
  • This is the 10th and the final episode of 20-20 Women Lead Podcast. We’re thrilled to have Joey Rosenberg, interim CEO of Women Who Code, on the show. Women Who Code (WWC) is the world’s largest and most active community dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Before her current role, Joey was also the Global Leadership Officer at WWC. She believes “everyone can step up and be a leader” and that’s why WWC designs its leadership development programs to empower women around the world to step up as leaders in their community. In this episode, Joey also shares:

    01:24 her journey with WWC 05:24 Eight leadership mindsets of a strong tech leader 08:52 what sets women in tech communities in Asia apart from Silicon Valley 11:25 strategies for women to combat “pipeline break point” in their career 13:48 advice for senior female professionals in tech 15:58 how WWC scale its culture across more than 60 chapters in the world 19:30 WWC’s exciting initiatives for 2020 and men’s role in the movement

    If you’re a regular listener, you might know that this show is brought to you by a group of dedicated volunteers at Women Who Code Taipei. If you’re new to this show, I highly recommend you listen to all 10 episodes of this show. We interviewed women entrepreneurs, engineers, and experts in the technology field.

    十二月份是20–20 Women Lead Podcast系列節目的第十集,也是最後一集,我們特別邀請到了Women Who Code全球總部的CEO Joey Rosenberg來和我們分享,如何透過社群協助女性開展科技職涯。這集節目主持了除了團隊的曹代之外,還有Women Who Code 台北分會會長之一的Angel Chien。Joey從自己投身Women Who Code的歷程,聊到全球社群對未來的展望,內容豐富有料,就讓這集節目陪伴身為未來領導人的你,開創精彩的2020!


    - 一位好的科技領袖必須具備的八大特質 - 亞洲與矽谷的女性科技社群的差異與特色 - 女性如何創造自己領導的機會並被看見 - 男性可以如何支持更多女性領導人在科技領域發光發亮 - 具有超過60個分會的全球社群如何確保組織願景和各地區的執行一致,並善用資源,引領創造多元與包容的職場環境

    歡迎追蹤我們的Medium帳號閱讀本集的中文摘要 (

    或是 Women Who Code粉絲專頁。如果有對於本節目的建議與指教,歡迎私訊粉絲專頁。

    製作人/Producers:Jane Shih, Yiying Chen, Tai Tsao

    主持人/Host:Tai Tsao, Angel Chien

    同訪成員/Co-host:Elisa Chang

    剪接/Editor:Elisa Chang

    文字紀錄/Transcript and Summary:Tai Tsao, Jean Wang

    視覺設計:Anna Liu, Yiying Chen

    社群行銷/ Marketing:Lily Hsu, Yenting Chang

  • In this episode, we invited GM - Sr. QA Program Lead, Lisa Lee to share her experiences with us. She will also introduce QC | CI | CD | CT | Robot Framework those common topics in software engineering with a flow of easy words. If you’re an engineering relative career, you must not miss this episode.

    從小在台灣,畢業工作一陣子以後才前往美國的她,擁有資工學歷、PMP證照、敏捷證照。這次訪談中她不但會談到她的經歷更會以淺顯易懂的方式跟大家介紹 在軟體工程的討論中時常被提及的:品質保證( QC )、持續整合 ( CI ) 、持續佈署 ( CD ),同時也會介紹其中一個測試常使用的框架—Robot Framework。若你是技術背景,不可錯過這一集的20–20 women lead podcast !

    製作人/Producers:Jane Shih, Yiying Chen, Tai Tsao
    主持人/Host:Lily Hsu
    同訪成員/Co-host:Yiying Chen, Tai Tsao
    剪接/Audio Editor:Lily Hsu, Elisa Chang
    逐字稿紀錄/Transcript:Jane Shih
    中文摘要校稿/Chinese Translation Proofreading:Joy Kao
    社群行銷/Marketing: Rae Chen, Tai Tsao
    視覺設計/Marketing Designer:Yiying Chen

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  • Ming Shu Zhao, the CEO and co-founder of PROVEN Skincare, a company that using A.I technology to analyze your skin and customize your personal skin products.

    Ming has over a decade of experience in business strategy, investing and business development. She graduated from MBA Harvard Business School and has profound international working experience in the U.S., Austria, China, and India.


    第8集,我們邀請美國的科技新創公司PROVEN Skincare的CEO兼創辦人Ming Shu Zhao,PROVEN藉由AI技術分析會影響膚況的環境因素、保養品原料等數據,依、膚質訂製專屬個人的護膚產品。Ming 畢業於 Harvard 商業學院,過去十年間他專精於商業策略,投資以及商業發展等領域。她在多個國家如美國,奧地利,中國及印度擁有的工作經驗。

    20-20 Women Lead Podcast的Medium裡有本次訪談的中文摘要

    想多知道 Women Who Code Taipei 最近有什麼活動?
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    製作人/Producers:Jane Shih, Yiying Chen, Tai Tsao

    主持人/Host:Anna Liu

    同訪成員/Co-host:Olivia Lin, Jane Shih, Yiying Chen

    剪接/Editor:Elisa Chang

    文字紀錄/Transcript:Refeni Lee, Olivia Lin, Yenting Chang, Anna Liu

    視覺設計/Visual Deisgn:Anna Liu

    社群行銷/ Marketing:Anna Liu

  • Why choose Taiwan as your Asia soft landing place?  Taiwan has transformed itself from a developing country to a developed one through engineering and tech innovations. The story of Taiwan is a story of entrepreneurship. In this episode of 20-20 Women Lead Podcast, we talk to Founder and -CEO of Anchor Taiwan, -Elisa Chiu, a woman who embodies the division between West and East. 

    為台灣發聲的女力 Anchor Taiwan 創辦人Elisa Chiu :『勇氣是認知到恐懼後還勇往向前!』 九月份 20–20 women lead podcast 邀請到是 Anchor Taiwan 的創辦人,同時也是 2018 年 Girls in Tech Taiwan 40 under 40 科技女性的 Elisa 邱懷萱。 Elisa 有十幾年在跨國投資銀行的經驗,擅長國際商業開發、商業策略與創業,回台灣創辦 Anchor Taiwain 後,已經舉辦過七屆企業家計劃,成功媒介來自超過10個國家、30幾位創辦人、60多項產品與超過三萬人的連結,並同時擔任許多國際大型科技與新創會議的講者和導師。 Elisa 十分非常的開朗親切,在這集節目中也分享了許多她個人在職涯選擇和創意過程中的掙扎和體會,以及想給科技領域女性的建議。讓我們一起來聽 Elisa 的故事。

    歡迎追蹤我們的Medium帳號 (

    或是 Women Who Code粉絲專頁粉絲專頁。 


    製作人/Producers:Jane Shih, Yiying Chen, Tai Tsao 

    主持人/Host: Julia Liu 

    同訪成員/Co-host:Jean Wang, Olivia Lin, Lily Ho 

    剪接/Audio Editor: Anna Liu 

    文字紀錄/Transcript:Rafeni Lee, Julia Liu 

    社群行銷/Marketing: Julia Liu 

    中文摘要撰寫/Chinese Translation: Yenting Chang 

    視覺設計/Marketing Designer: Anna Liu

  • 我們站在哪裡,會走到哪裡,取決於我們用什麼角度看自己、與整個產業。

    從全球產業的版塊來看,台灣處於 iPhone 與 Android 供應鏈相對末端的位置。從全球產業的版塊來看,台灣處於 iPhone 與 Android 供應鏈相對末端的位置。這代表台灣就沒機會了嗎?




    製作人/Producers:Jane Shih, Yiying Chen, Tai Tsao
    主持人/Host:Jean Wang
    同訪成員/Co-host:Tai Tsao, Rafeni Lee, Yenting Chang
    剪接/Editor:Elisa Chang, Lily Ho
    文字紀錄/Transcript:Jane Shih, Joy Kao
    視覺設計:Anna Liu
    社群行銷/ Marketing:Julia Liu, Rafeni Lee

  • 「幫助客戶成功,團隊就會成功。」

    其實在 SHOPLINE ,我跟我的 Co-Founder 的創業理念是 Empower Merchants to Succeed Everywhere(鼓舞商家在各地成功),我們會想很多不同的解決方案,從產品跟服務這兩個方面去解決他們很多問題,讓他們可以賣得更好、賣得更成功。

    所以那時候我們當初成立 SHOPLINE 跟很多潛在賣家跟客戶去溝通的時候就發現他們其實不是只要一個開店平台那麼簡單,他也需要很多服務上面的支持。那可能從金流,物流或一些行銷設定怎麼去做,他也需要很多的幫助。所以我們認為遠端團隊是 SHOPLINE 非常核心的一部分。

    妳也好奇管理 200 多人跨國團隊、有兩個 baby 的 SHOPLINE COO Fiona 如何用她的方式經營工作與生活嗎?快來收聽第五集吧!

    --🛒🛍Do you shop online or do you sell stuff online?  Do you know Taiwan is also home to the thriving US $30 billion+ e-commerce industry?🎙On today's #2020womenleadpodcast, listen to our conversation with Fiona Lau,  Co-founder at Shopline, Asia’s largest smart commerce platform.👏🏼Fiona shares what makes Shopline continuous performing outstandingly in an industry that is ever changing, regardless today’s customer journey is becoming barely unrecognizable. How her team is committed to helping their merchants not only go digital and global, but also expand the shopping experience across offline and online channels, and more!!


    製作人/Producers:Jane Shih, Yiying Chen, Tai Tsao
    主持人/Host:Rafeni Lee(HsingWen)
    同訪成員/Co-host:Tai Tsao, Jean Wang
    剪接/Editor:Elisa Chang, Lily Ho
    文字紀錄/Transcript:Yenting Chang, Jane Shih, Joy Kao
    視覺設計:Anna Liu
    社群行銷/ Marketing:Julia Liu, Rae Chen, Anna Liu

  • Digital marketing (數位行銷)、Customer-centered (以客戶為中心)、Data-driven (數據驅動) 這些近年來熱門的行銷概念到底是什麼? 為何聽起來朗朗上口的概念,但實際上很難落地?為何組織間的橫向整合對行銷很重要?要如何在大型企業裡透過團隊協作和批判思考等心態去建立在自己在職場的不可替代性?
    這集節目我們邀請到Sharon 翟翎琇,她畢業於西北大學整合營銷研究所,曾於 Gap 服飾集團旗下的女性品牌 Athleta 擔任首席行銷組合分析師,現任UBER Regional manager,負責美國、拉丁美洲與印度的行銷業務。
    在這集節目中,Sharon 除了分享在美國數位行銷的秘辛,她也將藉由個人在產業裡的學習和經驗,告訴大家如何找出自己的熱情與職場定位、設立職涯目標。
    In this episode, we invited Sharon Chai, a Marketing Analytics graduate from Northwestern University.  She is currently the Regional Manager at UBER, and is responsible for overseeing digital marketing for the US, Latin America, and India. Her former position was the Analytics Lead at Athleta, a women’s apparel brand under Gap, Inc.  
    Sharon shares her experience about why horizontal collaboration in the organization is especially important for her as a digital marketer, and what are the challenges for her to achieve the goal of “Customer-centric and Data-Driven” in the field of digital marketing?
    “Life is about opening your heart, having it get stone on, and having the courage to do it again”
    Sharon shares with us her experiences and the secrets of succeeding in digital marketing as well as her personal journey of exploring her career passion and setting the right goal.

    製作人/Producers:Tai Tsao, Yiying Chen, Jane Shih
    主持人/Host:Yenting Chang
    同訪成員/Co-host:Jean Wang, Olivia Lin
    剪接/Editor:Elisa Chang, Lily Ho
    文字紀錄/Transcript:Rae Chen, Lily Hsu, Joy Kao
    視覺設計:Anna Liu
    社群行銷/ Marketing:Rafeni Lee, Rae Chen

  • Olivia Lin is the Executive Director and co-founder of Studio 1 Labs, a Canadian technology company that specializes in unique fabric sensing technology. The developed an “intelligent bedsheet” with this new technology to collect patient health data, including respiratory patterns, bed exits and more. 

    Olivia talks about what “implicit memory” is and how it influences the product design, the technology behind “intelligent bedsheet”, why she chose to expand in Taiwan, as well as her personal journey--why she decided to become an entrepreneur,  and her learnings and challenges as a female leader. Olivia also shares a special, very touching story at the end of this episode.

    Follow us on Medium (

    To learn more about Studio 1 Labs, visit


    在今天的節目裡,我們邀請到了加拿大智慧醫療新創公司Studio 1 Labs的執行長Olivia Lin。Olivia是在加拿大長大的台灣人,不但是認知心理學博士、也是引領國際新興紡織技術發展的重要推手,最近也榮獲Girls in Tech Taiwan 40 under 40 (2019年四十位傑出科技女性)的肯定,Oliva會跟我們聊聊他是如何看到國際長期照護市場的需求、分享他們的產品「智慧床單」對於長照與醫療品質的影響、為什麼她會選擇拓展服務到台灣、以及她身為一個女性創業家的優勢與挑戰。

    歡迎追蹤我們的Medium帳號 (或是Women Who Code Taipei粉絲專頁。

    製作人/Producers:Tai Tsao, Yiying Chen, Jane Shih

    主持人/Host:Tai Tsao

    同訪成員/Co-host:Rafeni Lee, Julia Liu

    剪接/Editor:Elisa Chang

    文字紀錄/Transcript:Rene Wang, Lily Hsu, Yiying Chen, Jean Wang, Yen-ting Chang

    社群經營/ Marketing:Julia Liu, Rafeni Lee,  Vanessa Leung, Rae Chen

  • 免費查詢房地產的市場價格!?房仲、不動產估價師要走路了嗎? 

    高度都市化的臺灣, 多數人為了工作, 搬到大臺北地區。而頂樓加蓋、違法變更格局出租,導致失火等憾事頻傳。有感於恨天高的臺灣房價與低落的租房品質,鄧筱蓉Karen在政大地政博士班畢業時,台灣的不動產實價登錄資料量剛好累積到可以運用模型自動化估價,她也有了組成新創公司的機會。儘管這原本設定的教學路不一樣,但Karen想運用所學幫助他人,也想發揮自已最大的價值,便開啟了一條與眾不同的路。 Karen是一個很好的女性領導人的典範,她相信「 櫻梅桃李」每個人都是獨一無二的,因此在團隊中重視成員的成長、職涯目標、用心與達成團隊共識,扮演著如同媽媽般的溫暖角色。 

    Dr. Karen Teng uses the power of technology to create transparency in Taiwanese housing market and achieve living justice in Taiwan. Check the realtime price of a property for free! ? Would real estate agents and appraisers lose their jobs? 

    In highly urbanized Taiwan, most people move to the Greater Taipei area for work. Top floors are often reconstructed illegally to smaller rooms for rent, and cause safety concerns such as fires. Dr. Karen Teng saw the problem of high housing prices and low quality apartments for renters. When she graduated from the department of Land Economic, NCCU, the public data of property trading records reached sufficient amount that price of property can be estimated through the Automated Valuation Model Karen created. As a PhD in Land Economics, she initially planned to dedicate her career in teaching and research. However, when partners at Anfu Technology invited her to turn the Automated Valuation Model into a company, she accepted the challenge and use her expertise to solve larger scale problems. Karen is one of a good examples of a female leader. She believes that "Everyone is Unique” so she values her team members’ growth and career goals.

    製作人/Producer:Jane Shih

    主持人/Host:Yiying Chen

    同訪成員/Co-host:Tai Tsao

    剪接/Editor:Sydney Wolf

    文字紀錄/Transcript:Ho Hsu, Joy Kao

    社群經營/ Marketing:Julia Liu, Rafeni Lee, Rueiying Chen

  • 曹代 Tai Tsao: 美國紐約哥倫比亞大學組織心理學碩士,專攻變革領導和組織文化顧問與學習設計,是Meeteor管理顧問公司亞洲區負責人,同時負責變革管理與客戶專案規劃與導入,她是一位團隊教練、學習引導師與創變者。Tai 與Meeteor 執行長Mamie Kanfer Stewart共同著有Momentum: Creating Effective, Engaging, and Enjoyable Meetings一書,於2017年發行後即成為美國亞馬遜書城暢銷書籍。 Tai 致力於人才發展、提升團隊協作能力、領導組織變革與轉型以建立正面組織文化,提升整體績效。Tai 運用她組織心理學、行為科學及人才發展的專業,開發Meeteor 會議文化測評工具、Thriving Teams 高績效團隊測評工具與團隊教練計畫、實體與線上課程等,曾於美國紐約「文化優先(Culture First)」、「組織經營博覽會(OpCon)」等大型會議帶領互動工作坊,也擔任企業高階主管團隊教練,內部變革顧問等。 Tai 曾任於紐約交通局總裁專案辦公室變革管理與主管培育、紐約哥倫比亞大學團隊流程顧問、紐約Retensa顧問公司組織發展與人資數據分析產品開發、台灣艾偲睿企管顧問公司客戶專案規劃與課程設計,並曾在2008年創辦i Talent人才培育社群,協助上百位大學生透過職能養成計劃,認識自己、培養自學力、自我管理、團隊力及專案管理能力等,並掌握自身職涯。Tai也是Systemic Team Coaching認證團隊教練、Myers-Briggs Type Indicator及Hogan人才測評認證講師。


    主持人/Host:Yi-Ying Chen 同訪成員/co-Host:Jane Shih 剪接/Editor:Rene Wang、Elisa Chang、Sydney Wolf 文字紀錄/Transcript:Rafeni Lee、Rae Rueiying Chen、Lily Hsu Ho、 Jean Wang、Joy Kao 社群經營/Marketing: Julia Liu、Vanessa Leung、Saviah 美術設計/Graphic Design:Yun-San Liu、Oliva Lin