Welcome to ⟡ star quality ⟡ and happy birthday to the ⟡ star quality ⟡ theme song!!!!! It is the world premiere of star quality (club mix)
Thank you so much to Kabir Kumar (Sun Kin) for producing and going so hard on this track! Kabir helped me take an idea in my head and turn it into a real ass song and I looooove it so much. Lyrics, concept, and vocals by me :)
Subscribe to Kabir Kumar (Sun Kin) on Substack +
email them at [email protected] to make your next track or produce your album or whatever music needs you have!
⟡ star quality ⟡ lyrics:
hehehehe (star quality)
I got it (I got this)
You got it (You got it)
My chart says so
Look at me go
Sun moon rising
It's all about timing (it’s all about timing)
Earth liiiiiings
What's it all mean
What's it all mean
Star quality
What's it all mean
What's it all mean
meanmeanmeanmeanmeanmeanstar quality
No dude really what does it all mean
I got it
You got it
We got it
⟡ star quality ⟡ (⟡ star quality ⟡)
This Pisces New Moon is happening at 9° of Pisces on February 27, 2025 at 4:45PM PT. Mars Retrograde just ended and with Venus Retrograde on the horizon, these days between act as the bridge between our needs (Mars) and wants (Venus). Calibration is overdue. With so much Pisces in the sky, we simply must believe magic is real. Jupiter in Gemini Squaring the Sun + Moon means we may have to embrace some lifestyle changes to hit our goals. The same old scene isn’t hitting like it used to. Before March Madness begins plzzzz WORK with this New Moon. Say thank you for the gift that is this little celestial break. I also discuss starting Transcendental Mediation at the David Lynch Foundation (I’m SOARING in this ep) plus sex magick!
LA! Come see me in person! I’ll be giving readings at Pure Heart Collective on Friday Feb 28 from 2pm - 7pm! Pure Heart Collective was started by the amazing ball of light and channeler Wendy who you may recognize from Otherworld podcast. Claim your spot by booking at this link:
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Theme song by: Kabir Kumar (Sun Kin)
xoxo Stevie
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Meow meow it’s the Leo Full Moon! This full moon is happening at 24° of Leo on February 12, 2025, at 5:53 AM PT. This podcast is extra special because I have an iconic guest!!! My BFF Kalli is staying with me so I asked her to sit in on this episode and ask any and all non-astrologer questions! The ones that you’re thinking at home when you listen along!
Fehlende Folgen?
Happy New Moon starchildren! Welcome back to ⟡ star quality ⟡! This New Moon is happening at 9° of Aquarius on January 29, 2025, at 4:36 AM PT.
This New Moon is asking you to step the fuck up for yourself and for those around you. The Sun and Moon are linked up with Mercury (speak on it) and Pluto (radical transformation) ~ we ARE in a new era, no matter how strong the grasp is from the ghouls of the past!
Before we dive in, I have an announcement: I’m in this super cool raffle created by Lauren Lotz. I’m donating a natal chart reading, alongside 180+ chic and amazing brands and practioniers (Vacation, Ghia, etc). It starts today and runs for two weeks and all entries go towards LA Mutual Aids for those impacted by the fires. Here’s a link on how to enter: Los Angeles Mutual Aid Raffle. Do it! The raffle goes until February 12, 2025.
Back to the New Moon! Shout out to Aliza Kelly who pointed out the pattern of 9° New Moons that started on the Scorpio New Moon in November 2024 and has happened and will continue to happen at 9° until the Aries New Moon Eclipse in March! DAMN. The numerology of 9 taking place in 2025, a 9-year, is maaaaajor big ol symbolism of the closing of a chapter in our Earthly society. The future is here. We must embrace it, and it bears repeating, even if the zombie-freaks who profit off the current system won’t give it up.
Today we also welcome the lunar new year! The year of the wood snake asks us to be selective, strike when the moment is right, and shed anything (drama, routines, etc) that isn’t ours.
I also chat about the Jupiter in Gemini Trine hitting this New Moon is activating the community connection we all need now more than ever. Mars Retrograde in Cancer is stirring up revelations in home and family. My 11th House stellium aka I’m basically an Aquarius is POPPPING OFF this episode. I love you all so much, happy new moon, and let’s build the world we all deserve. There’s enough to go around.
TikTok I mentioned of guy in a knife shop turning down a N*zi knife request:
~oh let’s make fun of the girl who took a risk and put herself out there creatively~ WE WONT BECAUSE WE NEED MORE OF THAT.
Please ~heart~ this post and sound off in the comments! Would love to hear your perspectives.
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xoxo Stevie
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Hi starchildren!
Took some audio space to recount my experience of the Los Angeles Fires, which are still unfolding.
TW: fires, climate change, natural disasters, distress, loss
If you do not have the capacity to listen, I understand! This has been an extremely traumatic, life-altering experience.
As of January 16, 2025, the fires have forced over 200,000 to evacuate, destroyed or damaged more than 12,401 structures, and killed at least 27 people with 31 missing. Please take a moment to respect their legacy.
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Do you believe in second chances? It’s time to. This is the second New Moon of the year in Capricorn, the second New Moon of the month making it a ~Black Moon~, and this New Moon is the day before New Year’s Eve, a day for setting intentions for the new year. It’s all just too damn literal. If you knew you had a genuine second chance wouldn’t you do everything you could? What would you change? You gotta go for it.
This New Moon is happening at 9° of Capricorn on December 30, 2024, at 2:27 PM PT. The last New Moon in Capricorn was on January 11, 2024. Bookending 2024 with Capricorn New Moons ::: what can it mean?!?!::: it means SATURN WANTS TO HAVE A WORD WITH US. Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn ~ The keyword for this new moon and the energy we’re taking into 2025 is discipline. It’s time to go Capricorn-mode: walk the walk, talk the talk. Underpromise, overdeliver. No excuses.
The Saturn of it all asks: where have you been giving yourself a pass? Where do you phone it in? In this episode, I shared two New Moon rituals to do, so we can work with Saturn and get aligned with the goals we want to make progress on. The first ritual of this potent New Moon is working with Saturn in an acrostic way. For this spell, write out SATURN and then gut-check for each letter an energy or action you want SATURN to kick into gear this new moon and beyond. Don’t over think it.
The second ritual is only for members of the 333rd space. You’ll just have to join to see what’s up. Do not miss the opportunity babes! This is the most important New Moon of 2024 since it’s setting our direction for 2025. I believe in you.
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xoxo Stevie
It’s winter solstice time! Welcome to Capricorn season! I ask the question to our friends in the southern hemisphere, “what is a summer Capricorn season like?” for someone who has never experienced that sensation…also:
☆ reflections on our first Capricorn season with Pluto in Aquarius and how Pluto’s departure from Capricorn is asking for a whole new playbook
☆ Cardinal signs and getting the party started
☆ Capricorn energy inviting us to be the “cool big sis” in our own lives
☆ how lightness and darkness have been that girl aka the compass for earthlings since the dawn of time
☆ Capricorn likes / dislikes :P
☆ breaking down the chart for the solstice and the grand mutable cross is screaming at us to stop being like every other b*tch!!!
link mentioned:
☆ marketing video that hits:
The light will come back, it always does. Love you all so much and if you’d like please order a gift card this holiday szn! The perfect gift of guided self-reflection
Last full moon of 2024!!!!!!!!!!! This Full Moon is happening at 23° of Gemini on December 15, 2024 at 1:01 AM PT! Neptune is loud in this full moon chart, getting squared from the Sun and Moon. We are asking to get over ourselves and take a sober look at where we’ve been squashing our own dreams. Don’t rain on your own parade!!!!
The outer planets are having fun while the personal planets wring their hands. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable, because the big picture has way more in store for us.
Mars Retrograde in Leo Opposite Venus and Pluto in Aquarius will make you want to put on that red dress in a sea of black going-out tops and jeans. This Opposition fiesta also ties into society’s reaction to Luigi Mangione and the public’s hatred of privatized health care. If this is Pluto in Aquarius’s vibe so far KEEP IT COMING.
Plus: I visit the home of Pluto in Flagstaff, Mercury Retrograde road trip reflections, and I pull a card from the deck I bought in the parking lot of a Dead and Co show. The Empress is calling us to all embrace the wonders of nature and call out where we need to be the baby.
Also mentioned: the Moon Calendars for 2025 designed by my friends Bee and Joe. Buy one here!
The spell I created for The Twelfth House:
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xoxo Stevie
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Welcome to a wild-style episode of ⟡ star quality ⟡ reporting live from a roadtrip / triple corgi housesitting journey! This New Moon is happening at 9 degrees of Sagittarius on 11/30/24 at 10:21:00 pm pt.
This New Moon in Sagittarius asks us to step away from the chatter of others and forge our own path. What are you waiting for? Other people are not going to bring you to your destiny. This is a you thing. The Sagittarius Mercury Retrograde is a highlighting the Sagittarius need to roam free but also be precise with its arrow. Use all the tools wisely. Plus: I pull a tarot card for the collective and we get THE FOOL so damn fitting lol.
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xoxo Stevie
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Hi starchildren! HAPPY PLUTO IN AQUARIUS DAY! I read your horoscopes to you and gave some context for the future.
Timestamps below for your sign (written for the Rising Sign, it’s ok to read for your Sun Sign too!) I recommend looking back at this article from earlier this year:
17:10 LEO (SUN + RISING)
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xoxo Stevie
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~ We need this full moon so bad you guys ~ This Full Moon is happening at 24° of Taurus on November 15, 2024, at 1:28 PM PT.
This Full Moon is by no means subtle. Uranus, the planet of shaking things up, is co-present with the Moon, rattling our feelings. Taurus is typically a seeker of safety but this Full Moon is delivering a firm kick in the ass out of the comfort zone! The outer planets are giving confirmation to overdue change, both personally and societally. This reference comes up a lot in this episode: you don’t want to be the coal miner sitting and waiting for the coal to come back. It’s not coming back. What are you gonna do to pivot and survive? With the goal being to thrive.
Also discussed: Algol, seeking greener pastures is not the same as grass is greener, breaking away from familial expectations.
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xoxo Stevie
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♀ VENUS THINGS ♀ is a series about all the things I enjoyed and experienced the past month. Venus is our planet that encapsulates what we appreciate. This podcast is the vessel to express delight.
First things first, this episode was released on Nov 3, 2024, so that means there is still time to figure out your voting plan for the election happening on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Please do your part, let’s reduce harm, and work together to stop a Tr**p presidency. Go to and make sure you are ready to vote! If you are in a swing state, it is crucial you select Kamala Harris for President.
In today’s episode, I answer two listener questions. Paid supporters of publication get to write in their advice + astrology questions! :) I love you all!!!!
00:12:28 - LISTENER QUESTION 1: Sara (Capricorn Sun, Aries Moon, Libra Rising) feels in a slump after making big life changes. At 35, she asks: is there an astrological time when this gets easier? I look at her chart and highlight what realms of her life that are getting stimulated and provide some insights into when things may start to click into gear.
00:34:10 - LISTENER QUESTION 2: Cassandra aka NoxMaiden asks for spooky content recs and songs to add to a spooky playlist. She also asks about the most recent New Moon + what rituals I have and general feelings about New Moon energy.
If you want to submit your own questions for next month’s episode become a member of the 333rd space!
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It’s our first New Moon post eclipses! Make it count.
The Scorpio New Moon is exact at 9° of Scorpio on Friday, November 1, 2024 at 5:47 AM PT.
Scorpio energy is here to challenge you to look at things that are hard to look at. Saturn is giving support to the luminaries so we are unlocking a new level of emotional maturity that some people in our orbit might not be a fan of.
Lots of fire + water in the sky = steam. Where do you need to let some out? This New Moon has us examining what’s worth fighting for.
Plus: I report live from bed post-Dodgers World Series parade and talk about how Venus in Sagittarius Opposite Jupiter in Gemini has me in 365 partygirl mode.
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It's the Full Moon in Aries! The Full Moon took place in the wee hours of the morning on 10/17/24 at 4:26 AM PT! The first half of the ep is free but consider 🔓 unlocking that paywall 🔓 cuz I cried about the death of my cat while also yelling at you to participate in your own life, bitch
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The second eclipse of the season is here! The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra took place 10/02/24 at 11:49 AM PT!
Audio only today because I got eclipsed myself so you may wanna consider 🔓 unlocking that paywall 🔓 cuz I am going EMOTIONAL RANT MODE!!!! :)
It’s our last eclipse in this series in the sign of Libra and it’s time to kill the imaginary conversations we have in our head with others. Leaning into the Aries action of it all, this eclipse may expose the people in your life who use all the right words (cough therapy speak cough thoughts and prayers) but do all the wrong actions. You are over their shit. Show don’t tell! Mercury in Libra is present as hell in this eclipse chart, and our words matter! Friendship is particularly highlighted especially our 1-1 connections that may be getting lost in the group energy. Clarify, solidify.
Also discussed: there’s no more annoying of a phrase than ~i didn’t mean to offend you~ group chats release, reflections on the end game of it all, and the grand water trine encourages raw, messy, honesty! Internet, sharing, copy/pasting style + cultural flattening. Plus listener-submitted questions about the eclipse, Lana’s wedding, and eclipse weddings in general!
TW: genocide in Gaza, mass death re: Hurricane Helene
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xoxo Stevie
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wow yall I got a doozy of an episode for you!!!! it’s time for ♀ VENUS THINGS ♀ ~ september recap!
♀ VENUS THINGS ♀ is a series about all the things I enjoyed and experienced the past month. Venus is our planet that encapsulates what we appreciate. This podcast is the vessel to express delight.
This episode is hot out the gate cuz Lana got married yesterday so you know I had to dive in! I look at the astrology of the wedding date itself (there’s uhhh pluses and minuses), how the eclipse szn accelerated her relationship, the synastry between Lana and Jeremy Dufrene (I don’t hate it!), relationship duration + future baby predictions, and how Lana’s astrocartography made her the queen of California.
Also in this episode, I ANSWER YOUR ADVICE QUESTIONS! Paid supporters get to write in their advice + astrology questions so up top I get into your listener Qs.
The first question asks about the astrology of twins and how do twins experience astrology when their charts are nearly identical! The second is about what I’m wearing to the sweat tour lol ~ all questions are welcome here on ⟡ star quality ⟡
Eclipse season is here and it starts tonight with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces happening on 09/17/24 at 7:34PM PT!
Eclipse week special! this post is 🔓 unlocked for all 🔓 so let’s reflect on what the beginning of a new eclipse series might mean! This eclipse is kicking off the Virgo-Pisces axis eclipses that we will be experiencing until February 2027. The kite shape in the eclipse chart is asking us to elevate our dreams. If our kite is dragging on the ground we need to find the gusto to get it back in the sky! The strong influence from Pluto and Uranus reminds us that it takes one person to break a pattern…even if that pattern is with ourselves. The Neptune ~ Moon conjunction of it all has us craving big, big love.
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Welcome back star people ~ today’s episode is all about the NEW MOON IN VIRGO ♍︎ happening at 6:55 PM PT on September 2, 2024.
It’s our last New Moon before eclipse szn so make it count! WORK WITH IT. We’re out of Mercury Retrograde but the Mercurial themes are still very loud, with signs from the universe and the people who get us yelling “write that do…
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it’s time for ♀ VENUS THINGS ♀ ~ august recap!
♀ VENUS THINGS ♀ is a series about all the things I enjoyed and experienced the past month. Venus is our planet that encapsulates what we appreciate. This podcast is the vessel to express delight.
In this episode, I ANSWER YOUR ADVICE QUESTIONS! Paid supporters get to write in their advice + astrology questions so up top I get into your listener Qs.
The first question asks if there’s something in your natal chart that can cause you to be “the other woman”, submitted by a Libra Sun - Cancer Moon - Aquarius Rising. I dig into how that Cancer Moon can have some men looking for mommy…while the listener’s Scorpio Venus is a natural femme fatale. Plus sage insights on ways to break the cycle.
The second question was about newly dabbling in polyamory and the quest for pleasure while keeping in mind their partner’s feelings, submitted by an anon Cancer Sun + Sagittarius Rising. They have transiting Gemini Mars + Jupiter in their 7th House of relationships which DEF brings more folks into the fold. But are these folks new lovers? A couples therapist? All of the above? Will their partner get in on the action? Plus deep diving on the 5th House when it comes to pleasure principles.
I also gush about my personal song of the summer, Addison Rae’s Diet Pepsi. It’s ethereal, sexiness has me playing it on repeat, and I unpack her Aquarius Moon connection to Britney Spears and their ability to see the future.
Also big news of the month is Oasis reuniting! I dig into both of Liam and Noel’s charts and talk about their Squaring Suns in Virgo and Gemini. I also astrologically note that the lads’ feud lasted the duration of Pluto in Capricorn, with their split starting as Pluto in Cap was beginning and I predict which brother caved to the other, based on astro. Astrology is so real lol.
🍒 Here’s my August 2024 playlist for your listening pleasure! 🍒
My Letterboxd Top 4 movie watches of the month:
Love Lies Bleeding (2024)
SLC Punk (1998)
Zola (2020)
Election (1999)
BONUS: Trap (2024) cuz it was mental
To wrap up August tastes, my storm-chasing obsession led me to a new series In The Eye of The Storm a disturbing first-hand look at superstorms and my new go-to falling asleep show, though its very graphic and the opposite of comforting. Loaded fries are the supreme meal of summer, it’s been declared. Fries for dinner. Wake me up when September ends, goodbye August!
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xoxo Stevie
ᯓ★ welcome back starchildren!✦𓂃 ࣪
WOW WOW WOW I adored my earthly encounter interview with Ophira Edut from The AstroTwins! Cowritten with her identical twin sister Tali Edut, we discuss their new book The Astrology Advantage: Use Your Horoscope for Personal and Professional Success and y’all are going to simply love this book! The Twins created an archetypal system that calculates factoring in the elements and modalities in your natal chart and thus the I*AM system was born! Take their quiz and find out your type: There’s (I)nnovator * (A)uthority and (M)aven …and hybrids!
Ophira and I go over my Earth Innovator profile, the strengths and pitfalls of each type, tips on purpose and career depending on your type, and the go-to karaoke songs of each type! Can you guess which type is definitely going to sing Believe by Cher? ;)
Buy the book:
And stay up to date with the twins!
* Website:
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* TikTok:
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* Take the I*AM Quiz, find out if you’re an Innovator, Authority or Maven:
Check out my previous conversation with The AstroTwins on What’s Your Sign? Podcast
Thanks for tuning into ⟡ star quality ⟡
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I’m your host Stevie Goldstein
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star babies! happy full moon! let’s get into it.
on today’s episode of ⟡ star quality ⟡ I am going over the Full Moon happening at 27° of Aquarius on August 19, 2024 at 11:26 AM PT!
this full moon is happening during our Mercury Retrograde cycle and Mercury is sitting right next to the Sun in Leo during this lunation ~ Leo x Aquarius axis during this fuzzy Mercky time means we are in a dance to find a beautiful balance between our hearts and our minds. Uranus is begging, kicking, and screaming yet again for some change, Virgo Venus and wabi-sabi, tensions towards Mars + Jupiter in Gemini are asking us to get clever, this Full Moon chart shows us where we might have to get out of the noise of the crowd to connect with our core needs, the Sabian symbols for the Sun and Moon hammer home to chop wood and carry water of it all, sacrifices are made to the Mercury Retrograde gods, and listen in to find out why errors are more valuable :)
ANNOUNCEMENT! Members of the 333rd space! Please submit questions for the next VENUS THINGS episode. While Mercky is retro, I want to experiment with answering your questions and giving advice, astrology-related or otherwise! Keep an eye out on where to submit or put your questions in the comments on this post.
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xoxo Stevie
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