来说一个雨我一个人离开了纽约市。我目的地是蓝崖寺,这是Thich Nhat Hanh在纽约上州设立的冥想中心。Thich Nhat Hanh是一位伟大的越南佛教大师如果你不熟悉这个名字的越南语,你应该会知道他的名著《故道白云》(或译为《佛陀转》),或者知道他的中文法号释一行(Nhat Hanh是“一行”的意思)

    On my way to the great master’s zen place, I was nowhere near the word ZEN. Like I said before, my physical destination was Blue Cliff. Yet I was lost in trying to find my spiritual home. Three things led to my loss. 


    First, I was so ready to be home-bound after seeing the person I want to see in New York and saying what I want to say. Yet, due to the rampant break of Omicron, the flights back to China were either canceled or way too expensive for me to afford. My heart was already sent away from where I was then. But physically, I was trapped in New York. 


    Second, I was having a fever with a severe headache and runny nose. All symptoms were suggesting that I was possibly a recent victim of Omicron, a new variant of COVID-19 that was raging in New York. Even though the testing kit told me I was negative, I couldn’t control my paranoid mind to go to crazy town, pessimistically ruminating “What if this? What if that?” and concluding that I was nothing but a liability. 


    Third, on my way to Blue Cliff, I missed a transit bus from Newburgh to Middletown. I was too shy to ask for help and was too cheap to take a taxi to the monastery. I trapped myself in this realistic dilemma. In fact, I was on time for the bus. It was the bus driver that didn’t see me in the stop, so it ran off on me with no mercy to my soaked clothes, my fever-laden head, and my drenched heart. So missing that bus was the last straw that breaks the camel’s back. I was left by everybody. There was the only thing left on my mind—the scariest thing of one’s life, despair. Oh, also, I broke my glasses. So I was half-blind. It was like the universe was working against me. 


    Tears flooded my eyes. To this day, I was still befuddled by how I chose to beat myself up like this, especially considering I was basically a homeless couch surfer for the last two years in China. I was well trained in making the best of what comes to me in life, no matter it’s mishaps or good fortunes. Yet, on the other shore of the Pacific, in that bus stop in New Burgh, I turned myself into another person. A person I sympathize towards to the point of despising him at the same time. 


    Now, let’s fast forward. 10 days later. As I was making one first step out of Blue Cliff Monastery and thinking about who I’d become, the crybaby in the above paragraphs was gone. To be more exact, he was resting in peace. How? I pay my tribute to lots of strangers I have met and haven’t met at Blue Cliff, including Thich Nhat Hanh. 


    Like I said before, en route to the monastery, I was in pretty shitty shape (Sorry for my vulgar choice of words. I rarely curse in my writing. But that’s exactly how I was. Shitty.). Yet, I managed to get myself there in spite of my broken glasses, drenched heart, and a head-spinning fever. 


    The first person I met was Jean. I talked to her on the phone before. She had a very soothing voice in explaining why they consider my application for a scholarship here (The monastery charges one visitor 40 dollars per night for accommodation and food. And they offer scholarships for people who have special cases. I was on a tight budget, so I applied for the scholarship.). While reading the part I came to New York for love in the application letter, she let out a cute laugh. To me, her laugh was telling me, “Yeah. We’ve all been there”. She, in person, was an accurate personification of that laugh, understanding my struggles and helping me settle down in the dormitory. The second I laid my head on my new bed, I could finally find a hint of peacefulness in my world. Still homeless, yet one inch nearer my spiritual home. 

    我遇到的第一个人是吉恩,我之前和她通过电话。在解释我的补助金申请时,她的声音非常舒缓(寺院向每位访客收取每晚 40 美元的住宿和伙食费,并为有特殊情况的人提供补助金。我的预算很紧张,自然申请了补助金)。她一边读着申请信中我为爱来到纽约的故事,一边发出可爱的笑声。对我来说,她的笑声告诉我,“是的我们都经历过她本人的样子就是那个笑声的准确化身,我的痛楚,并帮我在宿舍安顿下来。当我把头靠在床上的那一刻,我终于在我世界里找到了一丝平静。虽然仍无家可归,但离我的精神家园了一点点

    After settling down, I gave myself a tour around the monastery. The monastery was located in a very serene forest. My ears, getting used to the rowdy New York, could actually hear sounds that you’d have ignored, like the sound of falling leave, whistling of the wind, footfalls of some wild animals. Speaking of wild animals, I met some dears around my dorm cabin on my first day here. They were scared by my sudden presence at first. But we got along after returning their "welcome" by feeding one of them. I sent the picture of them to a friend. She said she’d dreamed about them before. I lost sight of them for several days there. One day, the very same friend surprise visited me with medicine and fruits because I’d been sickened by a fever for several days. On the same day, the deers showed up again. 


    All the routines in the monastery were practiced to help you go back to yourself and find mindfulness and peacefulness. The clock will ring a bell every 15 minutes, a reminder for everyone to go back to their inner selves. So on hearing the sound of the bell or the singing bowl, everyone will stop talking or walking and spend some seconds being with themselves. Mindful Sangha meals will be served and eaten in silence so that you can feel every chew of the delicious food in your mouth and appreciate such a dietary blessing from Mother Nature. Walking and sitting meditations are led by monastics for lay friends every day. We sing songs together or chant sutras together before each session. 


    On my first day here, I met Luc, a young Chinese French filmmaker who lives in New York now. His long hair in a bun, baggy pants, and round glasses made him look like a brother of mine. His slow mannerism and soft words manifest great peacefulness. We exchanged some small talks and life stories. Thanks to Luc, I was already feeling that my lonesome soul was starting to stop fidgeting and letting itself get back on its road to its spiritual home. You’d often find Luc volunteering in the kitchen all the time, which motivated me to volunteer in the kitchen in later days as well. 


    In a warm community like this, helping each other does not take a second thought. It’s in everyone’s blood. When you see something is not tidy in the kitchen or bathroom, you’d put them back in order instead of walking away from them. This is what happened to my laundry one day. I put all my laundry in the washer and set up a timer for an hour to come back to put them in the dryer. Yet, by the time I got back, all my laundry was already in the dryer thanks to a nameless samaritan. I left a thank-you note for this kind stranger. Later I found out it was Sister Manifest. In later days, we shared some laughs when cleaning and washing in the kitchen together. I guess the natural spirit of volunteering and always being thoughtful to others is core to keeping this community together. You don’t rely on one system or one person to maintain the operation and spirits of one community. All it needs is the natural kindness and compassion inside all human beings. 

    在这样一个温暖的社区里,互相帮助是不假思索的它在每个人的血液中。当你看到厨房或厕所里的东西不整洁时,你会把它们放回原处,而不是走开。有一天我洗衣服时,就发生了这样的善举。我把我所有的衣服都放在洗衣机里,并设置了一个小时的闹钟,然后打算等下回来把它们放进烘干机。然而,当我回来的时候,多谢一个无名的好心人,我所有的衣服都已经放在烘干机里了。我给这个好心的陌生人留下了感谢字条,后来才知道那位好心人永照师妹(译者注:法号是从英文名字Sister Manifest翻译而来)。之后的日子里,我们一起在厨房打扫卫生,共同分享笑声。我想,自然的志愿服务和始终利他的精神是这个社区团结在一起的核心,并需要依赖一个系统或某一个人来维持一个社区的运作和精神它所需要的只是所有人发自内心的自然、善良和同情心。

    For the first 5 days at the Monastery, I wasn’t quite active. I always found myself walking around the others. Instead of meditating with the group, I often found a quieter slot to meditate by myself in the meditation hall. Like I said, I still felt under the weather due to the fever and I was paranoid that it might be COVID, so I chose to isolate myself most of the time. That physical and spiritual isolation went on even after I felt better physically and mentally. The person who helped me open up more was Brother Dailuc. 

    在寺院的前 5 天,我都不太活跃。我总是发现自己在遇见别人时绕道而行,也没有和大家一起打坐,而是经常在禅堂里找一个更安静的地方自己打坐。就像我说的,由于发烧,我仍然感觉很不舒服,我很怀疑它可能是新冠,所以我大部分时间都选择了自我隔离。即使在我身体和精神上都感觉好些之后,这种双重隔离仍在继续,而帮助我更开放的人是大力师兄

    At one lunch on Day 6, I was eating at the far end of the table in silence that day. Then Brother Dailuc sat next to me and greeted me with joined palms before dining. Between his eyes, I felt a great stream of softness and kindness mixed with a tinge of sadness. After the silent 20 minutes passed, we started to talk. I wasn’t feeling shy or paranoid around him and his energy. Just like the softness between his eyes, his words and smile were equally gentle to me. One thing led to another, we started to talk about our depression days before and how we overcame it. It was the Buddha in our hearts and friends and family in reality who lit the way for us in those difficult times. After lunch, he invited me for a walk around the mountains. I had rarely talked to anyone in my first 5 days. And with Brother Dailuc, I started to pour all my thoughts and emotions to him and he took them well with words of wisdom and encouragement. Later, I asked him to write on my LOVE book—a book where I collected people’s definition of love—and this is what he wrote. 


    “Love is sharing a deep connection with others that transcend walls and boundaries. Therefore, it is very important for us to be truly there, for our quality of presence is the gateway to the many depths of love. In love, we find joy, happiness, compassion, forgiveness…, but also tears and the pains that help enriched it. If we know that we are interconnected in many ways, we can touch love in a deeper, more spacious, and more thankful way.” 


    One night, I was reading in the dining room. It was my usual hangout after dinner since I had the big room for myself and had access to all kinds of tea I want. The English calligraphies on the wall by Thich Nhat Hanh were great reminders for us to do everything with great consciousness. Then V, a girl I said hi to before, entered the room. We weren’t really close. But her hearty smile brought us closer. It turned out that V, a Vietnamese student in the US, spoke Chinese fluently. What amazed me more was her baking skills. That night, she came to the dining room to bake banana bread for everyone. Of course, I was the fortunate first genie pig for her only batch of bread that night. While bread-tasting together, we talked in the dining room for almost 2 hours about food, languages, cultures and life. I learned so much about her and her country. For example, I had no idea that Jin Yong’s books and the TV shows based on his books could be a common topic for Vietnamese and Chinese to talk about forever! 


    To this day, that banana aftertaste and V’s smile still linger in my tastebud and memory foam. 

    直到今天,香蕉的回甜和 V 的笑容仍然萦绕在我的味蕾和记忆中。


    My friend Haoruo surprised me on Jan 2, 2022, my third day in Blue Cliff. Well, the reason why she rushed here all the way from New York was that I was still quite sick with a fever. Endless headaches stopped me from being the person I want to be. Yet her visit brought some glimmers of hope and energies of vitality to my sick body and mind. However, she had to go back to New York on the same day, but there were no cabs around in the forest that can take her to Middletown to catch the last train to New York. In dire situations like this, Haoruo and I always find a solution by the help of kind people. This time the superhero who saved us from troubled waters was Athena, mother of a very cute 8-year-old, Dagony. 

    2022 年 1 月 2 日,我在蓝崖的第三天,我的朋友皓若给了我一个惊喜,突然探望我。她从纽约一路赶到这里的原因是我还发着烧无休止的头痛无法做自己,她的探望给我生病的身心带来了一丝希望和活力。她又不得不在当天返回纽约,森林里没有出租车可以带她去米德尔敦搭上去纽约的末班车。在这种危急情况下,我和皓若总是能在好心人的帮助下找到解决办法。这次把我们从困境中拯救出来的英雄是雅典娜,她是一位非常可爱的8岁孩女孩——戴戈妮——的母亲。

    Haoruo and I went to the dining room on the sister’s side to try our luck to see if anybody happened to go to Middletown so that we could share a ride. Yet, it was already after dusk. All day-time visiting lay friends had already gone home. So such news brought furrowed brows to Haoruo and me. However, the brothers and sisters started to spread the word. Even though I didn’t understand any Vietnamese, the expressions on their faces looked optimistic to us. Within 5 minutes, our superhero, Athena, showed up with her ride. When we learned that it was Athena who was driving us to the train station, we couldn’t be happier. We loved her and her perky energy! Her daughter and she were such sunshine in the community, always bringing a big smile to everyone’s face and always lending people their helping hands. 


    It goes without saying that we made it on time thanks to Athena’s speedy driving. I offered Haoruo a long hug as her train was coming. She asked me for a promise, a promise to talk about my pain with someone in the community. And I fulfilled that promise. On our way back, Athena listened to my pain and stories. Suddenly, she felt like a mother to me. A mother who was driving her heartbroken son back home. When arriving at Blue Cliff, she asked the sisters to fix up some food for me and we shared a long hug, a hug for more than 10 seconds, a hug that you could feel each other’s peaceful heartbeat. 


    There are just so many stories of hearty strangers at Blue Cliff who’ve helped me and like mirrors, reminded me who I should be. There’s Brother Emptiness, the senior monastic who talked about Jin Yong's wuxia books and books about Xuanzang with me. There’s the brother who I deem as the funniest guy in Vietnamese in spite of his broken English. He joked that I looked like a monastic from the Wu-tang Clan in Jin Yong’s book. There’s Abishek who talked about love with me and introduced me the Dharma meditation camp. There’s this sister who introduced me to great books by Thich Nhat Hanh and explained the Heart Sutra for me. There’s another sister who I’ve cleaned dishes with in the kitchen and who is just like my bigger sister. There’s Riles who played basketball with me, talked about his vagabond life in the US and drove me to the train station. One day, I’m sure he’ll vagabond his way to China and to my van. We’ll tour around China for sure. And of course, there’s Thich Nhat Hanh, the Zen master I’ve never met, but his words and works brought more compassion and zen in me, in this community and in this world. 


    When Thich Nhat Hanh passed away, I was reading his book named The Novice. In the epilogue, he shared one story about always going back to your spiritual home. His exact words are:

    当听到一行禅师去世的消息时,我正在读他的书《沙弥》。在后记中,他分享了一个关于回到你的精神家园的故事。 他这样写道:

    After I read it, I realized that my old glasses were broken again—one of the lenses fell out of the frame, again. This time, instead of complaining, I took out my superglue, laid down my glasses, and carefully glued up the broken part together. Like Thich Nhat Hanh said, when there is a storm that messed up your physical home, you first close the door and the windows, lit up the fire, pick up all the loose ends, and then enjoy yourself in your spiritual home, a home that nobody could take away from you. 

    读完之后,我意识到我的旧眼镜又坏了——一个镜片又从镜框里掉了出来。 这一次,我没有抱怨,而是拿出强力胶水,放下眼镜,小心翼翼地将破损的部分粘在一起。 就像一行禅师说的,当一场暴风雨把你的物质家园弄得一团糟时,你首先关上门窗,点燃火,把散落一地的东西都捡起来,然后在你的精神家园中尽情享受在这个家园,没有任何人能让你无家可归

    7.50 am


    @Honolulu Airport, Hawaii. 




  • 亚马逊热带雨林里的一束光 A Beam in the Amazon Rainforest by 张皓若


    Riddle Apple Podcast  

    Riddle 喜马拉雅 

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    Patreon Page 


    Meandering through fisherman's colorful seafood in the local food market with the strange yet lively sounds of Portuguese in the ears and the smell of special tropical city and river in my nose, there at Manaus Port, I met Loucivildo.


    He was in his camouflage green shirt, light-colored shorts and worn sports shoes. His physique was not tall but looked brawny with his tan. He welcomed us passionately in simple English when we onboarded his boat. After knowing 2 of our fellow tourists were French and Spanish, he made small talks with them in French and Spanish. Loucivildo was born and raised in a rainforest village and he'd be our guide in the Brazilian rainforest for the next 10 days.


    7 of us got on board, crowding the small boat. We passed by the renowned Solimões and Negro Rivers, where black and white water joined together yet flew divided with their own colors. Loucivildo introduced why such an amazing landscape came into being in simple yet fluent English while steering the boat adroitly.


    Heat is inescapable in the rainforest, especially without wind. Slowly, we started to enter the depth of the secluded part of the rainforest. Cicadas were singing in their tenor voices in some hidden corners. Howler monkeys were howling far away. In the blows of the wind, the giant banana leaves were trembling like water waves, producing the pitter-patter sounds like it was raining.


    Suddenly, a cloud floating afar flew over us in no time. Bean-sized rain drops bucketed down, with no mercy or gentleness. Helter-skelter, we covered ourselves and our bags with raincoats and plastic clothes. Struggling to open my eyes, I saw Loucivildo sitting peacefully at the bow, completely drenched, eyesight perching afar. I looked where he was looking--the forest and the water in the distance were relaxing and restful in nature's bath. Unlike the shaking and bustling mainland city and the jerking twigs in the rainstorm, the Amazon rainforest stands like a giant embracing the sky, melting the wind and rain inside of its body to mother all beings.


    Walls of rain and the cumulonimbus helicoptering us overwhelmed me. Yet it was how the land calmly welcomed such a rainful aggression that made my soul feel awed and cleansed. When the rain ceased, there were no signs of its intensity except for a few drops on the tropical leaves. I took another look at Loucivildo. Breaking the wind while steering his boat faster under the sunshine after the rainstorm, he was dried when we arrived at the forest cabin. He was so cool about everything like nothing had happened. No wonder he was the son of the forest, sharing the same personality as that of his nature mother. Such a Zen can never be learned by outside tourists in spite of their high-end outdoor equipment.


    As days passed, I learned more about Loucivildo. He was born in an indigenous tribe, but he worked in hostels and hotels in the rainforest in his adolescence. By meeting and talking with people across the globe, he learned 6 or 7 languages.


    In the daytime, he took us to row in open waters, to fish Piranha in the spiky lotus bushes, to trek in the rainforest that hadn't seen lots of human footsteps, to eat at indigenous people's homes, and learn about how they collected and processed tapioca. He also took us to see big trees resided by many many small ants. He lead them to climb to his body gently and back to the tree, explaining that this is a local technique to ward off mosquitoes. They don't possess or apply any repellents.


    In the evenings, we ate and chatted in the cabin before dawn. When it was pitch dark outside, we'd row our boat to the wild. There were no traces of human civilizations in our eyesight. The Galaxy was flickering on the reflection of the lake. All the stars around me from head to toes made me feel like I was floating in the starry night. While I was enjoying my amazement, Loucivildo said there was a crocodile 10 meters away ahead of us. We rowed our boat surreptitiously in that direction. Out of nowhere, he lifted a baby crocodile from the water with his bare hands. After tellings us all kinds of knowledge about them, he then put the startled little crocodile back to the water like a gentleman.


    One dawn, on our way back home on the boat, we met a sunset that was so stunning that it rendered me speechless. As the sky was being tainted crimson by the last beam of light, a crowd of birds flew from the nearest forest and hovered above the lake. Some even took a break on our boat. Noises were up here and down there: the rattling sound of the flapping wing joined all the other nuanced sounds from nature made a quiet and clamorous symphony. I was still immersed in my amazement, and Loucivildo was just sitting quietly at the bow, softly roaring the oars. His tanned face was decorated with a smile, looking even darker under the colorful sunset glow. However, his face was also effusing a soft light full of life.

    那一个片段久久的留在我的脑海。That picture was imprinted on my mind.


    There were no lights nor A/C in the cabin. The damp air and the mosquitoes woke me up from an early sleep. I saw Loucivildo when I was trying to get water. He fixed me up with a Caipirinha--a Brazilian cocktail. So we sat at the wooden door and chitchatted while looking at the dark wild and the starry night.

    “这里好美,今天的夕阳好美。”我说道。"It's so beautiful here. And today's sunset." I said.

    "Yeah. I get to see sunsets like this every day and go to different spots of the rainforest. And I can make some money from this. Because the guests I receive are from wealthier countries, I made more money than average jobs here. Every day is simple. I meet people from all over the world and become friends with them."


    "Oh my god, this is my dream life! If I could live such a life in the future, I’d ask nothing more." I exclaimed.


    " be honest...I don't want to just do this all my life. I've been saving up money and learning how to read and write. I want to go to a university in the city." Loucivildo said with shyness.


    "Yeah? What you wanna learn? Sometimes I think you know more than the city folks. You can survive in a rainforest, go to places that people have never been to, and spot the crocodiles from afar in the dark, and know your directions by looking at stars..."

    Loucivildo喝了一口酒,看着远处的什么地方。Loucivildo had a sip of his drink, looking beyond.

    “我想学生物学,想真正的了解我生长的这个地方是什么样的, 在这里的生命们是如何的,我要更好的保护它们。估计需要攒很久的钱,现在也还不知道能上哪所大学,但是这是我在努力的方向,是我想做的事情。
    "I want to study biology. I want to know what my hometown is really like how the lives living here are like. I want to better protect them. It will take some time for me to get enough money. I don't know which university I can go to. But this is something I'm working on. This is something I want to do."


    In the dim light from the stars, I saw him gently smiling at me, or maybe at the forest. It seemed he was far away from realizing his college dream. The way there was blurry without clear direction. Yet, the words, which he uttered with a light tone, had a strong determination. It seemed that realizing this goal is also easy, even amidst all the uncertainties. I was a bit wordless, and just nodded. 


    In retrospect, his words changed some of my fundamental beliefs for life.  


    Ever since young, I wanted to get away from the world, away from the hustles and bustles, so that I can live a simple and quiet life in nature. I felt that Loucivildo was living my dream life in the rainforest. He carries this sense of authenticity and gentleness in his quiet smiles and actions, glimmering in my eyes. 


    Yet what he longs for and thinks about, is not how to keep living this life or to make his own life better, but how to do more for that place. Maybe the things that I like about Loucivildo, come more from his love and belief for the world, instead of only from the boundless rainforest. 


    A few years later, I read the news about the wildfire in Amazon. It pained me to tears. After learning about the political corruption and money struggles behind it, I thought this world was such a terrible place. There are even more conflicts, wars, selfishness, and ignorance. Maybe all the efforts are in vain and humanity can not be saved after all. I wanted to find a land, a piece of purity to avoid all these before I unwittingly turn into a terribly numb person one day. 


    However, every time I think about Loucivildo’s smile, I could almost see a beam of light at the end of the desperate fire. It shines upon a budding seed that grows in the seemingly dead forest.


    It says to me, don’t leave yet. Just do something. Reaching that place in your dream can also be easy. 


    "I imagine all the people in the world should have no conflict. Peace for all."

  • 年轻的心,今晚自由的飞翔 "Young Hearts, Be Free Tonight" by Yuan


    背景音乐 Luke Faulkner - Clouds, Rod Steward- Young Turks 

    Riddle Apple Podcast  

    Riddle 喜马拉雅 

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    It was a typically tropical raining day in Chiangmai. Humid, unpredictable, yet soothing to most sweaty foreheads and anxious homebound souls.


    COVID really did a number on Chiangmai, an old city frequented by many tourists from all over the world. Many shops along the street and inside the alleys ran out of business; the once ubiquitous red tuk-tuk trucks were hard to spot now; the vroom vroom of the motorcycles seemed less noisy now; few foreign tourists wandered in the quiet old town. Fortunately and unfortunately, I was one of them.

    清迈本来是一个许多世界各地游客经常会光顾的老城,但COVID 疫情对清迈产生了蛮大的影响。沿街和小巷内的不少商店都停业了;曾经无处不在的红色嘟嘟车现在也是不见踪影;摩托车的嗡嗡声现在好像也没那么吵了;这安静的老城里闲逛的外国游客也没有几个了。幸运又不幸的是,我是其中之一。

    Somehow, I was quite content with the status quo, even though such a feeling seems to lack of compassion to the local businesses and a lack of consideration of those who've been longing for traveling, yet cannot. But I don't want to lie. The last place I wanted to be then is a noisy overcrowded city. What I had at Chiangmai was perfect for me. I could hop to different places while still enjoying a peaceful and safe bicycle ride.


    Unlike my past months in mainland US and Hawaii, I didn't know anyone in the city, which is both a blessing and a curse. To make it even more so, my basic Thai didn't allow me to hold down a deep conversation. So the blessing is that no one would bother my existence when I wanted to be shy; the curse is that I did miss another witty mind and new pair of listening ears. But believe me, I tried to make the most of the blessing part. Keywords here, I tried.


    After eating at a Japanese restaurant, I joined the waitresses to draw food cartoons on their souvenir bags. Through body language and the most amazing language of the human mind--a smile, I managed to blend in. The girls were talking and giggling. Maybe about me, a weird customer who decided to get a free "art therapy session" at the vestibule of a restaurant.


    Also, I forgot to mention. This was my second "art therapy session" at the same place. The reason why I came back is to pick up a notebook I left there for the girls to write something on. It was a lime green notebook with a Chinese character on it, Wen, meaning "kiss". I carried it everywhere. I carried it because I'd been seeking strangers' answers to a very important question to myself, "what is love?" I enjoyed my first "session" so much, so I left it here the night before for the girls to write their answers in the notebook.


    With enough "art sessions", my treasure retrieving task accomplished, and ominous weather in the sky, I was ready to hit the road home. After a simple goodbye and thank-you to my fellow "artists", I started to pedal hard on my bike. Yet, within seconds, the rain was pouring down. I couldn't risk getting my lime green answer book wet. I knew I had to find a shelter for it and me. So I went to a beer pub nearby.


    "Sawade krap!" a young boy said hi to me in Thai while joining his palms.


    "Sawade krap." My voice didn't sound as confident as his. Wanting to change the conversation in the language I felt comfortable with, I posed my request in a hurry.


    "Phut pa sa angrit dai ma krap?"


    "Krap!" He replied with a big smile, not as big as mine, I believed.


    "Mm, is the golden ale good?" asked me while browsing the menu on the brick wall.


    "Yeah. It's a locally brewed craft beer."


    "OK, let me have one of that for now." I sat at the bar.


    The boy said something in Thai to a girl standing close to him. The girl smiled and went away with a nonic pint in her hand. Even under her mask, I could tell she had a beautiful smile and I could also tell that I was not the primary target of that smile. The boy who greeted me in the first place was having a similar smile in his eyes and under the mask.


    Even though it was a bit nippy because of the rain, the temperature inside the bar warmed my whole being. Suddenly, an idea, a familiar idea, dawned on me. "I should ask them to write something in my notebook. They make a very cute couple, if they are a couple. If not, maybe I could be a match-maker by teasing them a bit." An innocent evil laugh echoed in my cranium.

    尽管下雨有点冷,但酒吧里的温度却温暖了我全身。忽然,一个念头,一个熟悉的念头,浮现在我的脑海。 “我应该让他们在我的笔记本上写点东西。如果他们是一对,他们真的是一对可爱的恋人。如果不是,也许我可以逗逗他们,做个媒人。”一种天真又邪恶的笑声在我的脑中回荡。

    "Here's your golden ale." said the girl as she put my adult coke cola in front of me across the counter.


    "Hi, I have another request." I couldn't hide my shyness.




    "Mmh. I'm doing a project. I ask strangers to write 'what is love?' on this notebook. Do you guys want to write something?" I handed them my answer book.


    "Wow. That's so interesting." Their eyes lit up as they were browsing through the notebooks. They stood even closer. Closer than the distance of colleagues or normal friends.




    "Of course. We'd love to! This project is so romantic. These answers gave me goosebumps." The boy couldn't hide his big smile. His right hand naturally reached to hold the girl's waist. So I'd guessed it right.


    Seeing my curious satisfaction on my face, the boy revealed, "Oh, by the way, we're a couple."


    "I know."




    "The chemistry between you guys. And the way she looks at you."


    Now that big smile turned into a bigger one with a trace of shyness and loads of happiness in it. When I looked at the girl's face, it was the same smile.


    As the night kicked in, we three talked for hours. I learned that they were part-timers here at night with a day-time internship and they were about to graduate from college (that definitely deserves some adult drinks to celebrate. So I bought us a round of beers). They'd been together for almost 3 years. Their love story was simple yet never short of depth in connections and richness. Young love like theirs always brought me in tears of joy and a tad of jealousy, I had to admit.


    At this point of the story, I don't think my words are sincere enough to tell how much they are in love. So I have to borrow theirs. Now you be the judge while I'm beginning to reminisce about the smiles of this young couple, my newest friends--Tiw and Sine.

    故事进行到这个阶段,我的词汇已经不够真诚,不足以说明他们有多所以我不得不借他们的词语。现在,你是评委,而我则已经开始回忆这对年轻情侣——我的新朋友Tiw和 Sine——的笑容。

    "Love is like a fuel for our universe. It keeps us moving. Love can break a person, but it can also heal a person. Love creates questions, but love can be answered as well. I already found my love, but if you can't find one. Don't worry. There's always love within you."




    "I'm a spoiled child. I hate when people don't think about me... I don't know how to think about other people, too. One day, my love came in my life, taught me how to think about other people. Now, I think about other people more.

    and ... I think about him, my love, more than myself.

    To make me be the better version of me, is this love?


    I think it's LOVE! "








    After writing this story, Rod Stewart's "Young Turks" was playing in my head. He is singing this love song to Tiw and Sine.

    写完这个故事后,我脑中响起了Rod Stewart的“Young Turks”的旋律, 他正在为 Tiw 和 Sine 唱这首情歌。

    "Young hearts, be free tonight

    Time is on your side

    Don't let 'em put you down

    Don't let 'em push you around

    Don't let 'em ever change your point of view"






    Written in Chiangmai, Thailand

    Feburary, 22nd, 2022



  • The End and the Beginning 结束和开始 By 辛波斯卡


    背景音乐 Dennis Kuo - Track in Time; Simon & Garfunkel - Scarborough Fair

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  • 缠绵 Intertwined Intimacy By 曹译丹


    背景音乐 FKJ - Sundays

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    Riddle 喜马拉雅 

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  • 来自纽约街头陌生人的琴声 A NYC Street Stranger's Music Gift By YUAN


    背景音乐 Jake Shimabukuro - Touch

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    Riddle 喜马拉雅 

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    5 years passed. Now I am back in New York. A city where I used to live and study at. A city that I used to hate and love at the same time.


    Despite many life changes I've gone through, the Big Apple remains the same: imposing skyscrapers, comings and goings of New Yorkers of different races, and their aloofness mixed with occasional friendliness. As an outsider, you can sense such a paradox from just their eyes even though most parts of their faces are covered by a mask in COVID time.


    In this era of the pandemic, most have hidden their adventurous spirits in the closet of their hearts and international travels become a rarity. So my visit to New York against this backdrop had my family worried especially when the Omicron of COVID was hitting the Big Apple.


    Yet, I still chose to come to New York. An omen directed me here. It'd told me I should come here to find a hidden "treasure".


    As for whether I've found the treasure or not here, it is another story. Maybe I'll turn into a story into my first fiction. Today's protagonist is not me. It's Carlos.


    Though it was mid-December in New York, the city was still in the colors of fall. The Ginko trees alongside the narrow street of Manhattan were still dotted by their last canary leaves. Hudson River under sunset was like a crumpled napkin, showing wrinkles of orange and navy blue. New Yorkers, donning colorful garments—some even wore shorts and short skirts in day time—constituted the most lively colors in this metropolis painting. And of course, my friend and I were also fortunate dots in this picture as well.


    It was a Friday morning. We were walking in Central Park. I was still quite spent from the recent long international flight from China to New York. Such a man-made forest in the middle of the busiest and crowded city in the world was a perfect place to forget all my traveling fatigues and sorrows in my life. My rooted shyness was defrosted a little thanks to the good company of my friend and children's laughter in the park.


    Then my friend decided to take me to a place in the park. Her secret go-to place. Knowing my friend well, I knew I'd be regular at this place as well even though I had no idea what'd happen and whom we'd meet in this secret spot.


    It was an underground hallway under a bridge. The mosaic roof and wall tiles and the Roman columns would fool you to believe that you were in Europe. In the middle of the spacious hallway sat an empty chair.


    "Oh, nooooo... He's not here today." My friend broke the silence in the hallway.

    "Who's not here?"

    "The guitarist. I take you here to listen to him." A disappointment showed in her voice.

    "Aw...It's ok. We will come back for another day."





    We walked inside and around the hallway for a while. As we were about to find our next soothing corner in the city, a mellow sound of classic guitar made our eyes open in astonishment.


    "Could it be ...?" The same inner voice asked us as we shared a look.


    It was him. A middle-aged man in his red down coat, holding his guitar that had seen better days, sat on the chair that was empty before. Even with his mask on, you could know that he was a man of many stories. His fingers were dancing fast yet softly on the guitar board, producing a very mellow version of Ryuichi Sakamoto's "Merry Christmas, Mr. Laurence". His taste in music was as good as his skill and the softness in his eyes.


    We stayed for two more tunes amidst comings and goings of others. But just as we clapped and readied ourselves to put some money in the donation box in front of him, he played another tune. A tune so familiar to Chinese ears, "The Moon Represents My Heart". My friend and I shared a look with a big reticent smile under our masks. With great appreciation to the musician, we hummed along with the guitarist's beautiful rendition of this old Chinese love song. I knew what was on her mind and so did she.


    Finally, we walked towards him. I was still shy, but Carlos' softness in the corners of his kind eyes melted my shyness completely. Yes, his name is Carlos and he is from Chile. He'd played in this spot for the last 10 years. And his worn guitar is 28 years old, almost as good as me. But I'm sure the soul that lives in his guitar has seen and listened more than mine.


    Carlos asked me what I did for a living and how I liked New York now. I told him I was building my own mobile bookstore and would be living in my van while touring the world. And I told him I'd prefer to live in a quiter place than a big city like New York. He shared a story after hearing mine. It was about a homeless person he knew in the park. He used to live in the park, feeding on the overflow of leftover food wasted by the city. He told Carlos that one can never die of hunger in New York because of how much food people waste every day. Since hunger is not an issue, he moved to the mountains near New York as he wanted to live a quieter life now. Homeless as he was, but he sounded like one very happy man in the words of Carlos. Besides his music, Carlos taught me another life lesson: "choose life".


    As a farewell gift, he played my friends' favorite composer's piece--Ennio Morricone's "Love Theme" featured in the movie "Cinema Paradiso". After this final tune, we hugged him goodbye and left with warm tears in our eyes…

    临别之际,他弹了我朋友最喜欢的作曲家的曲目——埃尼奥·莫里康尼的“Love Theme”,作为礼物。在这终曲结束时,我们拥抱致意!转身离别时,泪水浸满了眼眶……

    Why tears? You might ask. Nothing is more beautiful than the love flowing among humanities.  


  • 我想和你生活某个小镇 by 茨维塔耶娃


    背景音乐 麗美 - Small Happiness

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    Riddle 喜马拉雅 

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  • 芸芸众生 名垂青史 -- 遇见一名生还于911的“普通”人 By 晓宁


    背景音乐 Leonard Cohen - You Have Loved Enough, Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven

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    Riddle 喜马拉雅 

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    On my visit to the 911 Memorial Museum, I happened to see Gordon telling people his story. Gordon is the only person who is a survivor, a family member of the victims, and a rescuer on that tragic day. When I met him, his first words were, "I'm no hero. The firefighters, police officers and rescue team members who stormed to the spot that day are heroes. I just did what I should do."


    He is an Asian American, born in New York. He used to be a military field doctor. When 911 happened, he was a medical researcher and was doing his research in a nearby hospital on that day.


    When he saw the north tower got hit by a plane, he didn't storm out like the panicking crowd. He walked in the other direction, back to the World Trade Center. He said, "I used to be a field doctor. When the plane hit the tower, I can't leave those wounded and dying souls as a doctor."


    He described the scene that day for us. "Everyone was storming out of the World Trade Center in tears. Storming as far as possible. Only I walked towards the center. I didn't run. I walked slowly. It wasn't because I wasn't scared. I had a lot of fears. I thought maybe I wouldn't make it. I didn't know why I did it. But I walked on, without looking back. The only explanation is that this is the blessed guidance from God."


    So he went back to the building and then came back to the nearby hospital, rescuing another survivor on the conference table. What he didn't know was that his sister Susan who had been invited to a meeting in a restaurant on the 106th floor of the World Trade Center had passed away while he was saving survivors after survivors. Her body couldn't be found.


    After that day, he never cleaned the shoes he wore that day. He said, maybe a few particles of the dust on those shoes are the body remains of his sister.


    Gordon said he will never forget what happened that day in his life. He still remembered how the flying dust tastes after the fall of towers. All these specks of dust were the remains of the Twin Towers that fell in 10 seconds, mixed with the burning composites of plastic, iron, and concrete after the planes hit the towers. Extremely toxic. Many of the rescue team members are diagnosed with cancer years after 911. Gordon is no exception. A few years ago, he was diagnosed with three types of cancer. When he met us, he said, "I know my days are numbered. But don't worry about me. I know where I'll be going after I'm dead."


    I asked Gordon, "You could've left the scene, like everybody else. Thinking back now, do you have any second thought?"


    He replied, "I thought about this question so many times. If I were in that situation again, even though I knew that I had to leave this world prematurely with pains, I'd leave all my fears behind and do the same thing. I wasn't trying to be a hero. I'm no hero at all. I'm just following my heart."


    Upon bidding farewell, I gave him a hug.


    Countless stories like this are stored in the 911 Memorial Museum. I couldn't help thinking that when facing great disasters, the human being has a strong instinct of saving oneself. But there's always a handful of people who will shoulder the great responsibilities in these dire moments to protect the others. Even at the cost of his or her own life. What a great spirit it is for the human race! These people are firefighters, police officers, rescue team, the bosses who told all their employees to escape and they themselves couldn't make it at the end. They are common people, one after another.


    I've read many stories about the common people in this pandemic over the last few days. I couldn't help thinking all the beautiful qualities and spirits owned by human beings are not only just shown in the well-educated elites. Every common citizen has just and kindness in their hearts. They, often ignored by the history writers, are the real history writers. 

  • Love is All You Need 你需要的,唯爱,无它 by 笑雨 Xiaoyu 


    背景音乐 德彪西-月光

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    Last October, I went to Hangzhou to attend a documentary festival called IDF. After checking out a lecture at the festival, I went strolling in the city, with no purposeful destination on my mind. Walking past a mall, I was stopped by an auntie. Before I realized what was happening, three roses were forced into my arms already. The second I was about to turn them down, the auntie said, "Young girl, I've been standing for an entire day and sold not one single flower. These three flowers are a gift for you. Please accept them."


    I was both hesitant and grateful. Still processing what had happened, I came back after a few steps out. I said I wanted to pay for these three flowers. She kept shaking her hands and said, "It's all right. It's fine." But I was very persistent in paying her. She returned my offer with a smile and a sigh, "Thank you then. I can treat myself with a bowl of noodles tonight."


    With three roses, I walked around this block for a while. Yet my heart was still lingering on her. I went to a convenience store, bought two cans of milk, and then started to return, not knowing if she was still there or not. Luckily, she was still there. She was holding a big bouquet of roses in front of the mall, waiting for passers-by to stop for a minute and buy her flowers. Even if it was just one flower.

    我拍了拍她的肩膀:“杭州的秋天晚上还是有点凉,我们一起喝点热牛奶吧。” 我担心她误以为我的行为是施舍,所以我打开了另一罐牛奶,站在她旁边,邀请她同我一起喝。这样的夜里,我们站在街边聊了很久。

    I patted her shoulder, "Hangzhou's evening could be a bit nippy at fall. Let's drink some warm milk." Afraid that she might think that I was doing this out of charity, I opened my can of milk, standing by her side and inviting her to join this dairy party. We stood in this nightfall and that was how our long chat began.


    She told me many of her stories. She was not a local. She didn't start a family after her late husband passed away. She brought up her two daughters on her own: one already got married and the other was around my age and was studying in Taiwan. She lived in Hangzhou by herself for the last two years, trying to save up enough money to pay back what she'd borrowed for her little daughter's tuition fees. In spite of the slow progress, she still wanted to give it her best shot to support her daughter's choice of life. Even though she didn't even know the exact name of the major her daughter had chosen.


    After a while, her eyes got welled up. She loved her kids with an endearing heart. She felt sorry that her first daughter gave up on her study to get married. She felt sorry that she wasn't there for them most of the time since she was always alone out there. They always blamed her for not being able to love them like the other mothers. Now that they'd grown up, they'd drifted farther.


    My memory failed to recollect how long we'd talked. With the osmanthus fragrance floating in the fall streets of Hangzhou and the creamy aftertaste in my mouth, I was overwhelmed by an interwoven feeling of coldness and warmth. I felt powerless about my incompetence, both behavior-wise and word-wise. Yet, at the same time, I felt shocked in a trance. I knew many walks of life were living a laborious life, yet I learned about most of them in movies or documentaries. And when I faced an authentic and concrete human being, the complexity of my feelings incurred by that person tripled or quadruple those by a movie.


    Upon bidding farewell, she uttered, "Young girl, if destiny brings us back together somewhere, allow me to treat you a drink or something. I'll treat you like my own girl. We'd sit somewhere and spend some time together. I am no wealthy. So can't get you anything fancy. But I don't think you'd mind that, do you?"

    这美妙的经历让我想起一句话,但不记得是谁说的了。“Let everything happen to you, beauty and terror. Just keep going, no feeling is final. 让所有的事情都发生吧,无论是美丽的,还是恐怖的。一直去感受吧,感受并无终点。”:)

    Such a beautiful experience reminded me of a sentence. But I can't remember who said it. "Let everything happen to you, beauty and terror. Just keep going, no feeling is final." :)

  • 僧人与佛窟 A Monk and His Caves by Panhan Chen 陈泮寒 


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    这里是我与一位僧人的故事。故事发生在去西藏旅行期间。 This is a story between me and a monk. The story happened on my trip to Tibet. 我们在西藏的土路上走,翻过一座山,又转过一座山,来到一座布满洞窟的山——大大小小的洞窟,看起来少说有不下几百个。据说,这里曾经是僧人们生活、修行、讲经论道的地方。 We were trekking on the dirt road of Tibet. Mountains after mountains, we came to one full of caves. There were at least hundreds of them around this mountain. We'd been told that these caves were where monks used to live, conduct their spiritual practices and teach and preach Sutras--ancient holy texts of Buddhism. 常年身处戈壁,土山上的一个个洞窟已经变得残破不堪,大部分已经被风沙埋掉了一半儿。山脚下新修建了一座小村,村民说,几十年前,他们也是住在这座土山上的窟里的。 Corroded by the desert weather, the caves looked quite shabby. Most of them were buried in the sand. The local people, from the newly built village down the mountain, told us they also lived in the caves decades ago. 村里的茶馆内坐着一位着便装的老人,随身带着一根拐杖。我们说起要爬山去看洞窟。“想看壁画吗?”旁边的人问道,指了指老人:“跟着他”。 A casually dressed old man sat in the tea house in the village, carrying his cane. We said we wanted to check out the caves in the mountain. "Wanna see the murals as well?" A stranger asked us while pointing at the old man. "Follow him". 于是,也没有什么交流的,我们起身。 Then, no words were exchanged. We got up and took off. 老人的体力出奇的好。在我们几个年轻人都已经直喘粗气,不得不停下来靠着矮墙坐下休息时,除了脖颈处的几颗汗珠,老人的脸色还是一样平静。 The old man's stamina amazed us all. Despite our young ages, we were panting heavily. Intermittent breaks of sitting by the walls alongside the road had to be made so that we could catch our breaths. Yet it was all calmness on the old man's face, except a few sweat drops around his neck. 盘山路的终点是一座和洞窟一样依山建成的红房子,老人拿出了一大串钥匙,找到开门用的那把。我们进屋。只有一间屋子,屋里摆放着两张藏族人家里几乎必备的、既能睡觉又能在接客时充当沙发的藏床,正中间放着的火炉也是当地每家每户都会用的那种。靠着山的那一面却没有墙,取而代之的是一扇木门。老人找出另一把钥匙。在进门前,他提醒我们摘掉帽子。 The end of the hilly road was a red house, resting there with all the caves at the foothill. The old man took out a bundle of keys and found the one to the house. It was a one-room house equipped with two household musts in a Tibetan family: two Tibetan beds/sofas with both the functions of sleeping and receiving guests and a furnace in the middle of the room. The side facing towards the mountain had no wall. In its place, it was a wooden door. The old man opened it with another key. Before exiting the door, the old man reminded us that we should take our hats off. 门后是另一个洞窟,但显然受到了更加用心的呵护。窟中很暗,仅点了两盏小小的煤油灯。通过灯光,四周墙壁上一个个精美的人像和图画得以映入眼帘。老人递给我们一个手电筒:“不要拍照。拿手机拍可以,不要用相机拍。” It was a cave on the other side of the door, yet with noticeable extra care. In the dark cave, two flickers of lights from the kerosene lamps showed what lied in front of our eyes: intricately drawn human figures and sceneries on the walls of the cave. The old man handed us a flash torch and reminded us, "Don't take any photos. Not with your camera. Phones are OK." 墙上的壁画刻画的大多是佛教中的各大佛祖、菩萨、金刚以及各派高僧们,还有少数印度教主神,其中包括蓝皮肤又多手的湿婆。“为什么这里会有印度教的神啊?”我们问老人。“这个地方古代的时候啊,哪里来的人都有,所以哪里的神都画。但是画得最多的还是我们格鲁派的僧人。画上那些穿黄衣服的,都是格鲁派。” Most murals on the walls were Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Caturmahārājakayikas and respected monks in different schools of Buddhism. A few of them are Hindi gods, including the blue-skinned and multi-handed Shiva. "Why Hindi gods here?" Our curiosity drove such a question. "In ancient times, people from different places came here. So they drew different kinds of gods and goddesses here. But most mural painters are my fellow monks from the Gelug school of Buddhism. Those dressed in yellow are Gelugs." “那这些画是在多久前画的呢?”我们又问。 "When did they draw these murals?" We asked again. 讲起这个壁画佛窟的故事,老人操着他那不太流利的汉语,滔滔不绝起来。他讲起早在几百年前,古格王朝兴盛时,这些佛窟四周也是最为繁华的。又讲到当年文化大革命,疯狂的人们如何找到这里,销毁了窟中供奉的那尊最大的大佛。 Speaking of the stories about the murals, he started to get eloquent even though his Mandarin was not that fluent. He said when Gelug Dynasty was in its prime hundreds of years ago, these Buddha caves were quite busy and bustling. Then he also talked about how people demolished the biggest Buddha in the cave during Cultural Revolution. 老人说他已经守在这里几十年的时间了。这件半山腰的红房子就是他的住所。他说很多人都搬走了,他留在这里,是想保护这些千百年前的同宗信徒们留下的圣像。 The old man said he'd been guarding this place for decades. This red house is his domicile. He told us many of his neighbors had moved out. He chose to stay, hoping to protect the holy figures made by his fellow believers hundreds of years ago. 由于自然的蚕食和游客不断的破坏,洞窟和壁画的完好程度每况愈下。几个月前,两个同样内有壁画的佛窟不堪风吹日晒而塌方,而那些较普通的、位于路边的洞窟,则沦为了行人游客的厕所。 The conditions of the murals and caves deteriorated due to the corrosive destructions by mother nature and human tourists. A couple of months ago, two caves with murals inside caved in in blustery weather. Those ordinary caves beside the roads became temporary toilets for a lot of tourists and passers-by. 若没有这样一个守护者,那满山佛窟或也时日无多了。 If it weren't for a guardian like him, the caves would be seeing his last days in the mountain. 而老人守着的,岂止是那几千画像和佛窟,又何尝不是一个僧侣的信仰呢。使得老人能够几十年如一日坚持下来的,除了坚定不移的信念,是否也有从中收获的喜乐呢? What he's guarding is more than thousands of murals and caves. It is the belief of a monk. Other than such an adamant belief, could he also acquire joy from staying here for the last several decades? 我们下山时,老人也上路了——那是走向山顶的路。在那里,和那一路上,有更多的佛窟在等着他,在需要着他。临别,老人冲我们微笑。 When we trekked downhill, the old man also hit the road--a road leading to the mountain top. Over there and along the road, more caves await him and need him. He smiled a farewell to us before disappearing into the mountain. 同行者说:“老人是可怜的,一生一人驻足于荒山。但转念,却是最令人羡慕的,因为他的一生将献予其所最爱的。” My fellow traveler said, "We feel sympathetic because the old man stayed in a forsaken mountain all by himself in his life. Yet, with a second thought, we feel envious because he's devoted himself to the love of his life.